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Everything posted by PKL

  1. 0% growths clearly isn't possible in HHM because dondon never finished his run lol
  2. Avatar does mind who he's paired with. Even he/she will need Dual Strikes/appreciates them. Honesty, the only way to marry Lissa is by having her heal whenever possible (rare) and rescue her husbando over and over whenever she can. But why bother?
  3. PKL

    DS Tag Team

    NOT CATRIA. Wrys is playing 0% growths.
  4. ^ Yeah, Lissa is hilariously bad. And pairing up a healer is awful since you miss out on Dual Strikes.
  5. I'm not strugging. It's CR. I had done it with Nealuchi when I didnt have him so I restarted is all :P
  6. Tharja. Joins in Chapter 9 probably very underleveled compared to the rest of the units you're using. She has a nice 12 spd base and decent mag and def bases though. A pairup with a bit of spd can let her ORKO the wyverns next to her in her join chapter. She also makes a great Dark Knight thanks to being speedy and appreciating the bulk and horse the class gives her. I find Nosferatu to just be her best training method to get to Dark Knight. Not a fan of Sorcerers because I find Nosferatanking unwarranted for Hard Mode. She's also got decent support options and makes good use of them. Her downsides are joining underleveled and her accuracy. Her skl and lck suuuuuck. Even with a pairup from someone, in Paralogue 4 she has 80 hit on the enemies with Nosferatu and faces a bit of crit % which is hardly what I would call reliable. She will have a bit of trouble hitting things even with supports sometimes (especially if using Thunder) but I find Dark Knight's skl promo gain and her growth fix it pretty quickly. 6/10
  7. Doop. Restarted from 2-P because I dun goofed and used Nealuchi AND Nephenee in 2-2 >_> What a dumbass. I think I can still 3 turn though.
  8. The thing is, having 2 units with similar roles is super counterproductive to one of the units. Inevitable, one of them will perform worse and there's no need to switch to the other ever because they're the same. Whichever of the 2 ends up best is the one doing everything and the other is forgotten. This happened to me in my "efficiency" log when I tried Paladin Chrom with Paladin Sully. Sully got screwed and was similar to Chrom, so why bother tagging her in? That is what I mean when I say Sully Stahl is a bad choice.
  9. PKL

    DS Tag Team

    I refuse to let this die. Who's turn is it?
  10. Who needs Galeforks when you can have DELIVERER of Discipline Yarne, son of the mighty Fred?
  11. Is that 6/10 including the bias or does the bias make it 7/10? I just posted I'd like you all to specify, because I'm not good at guessing.
  12. Thanks for editing the final score, Quick. That makes it easier. I was gonna put unbiased as 6.5 fyi :P
  13. That's what I thought too when drafting Donnel for Tharja in that DLC draft I finished earlier. Turns out she needed spd more than anything because of screwage. But I agree, she could use Donnel's pair up bonuses more than anyone, though, ideally she shoudnt pair with Donnel and instead go for someone else ;/. Also, tallied Libra unbiased and biased. So, Quick, you missed your chance to get your rating in because you were too slow. How ironic :P. EDIT: Nvm, youre so quick you ninja'd me. Im tallying with your score now LOL EDIT 2: People, please try to specify what your final score after bias is. It's making me get headaches trying to figure out if a 6.5 +1 bias is either 5.5 normally or 7.5 after bias.
  14. ^ Tharja doesn't like getting anything for me ;/. 15 spd Level 14/5 Dark Knight in the DLC draft hooooow? xD She's still a nice batman when her stats behave or should I say batwoman? :P
  15. ZM- just wanted to point out that Tharja's def growth is/was almost proven bogus in the growth project iirc. It's closer to 30-35%. But who can know for sure ;/. The site's growths aren't completely accurate, just a reminder.
  16. Feel free to rate Libra. I havent tallied yet, after all
  17. Day 22: Tharja I'll update with Libra's rating total later today
  18. I finished the DLC draft woo. 92 turns. Worst map in the game was definetely Yen'fay's. I had to reclass Panne to Griffon Rider just to be able to double Swordmasters without Spectrum in Turn 2 lol.

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