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Everything posted by PKL

  1. Day 25: Cherche has begun Anna got 6.92 unbiased and 7.10 biased. Olivia got a 7.05 unbiased and 7.18 biased. Cherche, joins in the first chapter of the Valm Arc, a bit underleveled. Her bases are neat for her level though. She has a hammer with her, which she can use to contribute by killing the armors in the chapter. She gets like 40 exp from killing them. Her spd base is a bit lacking, though a speed pairup can fix it, no problem. If needed, there's tonics too. She has very nice hp str and def, making her a flying tank of destruction. Her spd growth is 50 and she gets +4 of it if she goes Griffon Rider, so her speed issues aren't that worrisome. She also gets Deliverer, which is a pretty neat skill. I don't tend to count bow/wind magic weakness against her because those are completely avoidable and usually pose no problem unless you like throwing units at their weaknesses. I find her best support partner is Gaius since he supplies her with spd and move, the first being something she wants and the other is little something that helps ocasionally. 7.5 +1 bias because Rest in Pieces and Waifu Tier 8.5/10
  2. Waifu Tier Cordelia Cherche PICK A GOD AND PRAY Frederick All day erry day Panne Sumia Stahl Lucina Severa Tiki Chances are pretty damn good The Vaike Cynthia Henry Ricken Gregor Yarne Chrom Olivia Gaius Maribelle Anna Say'ri Noire I've been known to Kjelle Gerome Flavia Libra Kellam Lon'qu Really rather not Sully Lissa Miriel Tharja Basilio Owain Inigo Brady Morgan Laurent Nah Avatar No way in hell Donnel Nowai
  3. 2-3 5 turns Fuck it, decided to train Marcia a bit instead and get the Wing. Brave Lance to convoy. 2-E 1 turn Scumbag Ludveck got stunned by Tier 3 Haar.
  4. Lol. Nice. Make one for Chrom.
  5. 2-2 3 turns again This time without any BEXP on Neph. The second armor proc'd enough def and hp to avoid Stl GreatLance ORKO but luckily, Neph was in wrath modus so she blicked the fuck out of him. Boss fell to Javelin. 2-3 5 turns again This time, the initial Marcia helps Geoffrey standard, but I also unequipped her later and parked her in the center so she would lure enemies to her instead of Geo and they survived, got 7000 BEXP from pacifist. 2-E 1 turn Funny story, I make Haar get to 6.70 Tier 3, he caps hp str spd def in Tier 2 as usual. But guess what? All my troubles were for nothing because Haar stunned Ludveck in EP 1. He literally never attacked from 1 range until now. Fuck you, Ludveck. Anyway, the strat to get 3 kills was easy. Attack with Haar a random Halberdier +10 exp. Canto a bit back. Haar is danced. He attacks Longbow Sniper +10 exp. Thunder Sage suicides on Haar before Ludveck +10 = levelup. He got str, only to stun him. I think he attacked from 1 range because to the AI, its the same as if he would attack from 2 range. This BEXP move has left Marcia with nothing to spare so I might redo...
  6. Obvious Solution: Record voices for each name option. Only give a select few options, program the game so that when you select an option, the voice says the corresponding name. Profit? EDIT: The Avatar sucks at representing the player mostly anyway. So I wouldnt have minded losing the whole typing a custom name.
  7. Nope. Sakurai himself has said that he wants to resurrect old characters. And Geno has been really popular in his polls.
  8. It's the first and only thing I toggle in options back in Premonition. Fuck that shit. There's nothing more annoying to me than hearing Chrom's voice and it doesnt match whatever-the-suck he was saying.
  9. SSBB's AI is defo the best. Even though it's still bad lol.
  10. 10/10 saves turns hory shiet Seriously though, dancing utility is awesome, and Awakening is no exception. Be it refreshing a unit to move farther to get that thief, dancing a rescuer further or dancing someone to kill 2 enemies in one turn, it's all pretty useful. She's pretty tough to pair up and usually it's a bad idea to, because you lose out on dancing. Unlike past dancers though, she can pair up with someone to get more move in Turn 1 without losing her turn which is pretty cool. She's pretty bad at combat, but why would you put her in combat? 9/10 +1 bias included because her dance animation is awesome
  11. That wouldn't be a contest at all. Marcia breaks her game worse than Sumia.
  12. How do you take those lovely pics? What I use doesn't look nearly as good.
  13. Day 24: Olivia Oh boy...this one will be controversial, won't it? Tally Anna tomorrow. Sorry, but I have no brain atm.
  14. No way! Dancing is a LTC-only move!
  15. Tallied Tharja. 6.55 no bias 6.11 bias She got the most negative bias so far lol
  16. Mario 3D world has playable peach with float. It cant get better than playable peach.
  17. Basilio sucks. Ive used him before in a draft (due to being the last round and i had to draft him) and he didnt do anything. Ricken is much better in drafts. He was second mvp after Panne (Silver).
  18. That's an understatement. He was Silver in the DLC draft I did due to Rescue and Gregor helping his combat. I think drafts make Ricken shine. He's mediocre everywhere else, but is far from worse than Virion Donnel Inigo Brady and Basilio Flavia.
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