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Everything posted by PKL

  1. Henry is pretty much Ricken a lot of chapters later. His spd isn't unsalvageable at this point, but it's still pretty terrible for awhile. Dark Knight Henry is pretty cool though. 3.5/10 +1 bias because Henry 4.5/10
  2. Javelin hit rates in chapter 1 in general. To get the best TC in that map, you have to be one lucky bastard ;/. Since I don't have good luck, I miss like every hit in every attempt. RNG loves me.
  3. I'm just saying that her spd issues are way overblown. Eclipse's rating was actually pretty high.
  4. Day 26: Punry begins now. My rating for Henry and Cherche's score later. EDIT: 6.98 Cherche unbiased. 7.56 biased. I think her biased position is better than the unbiased one. At least she's above Vaike.
  5. I didn't need to read ratings before.
  6. Pretty much sums up my problem with FE6.
  7. But they also have availability to fix it.
  8. I didnt have the RTU back then. I wouldve complained for Stahl and Vika.
  9. It's not because of bias. Nowai has 5 spd base and 50 growth and no promo gain on it. Gregor also deserves it because he has no viable way of ORKO'ing enemies and thus get exp. Cherche is in another league, dont even compare.
  10. 1. You mean Gregor right? Well, Gregor is another case entirely. His only use is to be a support bot because hes mediocre and lacks 1-2 range (which makes his exp gain even worse). 2. You overvalue speed in this game's HM. Fastest enemies in Chapter 17 have 23 AS. Base Cherche + Griffon + pair up escapes getting doubled. Obviously, she will have leveled a lot by then, so her speed wont ever be an issue unless you get screwed, But any character underperforms when screwed. Is Avatar all of a sudden terrible objectively because mine dont proc magic ever? No right? 3. She comes ready to promote, the fact that she can get levels before it, easily makes it even better. You were complaining that 50 growth has too much deviation, but 55 is too little improvement? It gets rid of the deviation... 4. Because Tonics are super cheap and you get like 10000000000000000000000000000000G total in this game? Why limit a unit's potential because you don't want to use a simple powerup that significantly improves her performance? It's like saying why should I use a speedwing on Palla? I don't think reliance on Speedwings makes a good unit. The cost of a Wing is a lot higher than a Spd Tonic and yet Palla is the best character in Heroes of Light and Shadow. 5. Shes only 4HKO'd by the strongest enemies. The other enemies are 6HKO'ing at best iirc. That's far from bad durability.
  11. Which is better spent on boots :P ALL THE BOOTS
  12. PKL


    Im so confused, whos that mount with like 15 strength all of a sudden that got an almost perfect level?
  13. 3 from Lunatic shop, 3 from Secret Shop, 1 in Ch9, 1 in C11 and 1 in C16. Yes. There's also the Pot of Crack. Obviously, FE12's balance is still crappy. There's no denying that, but I think it is definetely better than FE6's. EDIT 2: But then again, that might be because I'm a lot better at 12 than 6 so idk.
  14. ^ I accept your challenge (in Zelgius manly voice). That would be quite easy.
  15. At least FE12 gives you a lot of statboosters and things to use terrible units unlike FE6 though, Horace.
  16. It's the same case in FE12, Ive trained Wolf before. Horace has used SHEEMA in it. Never, is a unit completely unusable in FE. Except Donnel in Lunatic +?
  17. I personally think FE6's balance is as bad if not worse than the DS games. Personal opinion. Btw I completely forgot about FE11 H5 welp. I don't like it because earlygame is a bit stupid and luck reliant when it comes to LTC (and even normally) and the rest of the game can be easily trivialized unless you restrict the use of warp or something. I also find it easier than some other FE modes.
  18. I've noticed a lot of people complaining about cherche's spd. Explain how 12 spd base, 50 growth, +4 promo gain, the promo turns her spd growth to 55, spd tonics and spd pairups make for meh speed. I'd like to hear it, especially for a mode where spd tresholds arent high until Chapter 21 swordmasters. She comes before the Naga Tear and when the children paralogues start popping up too.
  19. I have to go with FE12. The game is heavily reliant on teamwork to suceed unlike a certain other game I know. The difficulty not only comes from enemy stats, but also from different AI and positioning. Some goals are harder in clever ways and the game makes you think on how to fight off certain "traps" like in Chapter 16 and others. FE13 was a disappointment to me because the game heavily favors a lone unit with good stats. FE7 HHM is good too, but the enemies are sometimes terrible too. Cog of Destiny might be one o f the most challenging levels ever in that mode though, but for mostly the wrong reasons ( i loathe status ). FE6 HM is a mess due to its hit issues and lol thrones. Only Rutger stands a chance vs bosses. FE10 MM has dumb stuff but it is otherwise very challenging. It's balance is terrible and there's some cheap stuff in there. Fake difficulty is also pretty dumb and then there's the laguz trivializers youre given ._.. Havent played FE9 MM or FE5 yet so I cant comment on those.
  20. ^ adding to that. I think Emmeryn is pretty good as a reclassed Falcoknight at base in full-game LTC, due to Rescue in the rest of the paralogues. It allows a 1 turn of Gangrel's (even if you have to skip the dude). So that's something. I think the most useless Paralogue dude is definetely Praim because screw his paralogue. Yen'fay's is also a bit annoying in full-game LTC because theres swordmaster that have 41 speed o_o
  21. No, how dare you try to steal my second (?) Waifu? No
  22. I stopped reading at those enemy def growths. Tone them down, man. Buffing def hurts gameplay.
  23. Blurred out faces it'll have to be. Sorry, but I actually want to play this and finish this and finding another alternative to desmume recording isn't working so well. I'll start from Chapter 6 tomorrow. Do you guys want me to re-record Chapter 6 and 6x? It's the same strat but different levels so...
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