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Everything posted by PKL

  1. There were 5 items in your list. Here they are in random order: Richter Abend PKL BBM EstBee Quintessence Timestamp: 2012-10-02 23:30:56 UTC
  2. Ok, I got a strategy figured out that will end up in 6 turns with Beck and the secret shop. Currently figuring out how to get the Wyrmslayer.
  3. I'm starting to think I want to have Beck visit the Secret Shop after I recruit him. Physic has been pretty useful and I can restock on them there...Killer weapons too, maybe. But I have enough of those I think
  4. Thanks for reminding me. That isn't in the GRs
  5. Drafting: 1. This draft is for 5 players. 2. Eliwood, Marcus, Merlinus, Ninils, and Athos are free for all to use. 3. Geitz and Wallace are drafted as a pair. 4. The game will be played on Eliwood Hard Mode, skipping Lyn Mode. 5. Marcus is banned after Chapter 19. Rules: 1. Undrafted units may recruit characters, rescue undrafted units and NPCs, trade, visit Shops and Armories, and dig up items in the desert. 2. Undrafted units may not do anything not listed above, including but not limited to meatshielding, building Supports, opening Doors or Chests, and talking to Fargus in Chapter 16x. 3. All Gaiden Chapters except 22x and 26x are required to be visited. 22x and 26x may be visited at the player's discretion, and don't count towards the total turncount up to 20 turns taken per chapter. 4. Other units may do as they please without penalty. 5. Defend chapters count the last played Player Phase for turns if the timer is waited out. Penalties: 1. Undrafted units have a 4 turn penalty, per unit per chapter. Exceptions: 1. Meatshielding is allowed for Chapter 13x. 2. Lyn, Kent, Sain and Wil are free for Chapter 15. 3. Undrafted Thieves may be used to obtain necessary Promotion items. 4. Oswin and Hector are free for Chapter 12. Teams: Richter Abend: Florina, Pent, Oswin, Bartre, Legault, Vaida, Renault *PKL: Fiora, Kent, Erk, Raven, Lyn, Louise, Karel BBM: Heath, Hector, Priscilla, Rath, Serra, Hawkeye, Harken EstBee: Lowen, Canas, Isadora, Matthew, Dorcas, Wil, Geitz/Wallace Quintessence: Sain, Lucius, Dart, Rebecca, Nino, Guy, Jaffar [spoiler=Units Remaining]
  6. It does. Chapter 13 is proving to be a massive headache thus far. I have to protect Marth the Squishy from like, 50 dragons. Said squishy recruits ANOTHER squishy that I have to keep out of range x_x
  7. [spoiler=Chapter 12 Part 3] It's quite hard to take a picture of these reinforcements lol. But yeah, they're nasty. A Fire Dragon on the right goes for Elena and she crits him with Javelin lulz. This doesnt affect anything btw. Palla gets attacked. Thankfully, she doesnt crit... I swear my heart was racing against these reinforcements. If Palla had crit, the run would be over, as she would get attacked by the other Fire Dragon and the wyvern. >_> Elena gets attacked by a Wyvern too. This is why she had to be at full hp. Normally, my Marth would get ORKO'd by wyverns. Since they have 21 spd and he has 16...but I gave him a Speed Bond before the chapter ;) Etzel excaliburs the closest wyvern reinforcement. Eh Ryan gets attacked at 1 range by one of them and the other suicides. Nooo! get some speeeed Turn 6 Player Phase: Caeda kills this guy. So good. Palla finishes this guy off, clearing the way. Goodbye Stoopid Speedy Dragon! Catria is making up for everything! This is going to Malicia. Luke gets the Pisces. Guess what? He dodged/crit or something, because he took no damage lol. Wtf Luke. Best Swordmaster ever. Last Shard and it definetely was the hardest to obtain. Etzel mends ryan one last time for some more staff rank. Ryan is so good dammit. MU randomly attacks a wyvern and gets danced by Feena. Thanks to supports, she had no chance of missing so I decided to get the kill. And it was WORTH IT. Marth seizes. Chapter 12 done in 6 turns. Expenses: Arena Training for Catria Sold Firestonesx2 Used Seraph Robe on My Unit Used Dracoshield on Catria Used Elysian Whip on Catria Used 2 Energy Drops on Catria Used Spirit Dust on Malicia Rainbow Pot uses: My Unit (so she could double Fire Dragons with 1 spd proc and for durability) Caeda (durability and so she could double Fire Dragons) Palla (durability) Catria (durability, doubling the boss and ORKO'ing wyverns) Ryan (so he could double Fire Dragons and ORKO them) Uses left: 40
  8. [spoiler=Chapter 12 Part 2] Feena moves up and dances Marth. Palla smashes another Dragon. Wow. Dat levelup. And she still hasnt gotten a single point of luck... Wepon Triangle. Decided to have My Unit Killer crit. Caeda could finish the swordmaster off if she didn't crit. Trying to crit again. But Darros failed, which forced me to use Devil Sword to finish this guy off. It got Marth a kill, so it probably was for the better lol. Ryan moves to 2 range of the barbarian and Etzel heals him. Minerva KOs a Dragon. Malicia heals Palla. My positioning at the end of the turn. Turn 3 Enemy Phase: Ouch. Barbarian suicides on Ryan. I forgot to equip Steel Bow instead x_x. Oh well Turn 4 Player Phase: MU uses Dragonpike to KO this dude that attacked Marth. Marth went up and used a vulnerary before this. :) Catria moves to plug the right fort and Palla blocks the center one. I have them trade shards for a reason... Etzel mends Ryan again. So Ryan can do his thing again. Luke moves up a bit and gets danced by Feena. Positioning at the end of Turn. Basically, Marth blocks the left fort so he can be closer to the seize point. If he moves just 1 tile more to the left, he triggers reinforcements from the top left and starting position's forts. I obviously don't want that to happen. Nothing happens in this EP despite enemies being in range. Oh, and I move Darros down along with Minerva so they can plug forts next turn. Turn 5 Player Phase: Marth moves towards the throne and Catria uses Dragonpike to kill another Dragon. That point of speed is crucial so that she can double the boss with Scorpio. She had an 80% chance to get it. Glad she did :). More shenanigans. Palla trades Cancer to Catria so the Fire Dragon and Wyvern won't team up and kill her. They now target Palla instead. Elena moves once to the right and heals with a vulnerary. Feena dances her and she moves up and vulneraries again. Malicia uses Physic on Catria. About time you got a good level x_x Etzel is there to lure the closest wyvern spawn to him and excalibur him. Ryan is there to lure one of them at 1 range and the other at 2 range so it suicides. Fortplugging. Ignore Minerva's portrait. I had moved her down there before taking the pic lol. She's not here. Those are Caeda (left), Luke (middle) and My Unit (right). More fortplugging. To be continued...
  9. Yeah. And I forgot C swords also gave Wyrmslayer to Marth lol. [spoiler=Chapter 12 Part 1] Not deployed: Sirius, because he is smelly I start off by having ryan attack the Fire Dragon near the start and ORKO him with Silver Bow. Good. Etzel uses Mend on Ryan. Now Luke goes up and ORKOs this Fire Dragon. Fort makes him an asscabbage to hit. But Luke takes none of that BS and crits him in the face. I have Palla move up. Feena dances her. Palla is the best. Marth moves to the right of Palla and trades her Silver for a Javelin. Malicia uses Physic on Palla. ... I end turn. Since no one is in the forts, reinforcements won't spawn yet. Owned by Wepon Triangle. Turn 2 Player Phase: Caeda uses the forged Dragonpike to OHKO a wyvern. Catria uses Lady Sword to ORKO another wyvern. Luke uses Wo Dao for a very high chance to ORKO this dude. Lol @ the hit. Minerva chips the last wyvern. So My Unit can kill him without the forge. YES. Also, I gave her the desert seraph robe before the chapter. Malicia heals Catria with Physic. Etzel flees and I move Ryan here so he's in 2 range of a Dragon reinforcement. I move Marth here to trigger enemy movement and the start's fort reinforcements. Turn 2 Enemy Phase: Here they are. I forgot to mention, but I put Palla there to weaken a Fire Dragon. Fort heals up most of the damage. Ryan ORKOs the Dragon reinforcement with Silver Bow. Speeeed yessss. Turn 3 Player Phase: Luke uses Dragoncutter to cut a Dragon in the way. That's 2 for Luke now. Marh moves in to recruit Darros. Trades him a bunch of axes. Darros might actually be pretty useful for Hammering stuff and naturally high crit with Killer Axe. He can also reclass to Swordmaster for some Wyrmslayer fun. To be continued...
  10. PKL

    SSBB Draft

    Oh, sure. Now you were sandbagging lulz. Stay free :p Anyways, results: Momentai (3W, 1L) Lt. Colonel Kalas (0W, 4L) Knife (2W, 2L) *PKL (4W, 0L) MmmKALL (1W, 3L) 5th place goes to Liutenant Colonel Kalas! We all start getting owned, don't worry Kalas. Just try to keep improving and beat some of us next time! 4th place goes to the Incompetent Piss Macho Macho Macho! After losing horribly to everyone, he starts throwing out johns and being all salty! (jking :P) 3rd place goes to the Knife! A tougher opponent than everyone thought he would be! He likes to talk trash and later lose lol. 2nd place goes to that Ugly Pikachu Thing, also known as Momentai! The expected underdog, he proved everyone wrong with his skill. A very impressive Peach! And 1st place goes to... PKL! He destroyed the competition, specially Incompetent Salty Piss Macho Macho Macho! Lulz. GGs everyone, congrats to Momentai for being really good!
  11. [spoiler=Catria becomes amazing] Fed both Energy Drops I got in the desert to Catria, gave her the used Lady Sword with 11 uses and also the Cancer, Scorpio, Leo and Taurus. Time to use the Base Arena! Good matchup. Even better. I thought it was supposed to get harder? :p More str and hp is always welcome. Catria gets 4 stats per arena level and has a small chance at a 5th stat. 3rd round is easy too. Lady Sword for best Base Arena weapon. Yesssssssssss. Lulz. Time to promote. And now she's ready to stomp some dragons. BRING IT. Her durability is a bit bleh but oh well.
  12. 2-3 range bows dont work as dondon pointed out. My first build of my FE8 hack was extremely annoying due to 2-3 range archers in bad positions. Like, you couldn't lure one of the enemies without the other attacking you too no matter what you did. The attack zone of 2-3 range archers is much more of a big deal than some of you seem to think. Let's say there's a bandit with a silver axe. And 2 archers with a Steel Bow/.Silver bow with 2-3 range. You try to lure the bandit, one of the archers will 2 range your unit. If it's still alive, the other will also attack from 3 range. I think FE12 had the right idea about bows. They sure are useful to prevent counters and there were also lots of threatening flier enemies and 1-2 range was extremely nerfed (even though some units like Palla and My Unit could still ORKO for a while with them). Dondon's idea of 1-2 range not being able to double is pretty good. As it keeps them from trivializing range completely, while still being unique and useful.
  13. FE4: Prologue looooool FE6: Chapter 7 for sure. FE7: Chapter 29 HHM and 13x. FE8: Chapter 14 Ephraim. I HATE STATUS STAVES FE9: Chapter 21 ^ FE10: 4-3 and 4-4 SLEEP STAFF FE11: Chapters 1-3 in H5 FE12: Chapter 11 or Chapter 4 H3
  14. [spoiler=Chapter 11 Part 2] Shin's accursed items! Marth attacks a Hunter, Feena dances him and she gets that level. Another kill for Marth :D My reaction: *clears throat* Healed Elena because she needs more HP to tank those barbarians on the right. My Ryan is godlike. Turn 4 Enemy Phase: Wyvern suicides on Jake's forge. MU gets hit by this barbarian and counters, almost killing. Come at me bro. Lulz she crit him. Turn 5 Player Phase: Jake moves to the Secret Shop. I buy a Wyrmslayer... A Win Spear... And 3 Dragonpikes. Caeda could get either the Dracoshield or Arms Scroll. Maybe I'm crazy, but I chose the Dracoshield over the Arms Scroll. This means Horseman Ryan's sword rank might not be very viable later on...oh well Whip get. Aka Catria's promotion. Aka the item that might make her good. Malicia saves the day game. The next things to come require luck. THE ODDS ARE LIKE, TOTALLY IN MY FAVOR...EXCEPT THEY AREN'T NO! ... ... Save points FTW. I get to try this as many times as I want Jerk Master Sword Swordmaster! ... ... ...................... Power of abuse skill. This sword is like, the best thing ever <3 This item might as well be called "Catria's salvation" Lol I got this Killer Axe get <3 Palla uses the Dragonpike forge to OHKO boss wyvernman. She has a chance to miss but Palla never disappoints. Nice! Get some lck plz? Dragoncutter get Rescue Feena over. So she can dance for Etzel. So Etzel can move here and rescue Marth over. Before I seize however... Sirius chips for a tiny bit of exp and wexp. And Ryan finishes him off. Now Marth seizes before things get ugly. Chapter 11 done in 5 turns. Expenses: Forged Dragonpike +3MT and +5Hit (5840G) Wyrmslayer (1200G) Wing Spear (1120G) Dragonpikex3 (4050G) Remaining money: 14520G Rainbow Pot uses: Elena (My Unit) Credits to Dondon for the strategy.
  15. [spoiler=Chapter 11 Part 1] Not deployed: Catria Etzel starts on the back, moves up. He gets danced by Feena and moves left with Excalibur equipped so he's in range of a wyvern. He also gets the Spirit Dust. Turn 1 positioning. Basically, Luke (next to Feena in the pic) is there to lure a wyvern, Palla (up 2 and left 1 from Etzel, is there to lure a wyvern and counter in EP). Turn 1 Enemy Phase: The Wyvern Luke lured misses, but it didnt matter. Palla counters the wyvern in EP with Javelin. Etzel excaliburs a Wyvern in EP. Turn 2 Player Phase: Ryan weakens this Wyvern... So I can feed Marth the kill. This is important, as a trained Marth is needed to beat Medeus in Endgame. He gets an almost perfect level. Magic is obviously very helpful Palla finishes off the Wyvern she weakened in EP. Etzel moved there and used a vulnerary. He's in range of another wyvern. Malicia uses Physic on Etzel so he can survive another Wyvern. Turn 2 Enemy Phase: In EP, MU counters this wyvern. Etzel excaliburs another Wyvern. Minerva lures another Wyvern. Some other Wyverns moved and a group of barbarians also started moving. Turn 3 Player Phase: Ryan and Marth gang up on another wyvern. Marth reaches C swords. He can now use Killing Edges, Wo Dao and Levin Swords <3 Malicia heals Etzel again. >_< Palla uses the Dragonpike forge to KO the wyvern Minerva lured. He dropped an Energy Drop <3 Etzel moves, uses a vulnerary and gets the Angelic Robe. Luke weakens a Wyvern... And MU kills it. Enemy Phase 3: Yeah, I forgot to reclass Sirius x_x Moar Wyvern nuking from Etzel in EP3. Nice! It's not like you are a long-term unit or anything, but if he keeps growing like that, maybe I'll use him to kill Gharnef. Turn 4 Player Phase: MU kills a Hunter. She doubles thanks to RP. The world is about to end! She got HP D:. Nice level btw. Caeda recruits Jake. She also trades him the Steel Bow forge, the Member Card and the Gemini. He moves here so a wyvern on the right commits zepuku in EP to his bow forge.
  16. My plan now is to have Etzel Excalibur Caeda's way. Malicia is the rescuer this time. RP Palla Minerva and My Unit will take the left side and get me the items I want. Ryan will snipe random wyverns. Catria will just go for the Speedwing and possibly get a level on the way there.
  17. Yeah, I guess I will lose a bit of turns doing that though. But it cant be helped with my team, I think. Also, in the first attempt, Ryan got this level, I was so mad when Palla died later on.
  18. This is why Im stuck. Basically, I only have 4 Dracoknights. 1 of which is Caeda, who is busy recruiting Jake and getting the Draco and Arms Scroll. Minerva, who is kinda busy protecting squishies. Elena, who is barely of any help due to her pathetic hp and spd and Palla, who can ORKO Wyverns with Javelins but she is only one. Basically, in all my tries, Palla ends up having to go solo to that area. And I have no way around that formation. I can kill the hunter on the left but the swordmaster crits her and she dies to Wyverns. If I kill the other hunter on the right, an even worse fate for Palla. If I go after the swordmaster and rig a Killer Lance crit, she gets chewed alive by 2 hunters. I hate everything.
  19. Some are because of new strats and other chapters are because of reset abuse, yes.
  20. Small update Gave Caeda all the shards Palla had the previous chapter and the Lady Sword and decided to Base Arena her a bit. She wins her first battle against a myrm that did like 4 damage. Then a battle against a Mercenary that did 5 damage but she crit him lulz. I love you Caeda. Next Matchup is a Pirate that can 2HKO her but at like, 48 hit. I take my chances and she wins by 3HKO'ing him, he hit her once. Someone mind explaining why she got 4 stats? Her growth total as a Cavalier with spd and lck capped is 225 iirc. This is basically why I cant keep training her lol. Promoted her and reclassed to DK. Come at me Chapter 11 Im ready. Also, I just realized, I dont have any master seals for Catria. GG. Time to get creative.
  21. Finished #34108 FE7 Tier List Testing Draft in 140 turns.
  22. Mia, Nailah, Ulki, Lucia, Skrimir, Rolf, Tauroneo, Ranulf, Danved, Ena Part 1 Team: Micaiah, Edward, Nailah, Rafiel, Sothe, Black Knight, Laura [spoiler=Part 1] 1-P 8/8 Edward wraths shit and clever use of healing items. 2 enemies are douchebags and I had to reset so at least one of them could be doubled by base Eddie. 1-1 6/14 Nolan and Eddie lead the charge. Protecting Miccy from danger. 1-2 7/21 Got the Thani and Drop. 1-3 6/27 Much easier. Usual right side strat. Miccy saw no combat except nuking something with Thani due to clever positioning. 1-4 7/34 Eddie is way too frail in HM to do the 4 turn strat. Oh well, got the Robe and Beastfoe. 1-5 6/40 Training a bit. 1-6-1 4/44 FML this is dumb. Sothe kept dying. 1-6-2 2/46 Shoved Sothe and he did his usual thing. Except he almost died. 1-7 5/51 Snipe those damn ledge mages and make a run for it. 1-8 6/57 Stupid dracoknight I haaaate youuuu. Also, Eddie was sealed and Brave Sword'd stuff. Nailah was a big help here. Sothe almost died on the east side lol. 1-9 8/65 BK protects Micaiah from certain doom. 1-E 7/72 Having Nailah here helps immensely. Got the Speedwing. [spoiler=Part 2 FML] 2-P 8/8 Darn it. 2-1 8/16 Cant count how many attempts this took, most painful map ever. 2-2 6/22 Luciaaaa. 2-3 5/27 Danved ftw. (Got the Speedwing and sent it to Convoy) 2-E 1+4/32 Haar Hammered Ludveck and yes I fed undrafted Haar the Wing lulz. [spoiler=Part 3 isnt as dumb thanks to Brotania] 3-P 7/7 Titania ftw. Skrimir's AI almost costed me a turn AS USUAL. 3-1 7/14 Mia is so freaking good in HM. 3-2 3/17 Titania destroys the boss. 3-3 8/25 Woop woop. Titania charged ahead. Gatrie took the south. Everyone else took some other crates. 3-4 7/32 Standard/10 3-5 1/33 Titania ftw. 3-6 9/42 I fucking hate everything. 3-7 12/54 Stupid boring map :/ 3-8 5/59 Celerity Titania with Hand Axe forges goes down. Septimus was a PITA which basically didnt allow me to 4 turn. 3-9 5/64 Danveeeeed. 3-10 5/69 Titania murders everything in the boss area. The others handle the enemies on the south as usual. My run almost got crapped on due to Eli's group heading right and a random enemy going for them >_> but they managed to kill it off lol. 3-11 6/75 Ulkiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii. 3-12 3/78 Tauroneo on one side and Eddie on the other <3 3-13 3/81 Tauroneeeeo and Eddddiiieee 3-E 5/86 Titania was like the only competent unit here >_> [spoiler=Part 4 Progress] Teams: Silver- Micaiah Sothe Leanne Skrimir Ulki Greil- Ike Rafiel Nailah Mia Danved Edward Hawk- Ranulf Reyson Tauroneo Lucia Rolf 4-P 4/4 Lack of 2 range hurts and Micaiah sure isnt cooperating >_< 4-1 5/9 Ike basically roflstomps everything in the south. Nailah and Danved take the right. Mia and Eddie take other side. 4-2 9/18 FML. 4-3 8/26 FML some more. Now I'm stuck in 4-4.
  23. Florina, Lucius, Oswin, Raven, Lyn, Jaffar, Nino [spoiler=Long Post] Chapter 11 6/6 Standard. Chapter 12 4/10 Standard. Chapter 13 4/14 Marcus started closer for the first time ever. Woot. chapter 13x 7/21 Training. Chapter 14 4/25 Marcus stomp. chapter 15 7/32 Training. Chapter 16 4/36 Florina shaved a turn. Marcus killed boss. Lyn trained a bit and got the Heavy Spear. Chapter 17 10/46 Got Raven and Lucius. It was a bit painful due to all the archers, but I managed. Chapter 17x 3/49 Oswin is a bro. Florina flew over to the boss and talked to him. Had to cleverly distract the enemies for that though. Chapter 18 3/52 Boss rush. Chapter 19 4/56 Killed Uhai with Lyn. Florina ferried her over while everyone else distracted enemies. Chapter 19x 4/60 Florina ferries Hector over to the boss. Chapter 20 5/65 First Hector is dropped to clean house then flo rescues him and goes for the throne. Chapter 21 3/68 Not enough move to 2 turn unfortunately but that means I get a Whip :D. Chapter 22 3/71 Florina promotes and smashes Eubans. Chapter 23 3/74 Florina Pent and Lucius smash stuff in the desert. While Raven and Lyn handle the rest. Chapter 24 1/75 Smash Lloyd with Florina. Chapter 25 3/78 Florina goes right. Raven goes for the northwest fort. Lyn handles the southwest fort. Chapter 26 11/89 Lyn promoted. Trained Lucius staff rank a lot. chapter 27K 5/94 Flo ferries Hector to the throne. Chapter 28 15/109 Training spam. I hate this chapter so much. Chapter 28x Free/109 Moaaar training. Chapter 29 4/113 Florina gets Warp then goes for the boss. Stuff dies on the way. Chapter 30 3/116 Warp Florina carrying Hector with Trap. Drop, kill boss and seize. Chapter 31 11/127 I hate these stupid defend maps by now. Chapter 31x 5/132 Arena'd and bought stuff. Chapter 32 3/135 Warp. Dance. Carry Hector and kill Limstella with Brave Lance so he can seize. Chapter 32x 1/136 Lyn killed Kishuna. Final: Light Part 1 3/139 Luna Athos and everyone else smashed things. Final: Light Part 2 1/140 Luna Athos. Unit Analysis: Hector: was pretty good throughout the game. His spd and res were a bit iffy at times but eh. Oswin: THWOMP. Helped a lot in earlygame and a bit in midgame then he was mediocre. Florina: did well enough. Saved a bunch of turns with flight but Chapter 17 was pretty painful thanks to her. Lyn: pretty bro. Killed Uhai and Kishuna and had pretty good all around stats. Raven: pretty bro in C25 and ocasionally. But nothing special. Lucius: most bro character. Warp shaved a bunch of turns and he helped a lot in desert. Jaffar: Pretty cool combat and he came just in time to put it to use in Cog. Nino: so bad. Stats: Unit Lv HP Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res Hector 11 46 24 22 19 11 26 8 Oswin 14 50 26 20 16 8 27 15 Florina 20 48 23 22 26 20 10 16 Lyn 17 44 20 29 30 27 13 13 Raven 20 51 25 20 26 12 16 8 Lucius 20 40 25 25 24 12 10 30 Nino 5 28 15 18 22 19 10 17 Jaffar 19 38 20 30 27 11 16 12 140 turns
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