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Everything posted by PKL

  1. I promise not to abandon this one. It's summer anyway.
  2. A 3/10 for Gregor? His pair up potential has to count for something!?

    1. PKL


      I agree he's a pretty bad lead unit though.

    2. General Horace

      General Horace

      the rules state pairup bonuses don't mean a thing

      and there are like a million units that can pair up anyway

    3. PKL


      Oh. I keep forgetting that pair up doesnt matter. It's something so important to me that I forget lol. Anyway, spd and def together is a rare thing in pair ups.

  3. Ditching the Tellius RTUs wouldve happened with anyone. You know how annoying those were? ;/ I won't do that again though. FE13 isnt and never will be as annoying and flamey as Tellius.
  4. Gregor be bad, yes? Actually, his pair up bonuses are pretty rad. As a combat unit, he kinda blows though, as Gregor be having issues with 1-2 range for awhile, yes? Hero Gregor isn't so bad, but Gregor finds Gregor be mediocre anyway. So Gregor give Gregor a 3/10 +1 bias for GREGOR SMASH so 4/10
  5. 3-11. I needed a ferry urgently.
  6. Quinty wanted Leonardo. I wanted Kieran but I guess I have to sette for Makalov.
  7. To add to what dondon said, I could also cite that Tellius gives BEXP if you go fast and that FE12 outright encourages hurrying up in the harder modes in clever ways. EDIT: I am, however, a believer that FE is a game that can be played in a plethora of ways. Find out what you like and stick to that. Don't diss the other side for not liking the other and vice-versa. Having tried most ways to play FE (casual [sorry if this offends anyone but idk what to call it], LTC, "efficiency", maximum LTC, draft, etc) I like LTC and drafts the most. I do my first run of FEs in casual, but I rarely revisit that style of playing after the first run, doesn't mean I don't enjoy that first run though. I've just experienced the story, most of the supports and what the game has to offer so I don't feel the need to play like that again. I do, however, like to revisit the game to achieve lower numbers every time. :P
  8. ^ Miriel is OHKO'd and doubled on join. Ricken is almost OHKO'd and will be doubled on join. They're better rescuers than MariLissa in HM, but I doubt that they are too in Lunatic.
  9. In LTC you do not have to "throw away useless units"...sigh, when will those comments stop >_>. I've LTC'd FE9 with ROLF, sometimes BROM in my team. Same with FE10. You can get away with using bad units in LTC too. Of course, the core of the best units needs to be there to save the most turns.
  10. Jifflypuff was only high tier in melee. She's bottom tier in brawl.
  11. More like a Jedi robot rides a bear
  12. Thanks. I love you too.
  13. ^ Why? You don't want to?
  14. I bet Jedi didnt like that pick...
  15. I could take over if you want, Randa.
  16. I'm not going to say that nickname you are all giving her, but that is pretty low, even for SF.
  17. I did ;/ 1. Toon Link to be shown as playable. 2. No airdodging out of hitstun in the trailer. 3. I don't want to see a character falling when running....OH GOD PLEASE TRIPPING GO AWAY. 4. New characters.
  18. I'll go with Luchiluchi.
  19. SB, I hacked the game to make all enemies be thunder mages with 60 hp and forged Thorons with FE9 Vantage.
  20. Keep dreaming. Toon Link has a good chance of staying because of Wind Waker HD and I hate those views of "clones". Most "clones" play completely different to the other character. Link and Toon Link are different characters and should both stay ;/. Btw, what was posted so far that is unrealistic? Aside from Ridley, I saw no one else post something unlikely.
  21. Anna sucks, she likes to screw over all my avatars with her RNG bull
  22. You're Sumia+Fred though
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