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Everything posted by PKL

  1. PKL

    SSBB Draft

    You're supposed to pick twice ;_;
  2. Bolded: ikr? I also dont play spacies in melee, though I know how to use them well enough. Mostly go Sheik in tournament and Marth/John Link when Im up against a jigglerpuf because fuck that matchup.
  3. Lucina- Wavedashing is easy. So is L-Canceling. What I find really really hard, is Fox's Short Hop double laser. I swear that thing took me ages to get down.
  4. Good luck SB. Also, I hope THWOMP gets to endgame or I will cry
  5. Say that to basically all my draft Nolans. One of them had 13 str in Tier 2 Level 1. Fun fact: He also had like 18 str by the end of 3-6. Thank God BEXP exists and that he capped skl spd res for some str BEXP fun. At the end of the game, he had 28 str in Tier 3 :/
  6. It's your turn in the SSBB draft.

  7. PKL

    SSBB Draft

    Momentai? Its been your turn for 2 days and you have been on SF..pick plz.
  8. That's mostly due to stupid design choices though. Having shitty hitrates with the only character that can do reasonable damage to the chapter 2 boss and the other one having too much spd for being an earlygame boss. Aside from those, there's really nothing that hard about H5.
  9. Shadow Dragon H5 is stupidly easy. FE12 H3 is harder
  10. Oh wow, Chapter 11 is gonna be a tough cookie. 22 spd swordmasters with forged master swords and 20 spd wyverns with 1-2 range ;_;. What Im planning is, promoting everyone, having Excalibur Etzel rush to rescue Marth, while my forged Dragonpike Dracoknights take care of business. Those swordmasters and the hunters and killer axe barbarians are making life difficult though...I doubt I can go for a 5 or 6 turn in this mode. Also, is there anyone still following this?
  11. Are you going for all villages too? If you are, note that you might have a hard time due to the reinforcements. I recommend blocking off the forts after you help Hardin and co. and recruit Wendell. After the coast is clear, have someone take Caeda's spot in one of the forts if shes blocking one and have her take down the boss with Wing Spear, maybe with a bit of help if needed. Or you could kill the boss quickly so you dont have to worry about reinforcements.
  12. [spoiler=Chapter 10x] Before the chapter, I gave a bunch of shard to Palla and a Rainbow pot use to her. Reclassed Ryan to Swordmaster. Before we begin, I would like to share how to know which Roro is the real one for those unaware of it. Go to View Map select a random enemy in the map that isnt the top 3 roros. Now press next unit until one of the 3 top roros is highlighted. The one that is highlighted first is the real one. Note: If the real Roro is the middle top one, you cannot 1 turn it Shin's mortal enemy. He sucks. Elena weakens this Roro... And Ryan kills him. Luke weakens this other Roro... And Marth takes the kill. Seems like overkill, right? But all of those shards are actually neccesary o_o Feena dances her so she can reach Roro I chose Iron Axe over a lance or Paladin Lady Sword because she would get OHKO'd if he crits as a paladin or as a dracoknight with a lance. With an axe, even if he crits, she barely survives and can still ORKO him. GG Roro Im worried about her luck. But still a WARRIOR GODDESS Chapter 10x done in 1 turn. Rainbow Pot: Palla Money: 19440G
  13. [spoiler=Chapter 10] Promoted MU before the chapter and reclassed her to dracoknight. Why? You'll see why. These guys sure pack a punch o_o. Ryan destroys him anyway. <3 Palla barely reaches the sniper in the closest tile and needs an RP to use to double him or the scorpio. She couldnt have scorpio though since Caeda needed it. GODDESS. Now get some lck and def plz. This is why Caeda needed the Scorpio. This prick is fast and 20 spd cap wasnt enough. Scorpio cheats and breaks caps because its amazing. Did you and Catria switch growths? Yeah, Luke is a sniper so he can ORKO this other jerk. Used Thief on Bullion. Dont judge, I like my money. IRON MALICIA. Feena dances for Marth. Caeda must be getting jealous by now Feena's levels are always amazing. Minerva is amazing. This is why Elena promoted. She barely OHKOs this mage with Silver Lance thanks to those promo gains. Catria killed a cleric for a tiny bit of exp. I end turn by having Wendell trade MU's Silver lance for an iron lance and Merric unequipping excalibur so Ellerean doesnt get crit. I have a feeling Merric and Ellerean dont get along... Ha...ha...hahaha...OMG Catria is awful Generic Merc #8000 vanishes from this world because GODDESS WARRIOR didnt like him. Maybe earlypromoting Elena wasnt such a good idea...oh well. If you can't tell, shes having trouble doubling things. Wendell recruits Angry mage. Hes awful and I dont like him at all. So yeah, dont expect me to use him unless Im desperate for another potential excalibur user. Which is unlikely with Wendell Merric and Etzel around. Caeda weakens this guy so Minerva can kill him... Whoops. No Generic Merc #8001 kill for Minerva today! Tis ok Minerva. You can practice skewering clerics with your lance instead. WARRIOR GODDESS breaks this game More cleric smashing. Malicia is kind enough to heal Ryan. So Ryan can keep shooting mages. This was an attempt at giving Catria a bit more exp by having her chip with a javelin...she MISSED. Over already? Rainbow Pot: Palla Money: 19400G
  14. [spoiler=Chapter 9 Part 2] Sirius counters this mage. Lol, Ryan dodged and crit in return. So good. Palla dodged the DK and ORKO'd with silver lance. Dodge wasnt needed though. WARRIOR GODDESS. Turn 4 Player Phase Marth gets Minerva. Shes pretty bro. Hauteclere at base, C lances for Dragonpike, flight, nice bases. Will definetely get a spot in my team. Ryan prepares to lure another mage. The earlier dodge and crit wasnt needed because he could take another hit with vulnerary. Also, snipers have an EP! Sirius finishes off the mage he countered in EP. Not that bad thanks to spd. Palla ORKOs one of the swarm bishops with Javelin <3. Speedwing get. Probably going to Minerva since Palla seems to like proc'ing spd this run. Luke moves here to take the swarm for palla. Malliesia moved next to him and healed him. Marth is out of range of Etzel but not out of the range of the mage. Not a problem though, he can take the hit. Luke takes the swarm so that WARRIOR GODDESS can stay healthy. She doesnt like magic. Ryan has an EP guys. As if he needed Parthia. It boosts his attack even more though :D. Ouch. Marth recruits Elieson. Pretty nice bases. Can use excalibur. Pretty solid unit. Will see use as a staffbot and an EP excalibur nuke against wyverns in chapter 11. Caeda protects her loved one. She's totally the man in the relationship. Elieson takes advantage of the situation and heals marth to get his staff rank up. That cunning bastard. Minerva gets in range of the last thief. Moar WARRIOR GODDESS ownage. Luke goes up and Malicia heals him again and obviously goes up with him. Fed the thief Minerva weakened in EP to Catria. I swear she's trolling me at this point. Luke is amaze. OH NOW YOU SELL ME PURE WATERS DONT'CHA? RIGHT AFTER IM DONE WITH A MAP FULL OF BOLGANONE MAGES THAT ALMOST OHKO MY CHARACTERS! /rant Elieson still taking advantage of the situation. Marth warps all the way here D: Must be some kinda weird magic thingy Nvm weird magic thingy. Marth can now SEIZE! Rainbow Pot uses: Palla 48 uses left Money: 19400 G Pure Waterx2 Vulnerary Ryan Arenax1
  15. [spoiler=Chapter 9 Part 1] In order for my strategy to work, I need 3 snipers. I currently have 2 and Ryan. Sadly, Hunters cant move through rivers so Ryan will have to promote. I send Ryan to the base arena and he battles once. So bro. Now he promotes and reclasses to Sniper. Luke also promotes and reclasses to Swordmaster for dat speed. I stuffed Julian full of whatever item I found first before the chapter. Julian moves to the right and Feena dances him so he can get the Boots and send it to the convoy for marth. He will also get the Shard which is really important. This Dracoknight is intimidating. But MU/Catria can lure it so Ryan can snipe him. Caeda weakens this thief. Thanks to Leo shard, a javelin from her and a Steel Sword from Marth later will finish him off. This has the benefit of getting Marth some exp and the thief staff of course. Malliesia barriers Palla. This is a must, otherwise Palla can't rush as much as I need her to. Luke moves here with Wo Dao equipped. Thanks to the crit and doubling, his chances of ORKO'ing Dracoknights is pretty good. He could ORKO naturally with Devil Sword, but that is too risky for my tastes. Palla is SO GOOD. End of Turn 1. Yeah, I deployed Jeorge thinking he would be needed. Luke doesnt just crit once. He crit twice. That's how awesome he is. Completely overkill. Ouch. MU lures the intimidating Draco and lives to tell of it. This is why Ryan is the best. Doesnt even require the forge or silver <3. Sirius requires the forge but still bro. Palla dun need no forges or bows. She ORKOs even with WTD. What would I do without Palla, the Warrior Goddess? Julian gets Boots and sends it to the convoy. And Marth EATS IT. Feena dances Marf and he keeps moving... Hah! The odds are in my favor, jerk. Maturity Drop <3. Caeda is the best thief softener. MU took a beating, so Malliesia heals her. She now moves here with Javelin equipped to lure that mage and kill it. Etzel also moves towards her in EP which is all according to plan. Catria gets to kill a thief Caeda weakened. In EP, Elena kills the mage with Javelin. And Etzel and the mages move towards her. Ryan moves here now so he can lure one of the mages and kill it. Palla dun care about no bolganone. Sirius luring another one of the mages so it doesnt go for Palla. Healing Palla for 8 HP, maybe not wisest of choices, but I like to be cautious. Using Physic was WORTH IT. I move my pegs towards Marth to lure Etzel. They're out of range though. A capricorn stone thingy, I wonder what this does?
  16. PKL

    SSBB Draft

    I pick Pikachu. kalll's list says Game and Watch and ROB. I pick Zelda.
  17. Back. These are the resulting teams: SB: [Cavalier(M), Pirate(M), Mage(M), DarkMage(M)] Abel, Ogma, Cecille, Catria, Bord, Athena, Caesar, Horace, Etzel, Belf, Boah, Astram, Matthis, Maria, Elice Jedi: [Cavalier(F), PegasusKnight->Dracoknight(F), Mage(F), General(F)] Palla, Draug, Luke, Hardin, Merric, Wolf, Leiden, Jeorge, Tiki, Norne, Katarina, Rickard, Samson, Sheema, Lorenz General Horace: [Mercenary(M), Hunter(M), Curate(M), Myrmidon(M)] Barst, Navarre, Gordin, Sirius, Linde, Wrys, Roshea, Castor, Warren, Malice, Vyland, Arran, Bantu, Frost, Tomas *PKL: [PegasusKnight->Falcoknight(F), Myrmidon(F), Cleric(F), Archer(F)] Cain, Ryan, Frey, Minerva, Yumina, Cord, Xane, Lena, Est, Julian, Yubello, Dolph, Samto, Ymir, Macellan General Callum: Fighter(M), Dracoknight(M), Knight(M), Archer(M)] Caeda, Sedgar, Wendell, Rody, Roger, Jake, Malliesia, Ellerean, Radd, Darros, Dice, Midia, Beck, Robert, Michalis
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