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Everything posted by PKL

  1. Yeah. They always count. I was beginning to wonder If anyone else was doing this.
  2. Uh, yeah, give me a -2 penalty. Couldnt play today, sorry. Will play ASAP tomorrow.
  3. Played against Kaoz. I won. Match 1 YI: Weegee vs Olimar. 2-0 Match 2 BF: Weegee vs Mario 1-0 Match 3 FD: Weegee vs Snake 0-1 Match 4 SV: Pikapika vs Snake 2-0 Match 5 BF: Pikapika vs Ice Climbers 1-0 Match 6 PS1: Pikapika vs Lucario 1-0 Match 7 Halberd: Pikapika vs Falco 1-0 This look accurate Kaoz? EDIT: Oh, you forgot Samus. It wasnt in the OP for some reason.
  4. Guy, while hard to recruit, doesnt cost turns if you know how to do it right. He has good earlygame offense with the KE. Hes low because hes locked to 1-2 range, frail and might force you to jerme. As for the Dorcas Guy comparison, Guy is beating Dorca's offense with the KE no questions asked, he doubles and has a very good chance of killing anything he touches. While Dorcas is only doubling in earlygame or soldiers/knights later on. Despite having 1-2 range access over Guy, he isnt gonna be ORKO'ing much with it except against slowed down eenmies. He needs to be spd blessed in order to do well later on. And that isnt very likely to happen with a 20% growth. Both Guy and Dorcas benefit a lot from having Matthew in the team. Dorcas because he wants the Pirate Ship speedwing and Guy to make it easier to recruit him.
  5. I can play a few matches now. Anyone?
  6. Rolf's exp is the beeeest. Even though hes massively spd screwed right now, curses
  7. You couldve shaved a turn here by revealing Lloyd with a Torch staffer. Javelin the Monk on the fort, Ninian dances and Lowen spears Lloyd (16 str required as minimum to 2HKO). Also, *grabs popcorn*. Id rather sit and watch you 2 fight than play right now haha. I want to root for shin but i know that horace is the more likely to take this.
  8. These are new teams . Im obviously joking. But thats very interesting, those teams look better than what we picked.
  9. [u][b]Tier List Testing Draft[/u][/b] #34108 *PKL: Florina, Lucius, Oswin, Raven, Lyn, Jaffar, Nino Shin: Fiora, Priscilla, Eliwood, Dart, Matthew, Wil, Harken ZM: Sain, Pent, Serra, Vaida, Bartre/Karla, Legault, Renault Serious Bababas: Kent, Erk, Rath, Farina, Dorcas, Rebecca, Guy Horace: Heath, Lowen, Isadora, Canas, Hawkeye, Louise, Karel [u][b]We havent had one of these in a while[/u][/b] #34106 Lucina: Catria, Cain, Ogma, Malliesia, Etzel, Julian, Malice, Tiki, Nagi, Darros, Roshea, Bantu, Tomas *PKL: Ryan, Sirius, Frey, Yumina, Leiden, Est, Merric, Athena, Dice, Yubello, Samto, Vyland, Ymir Serious Bababas: Luke, Draug, Minerva, Linde, Wrys, Katarina, Norne, Caesar, Radd, Cord, Robert, Astram, Sheema Callum of Iris: Rody, Cecille, Barst, Roger, Gordin, Abel, Ellerean, Horace, Frost, Macellan, Dolph, Midia, Samson SRC: Palla, Caeda, Navarre, Wendell, Belf, Jake, Warren, Jeorge, Michalis, Matthis, Wolf, Bord, Beck
  10. Drafting: 1. This draft is for 5 players. 2. Hector, Marcus, Merlinus, Ninian/Nils, and Athos are free for all to use. 3. Bartre and Karla are drafted as a pair. 4. Geitz and Wallace will remain undrafted. 5. Marcus is banned after Chapter 16. 6. The game will be played on Hector Normal Mode, skipping Lyn Mode. Rules: 1. Undrafted units may recruit characters, rescue undrafted units and NPCs, trade, visit Shops and Armories, and dig up items in the desert. 2. Undrafted units may not do anything not listed above, including but not limited to meatshielding, building Supports, opening Doors or Chests, talking to Fargus in Chapter 17x, or Seizing Castles in Chapter 25. 3. All Gaiden Chapters except 19xx, 23x and 28x are required to be visited. 23x and 28x may be visited at the player's discretion, and don't count towards the total turncount up to 20 turns taken per chapter. 4. Other units may do as they please without penalty. 5. Defend chapters count the last played Player Phase for turns if the timer is waited out. Penalties: 1. Undrafted units have a 4 turn penalty, per unit per chapter. Exceptions: 1. Matthew is free for Chapter 11. 2. Meatshielding is allowed for Chapter 13x. 3. Lyn, Kent, Sain and Wil are free for Chapter 16. 4. Undrafted Thieves may be used to obtain necessary Promotion items. Teams: *PKL- Florina, Lucius, Oswin, Raven, Lyn, Jaffar, Nino Shin- Fiora, Priscilla, Eliwood, Dart, Matthew, Wil, Harken ZM- Sain, Pent, Serra, Vaida, Bartre/Karla, Legault, Renault Serious Bababas- Kent, Erk, Rath, Farina, Dorcas, Rebecca, Guy Horace- Heath, Lowen, Isadora, Canas, Hawkeye, Louise, Karel There were 5 items in your list. Here they are in random order: PKL Shin ZM Serious Bababas General Horace Timestamp: 2012-07-17 22:36:15 UTC [spoiler=Units Remaining]
  11. Drafting: 1. This draft is for 5 players 2. Marth, Arran, Xane, Feena, and Rickard are free for all. My Unit is free for all, but is restricted to Female Mage, Cleric, Myrmidon, Archer, and their promoted counterparts. 3. The game will be played on Hard 1. Rules: 1. Undrafted units may recruit characters, visit houses, trade, and shop. 2. Undrafted units may not do anything not listed above, including but not limited to opening chests/doors and activating Supports. 3. All characters are free for Prologue chapters. However, all drafted characters who are recruitable in the Prologue must be recruited. 4. You are free to reclass undrafted units to whatever you want. 5. All Gaiden chapters must be visited. 6. The game must be played out to the True Ending. Other: 1. Forging, the Rainbow Potion, Lunatic Statboosters and use of Wi-fi features are strictly prohibited. 2. Male Class Set Combination is allowed. 3. Warp may not be used on Marth. Rescue may not be used on Marth by a unit who has been Warped or rescued earlier in the chapter. Hammerne may not be used on Rescue. 4. Use of the Base Arena is allowed. 5. Use of the Clock Bonus is strictly prohibited. Penalties: 1. Undrafted units have a 4-turn penalty, per unit per chapter. Exceptions: 1. Palla is free for Chapter 3. 2. Yubello, Yumina, Ogma and Sirius are free for Chapter 4. 3. Navarre is free for Chapter 7. 4. Merric is free for Chapter 10. 5. Nyna, Maria, Lena and Elice are free for Final. Teams: Lucina- Catria, Cain, Ogma, Malliesia, Etzel, Julian, Malice, Tiki, Nagi, Darros, Roshea, Bantu, Tomas *PKL- Ryan, Sirius, Frey, Yumina, Leiden, Est, Merric, Athena, Dice, Yubello, Samto, Vyland, Ymir Serious Bababas- Luke, Draug, Minerva, Linde, Wrys, Katarina, Norne, Caesar, Radd, Cord, Robert, Astram, Sheema Callum of Iris- Rody, Cecille, Barst, Roger, Gordin, Abel, Ellerean, Horace, Frost, Macellan, Dolph, Midia, Samson SRC- Palla, Caeda, Navarre, Wendell, Belf, Jake, Warren, Jeorge, Michalis, Matthis, Wolf, Bord, Beck [spoiler=Units Remaining] Castor Sedgar
  12. Prologue 4/4 Lol. Chapter 1 2/6 Boyd trades the Highter Band to Ike. Ike equips it and grabs Steel Sword village. Oscar rescues Ike and cantos left of the fighter. Titania equips Iron Axe and take drops Ike in front of her and cantos up. In EP, the enemies left a gap to the left so Oscar was free to get the Seraph Robe. Chapter 2 4/10 Oscar handled the north enemies. Ike took center and ate the robe. Tits murdered boss area. Chapter 3 3/13 Gatrie rescued Shinon. Ike battled the bandits then got the Elixir. Tits obtained the Hand Axe and used it to 3HKO the boss.
  13. Finished #33952 FE7 Support Draft in 140 turns. Sorry for the triple post, but its for a noble cause. Found a typo in the units remaining section of the FE12 Generic Ruleset. It says "Rohsea" instead of "Roshea".
  14. Final: Light Part 1 2/139 Lyn is strong enough to survive Linus and Lloyd. Vaida Brave Lances Uhai and gets a crit. Fiora takes care of the Ursula and Jerme. Pent boltings the siege tome user in Kenneth's room. Athos kills Kenneth and the druid. Hector takes care of Darin and the generic. Oswin trades Pent's Bolting for Elfire so he can counter in EP. In turn 2, Eliwood kills the Basilikos I forgot his name. Lyn finishes off Lloyd. Hector is rescued by Priscilla and he KOs Linus. Pent boltings Ursula. Fiora finishes off Jerme. Vaida kills the last longbow generic. Nils dances Pent. Pent warps Athos and Athos lunas nergal. Final: Light Part 2 1/140 See video. LYN killed DRAGON. Note: The sain and wil battles are from chapter 16 where they are free.
  15. Harpoon is gonna blow it. We all wont tie ;_;
  16. Who wouldve thought boron would pick Rath? So unpredictable man! Its almost like wondering If Im gonna first pick Fiora.
  17. 56 is now the FE10 record lol.
  18. Yeah, it was fun and short :p
  19. This is the first time Ive ever gotten the 1-P 4 turn though. Figures Id get lucky after doing so many Fe10 drafts :p. Hmm, If that hadnt happened I wouldve gotten 57.
  20. Looool, I just noticed, we all tied.
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