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Everything posted by PKL

  1. Finished! Paralogue 21 3/91 This map is full of annoying enemies, luckily, second sealed Panne could double everything with Fred pair up. Yarne is amazing and could double on his own, hes better than his mom o_o. Ricken rescued Panne in turn 1 so she could reach boss area. Rally Spectrum as usual bla bla. Chrom!Lucina took a side on her own. Yen'fay survived due to Vantage hax. I was surprised when he didnt die because he vantage'd into Astra into a crit LOL. Endgame Grima 1/92 Yo Grima you're full of shit. You got owned by a Spectrum, 2 Falchions together and a Yarnistic Brave Axe! Frederick Battles 108 Victories 70 Panne's waifu. Got to Dual Guard + before Chapter 23, which helped here and there. He's a bro. Gold Panne Battes 286 Victories 241 Saved me like a million turns I wont even count. She's just ridiculous. Capped hp str skl and spd. Stahl Battles 89 Victories 49 Kinda outclassed in this playthrough by Yarne, Panne and Lucina. Still clutch here and there though. Silver Ricken Battles 135 Victories 112 Saved me like a 1000 turns with Rescue im not even gonna count. Held his own in combat too, thanks to Gregor (and later Spectrum). Gregor Battes 6 Victories 4 His only use was to pair with Ricken. Tharja Battles 24 Victories 21 I have never seen a more screwed Tharja in my life. Needless to say, she was almost useless except for move pair up. Henry Battes 90 Victories 70 I regret nothing. He was a better batman than Tharja. Part of that was due to Maribelle's spd and magic boost. Was part of the core team and could hold his own pretty well in EP and kill stuff. Maribelle Battes 3 Victories 0 Provided Henry with speed, early rescue staffbot and other utility stuff. Was actually pretty cool. Donnel Battles 15 Victories 9 I got tired of this shit halfway through getting him to Level 10. Note to self: Don't draft Donnel even if its the last unit standing. Lucina Battes 94 Victories 73 One of the core of the team. Thanks to Veteran and Discipline, she quickly became one of my best Enemy Phase units. Helped a lot in every rout chapter. Brady Battes 0 Victories 0 Lol Yarne Battes 72 Victories 47 Holy tits of Titania! He ended up being better than his mom in the spotpass Paralogues. I'm so glad I recruited him before Chapter 17 too, as it allowed me to 3 turn with the boots with a team that otherwise coudn't do it. So good. Discipline <3. Emmeryn Battles 1 Victories 0 Clutch Falcoknight Rescues. I think she might be the best of the spotpass characters for this type of draft aside from Aversa. Chrom Battles 36 Victories 24 More clutch than usual with his pair up bonuses helping Lucina out. Also Noble Rapier dual strikes are epic win. Bronze Robin Battles 102 Victories 78 Epic in earlygame, not very useful in midgame, and clutch in the spotpass paralogues with Rally Spectrum.
  2. [b][u] FETeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeen [/b][/u] #40665 Baldrick, MJThom2009, Quintessence, *Peekayell, CR-S01, Bearclaw13, Jedi Yes, I counted every single e and all lulz. And cleared The DLC Draft #40480 in 92 turns.
  3. It's tough to see her face more than 30 hit after Lucky Seven. Bearclaw just likes to sandbag any character that isn't named Nowai.
  4. Lol...so Anna can't dodge now apparenty.
  5. Kurthnaga, I have a plan.
  6. CR's list has Ena first so she gets the Ena. Let me think on what to pick myself.
  7. Wellspring of Truth is so easy to trivialize by deploying all the units in the team (even undereveed ones xD) Panne only had an issue vs herself. Panne <3.

  8. You need Oscar for a 4 turn Chapter 6...wait, chapter 16? Boots and Mordecai if you want the full guard (you should). Usually drafts take 5 turns because of no mordecai to get the full guard if they have Tanith/Marcia/Jil.
  9. Except Nowai has to babied and takes a lot of exp to do what Tiki will eventually do herself. In fact, Nowi never pays off that well unless shes extremely overleveled. She will have issues doubling basically forever. Note that the routs that are tough are usualy 23 and 24, which Tiki is around for.
  10. Except that whenever you switch to Vaike to avoid bows, you lose movement. So I prefer Stahl, Stahl also gives her just enough spd to double whatever she doesn't already double. Sully Stahl is a weird support anyway imo.
  11. Cordelia can have Stahl basically forever and no one willl care anyways. It's his best support option and they blend really well. By the time Cordelia arrives, Stahl is usually sufficienty leveled to give her better bonuses and once their support rank starts building up, its gg.
  12. Bump. So, I got Emmeryn first. Paralogue 20 1/82 Rally Spectrum'd. Yarne gets the Bullion from a Dark Flier. Tharja ferries Ricken and they get danced by olivia. Switch to Ricken, rescue Panne and ORKO boss with Silver Axe. I was thinking of Falcoknight! Emmeryn for rescue though it sacrifices her combat completely... Paralogue 22 2/84 Panne ORKO'd all the clones except herself, whom Ricken had to Arcwind in the next turn. Naturally, I rally spectrum'd. Paralogue 18 1/85 Emmeryn is rallied, then Ricken pairs with her for mag. Shes danced and she rescues Panne who ORKOs boss. Paralogue 19 3/88 Hah! Take that chumphart!
  13. Chapter 21 2/75 Ricken rescues Panne down and she goes to the boss, getting in range in EP 2 and killing him. Chapter 22 1/76 Lucina got the Helswath. Yarne got the Valflame. Panne was rescued by Ricken and she KO'd aversa. Chapter 23 2/78 Helswath Panne in boss area. Lucina in the middle. Yarne in the south. Ricken and Henry in the top. Then ricken rescued Olivia after Chrom Avatar take the barrier down and oivia dances him so he can reach 2 enemies that wouldnt suicide on Panne. Chapter 24 2/80 Rescue Panne with Ricken and she flies to the boss area, killing everything. Henry and Lucina took the top and Yarne and Avatar took the south. Finally Maribelle and Henry marry. Chapter 25 1/81 Doop. Brady Paralogue Free Trained Avatar to Rally Spectrum, spammed some rescue. Henry got Lifetaker and might go Sorcerer...maybe.
  14. I think the complaints are more that Avatar is praised for it, they never pause to think about all the enemy lives that plan took, While Micaiah at least gets some hatred for her 3-12 plan.
  15. PKL


  16. Ignore Jedi's pick for now.
  17. Soul- you're gonna have to explain your rating, For now, your score does not count. Eclipse- thanks. Horace- yeah, I saw and fixed a lot of typos in the previous OP but apparently I didnt see all of them :P. Libra: C rank staves at base. Passable combat with the killer Axe. Base def is kinda not-bulky but I find he growths it pretty well whenever I use him (though he also loves hp skl lck res levels). He's got Rescue utiility on his side and can use a hammer in Valm to kill some stuff. Sadly, he kinda falls off without massive favoritism thanks to his exp gain and low growths. 5/10
  18. ^ She was already taken...
  19. Edited OP with links up to Kellam. Thanks for the help, JSND.
  20. Yeah, there is. Good suggestion, Horace :)
  21. Rules: 1. Each first generation character shall be rated before any second gen(Lucina not included) character. 2. The ratings are on a scale of 0-10 with 0 being the worst and 10 being the best. 3. One plus or minus bias point may be applied to any character. (The total score may not be lower than 0 and may not exceed 10). (on parole please specifically state when bias is applied. I hold the right to remove this rule at anytime.) 4. Rate a character on their merits in combat or utility. Utility is classified as stealing, healing, or dancing. Utility does not include double bonuses, worth as a parent, or anything like them. 5. Do not lower the character's rating based on the abilities of another unit to do the same job. 6. Recruiting other characters is irrelevant to this topic. So Chrom doesn't get extra points for recruiting libra or stuff like that. 7. All characters will be recruited. 8. The ratings will be based off of hard mode. Anti-flame rules: 1. You will be given three strikes throughout the entire RTU about flaming and if you exceed three all your contributions up to that point and beyond it will be ignored. 2. Do not insult another person based on their opinion.(1 strike per occurrence) 3. Do not derail the thread with a useless argument in which you repeatedly make the same point. This not a debate thread. (1 strike per occurrence) 4. Do not try to start a flame war. (If in the opinion of myself or a mod this occurs you will receive 2 strikes.) The above rules will be followed strictly in an attempt to keep this civilized. Scores without bias Brady: 1.29 Yen'fay: 1.50 Donnel: 1.78 Emmeryn: 1.90 Flavia: 2.14 Basilio: 2.43 Virion: 2.62 Gangrel: 2.80 Aversa: 3.43 Inigo and Owain: 3.74 Walhart: 3.84 Laurent: 3.96 Nah: 3.99 Ricken Priam and Noire: 4 Roy: 4.15 Gregor: 4.38 Elincia: 4.39 Say'ri: 4.73 Maribelle: 4.75 Kellam: 4.76 Ephraim: 4.78 Yarne: 4.83 Lyn: 5.04 Kjelle: 5.21 Miriel: 5.35 Henry and Gerome: 5.39 Lissa: 5.41 Nowi: 5.44 Gaius: 5.57 Eirika: 5.82 Cynthia: 5.97 Severa: 6.12 Alm: 6.17 Tiki: 6.37 Lon'qu: 6.45 Libra: 6.54 Tharja: 6.55 Leif: 6.91 Anna: 6.92 Cherche: 6.98 Olivia: 7.05 Lucina: 7.12 Vaike: 7.18 Frederick: 7.23 Seliph: 7.28 Chrom: 7.98 Panne: 8.11 Prince Marth: 8.12 Stahl: 8.2 Morgan: 8.24 Sully: 8.28 Sumia: 8.35 Micaiah: 8.58 Cordelia: 8.63 Male Avatar: 9.88 Female Avatar: :9.9 Scores with bias Yen'fay: 1.46 Brady: 1.59 Emmeryn: 1.98 Donnel: 2.06 Flavia: 2.43 Gangrel: 2.77 Virion: 2.94 Basilio: 2.96 Aversa: 3.32 Walhart: 3.87 Roy: 3.92 Ricken: 4.02 Nah: 4.05 Inigo: 4.07 Owain: 4.12 Priam: 4.19 Laurent: 4.23 Noire: 4.68 Gregor: 4.74 Elincia: 4.78 Say'ri: 4.86 Kellam:4.97 Lyn: 4.98 Maribelle: 4.99 Yarne: 5.08 Nowi: 5.19 Miriel: 5.26 Kjelle and Ephraim: 5.39 Lissa 5.56 Eirika: 5.68 Gaius: 5.80 Gerome: 5.84 Henry: 6.01 Tharja: 6.11 Severa: 6.31 Alm: 6.38 Cynthia: 6.45 Lon'qu: 6.67 Tiki: 6.71 Libra: 6.84 Anna: 7.10 Olivia: 7.18 Frederick: 7.23 Lucina: 7.26 Vaike: 7.5 Cherche: 7.56 Leif: 7.63 Seliph: 7.68 Chrom: 7.91 Panne: 8.07 Sully and Morgan: 8.14 Sumia: 8.23 Prince Marth: 8.29 Cordelia: 8.43 Stahl: 8.43 Micaiah: 8.52 Male Avatar: 9.53 Female Avatar: 9.8 For active discussion about the ratings and other things that come up please head over here http://serenesforest...showtopic=40342
  22. Would you all like the OP to have the pages where the ratings are for each character? For example: Donnel Page 5-8. If so, I would like help with the previously discussed character's pages as it would take me ages to sift through almost 50 pages to check...anyway, posting Libra soon.
  23. Just because Eclipse didn't win, doesn't mean she can't help with keeping this in order, Bearclaw :). Thanks for that, Eclipse. I'm going to be applying the 3 strike rule Randa didn't apply. Deviate from the topic too much or spam and you will get a strike, just saying. Anyway, it's going to be Libra time soon. Stay civil.
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