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Everything posted by PKL

  1. Yeah, it should be free. @Integ- there's a draft already with the rules. So far, its a lot more enjoyable imo. But I understand that there is not enough testing for it. As soon as that one's finished, there will be another one with same rules :P.
  2. Shouldve been a bit rougher on her exp leash then :P. By that I mean the rules. Maybe 75 exp?
  3. Wtf? How did Marcia promote by desert?
  4. Hey Integ. Lucina and I came up with a new ruleset for FE9 that seems to work a lot better for overall character balance. Unpromoted units can get 100 BEXP per base, promoted units can get 50 BEXP per base. Marcia and Jill have 0.00 initial BEXP to make them a bit more beatable. They also cannot use the chapter 10 and 11 seal. We think the BEXP limit works better than 50 at making meh units more useful in drafts. Please consider making it standard. Also, proposing that 2-1 and 3-P are free in FE10 drafts. Because the first is an RNG fest that annoys everyone that has drafted FE10, myself included. And 3-P because Skrimir's AI is too unreliable and LTC'ing the map with such little amount of units is usually more about luck than skill.
  5. That's exactly what Ive been doing :/. Using the churches constantly and stuff keeps hitting with abnormally low hitrates. Sigurd also doesnt ORKO the bridge guard without steel lance due to lack of procs on ANY stat except hp and lck.
  6. FE4 really doesnt like me huh? Fine, I dont like it either now. Proceed without me and sorry for the delay.
  7. Nope. He never heals him if Ludveck isnt that low on HP. When hes too low, its too late because Leanne vigors.
  8. Not to mention, Marcia also has 1-2 range over Mia, which is later forgeable. I dont get the comparison either. Its silly enough to pretend marcia's movement advantage doesnt exist. On the example of metaknight again. Just because a noob doesnt use every one of MKs amazing tools to win doesnt mean hes not the best character in the game. Let's say a noob only uses Mk's jab, dsmash and upsmash. It would be incredibly easy to beat him and therefore might seem like metaknight is bad. But if you play against a good metaknight that knows how to utilize his best moves like tornado, grounded shuttle loop, forward tilt, down tilt and his amazing aerials you wouldnt think the same. Same with Marcia. Snowy is trying to argue that if we ignore her movement, she wouldnt be so high on the tier list. But thing is, her movement does exist. She can reach enemies far quicker than 7 move units and beat them before those 7 move scrubs even reach the enemies, she also has the added bonus of being able to ferry people around in some maps.
  9. Mages to not be complete shit in Hard Mode. More overall character balance. Haar nerf. Playable Veyona. Mist Fiona Meg Kyza Lyre Lethe Pelleas buffs. Rolf's base level and bases a bit higher. More spd growth on Micaiah, maybe better bases too. Fiona playable in 1-8. Indoor mount penalty to be 0 :P. Fiona buffs. Vika Tormod Muarim playable sooner. Fiona buffs. Swamps less OP against poor mounts. Fiona buffs. More Fiona buffs. WTA, map affinity and toggle range on in HM. Buff HM Marcia.
  10. Chapter 7 8/35 Titania goes left with Hand Axe. Then up with Steel Axe. Then keeps going up and hammers Armors. Then kills thief and waits in range of 2 enemy reinforcements. Then goes back and gets boss area. Ike killed things with Regal and could ORKO some enemies with Iron Blade. Rhys also helped by healing him before he took on reinforcements. Unit Class Lv Xp HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res WLv Supports Ike Lord 10 77 33 10 3 11 12 9 9 3 Sword B Titania Paladin 5 78 37 14 4 15 16 13 12 8 Lance C Axe S Rhys Priest 5 17 23 0 10 8 5 8 0 15 Staff D Chapter 8 8/43 Defend. Tits got bosskill. Ike went left and recruited Ilyana eventually. She got a few kills. Unit Class Lv Xp HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res WLv Supports Ike Lord 13 10 36 11 3 13 14 10 10 4 Sword B Titania Paladin 7 01 39 15 5 16 17 14 13 9 Lance C Axe S Rhys Priest 5 90 23 0 10 8 5 8 0 15 Staff C Ilyana Mage 6 68 20 1 8 10 9 6 3 10 Fire E Thunder D Wind E Chapter 9 5/48 Titania carries Ike to victory. Uses her Iron axe forge to battle evil and bring justice to Crimea. Ilyana went through the sands weakening enemies for Rofl to kill, Rhys followed them and healed them. Ilyana got a few kills too. Unit Class Lv Xp HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res WLv Supports Ike Lord 13 49 36 11 3 13 14 10 10 4 Sword B Titania Paladin 8 25 40 16 5 17 18 14 13 9 Lance C Axe S Rhys Priest 6 60 23 0 11 9 5 8 0 16 Staff C Ilyana Mage 10 99 22 2 10 11 10 8 3 12 Fire E Thunder D Wind E Rolf Archer 2 28 19 5 0 8 7 6 6 2 Bow E Chapter 10 3/51 First turn Titania rescues Ike and moves right. Mordy goes right and is in range of a soldier watch. Rolf and Ilyana stay away from them, with Rolf full moving and barely not in range. Ilyana gets attacked by reinforcement myrmidon in EP. Mordy is attacked by watch. And Titania kills the other watch. Mordy smites Titania. Titania goes up and left and drops Ike to the left of her. Rolf full moves more. Ilyana moves and deequips her Thunder forge in favor of normal thunder. In EP, Mordy is attacked. The other watch goes for Titania and dies. The soldiers near escape tile attack Ike. Next, Ilyana shoves Rolf. Mordy smites Rolf and Rolf goes up and kills a soldier next to ike so Titania can kill the halberdier and Ike escapes. Rhys was a burden to this strat so I did not deploy him. Unit Class Lv Xp HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res WLv Supports Ike Lord 13 93 36 11 3 13 14 10 10 4 Sword B Titania C Titania Paladin 8 94 40 16 5 17 18 14 13 9 Lance C Axe S Ike C Rhys C Ilyana Mage 12 18 23 2 12 12 12 9 3 13 Fire E Thunder D Wind E Rolf Archer 10 28 24 9 1 12 11 8 9 4 Bow E Mordecai Beast Tribe 2 03 41 15 2 8 8 10 13 4 Chapter 11 5/56 Titania rushes to the arrive tile with help from Ilyana and Rolf. Managed to get the Master seal. Mordy and Ike tried to get the Dracoshield but failed due to a thief getting in the way... Unit Class Lv Xp HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res WLv Supports Ike Lord 15 43 38 12 4 14 15 11 11 5 Sword B Titania C Titania Paladin 10 06 41 16 6 18 19 15 14 10 Lance C Axe S Ike C Rhys C Ilyana Mage 13 66 23 2 12 13 12 9 3 14 Fire E Thunder D Wind E Rolf Archer 11 90 25 9 2 12 11 8 9 4 Bow E Mordecai Beast Tribe 3 27 43 15 2 9 8 10 13 4 Chapter 12 8/64 Killed stuff. Ilyana and Rolf got a bunch of kills. Unit Class Lv Xp HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res WLv Supports Ike Lord 16 52 38 13 4 14 16 11 11 5 Sword B Titania C Titania Paladin 10 96 41 16 6 18 19 15 14 10 Lance C Axe S Ike C Rhys C Rhys Priest 7 54 23 0 11 9 6 9 0 16 Staff C Titania C Ilyana Mage 16 28 25 3 14 14 13 11 3 16 Fire E Thunder D Wind E Mordecai C Rolf Archer 14 88 26 10 2 14 13 10 10 5 Bow E Mordecai Beast Tribe 3 77 43 15 2 9 8 10 13 4 Ilyana C
  11. Never seen it and Im curious. What exactly happens in the bad ending?
  12. PKL

    SSBB Draft

    Oh God, the pikachu in your avatar is disturbing :P. Basically, we wait until everyone signs up and I randomize the order with an RNG service called random.org. We then take turns picking characters. Like, say, you get first, you pick Peach. Next person picks Metaknight. Next picks snake, etc. Last pick gets 2 then the almost last pick gets 1. Basically, its snake order. 1,2,3,4,5,5,4,3,2,1...so on and so forth. Until we all have the same amount of characters in our teams and everyone of the characters is gone. EDIT: Forgot to mention, post your FC when you sign up :P.
  13. is the RNG fixed? Ive been trying and trying with different order of stuff and shit keeps hitting alec OR sigurd. Its gotten to the point where I kinda want to restart due to this bullshit and do jungby all over again.
  14. *Draft is for however many players join. *Last round will be reverse order. *We will be battling with our draft teams in Wifi. Round Robin, everyone will face everyone. Try to finish if you sign up please. Rules: *3 stocks *10 minute timer *First game is always on Smashville. All games afterward will be played in either Smashville, Final Destination or Battlefield. *You may pick whatever character you wish to play first from your draft list. *When one of your characters loses all 3 stocks, you will then choose another one from your team and battle the opponent's previous character. The winner will start with the same amount of stocks he had when he defeated you last game. *Zelda/Sheik are to be treated as singular character in a draft, so absolutely no swapping between them in match. [spoiler=Remaining characters] Olimar Jigglypuff Teams: Momentai (FC: 2924 5171 0611)- Peach, Ness, Lucas, Bowser, Zero Suit Samus, Kirby, King Dedede (3W, 1L) Lt. Colonel Kalas- (FC: 0388-0480-7828)- Marth, Ike, Sheik, Captain Falcon, Samus, Pit, Wario (0W, 4L) Knife (FC: 0688-7328-3168)- Link, Mario, Lucario, Sonic, Luigi, Fox, Yoshi (2W, 2L) *PKL (FC: 0731-5039-7369)- Metaknight, Toon Link, Pikachu, Zelda, Ice Climbers, Diddy Kong, Pokemon Trainer (4W, 0L) MmmKALL (FC: 2451-5603-6179)- Snake, Falco, Game and Watch, ROB, Wolf, Donkey Kong, Ganondorf (1W, 3L)
  15. Who cares if Jill is better against mages? The amount of magic enemies you face in this game is really low. Most of them can be outmanuevered with Haar's move anyway or OHKO'd before they can do anything :3. Also, pure water. Thunder sages shouldnt be a threat to Haar if used right.
  16. [spoiler=Team analysis] Tanith: first pick because she was the only flier left. I will give her a bunch of resources when she joins and make her Marcia wanna-be. Mordecai: smites Titania in earlygame for faster clears, then smites Astrid, then smites Tanith later. Ilyana: needed someone for earlygame, desert and sieging later. Her spd might bite though, as usual. Astrid: mount. Will use in tandem with Titania to get faster clears. Also, AXES. Rhys: heals Ike so he can train a bit more in preparation for chapter 7. Then hes rescue staffbot afterwards. Might have a niche in shoving too. Sothe: so I dont have to get chest keys in ch10 cuz im lazy. Rolf: So I can have someone open Kieran's door. Lucia: lategame. Mostly drafted her for chapter 25. Silver dildos ftw. Prologue 4/4 lol Chapter 1 3/7 Steel Sword get Canto. Ike attacks. Kills in EP. Ike moves up turn 2. Robe get and canto. Kill boss with Tits, trade Robe and seize. Chapter 2 4/11 Ike goes up and eats robe. Turn 2 he goes down and counters myrm in EP. Turn 3 myrm is dead. Titania kills one of the guys that run if low on HP and canto'd. Turn 4, Ike kills one runner and Titania goes up with Steel Axe. In EP, the rest of the stuff dies. I had Rhys stay back and Boyd got rescued by Oscar. Chapter 3 3/14 Titania gets Hand Axe. Kills boss. Gatrie rescued Shinon then dropped him in the right in Turn 2 out of range. Ike battled stuff and then got Elixir. Chapter 4 2/16 Found a way to 2 turn without wasting Hand Axe uses woot. Iron Axe boss with Titania and have her stay in a thicket. Boss goes for the thicket to heal and also targets Titania from 1 range. GG Chapter 5 6/22 Defend. Rhys stood on the defend tile healing Ike, who stood in front of him. Titania just killed things and got the bosskill. Chapter 6 5/27 Titania carries Ike down, drops him on an specific tile so he doesnt get gangbanged. Titania counters boss in EP and finishes him off. Ike escapes. Stats and chapter 7 some other day cuz chapter 7 is a d1ck.
  17. FE4: Fury. Ethlin close by. FE6: Miledy. No one else. FE7: Fiora. Lyn would be the next. FE8: Vanessa. I also like neimi and eirika. FE9: Marcia. Jill is close. FE10: Marcia. Rolf Edward Jill Nephenee and Tanith. FE11: Caeda. Maybe Abel. FE12: Caeda/Ryan. Palla the Great is a close one.
  18. ^ You shouldve exposed Ike in Turn 1 to the north enemies in order to 4 turn and prevent them from running off :P. If you kill the myrmidon vulnerary by being in his range in Turn 2 and finishing him off in Turn 3, most of the other enemies get killed in EP. Titania kills one of the runners and ike is left with only one enemy that likes running off. Titania still reaches boss's range if she kills the runner and cantos through the thickets :P
  19. Jedi- 3, 2, 1, 1, 3, 1, 0, 3, 2, 0, 2, 0 Silver: Nealuchi, Laura, Shinon, Greil: Boyd, Makalov, Danved Hawk: Edward, Mia, Heather CR- 2, 0, 1, 3, 0, 0, 0, 3, 3, 0, 2, 0 Silver: Marcia Greil: Nolan, Meg Hawk: Gatrie, Mordecai, Rhys PKL- 1, 2, 3, 2, 3, 2, 0, 0, 0, 2, 0, 2 Silver: Jill Greil: Nephenee, Zihark, Rolf, Astrid, Kyza Hawk: Ilyana, Janaff Quintessence- 0, 0, 3, 2, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0 Silver: Calill, Lethe Greil: Leonardo Hawk: Tanith Lucina- 3, 1, 3, 0, 1, 2, 2, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0 Silver: Oscar, Brom Greil: Kieran, Ulki Hawk: Volug, Aran, Fiona
  20. Lol Tauro with resolve.But hey, maybe mordecai is better now that u can transfer resolve to GM
  21. Cr and Quint I cant tell if youre joining or not...
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