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Everything posted by PKL

  1. [spoiler=Chapter 16x] Ryan has to use Silver Bow to 2HKO the Sniper to the left Dayum, these Swordmasters can barely be doubled by 30 spd o_o Elena talks to Katarina Lady Sword so good. Lady Sword is so good x2 Marth needs to crit or he dies, since its such a short chapter, it really doesnt matter, and the crit rate is high enough :3 Katarina attacks Luke and he barely survives. Marth gets attacked by the north sniper. I derped the pic. Ryan did 26 damage to the sniper which is a 2HKO Lady Sword is too good Elena talks to Katarina again Luke gets out of the way, so Feena can dance for Elena. Katarina get. Might use her as a staffbot ocasionally. Not sure yet. Ryan finishes off the Sniper. Palla weakens the remaining swordmaster Katarina weakens him further. I could have had Elena trade her another tome to conserve nosferatu uses...oh well Marth gets the last kill of the map. Chapter 16x done in 2 turns.
  2. [spoiler=Chapter 16] Training Luke a bit. Bro. Catria gets danced by Feena So she can reach the Geosphere thief. Marth is here to lure a Longbow sniper to him so it doesnt attack My Unit. My Unit is here to get rid of 2 Heroes. That Dracoknight on the right is Jeorge. Poor Macellan's purpose is to open a door. He also has/had nice equipment. Enemy Phase 1: Marth needed the RP use to not get doubled and ORKO'd Wo Dao Elena is so bro This guy had an axe and missed Jeorge recruits Astram. In other words, Mercurius get and BENCH <3 Wo Dao Geosphere get. Etzel uses thief to obtain the Rescue staff from the chest room. Btw, don't do this in Turn 1! Because the throne room door opens and you die, basically. Feena danced Etzel. So he can get the Bullion chest too. Macellan trades Silver Lance to Caeda and opens the Door Palla needs to be a Swordmaster to double a Soldier. :/ HAMMAHtime Minerva>>>Sirius This is why Luke got an arena level. I overestimated the boss when I gave Caeda the Silver Lance :P Malicia rescues Marth And he seizes. I regret not getting the Fortify. Oh well Chapter 16 done in 2 turns Rainbow Pot: Marth
  3. [spoiler=Chapter 15 Part 3] Another Silver Lance is always good. Lol Sirius Ok fine, I won't laugh at you Ryan>Sirius Palla weakens this thief... So Minerva can obtain the Silver Sword. Xane retrieved an Iron Sword, Catria traded it and used it to kill this guy. I obviously did this for more sword rank without having to waste Lady Sword more. Marth moves up, Malicia uses again on him... And Marth seizes. Chapter 15 done in 5 turns. Rainbow Pot uses: Catria Marth Malicia Expenses: Seraph Robe Lunatic Statbooster (2500G) Speedwings Lunatic Statbooster x2 (5000G) Sold Bullion (L) (+10000G) Malicia Base Arena x1
  4. [spoiler=Chapter 15 Part 2] Silver Lance get. Feena dances Marth. Xane trades Javelin from Catria and uses it to finish off this guy. Palla KOs unpromoted guys with Steel. She's so good Loving the Falco spd cap Caeda opens the door. Malicia rescues Marth here. Rainbow Pot and Starsphere allow him to barely ORKO this guy with Armorslayer. Another Killer Lance get. Forgot to mention, this guy joined us. But his only use is giving me a nice Silver Lance and a Javelin. Est joined too but lol est. Minerva KOs the last guy in that area. Enemy Phase 2: Marth takes a Swarm like a man Xane gets attacked again by Abel and he doesn't KO Abel thanks to Javelin's poor MT. Better level than My Unit. So troll Catria moves here and opens another door. Caeda takes Starsphere from Marth. Marth gets more exp. Est recruits Abel. It's a shame that his base stats are so smelly :(, I quite like Abel. Xane and abel move here to plug the forts. Malicia heals Marth. Reinforcements came from the northwest fort and the fort close to Marth. Catria KOs this guy so Marth can keep moving. I. H8. U Moar reinforcements. Good enough Caeda with Starsphere and Lightshere barely KOs this guy. Darn, NOT a SHIN LEVEL! To be continued...
  5. [spoiler=Chapter 15 Part 1] I started the chapter by selling last chapter's Bullion. I bought 2 speedwings from the Base Armory and gave them to Malicia. I also gave her a Rainbow Pot use and the Starsphere. She needs 1 more spd to double the paladins and horseman of the map. She's so gonna get OHKO'd by Gharnef >_< This positioning allows my plan to work. Palla OHKOs this guy so no one else has to take a nasty counter. MU trades Palla's Silver Lance and uses it kill this ballistae. Caeda moves here and KOs this guy with a Javelin. Xane copies Catria. Catria's cap barely allows her to double this sniper. Nice This will come in handy Feena dances for Xane. So Xane can ORKO this ballistae. Silver Lance breaks and since Xane is the one with the least defense, Abel goes for him. Genius Minerva unfortunately has to take a counter Another one of these lovely staves Malicia moves down and uses Physic on Minerva. If Caeda had taken a counter from the mage (she crit), I wouldve healed her instead since even 8 HP Minerva can take on Abel if need be. Enemy Phase 1: Dammit. Nosferatanking so good. And stoopid Malicia. GET SOME RES. Abel goes for Xane. One of them lived D: Why do you have more DEF than RES? Malicia barely missing the KO on this guy might have actually been good ^^. Marth trades Starsphere from her. o_o o_O O_o O_O! To be continued...
  6. Yeah, I have a strat made up to clear the boss area in Turn 1. A 30 Def 60 Hp general is very not possible in this run :P Anyways, I've done Chapter 15 in 5 turns. I won't be able to get it up tonight though. I'll put up chapter 15 tomorrow.
  7. THE NOT FEMALE: Ryan Marth (FE12 Art because FE11 is ugly and bad) Wryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyys THE FEMALE: CAEDA PALLA MINERVA
  8. PKL

    Gym Leader Tower

    I predicted a Scizor switch, only to have Fire Blast miss. I'm so mad.
  9. PKL

    Gym Leader Tower

    No wyvernbadge for SB today. Maybe next time :P 5-0 SB.
  10. PKL

    Gym Leader Tower

    WYVERNbadge is finally Xinnidy's, after 5 tries lol. Congratz.
  11. Yeah, I guess. I'm just used to being able to make the push, even in H2. I guess you can't really do it in H3 unless you have SuperAbusedLinde.
  12. Dayum. I was like, so glad to be out of the Dragon Valley...but seriously, Chapter 15 is worse than any Dragon chapter combined. All the paladins and horsemen have effective forges. Basically the only way to tank all those hits is with a nosferatank. Malicia is far from being capable of tanking, thanks to getting doubled. I need a Wing Spear forge to take down the boss with Caeda with barely any money. The paladin enemies are like, downright dumb. Ive tried Generals but they armorslayer. A Swordmaster? Swordkiller forge. A Paladin? Ridersbane forge. A Dracoknight with Iote? Bolganone and any other attack. I might go all the way around ;_; since I can't make the push even with AI manipulation, it seems.
  13. PKL

    Gym Leader Tower

    Latios still loses to Mamoswine :P
  14. PKL

    Gym Leader Tower

    Well, its against Mamoswine, who otherwise roflstomps the team. tyranitar is there for anti weather, SR and special walling. And I've yet to be defeated by a steel type :/
  15. PKL

    Gym Leader Tower

    Funny how Shin managed to beat me for the first time in this challenge. GG I'm losing to Dragons and Ice types. I guess there's nothing I can do with 4 of the same type in the team. If i put a steel type, I'd have to take out vapo or ttar, and that's not an option. Strider is right, there's very little options with these teams. Challengers have too much freedom.
  16. That means I pick Karel and Richter is left with Renault.
  17. Pirates because of crit upon promotion, waterwalk and better spd usually Seth or Titania?
  18. FE13 Tiki because lolis suck. Which is better? Fiora (FE7) or Vanessa (FE8)?
  19. PKL

    Gym Leader Tower

    My Gym has only been beaten by Dio today. 2-0 against SB 1-0 against AcaciaSgt 2-0 against Xinnidy 2-0 against Helios That's it for today. GGs
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