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Everything posted by PKL

  1. No, she isnt. Unless you like tinking things.
  2. They're too ridiculous. They deserve it. I bet they can still win with these nerfs, they might not be enough tbh. As for the drafting. Ive made tanith draftable for RD and there are exactly 66 units. 11 for all.
  3. Yeah, it devalues the 3-11 fliers. Idk, I just wanted it to be 4 leftovers instead of 5. Maybe Ill unfree someone else to make it 66. 11 units for all. Sound good? Or maybe, 65 units with tanith not free for RD and 5 players. 13 units for all?
  4. Ive had the opportunity to use both Jill and Oscar. And I can say for certain that Jill>Oscar by a lot. Like, by 13 turns. Marcia beats him by a lot too, more than Jill.
  5. PKL

    Do you like the ruleset?

  6. Did I fix everything that was wrong in the last one? I made a damn good effort of it. I had to ban leftovers though.
  7. Tellius Draft #4: Rules: 1. 5 Participants (4 + myself) will each draft a team to use in PoR (Hard Mode:Fixed Mode) and RD (Normal Mode) with the goal of finishing with the lowest turncount. 2. You may transfer data of this draft play through from PoR to RD. No other transfers may be used. 3. The draft will be done in Hard: Fixed Mode in PoR and Normal Mode in RD. Free Character for all to use: 1. Ike (PoR and RD) 2. Titania (PoR) 3. Sothe (PoR and RD) 4. Micaiah (RD) 5. Geoffrey (PoR and RD) 6. Reyson (PoR and RD) 7. Rafiel (RD) 8. Leanne (RD) 9. Black Knight (RD) 10. Lethran (RD) 11. Tanith (PoR) [spoiler=FE9 ruleset] Drafting: 1. The game will be played on Fixed Hard Mode. Rules: 1. Undrafted units may recruit characters, Rescue and Shove/Smite undrafted characters and NPCs, trade, Escape, and dig up items in the desert. 2. Undrafted units may not do anything not listed above, including but not limited to meatshielding, building Supports, opening Doors and Chests, and Arriving. 3. There are limits to how much BEXP may be used, and this is explained in detail below. 4. Partner and Other units may do as they please without penalty. 5. Defend chapters count the last played Player Phase for turns if the timer is waited out. Penalties: 1. Undrafted units have a 4 turn penalty, per unit per chapter (Chapter 17 counts as 4 chapters). Exceptions: 1. Janaff/Ulki may be used to obtain the Knight Ring if undrafted. They are free to be attacked in EP. They may not perform any other disallowed actions without penalty. BEXP Limits: 1. Use the table below to determine how much BEXP you're allowed to give your units when you're first able to give them BEXP. Characters are listed as either a level (such as 10/--) or an amount (such as 2.xx). You may use BEXP to get them to the level shown or give them the amount shown (Example: 2.xx would mean you're allowed to cap off their current level, then give them 2 more levels). 2. At the beginning of each chapter, you may give your units 50 EXP worth of BEXP. 3. Once you reach Endgame, you may distribute BEXP freely to whomever you wish. Exceptions (PoR): 1. Gatrie and Shinon are free to be attacked in Chapter 7. 2. One of Lethe/Mordecai is free to recruit Zihark if undrafted in Chapter 11. Additional Rules for PoR: 1. Marcia and Jill cannot receive any statboosters until Endgame (including Boots). 2. Marcia and Jill cannot be promoted using a Master Seal. 3. Full Guard is so banned from all use. 4. Marcia and Jill can only receive 25 EXP worth of BEXP per chapter base. PoR BEXP Limits: [spoiler=Table of BEXP limits] Ike: +0.xx Boyd: +0.xx Oscar: +0.xx Rhys: +4.xx Soren: +3.xx Mia: +3.xx Ilyana: +3.xx Rolf: +8.xx Mist: +7.xx Marcia: +0.00 Lethe: +0.00 Mordecai: +0.00 Volke: 12/-- Kieran: 13/-- Brom: 12/-- Nephenee: 10/-- Zihark: +1.xx Sothe: 09/-- Jill: +0.00 Astrid: +5.xx Gatrie: +2.xx Makalov: +3.xx Stefan: +0.00 Tormod: 14/-- Muarim: +0.00 Devdan: +1.xx Tanith: +0.00 Reyson: +0.00 Janaff: --/10 Ulki: --/10 Shinon: +6.xx Calill: --/08 Tauroneo: +1.xx Ranulf: --/12 Haar: +1.xx Lucia: +3.xx Bastian: +3.xx Geoffrey: --/13 Largo: --/10 Elincia: --/07 Ena: --/15 [spoiler=FE10 ruleset] Drafting: 1. The game will be played on Normal Mode. 2. Haar is banned from drafting. Rules: 1. Undrafted units may recruit characters, Rescue and Shove/Smite undrafted characters and NPCs, trade, Escape/Arrive, and transfer items/skills between teams. 2. Undrafted units may not do anything not listed above, including but not limited to meatshielding, building Supports, opening Doors and Chests, finding hidden items, and giving Blood Tide/Night Tide/White Pool bonuses. 3. Allied and Other units may do as they please without penalty. 4. Defend chapters count the last played Player Phase for turns if the timer is waited out. Penalties: 1. Undrafted units have a 4 turn penalty, per unit per chapter (1-6 counts as 2 chapters, and 4-E counts as 5 chapters). Exceptions: 1. One of Edward or Nolan is free for each of 1-P, 1-1 and 1-2. 2. Volug is free for 1-5. 3. Elincia, Marcia and Nealuchi are free for 2-P 4. Nephenee and Brom are free for 2-1. 5. One undrafted, non-Lucia unit is free for 2-2. 6. One undrafted, 7 move unit is free for 3-1. 7. One undrafted, 6 move unit is free for 3-3. [spoiler=Units Remaining] Ahahahaahaha Actually, there are exactly 66 units without free RD tanith. Teams: *PKL: Oscar, Volug, Tanith, Soren, Nealuchi, Laura, Rolf, Sigrun, Ranulf, Giffca, Nasir, Ena, Kurthnaga Serious Bananas: Boyd, Zihark, Mordecai, Ilyana, Janaff, Leonardo, Makalov, Lucia, Volke, Caineghis, Brom, Meg, Kyza Sharpy: Jill, Gatrie, Aran, Elincia, Lethe, Heather, Mist, Muarim, Stefan, Largo, Lyre, Bastian, Oliver Lucina: Marcia, Nolan, Mia, Nephenee, Tormod, Nailah, Fiona, Tibarn, Naesala, Tauroneo, Gareth, Danved, Renning CR-S01: Titania, Edward, Kieran, Astrid, Ulki, Shinon, Rhys, Calill, Skrimir, Haar, Vika, Sanaki, Pelleas http://i1105.photobu...ntrandomorg.png
  8. PKL

    Hosting tellius draft#4 now with tanith free, marcia and jill cannot be BEXP'd in FE9, nor given boots or master seal and they cannot receive statboosters. Delphi shield is also banned haha. So many nerfs.

  9. Like, what is the best course action? These are the options off the top of my head: 1. Ban them 2. Place a bunch of more limits and test them further with these limits to see if other draftees can feasibly beat them. Like, no boots on them, no shoving, no master seal, no BEXP, things like that. 3. Make Tanith or one Marcia/Jill free. So, what do you all think? I personally want to try #2.
  10. PKL

    Hey CR, would you join another one of those awesome Tellius Drafts? If I banned some of the FE9 flier or freed them of course.

  11. Chapter 17-1 2/100 Tormod took on Fighters on the West side. Oscar with Boots got smitten by Mordy and he rushed up with Spear and he ORKO'd everything up there including the Halberdier. Titania and the others handled randoms here and there. Unit Lv Xp HP St Mg sk Sp Lk Df Rs WLv Support Ike 19 16 40 14 4 16 18 12 12 7 Sword B Oscar A Titania B Zihark 3 10 33 15 4 19 22 9 11 3 Sword B Mordecai 5 27 46 24 2 14 12 11 17 7 Mist B Mist 15 30 23 6 13 8 12 14 4 13 Staff C Mordecai B Titania B Oscar 7 24 44 20 7 21 24 12 18 9 Lance B Axe D Ike A Titania 8 30 39 16 5 17 18 14 14 9 Lance C Axe S Ike B Mist B Tormod 15 97 24 3 15 11 13 10 5 13 Fire C Thunder E Wind D Chapter 17-2 4/104 Tormod went left to train while Oscar got shoved by Mordy and went through the swamp. Chapter 17-3 10/114 Trained Tormod to promotion. Spammed staves with Mist. Ike reached Level 20 and Mist reached B staves. Chapter 17-4 3/117 Oscar rushes, gets smitten by Mordecai and kills the Adept Halberdier and then Oliver. Unit Lv Xp HP St Mg sk Sp Lk Df Rs WLv Support Ike 1 00 44 18 7 19 20 13 15 9 Sword B Oscar A Titania B Zihark 4 06 33 15 4 20 23 10 12 3 Sword B Mordecai 6 27 47 24 2 15 13 12 17 7 Mist B Mist 17 88 24 7 14 8 13 15 5 13 Staff B Mordecai B Titania B Oscar 9 89 45 22 7 22 25 12 19 9 Lance B Axe B Ike A Titania 9 03 40 16 6 18 18 15 14 10 Lance C Axe S Ike B Mist B Tormod 2 20 38 6 19 16 17 12 8 18 Fire C Thunder D Wind D Staff E Chapter 18 7/124 Requires a flier to 6 turn this. I tried the Laguz Stone strat Hawk King came up with but I have no flier and there are ravens in Turn 6 that are untransformed and unreachable by Paladins. Unit Lv Xp HP St Mg sk Sp Lk Df Rs WLv Support Ike 2 39 45 18 7 19 20 13 15 9 Sword B Oscar A Titania B Zihark 4 06 33 15 4 20 23 10 12 3 Sword B Mordecai 7 26 49 25 2 15 13 12 18 8 Mist B Mist 19 58 25 7 15 9 14 16 5 14 Staff B Mordecai B Titania A Oscar 12 31 47 23 8 24 26 13 19 10 Lance B Axe B Ike A Titania 10 09 41 17 6 18 19 15 15 10 Lance C Axe S Ike B Mist A Tormod 4 76 39 7 22 16 18 13 9 19 Fire C Thunder C Wind D Staff E Reyson 3 60 22 1 10 11 14 15 2 20 Flight is starting to look extremely OP. I miss the Chapter 19 1 turn by 1 tile that flight would solve and another turn in 18 where flight could have shaved the turn...ban marcia and jill! or like, make tanith free or something.
  12. I only counted Mordecai because hes like, a sub-boss. Should Zihark count in that case?
  13. F U ALL, Ill pick Saleh. Eirika solo
  14. I should be able to start playing 2 days from now. Do you guys want to substract points from me? Even though it wasnt under my control? :S Btw, to make up for the wait, Im going to play all of Part 3 and a bit of Part 4 asap.
  15. Your turn again in FE11.

  16. I CBF'd to do Prologue 8 right now. So: [spoiler=Female Mage] Female Mage Name: Aqua Bases HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res 18 3 4 6 6 3 2 3 Growths HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res 80 25 55 55 50 60 5 20 Prologue 1 4/4 MU gets like 2HKO'd by everything, so she constantly has to vulnerary. Unit Lv Xp HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res WLv Aqua 2 70 19 3 5 7 6 4 2 4 Tome D Prologue 2 3/7 Aqua and Ryan sit on forts in Turn 1. Aqua gets attacked by Luke. Fort heals her. Ryan attacks Luke and stays in range of Rody to lure him. MU finishes off Luke and remains in the fort. Rody attacks Ryan. Fort heals Aqua. Ryan chips Rody, Aqua attacks Rody and then he SDs on EP. Unit Lv Xp HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res WLv Aqua 3 50 19 4 6 8 7 5 2 5 Tome D Prologue 3 3/10 Easy stuff. MU sits on fort. Rody lures a fighter to him. MU 2hkos the merc. Then, Luke lures the other fighter and Rody heals and lures Caeda. Ryan snipes Caeda. MU and Luke tag team the last fighter. Unit Lv Xp HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res WLv Aqua 4 00 19 4 7 8 8 6 2 6 Tome D Prologue 4 Athena Route 3/13 I got a 2 turn in my first try but it was due to luck (crits with MU) that I wasnt counting on, so I dropped it. Instead I got a 3 turn. Fed Athena to Caeda. Unit Lv Xp HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res WLv Aqua 4 76 19 4 7 8 8 6 2 6 Tome D Prologue 5 2/15 MU Athena and Caeda teamed up on the boss. Pretty simple chapter. Unit Lv Xp HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res WLv Aqua 5 26 20 4 8 8 8 7 2 6 Tome D Prologue 6 Draug Route 1/16 Athena kills north soldier. Merric kills Archer. Cecille chips the soldier and ryan trades Steel Bow and kills him. Caeda KOs the mage. MU weakens Draug and he SDs on MU in EP. Unit Lv Xp HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res WLv Aqua 5 89 20 4 8 8 8 7 2 6 Tome D Prologue 7 Cain Route 2/18 Caeda goes up and kills the archer. MU ORKOs the west armor. Athena full moves west. All the cavaliers go up. Next, Luke weakens Cain. Caeda too. Cecille finishes him off with Steel Sword. Athena KOs the archer. Rody stands next to Cecille and uses a vulnerary to block the myrmidon from attacking her. MU elfires the myrmidon. In EP, the armor dies to MU and the myrmidon dies on Athena. Unit Lv Xp HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res WLv Aqua 6 59 20 5 8 8 8 7 2 6 Tome c Prologue 8 3/21 This took a lot of time to figure out. Mage MU is pretty bad haha, but not as bad as ARCHER. Anyway, Base Cecil is OHKO'd by Katarina I used this to my advantage and let her die. This lured Katarina but didnt intrudge the thieves from suiciding on Caeda in EP. I then sacrifice Rody to weaken stuff. Kill more things. MU chips Katarina and Athena finishes her off. Units Deployed: Marth My Unit Caeda Athena Cain Cecille Rody Ryan Unit Lv Xp HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res WLv Aqua 6 90 20 5 8 8 8 7 2 6 Tome C
  17. I have no clue what to pick other than beowulf so ill just go with what sharlow told me to pick. Beowulf and Tristan.
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