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Everything posted by PKL

  1. NO. Why not Quint? he was the first to point it out!
  2. Draft LTC in Rolf's case but still. He once helped me 1 turn Chapter 19 alongside Tanith (Killer Brow) and yes, a sizable bexp dump. But when you have no other choice, he wasn't that ineffective (never lost turns because of him, though I did lose some because i had to recruit Jill instead of Marceeuh iirc obviously because I had drafted Jill instead of Marcia). You are now on my enemy list. Good day, sir. just kidding
  3. Lrn2color CR. 1-3 tile is yellow.
  4. Lol. Who's the blue thing that says CR sucks?
  5. I think that's her average according to the site. (60% spd growthx10 levels = 6 procs, her base is 19) EDIT: Nvm, remembered wrong, she had 50 growth too.
  6. ^ Because of a comment bear made that I responded to. ;/ Anyway, back on topic.
  7. You can LTC with bad characters. It's only when you're aiming for the lowest possible turncount in the game that the problem arises as deployment slots get more tight and exp distribution is more important. But is a LTC run that uses weird units any less valid than a LTC run that utilizes the best units? Am I not LTC'ing if I use a suboptimal team? I hit almost all the lowest turns in a practice run of H2 LTC with a suboptimal team (still had Malicia but w/e). I guess that run doesn't count...Oh man, drafts must not be LTC then either!
  8. But again, why bother training a unit who's future is so uncertain depending on her growth? If she joined early enough, I'd consider her much better. But a Level 3 unit with those bases in Chapter 8 isn't winning any good unit awards for me. It seems her usefulness largely depends on the style of play, let's just leave it at that. You can't tell me she's good in efficiency or LTC because she isn't.
  9. Hint: It's not just me that has had a screwed Nowai. EDIT: So she's only good if she's at her average spd or blessed? Hmm...sounds unreliable EDIT 2: She wasn't screwed ALL game. She had a good start, but she was still too slow to double things in C12, which hurt her exp gain there.
  10. It's not mostly because she got screwed. It's all the effort I put into her to have to bench her eventually. I went into the tier list efficiency run thinking Nowai was overrated and she kinda proved it to me. In fact, Miriel was a better tank than her and you know how good I consider Miriel to be...
  11. ^ I'm just speaking of my reasons to find Nowai not worth it.
  12. Tiki got some levels before C21, remember? Swordmaster speed is 33 iirc. So she had quite a few procs. Nowai couldnt keep up and was worse in everything so why bother to keep deploying her when i had tiki? Nowai was only ORKO'd by the berserkers if I had deployed her with no spd tonic iirc, not the swordmasters,
  13. Darn, you also figured out the 3-1 3 turn. Now we're tied iirc, rage. EDIT: Wait no, I have a 1 turn lead because Lucia in 2-2. Ha! Take that!
  14. Mine was Level 26 and Tiki tied her def and beat her in everything else Nowai also had 13 spd. Which even a tonic, pair up and rally spectrum and whatever wouldnt fix. So I benched her in favor of her superior counterpart. It's not like I sandbagged her or anything (interceptor might say I gave Miriel her lunch in Paralogue 3 though but lol), I gave her kills every chapter and even deployed her for a good while to see what she can do. She never impressed me. IIRC Horace told me that my Nowai's def was actually above average for her level at some point. EDIT: Tiki's most common level in that log was also hp+2 spd def res, which made her roflstomp Nowai even more.
  15. Panne isn't screwed in strength. Her growth is 70ish as Wyvern Rider and a lot as Taguel. She also has 50 defense growth and one of the best bases of the game so, no. Look at Nowai's growth in spd again, it's 50. Ricken gets a lot of flack for his 50 spd growth earlier in the game, then so should Nowai. I consider Tiki the better unit to be honest, because I don't have to put with babying her and she seems to get a lot more spd (on top of having a better base) and she comes just in time for when you would want durability in EP (20 and 23). In my efficiency run, I ended up benching Nowai once I got tiki because she was doubled and ORKO'd. Hardly invincible. Instead of being doubled and ORKO'd, a Say'ri pair up had Tiki DOUBLING swordmasters in C21.
  16. Hopefully it doesn't get too insane :p Using this as my actual rating because I quoted Lucina's just to get a laugh :P
  17. Alright. I'll do my best :) Bearclaw13: "Nowi requires very, very little work if you know what you're doing and you're not Olwen (LTC makes most units terrible)" Because you've tried LTC yourself right? Anyway... This.
  18. I meant at base, which makes Catria much chumpier than her superior sister :3.
  19. In terms of how difficult, I think FE12!Medeus takes the cake. In terms of story, I think FE12!Hardin or BlackKnight may be the most fear-inducing.
  20. @ Dark Legend- too bad she doesnt have Silver Lances :3. @ ZM- nowai. She's mine. She was my waifu long before it was cool to have Palla as waifu.
  21. No you. You picking Kyza was all part of my master plan. Now you will fall. this draft is funny
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