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Everything posted by PKL

  1. [spoiler=Chapter 7] I'm back for more. Last time, I met 5 incompetent characters called Frey Norne Samto Radd and Caesar and defeated that bulky bastard Lang thanks to the magic of Hax spear. In this one, I find that a dancer that gets OHKO'd and doubled and an incompetent swordsman called Navarre are surrounded by thieves with awesome loot. Whatever will I do? Well, first I promote Palla. She's yummy. Her stats, I mean! Reclassed Sirius to Dracoknight and Caeda to Peggie. Undeployed Radd and Caesar, obviously. Not much else, except give RP to palla so she can handle the boss. Here we have Navarre, hes nothing special. He barely escapes getting doubled by the thieves and gets 2HKO'd. He also 2HKOs them and has a chance to OHKO with KE, which is better than most characters can claim. And this here is Feena. She's lovely. Dances, shaves turns and doesnt afraid of...ok, actually, she gets OHKO'd or ORKO'd by everything but that doesnt matter since Im not bad enough to put her in combat! At least, I would like to think so. The Chapter 7 boss looks pretty intimidating, but Palla can handle him, specially with a barrier/ pure water boost. Navarre cleanly 2HKOs the thief next to them with Killing Edge and might OHKO if he gets a crit off. As shown in this picture, there is a safe spot that Feena can move to and dance Navarre so he can finish the thief off. The thief right next to her wont aggro her, he will instead run off with the Master Seal he is carrying. Palla gets Barrier'd so she can take on the boss later on. Palla weakens this thief. This is how my fliers end the turn. This fire dragon has 20 spd. So ridiculous. Thief suicides on Sirius. Catria weakens this thief... And Caeda kills it. Why does Caeda have more str than Catria atm? :( CURSE YOU, CATRIA! Sirius OHKOs this thief thanks to Silver Lance, Rainbow Pot and the str shard. Palla moves up and gets danced by Feena... And kills this hunter with Iron Lance <3. Marth moves up towards the forest. Now its time for MU, Ryan and Luke to tag team the dragon. He is scary isnt he? My Unit attacks first and does 15 damage to him... Now Luke attacks him with Steel Sword for 12 damage... And Ryan finishes him off because he would get doubled, otherwise. I could have risked it and had Luke use Devil sword then Ryan uses the bow forge, saving My Unit some HP, but i didnt want to risk devil hitting hitting Luke for something so trivial. Malicia moves towards the injured people so she can heal them. Caeda is going to weaken the thief this time so Catria is fed the kill... But she instead crits him >_> Marth moves up to this spot and Feena dances him from the north. Sirius weakens this thief then... and Catria does get the kill this time >_> Marth moves up again. The three guys move here so as to get the physic and guard against possible reinforcements. Speaking of reinforcements, they spawned now. And they sure dont look as nice as in H1... Ryan gets me the Physic. MU moves here and gets healed again. Malicia is out of range. Im worried about this guy. So, Im going to highlight him. Marth moves up 2 squares and gets danced again. Palla cleanly 2HKOs boss with Iron Lance but... She attacks the hunter first instead so he isnt a threat to my fliers anymore. Kill this other hunter with Catria. This thief gets weakened by Caeda... and marth gets the kill...that couldve gone horribly wrong. Sirius goes up so he can at least get the Wo Dao next turn. My Unit gets attacked by this cav and she crits him...and gets str skl lck. Oh well. Malicia trades Rescue to My Unit and uses Hammerne on it... and gets this level. Not bad. My Unit can take one more hit without healing, so good. Luke finishes off the cavalier. Sirius OHKOs this thief for the Wo Dao... Awesome! Definetely makes up for your last level Catria kills the bolganone mage reinforcement... or not, but feena dances her and she tries again and succeeds. Nice, she reached Silver Lances. Maybe she will pull her weight now. Since Palla OHKOs the boss thief even with javelin, I decided to just give Caeda a bit more exp but not the boss kill because its impossible. Shes at no risk of death anyway. Palla finishes him off... I LOVE YOU PALLA. Wait, why are you getting spd? And thats it, Marth seizes for a 5 turn clear before things get ugly. Im sad that I couldnt get the free robe, but hey, theres still the Lunatic statboosters If I need them. I also missed the Master Seal. Rainbow Pots used: Palla Sirius Remaining uses: 50 Funds: 17790G Bought: Nothing Sold: Nothing Resources: None
  2. I can confirm that Boots Oscar can 4 turn chapter 23. Though my strat required Rescue Mist, Smite Mordecai, Smite Ranulf and Titania to give Ike to him. It was in a draft. Its possible but its a lot harder than with jill/marcia.Pretty sure chapter 28 cant be 3 turned with oscar btw. For reasons you yourself stated Aeine. The best I got was 4 turns in the draft because of the tigers.
  3. That was SB's and Horace's idea.:p
  4. Ugh, eclipse, I did it the first time with a terrible Ewan over the span of 8 turns. I just deployed undrafted Franz to trade around a vulnerary to him when neccesary and the guiding ring so he could promote. He CAN get the energy ring in 8 turns, rennac cant due to his starting positiong. An energy ring>Rennac because it gives 1 more warp range. And lets not go into the fact that solo'ing that room for the energy ring saves turns in its own way since it allows your other drafted units to charge the other place to the throne...Anyway, ive drafted both, ewan like 3 times and 2 with rennac. Rennac was always awful aside from getting warp, which he can already do undrafted. And ewan, even the time he was meh, was very useful in 14, 15 (against the pegs) and in 18 due to his high move.
  5. He is killing them off in one round, Im pretty sure since Ive done it. If not, he has a lot of turns to do so. the map takes 8 turns with secret shop. And the cavaliers dont reach him before then. NPC Rennac is the same as drafted rennac since he opens the door and gets Hammerne anyway. Theres no benefit to drafting him in the chapter. Hes not helping beat the chapter faster at all, since its always 8 turns with secret shop or 7 without. Pure water Ewan has a lot of res, so the mages wont even touch him. Remember, hes going to be 10/5 to 10/7 by then due to the 10/5 rule. The armors dont even move and he can just grab the energy ring safely in the last turn, avoiding the longbow archers completely. As for your last point, hes sitting on a forest. You'd be surprised at how bad the hitrates can get specially against the pegknights.
  6. Caesar for Hawk King. Horace and Elice. Dolph for Hawk King.
  7. Dropping a Mage Knight Ewan down south so he can kill enemies with 1-2 range is something Rennac cant do though. Rennac never has good 1-2 range so even if he can tank mages, hes going to have to pick them off 1 by 1 in PP, costing turns possibly. Ive used both and while Rennac @ Kiling Edge is certainly nice ocasionally in player phase, he tended to be lackluster aside from the desert. Disarming traps is something that pales in comparison (and is rarely useful when you can just warp units up and skip them completely) to taking down eggs in that chapter with higher move. Lets not forget he has canto and can ferry stuff. And can have access to excalibur. Also, 10/13/1 Ewan is a better estimate for desert, considering he gets free training in chapter 14 getting the energy ring. Ewan @ pure water and a chest key can grab it without any problems whatsoever in a reasonable timeframe and he gets a bunch of CEXP there. If Ewan isnt being dropped south, he can take care of the pegs by sitting on a forest and they will have trouble even hitting him. Thanks to his 1-2 range, he can help speed up the chapter that way too. So, Ewan can get an Energy Ring. Has 1-2 range so superior enemy phase offense despite his defenses and can contribute in better ways in chapter 18. How is Rennac > Ewan?
  8. With the 10/5 rule, Ewan can promote by then, very easily. Ive dropped Mage Knight Ewan in a forest south of there and he ORKO'd everything except the ranger and was facing between 10-20% display hits. He's > Rennac in my experience.
  9. Wolf and Chainey. Even though I feel I dont really need more characters...
  10. I consider him the best too. But, I just did a draft with him so I didnt pick him. and picking Abel and him would be a troll move at best that would backfire.
  11. Haha. This is going to be so fun, yet so unbalanced in a funny way. Also, Lena is on the units list. Abel and Bord.
  12. Yeah, I got it with Merlinus lol.
  13. Chapter 1 4/4 Marcus carries Roy and uses Silver Lance on everything to open the way. He drops Roy behind him and then ORKOs boss with silver lance. Wolt trained a bit. Unit Lv Xp HP Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res WLv Supports Roy 1 30 18 5 5 7 7 5 0 Sword D Marcus 1 34 32 9 14 11 10 9 8 Sword D Axe E Lance A Wolt 1 62 18 4 4 5 2 4 0 Bow D Chapter 2 5/9 Marcus Roy and Wolt first team up on enemies near them, then Marcus lift Eliwood and gives him to Thany who then goes up and drops him in a forest in the boss area. Marcus rushes while Lott helps open the way and Marcus gets a crit on the boss. Roy then seizes. Unit Lv Xp HP Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res WLv Supports Roy 1 87 18 5 5 7 7 5 0 Sword D Marcus 1 69 32 9 14 11 10 9 8 Sword D Axe E Lance A Wolf 2 65 18 4 4 5 2 4 1 Bow D Lott 5 11 31 7 7 8 3 4 1 Axe D Thany 1 74 17 4 6 12 5 6 5 Lance D I have no idea what Im doing.
  14. I dont think it would affect the teams...but ok, if you say so.
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