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Everything posted by PKL

  1. Im not talking from experience. If it was from experience, I would say PK is pretty good. But, she 8 base spd and 70% growth or 10 spd base and 55% growth. Caeda doubles everything much more reliably than a pegknight. PK MU misses a lot of of doubles ocasionally if she doesnt get those spd procs. Which is what Im trying to say. She wont match caeda's spd at all, due to how little amount of levels she is going to be gaining. And Caeda is an amazing prologue character, not because she can ORKO, but because she has the highest damage output out of anyone due to her doubling. I guess a spd blessed MU could be called a second caeda, but thats nowhere near as broken as cavalier or fighter. Seriously, if theres any game where I know what Im talking about, I would expect it to be FE12.
  2. I wouldnt know how to do that since Im still getting started and all. But Im willing to put the time to learn. Could you PM me with an simple explanation of what I have to do?
  3. Not as bad as archer, mage and armor knight I hope.
  4. I was editing Ch3's chests with chest editor and erased everything. It seems that I accidentally also erased something related to Eirika seizing and now nothing will happen when i choose the seize option. Help?
  5. I dont see how cavalier getting str in 4 levels out of 5 ever helped though. I dont think it ever cut turns. If anything my cavalier MU was too bad to 2 turn P8. PegKnight MU would require untold amounts of rigging, lets not go overboard and claim shes broken because she can theoretically gain str in every level and break prologue. Like, seriously, why would you ever argue something like this? "Warren can get str and spd on every level and break the rest of the game" is how you are sounding, tbh. Also, remember that a pegknight MU with no rigging comes out of prologue probably not ORKO'ing, in axelandia and hunterlandia. The most she will do is like, getting the bullion and maybe getting a shot at lorenz, which already any MU can do. Cavalier MU isnt even comparable in the main game since he/she will actually have durability and WTA + doubling to own the rest of the game. He can actually trivialize earlygame so much as to completely mitigate the need for earlygame dudes. I think youre too stubborn on pegknight MU since the pegknight draft so I wont even bother anymore. You've clearly set your mind on it and wont listen to what I have to say.
  6. This is what I thought too. Too many soldiers.
  7. Well, myrm is also broken if you rig but should we penalize them and ban them because theres the possibility of rigging? :/ Cavalier and Fighter are so OP they dont even need rigging lol. AK seems fine, other than the fact that he trivialize damage completely. But he seems very mediocre at turn shaving.
  8. PKL

    Chapter 3 problem

    Can anyone give me the normal FE8 values for that chapter? I doubt chests 1-4 have anything to do with it. I put a physical wind sword in one, a goddes icon and a secret book. The lower one has a torch staff. But, I also erased the rest thinking they werent anything important...now even the doors wont open. Oh God . This is what happens when a noob experiments too much...
  9. I was editing chests and this happened. Wtf have I done? First, it froze when I tried seizing, then it wont show up the seize option anymore...
  10. Im using the character editor, actually. Does that have to do with it?
  11. Whenever I edit a character and put X level. Lets say, Vanessa Level 7. She appears Level 1 when I actually play. What am I doing wrong? The bases and everything else works fine.
  12. ^ P8 2 turn? We were tied everywhere else.
  13. The rules seem a lot better now. Huge improvement. Looking forward to see how this turns out.
  14. Derp my bad. But its still going to hurt if Caellach hits :p
  15. Oh God...now even the laguz are being called sues. Will ppl ever stop using that term?
  16. 13x2+14 = 40 +20 from forest = 60. Pegknights have around 80 hit. How is that not 20ish? Even that ewan can ORKO pegknights with thunder im pretty sure. The thing is, in drafts, you know you have a low amount of units. Not having to send some of those other units for the energy ring could be argued as good utiltity because the others can focus on the objective and completely ignore ewan. Ive never had trouble, even with an average ewan, to rout that room and get the energy ring in time. He might not be the only one who can do this, but its still enough to mean more than undrafted rennac getting 2 items. He doesnt do anything if drafted other than that. Undrafted rennac can also get the warp just fine or boots and nothing else is required for that chapter. Drafting rennac can actually make obtaining warp and/or boots harder depending on your team too, since you wont be able to ferry him around and hes horrible against the pegknight reinforcements. Meanwhile, Ewan is ORKO'ing them and facing low hit from them and can contribute by chipping and summoning if you choose that. I guess Drafted Rennac has a niche in stealing the Hoplon Guard and finding the warp in the same turn, but thats too unreliable for my tastes. If your Killer critter character doesnt crit, Rennac is in for a world of hurt, since caellach has crit on him. Btw, its very easy to get Ewan 2 kills in the span of 2 turns of ch13. Hes going to be 10/6 after that. And can get out of ch14 with 10/12/1. Its rather easy to do. Im talking from experience. You however, arent, since you have never drafted Ewan. Also, you shouldnt take everything I say seriously. I draft Saleh almost first pick all the time and no one in their right mind would compare their combat. I was just trolling lol. But I AM serious when i say Ewan>Rennac
  17. As ridiculous as saleh doing it? I dont see what the problem is. He faces 20ish hitrates for God's sake and obviously, youre not gonna expose him too much. Would rennac do it any better?
  18. Ah, I will fix it now. And It was more like, wondering why shes getting so much spd. Im definetely not complaining :p.
  19. Played fuzz and beat him. too lazy for details.
  20. Its not absurd when youre comparing him to Rennac, who wont be able to reach it in time though. The point is, that he can get the ch14 eirika energy ring at 10/6 or so. Rennac cant. He also can go summoner or mage knight and have 1-2 range. Tell me, when does rennac ever get 1-2 range?
  21. And I agree. I personally think joshua is one of the worst draftees. Simply because he forces one of: 1. Drafting Natasha, not always going to happen 2. Slowing down to recruit him. This is bad, because he never pays off for those turns. 3. Taking a Natasha penalty which is awful
  22. Vanessa would never be able to kill Tirado...ever, unless you are Knight of Titania. Same with Colm. Theres no way, even with armorslayer, that he could win against tirado. And forde kyle? Stop kidding yourself.<br><br>@Hawk king- ive never tried summoner ewan for fear of worse combat (dark magic sucks) is he really better?<br><br>@sharpy again- And you are also very wrong if you think bosskilling isnt neccesary. Caellach, valter, orson, Tirado, that guy in eph route ch10, riev, morva, lyon himself. All of them say HI
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