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Everything posted by PKL

  1. Wow you guys were fast o_O. Now we wait until sal appears or 24 hours :/. @Passive knight- There's catria dude...do u really want malliesia?
  2. Screw it, he wont be here in time so I RNG'd Sal and he got Gordin.It couldve been a lot worse lol.
  3. I PM'd him saying that exact same thing :/. It is first round...so idk, maybe we should do what horace says and give him auto catria/draug if only to preserve the balance of the draft. Things can get messy with a first pick ymir or something like that...
  4. Yeah, I will RNG him in 3:12 hours from now. If im not on, wen/horace please RNG him.
  5. Chapter 11 6/59 Man this was surprisingly more difficult than ever with the absence of a sage My Unit. Arran sucks and needed to be guarded from enemy fire. Thankfully, I have 4 dracos that double so I could do it. I also got all the loot. I didnt recruit Jake because it was either the Arms Scroll or him in the last turn and I chose the Arms scroll. Unit Class Lv Xp HP St Mg Sk Sp Lk Df Rs WLv Marth Lord 12 98 40 13 0 16 16 15 10 0 Sword C Mia Mage 18 59 36 11 13 13 16 14 10 5 Tome D Cord Pirate 9 57 25 14 0 8 17 11 7 0 Axe D Sirius Dracoknight 7 44 31 19 1 17 19 8 17 3 Lance A Axe D Caeda Dracoknight 6 96 37 21 1 26 23 23 19 6 Lance B Axe E Feena Dancer 4 35 18 3 0 4 15 11 5 0 Sword E Cain Dracoknight 1 82 38 18 1 19 18 12 17 3 Lance C Axe E Ryan Dracoknight 9 04 42 26 1 25 23 13 23 5 Lance B Axe D Wrys Curate 15 71 21 0 5 13 12 9 3 13 Staff C Arran Bishop 6 47 26 4 3 11 8 4 5 10 Tome E Staff C Merric Mage 12 35 25 0 8 8 12 8 7 5 Tome D Chapter 12 5/64 Arena'd Marth before the chapter. I also feed him defensive boosters so he can hold his own in this chapter. I also promoted Mia to Falcoknight finally and Arena'd Cord as a Pirate and promoted him. I deployed units to plug forts, the rest went straight ahead with Mia leading the charge to get as much CEXP as possible to catch up. Caeda goes for the Piscis shard. My team is a bit overkill...and Maturity Drop Marth's stats are OP. Unit Class Lv Xp HP St Mg Sk Sp Lk Df Rs WLv Marth Lord 24 18 60 22 2 23 25 25 19 2 Sword C Mia Falcoknight 5 87 42 20 15 22 25 16 15 11 Sword B Lance D Cord FortplugDraco 1 00 30 17 1 13 19 13 13 3 Lance D Axe D Sirius Dracoknight 8 43 32 20 1 17 20 8 17 3 Lance A Axe D Caeda Paladin 8 75 41 22 1 27 25 24 17 9 Sword E Lance B Feena Dancer 5 20 19 3 0 5 16 12 5 0 Sword E Cain Dracoknight 3 17 40 19 1 21 20 14 17 5 Lance C Axe E Ryan Paladin 9 38 44 25 1 25 23 13 21 8 Sword E Lance B Wrys Curate 16 92 21 0 5 14 12 9 3 13 Staff C Arran Dracoknight fortplug Minerva Paladin fortplug Chapter 13 4/68 Marth gets danced by Feena in Turn 1 and rushes. My fliers and zerker ryan escort him. Ryan ORKO'd the Ice Dragon boss with the Devil axe. Cain got me the Dragonpike from the thief. Cord and Sirius stayed behind to help my squishies. Unit Class Lv Xp HP St Mg Sk Sp Lk Df Rs WLv Marth Lord 24 18 60 22 2 23 25 25 19 2 Sword C Mia Falcoknight 8 61 45 21 15 25 26 17 15 13 Sword B Lance D Cord Dracoknight 2 13 30 17 1 14 19 13 13 3 Lance D Axe D Sirius Dracoknight 9 54 33 21 1 17 21 9 18 3 Lance A Axe D Caeda Dracoknight 10 89 40 25 1 26 23 26 20 8 Lance B Axe E Feena Dancer 5 88 19 3 0 5 16 12 5 0 Sword E Cain Dracoknight 4 45 41 19 1 22 21 14 17 5 Lance C Axe E Ryan Berserker 10 46 47 28 0 23 26 13 19 2 Axe D Wrys Curate 17 77 22 0 5 15 13 9 3 13 Staff B Arran Bishop 6 71 26 4 3 11 8 4 5 10 Tome E Staff C Merric Mage 13 47 26 0 9 9 12 9 7 5 Tome D Chapter 13x 2/70 Marth goes for the Iote after Feena dances him and he makes sure to reveal the ballistae to the left with his movement. I kill the bandit and ballistae to the left and have Mia guard Feena from the last bandit. Sirius kills a ballistae to the right and Ryan full moves with a Hand Axe equipped and KOs a bandit. Ryan kills Kleine and everyone foolish enough to go after him. Next, Marth gets the Iote Shield. Mia reveals the ballistae to the north. Cain attacks it with Iron Lance, Feena dances him and he KOs it. Sirius full moves west and Ryan ORKOs the last ballistae with a Hand Axe. Unit Class Lv Xp HP St Mg Sk Sp Lk Df Rs WLv Marth Lord 24 18 60 22 2 23 25 25 19 2 Sword C Mia Falcoknight 8 61 45 21 15 25 26 17 15 13 Sword B Lance D Sirius Paladin 9 71 35 20 1 17 21 9 16 6 Sword B Lance A Caeda Paladin 11 03 43 24 1 28 25 25 18 9 Sword E Lance B Feena Dancer 6 21 19 4 0 6 17 13 6 1 Sword E Cain Paladin 5 36 44 19 1 23 22 15 15 8 Sword C Lance C Ryan Berserker 11 55 48 29 0 24 27 14 20 2 Axe C
  6. Dat Rules (borrowed/stolen from Integrity) - Ratings are assumed to be on Hard 1 Mode. - Votes need some explanation regarding their gameplay performance to be counted. If somebody else said what you want to already, quote them explicitly. +/- ≤1 point extra regarding personality/appearance is encouraged, but no more. If you exercise your bias privileges, please do so explicitly. Also, if your vote is already a 10/10 or greater than 9 and you give a full point of bias, The score may not exceed 10! - Numerical votes out of 10, or something proportional to it. Make it easy to calculate for my sake. - Every ranking phase ends from 2100 to 2200 EST. Every ranking phase starts from 2200 EST to 2300 EST. Do the math if you are in another timezone! - I will insist you do not use the "Not X" reason on any character, where X is another unit. If you do, your vote will be thrown out. - "Recruits X" or "takes you to X chapter" arguments are explicitly banned. C'mon, people, this shouldn't need to be a rule. That's not gameplay performance. - Assume that the character in question is being recruited. - Similar to the "Recruits X" rule, do not use "He Comes with a Free Ridersbane" as an argument. - Rate the character based on his/her performance without the Rainbow Potion, Maturity Drop or Bond Drop - I withhold the privilege to tell you your rating is bogus and demand you revise it if it breaks any of the above. I will not throw out votes anonymously, you will be informed and given a chance to revise. Averages: Yubello: 1.52 Norne: 2.28 Rickard: 2.72 Samto: 2.90 Wrys: 3.00 Bord: 3.25 Matthis: 3.60 Radd: 3.64 Cord: 3.83 Warren: 4.35 Caesar: 4.87 Castor: 5.62 Linde: 6.27 Gordin: 6.33 Arran: 6.62 Frey: 6.87 Cecil: 7.21 Ryan: 7.71 Wendell: 7.83 Barst: 7.87 Julian: 7.95 Draug: 8.14 : 8.15Yumina: 8.20 Rody: 8.43 Luke: 8.56 Marth: 8.70 Ogma: 9.00 Sirius: 9.31 Malliesia: 9.50 Catria: 9.73 Palla: 9.86 My Unit: 9.99 Im too lazy to tally Radd.
  7. Well, id say barst should go fighter->Hero since it gives him more move and spd. Wolf should either be hero or general. Abel should promote into a paladin/draco. As for when to promote, i usually find myself needing to promote caeda in ch11 as soon as a i get a master seal. Her level can be 14-20 by that point depending on how much you used her.
  8. Well, the same can be said of any unit, including luke. If luke gets spd screwed in prologue, he wont double in chapter 1 and u will probably lose 1 turn. Ryan not proc'ing spd is rare enough that it doesnt matter, and he gets +2 spd from cavalier reclassing. He needs 9 spd + cavalier reclass to double in ch 1, or 7 spd + 4 from pirate, although i dont recommend making him pirate that early. He has questionable durability at that point as a pirate and probably wont be able to solo ch 1 because of that. There's also myrmidon for overkill speed and WTA as a last resort, if he got overly spd screwed. Make him a pirate in ch3 and send him UP, the water gives him +20 avo and hes very likely to have built enough str to ORKO those dracoknights. The fun starts here, he gets like 3 levels from those dracos alone and is ready for promotion next chapter. You also get a master seal in ch3 if u sent palla to the dracos. After promotion into dracoknight, hes pretty much invincible...and he can go paladin, dracoknight or berserker depending on the situation. Hes very versatile.
  9. Rescue staff on wings. But dat availability. 4.5/10
  10. Time to try something new! Ive had ryan in every draft so im going to pick someone else. Rody. Updated teams: Wen- Luke. Me- Rody. Its eclipse's turn.
  11. Well seeing as how wen still hasnt picked and its just a matter of making nagi free again so everyone gets 11 units...i can add you. Someone should do cavalier MU lulz. EDIT: Horace is in and he agreed to be put in last place instead of re-randomizing the order. Now we keep waiting for Wen :p.
  12. I say none of the 2 because dont play Fe6, its bad for you.
  13. Chapter 7 5/42 Navarre kills 2 Thieves with help from Feena. Marth charges through the forest. Mia goes for the Dragon and later battles reinforcements. Cord got me the Physic. Caeda Ryan and Sirius kill the thieves. In the last turn, I had Ryan kill Astram for his Mercurius and Sirius chipped a random hero for a levelup. Marth got a thief kill with the Devil Sword and got an awesome levelup. Feena even got to chip a thief in EP 1 lol. Unit Class Lv Xp HP St Mg Sk Sp Lk Df Rs WLv Marth Lord 10 42 30 11 0 14 14 13 9 0 Sword D Mia Mage 15 50 33 11 11 13 13 11 9 4 Tome D Ryan Dracoknight 5 59 40 25 1 23 21 11 21 5 Lance C Axe D Cord Pirate 6 82 22 12 0 7 14 9 6 0 Axe D Wrys Curate 11 39 19 0 5 11 10 7 3 11 Staff C Sirius Dracoknight 4 04 29 16 1 16 16 6 15 3 Lance A Axe E Caeda Peg Knight 14 10 27 11 2 17 20 20 12 9 Lance C Radd Myrmidon 5 22 22 5 0 10 13 1 5 0 Sword C Arran Bishop 5 10 26 4 3 10 8 4 5 10 Tome E Staff D Warren Hunter 4 02 24 9 0 7 9 2 4 0 Bow D Navarre Myrmidon 9 97 24 10 0 16 17 7 9 0 Sword C Feena Dancer 1 97 16 2 0 2 13 8 5 0 Sword E Chapter 8 3/45 Ryan goes for the boss. Caeda (who was arena'd as a cavalier) goes for the Arms Scroll. The others train. Unit Class Lv Xp HP St Mg Sk Sp Lk Df Rs WLv Marth Lord 11 69 39 12 0 15 15 14 10 0 Sword D Mia Myrmidon 15 68 33 14 8 20 20 11 11 1 Sword C Ryan Paladin 6 12 43 25 1 23 22 11 19 8 Sword E Lance C Cord Pirate 7 74 23 13 0 8 15 10 6 0 Axe D Wrys Curate 12 15 19 0 5 11 11 8 3 11 Staff C Sirius Dracoknight 4 14 29 16 1 16 16 6 15 3 Lance A Axe E Caeda Dracoknight 2 69 36 18 1 22 22 21 18 6 Lance C Axe E Arran Bishop 5 10 26 4 3 10 8 4 5 10 Tome E Staff C Warren benched Navarre Myrmidon 10 57 25 10 0 16 18 7 9 0 Sword C Feena Dancer 2 48 17 3 0 3 14 9 5 0 Sword E Cain Cavalier 10 56 28 11 0 10 11 5 12 0 Sword C Lance D Chapter 9 5/50 Sirius gets the Thief staff and sends it to the Convoy. Arran retrieves it and uses it on the boots. He sends the boots to the convoy. Marth full moves east and uses the boots. Feena dances him and he rushes to Minerva's village. Wrys is protected by Caeda Ryan and Mia, who pwn everything in sight. They do it so fast that I have time to send Ryan to the arena and he wins 3 consecutive times. Mmmm money. Sirius also visits the Arena in the last turn and wins 2 times before he has to retreat. I decide not to buy anything from the shops since what I want (1-2 range) isnt available :/. Unit Class Lv Xp HP St Mg Sk Sp Lk Df Rs WLv Marth Lord 11 69 39 12 0 15 15 14 10 0 Sword D Mia Mage 16 79 34 11 12 13 14 12 10 4 Tome D Ryan Dracoknight 7 84 41 26 1 23 23 12 21 5 Lance B Axe D Cord Pirate 8 21 24 13 0 8 16 10 7 0 Axe D Wrys Curate 13 50 20 0 5 11 11 8 3 11 Staff C Sirius Dracoknight 5 10 29 17 1 16 16 7 15 3 Lance A Axe E Caeda Dracoknight 4 14 36 19 1 24 23 22 18 6 Lance B Axe E Arran Bishop 6 04 26 4 3 11 8 4 5 10 Tome E Staff C Warren Hunter 4 29 24 9 0 7 9 2 4 0 Bow D Navarre Myrmidon 10 70 25 10 0 16 18 7 9 0 Sword C Feena Dancer 2 99 17 3 0 3 14 9 5 0 Sword E Cain Cavalier 11 66 29 11 0 11 12 6 13 0 Sword C Lance D Chapter 10 2/52 Merric blicks Ellerean. Cain trains in the east. Navarre takes the west. Caeda rushes and takes the sniper like a boss. She wasnt targetted by the Shaver mages thanks to my decoys :p. Cain was trained as a pirate in the base arena before the chapter. Mia used the Thief staff on the Silence staff. Unit Class Lv Xp HP St Mg Sk Sp Lk Df Rs WLv Marth Lord 11 69 39 12 0 15 15 14 10 0 Sword D Mia Cleric 17 51 35 11 10 13 15 13 9 10 Staff E Ryan Dracoknight 8 10 42 26 1 24 23 12 22 5 Lance B Axe D Cord Pirate 9 57 25 14 0 8 17 11 7 0 Axe D Wrys Curate 13 87 20 0 5 11 11 8 3 11 Staff C Sirius Dracoknight 5 24 29 17 1 16 16 7 15 3 Lance A Axe E Caeda Dracoknight 4 72 36 19 1 24 23 22 18 6 Lance B Axe E Arran Bishop 6 23 26 4 3 11 8 4 5 10 Tome E Staff C Warren Benched Navarre Myrmidon 11 00 26 10 0 17 19 7 10 0 Sword C Feena Dancer 3 33 18 3 0 3 14 10 5 0 Sword E Cain Cavalier 16 46 34 14 0 15 15 11 13 0 Sword C Lance D Merric Mage 11 23 24 0 8 7 11 7 7 5 Tome D Chapter 10x 1/53 Caeda GOES UP and kills Roro. Unit Class Lv Xp HP St Mg Sk Sp Lk Df Rs WLv Marth Lord 12 16 40 13 0 16 16 15 10 0 Sword D Mia Cleric 17 64 35 11 10 13 15 13 9 10 Staff E Cord Pirate 9 57 25 14 0 8 17 11 7 0 Axe D Sirius Dracoknight 5 33 29 17 1 16 16 7 15 3 Lance A Axe E Caeda Paladin 5 25 39 19 1 25 24 22 17 9 Sword E Lance B Feena Dancer 3 50 18 3 0 3 14 10 5 0 Sword E Cain Cavalier 16 76 34 14 0 15 15 11 13 0 Sword C Lance D IMO Mage>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Myrmidon MU. Yet myrmidon MU is banned but mage isnt...>_>. I shouldve just gone mage MU from the start, im kinda regretting it now that I have such an awful tome rank and staff rank.
  14. You are up first in the peg.knight FE12 draft. Feel free to leave me a list for next round :P.

  15. That's a good idea Sal. Ill let you all decide if you want to be assigned a MU for testing or if you want to choose and to hell with testing. I call dibs on Pegasus Knight because of my name . I pity the guy/gal that gets archer... @ Wen- yeah, cav MU is pretty OP :p. I never did finish that draft and i even erased the save because I forgot to buy door keys and chapter 15 was extremely annoying haha. But ill get to it someday. EDIT: Randomized the order. 1. Wen 2. Me 3. Clipsey 4. Sal 5. Passive Knight Have at it! And make sure to tell me if you want to choose your My Unit or if you want to be assigned one at random/pick one of the 6 for testing (but cannot repeat an already chosen MU)
  16. Ah, cool. I didnt know u had come up with it too lol.
  17. Alright wen, ur in. Lowering this to 5 players so we only need 1 more. Hopefully, another person will join...
  18. <strike>Wendell is horrible</strike>. Wendell cant SOLO H1 UNLIKE RYAN AND CECIL . Radd is...eh. I like to use him a lot but maaaaan, he takes so much effort! Those bases...At least he has a good sword rank unlike FE11 and he has good growths and lots of potential. Getting him to that potential is hard though, and usually not worth it. 3/10 +1 bias makes that 4/10
  19. None of the 3. Just have ike ORKO him with resolve/wrath
  20. A Wild Draft Appeared! Team: Ryan, Caeda, Sirius, Wrys, Cord, Cain, Merric, Navarre, Warren, Radd, Est, Nagi, Midia, Dice, Robert, Astram My Unit: Gender- Female Name- Mia Class- Myrmidon Past- Orphan Present- Strong Future- Humanitarian Bases: Mia Myrmidon 1 00 20 7 2 12 12 3 4 0 Sword D Growths: HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res 90% 40% 10% 50% 60% 60% 35% 5% Units coming out of Prologue: Unit Class Lv Xp HP St Mg Sk Sp Lk Df Rs WLv Marth Lord 8 05 28 10 0 12 12 11 8 0 Sword D Mia Myrmidon 8 66 27 12 5 16 18 7 8 0 Sword C Ryan Archer 9 09 24 11 0 10 10 7 11 0 Bow C Wrys Curate 8 14 17 0 5 10 10 6 3 10 Staff D Caeda Peg Knight 7 77 21 7 2 10 18 16 9 8 Lance D Merric Mage 10 73 24 0 7 6 10 6 7 5 Tome D Cain Cavalier 9 27 27 11 0 9 10 4 11 0 Sword C Lance D Chapter 1 4/4 Ryan went for Lorenz. Arran got the Bullion and later helped Ryan kill Lorenz. Mia stayed behind to train. Unit Class Lv Xp HP St Mg Sk Sp Lk Df Rs WLv Marth Lord 8 35 28 10 0 12 12 11 8 0 Sword D Mia Myrmidon 9 56 28 12 6 16 18 7 9 0 Sword C Arran Dracoknight 3 10 24 11 1 12 11 4 12 3 Lance B Axe E Ryan Cavalier 10 78 27 12 0 10 12 7 12 1 Sword E Lance E Rainbow Potion: Ryan, Mia Chapter 2 6/10 Ryan rushes and kills everything. Cord is recruited. Catria recruits Warren in Turn 3. Arran grabs the Lady Sword. Mia got the bosskill. Unit Class Lv Xp HP St Mg Sk Sp Lk Df Rs WLv Marth Lord 8 52 28 10 0 12 12 11 8 0 Sword D Mia Myrmidon 11 16 30 12 6 18 20 8 9 0 Sword C Arran Dracoknight 3 34 24 11 1 12 11 4 12 3 Lance B Axe E Ryan Cavalier 12 34 29 14 0 12 14 8 12 2 Sword E Lance D Cord Fighter 2 10 22 9 0 7 8 5 5 0 Axe E Warren Hunter 2 00 22 7 0 5 8 1 4 0 Bow D Rainbow Potion: Ryan, Mia Chapter 3 6/16 Skipped Julian. Marth goes for the Bridge Key. Pirate Ryan goes into the sea and owns the Dracos. Then, Ryan heads west and kills the cavaliers there, including Matthis and then the boss. Arran spammed heal for staff rank while Cord and Warren did their best to catch up with the group and gather experience. Free Palla got me the Master Seal. Unit Class Lv Xp HP St Mg Sk Sp Lk Df Rs WLv Marth Lord 8 52 28 10 0 12 12 11 8 0 Sword D Mia Myrmidon 11 61 30 12 6 18 20 8 9 0 Sword C Arran Bishop 3 74 26 4 3 9 8 4 5 9 Tome E Staff D Ryan Pirate 16 19 34 20 0 15 19 10 12 2 Axe E Cord Fighter 2 53 22 9 0 7 8 5 5 0 Axe E Warren Hunter 2 10 22 7 0 5 8 1 4 0 Bow D Rainbow Potion: Ryan Chapter 3x 6/22 Standard Marth rush. I used Rainbow Potion on Cord. Unit Class Lv Xp HP St Mg Sk Sp Lk Df Rs WLv Marth Lord 8 72 28 10 0 12 12 11 8 0 Sword D Mia Myrmidon 12 07 31 12 6 19 20 9 9 1 Sword C Arran Bishop 4 06 26 4 3 10 8 4 5 9 Tome E Staff D Ryan Cavalier 16 51 34 18 0 16 17 10 15 2 Sword E Lance D Cord Pirate 3 69 19 10 0 5 11 6 5 0 Axe E Warren Hunter 3 06 23 8 0 6 8 1 4 0 Bow D Wrys Curate 8 46 17 0 5 10 10 6 3 10 Staff D Rainbow Potion: Cord Chapter 4 3/25 Yumina rescues Marth. Ogma recruits Sirius. Sirius and Marth tagteam the enemies near the boss. Ryan goes to nab the Devil Sword. Warren kills the Armorslayer thief. Cord and Mia train with the bandits/hunter near the start. Unit Class Lv Xp HP St Mg Sk Sp Lk Df Rs WLv Marth Lord 9 35 29 10 0 13 13 12 8 0 Sword D Mia Myrmidon 12 52 31 12 6 19 20 9 9 1 Sword C Arran Bishop 4 14 26 4 3 10 8 4 5 9 Tome E Staff D Ryan Dracoknight 1 39 36 21 1 19 18 10 18 5 Lance C Axe E Cord Pirate 4 39 20 11 0 6 12 7 6 0 Axe E Warren Hunter 3 66 23 8 0 6 8 1 4 0 Bow D Wrys Curate 8 78 17 0 5 10 10 6 3 10 Staff D Sirius Paladin 1 86 28 12 1 14 13 4 11 6 Sword B Lance A Rainbow Potion: Marth Chapter 5 5/30 Paladin Ryan rushes to the boss. Kills the boss and got a beatiful level up. Then, he parked to where the DKs could get to him so he could kill them. Draco Sirius chased the Master Seal Thief and got to him. Caeda got me the Physic and got 2 more Def Levels wtf. Shes so def blessed this time. Mia killed Rickard for his VIP card. Then she helped cord and warren kill a sniper for CEXP in the last turn. Ryan bought 5 Door Keys in Turn 5 before Marth seized. Marth got a ballistae kill on the way with the Devil Sword. Unit Class Lv Xp HP St Mg Sk Sp Lk Df Rs WLv Marth Lord 9 72 29 10 0 13 13 12 8 0 Sword D Mia Myrmidon 13 05 32 13 6 20 20 10 9 1 Sword C Arran Bishop 4 54 26 4 3 10 8 4 5 9 Tome E Staff D Ryan Paladin 3 52 40 22 1 21 19 11 18 8 Sword E Lance C Cord Pirate 5 39 21 11 0 6 13 8 6 0 Axe E Warren Hunter 3 90 23 8 0 6 8 1 4 0 Bow D Wrys Curate 9 40 17 0 5 11 10 6 3 10 Staff C Sirius Dracoknight 2 41 27 14 1 14 14 4 14 3 Lance A Axe E Chapter 6 5/35 Marth grabs the Libra. Wrys rescues him. Ryan destroys the throne room. Caeda gets me the Secret Book and kills the other Bishop for more CEXP. Sirius killed Lang. Mia went west as a Mage to get some needed tome rank and to kill Samto for his shard. Cord battled reinforcements and got a good level up + D axes finally. Unit Class Lv Xp HP St Mg Sk Sp Lk Df Rs WLv Marth Lord 9 72 29 10 0 13 13 12 8 0 Sword D Mia Mage 14 18 32 11 10 13 12 11 8 4 Tome E Arran Bishop 4 86 26 4 3 10 8 4 5 9 Tome E Staff D Ryan Dracoknight 4 90 39 24 1 22 20 11 21 5 Lance C Axe E Cord Pirate 6 39 22 12 0 7 14 9 6 0 Axe D Warren Hunter 4 02 24 9 0 7 9 2 4 0 Bow D Wrys Curate 10 18 18 0 5 11 10 7 3 11 Staff C Sirius Dracoknight 3 23 28 15 1 15 15 5 14 3 Lance A Axe E Caeda Peg Knight 10 67 24 8 2 13 20 18 12 8 Lance C Rainbow Potion: Caeda, Ryan, Sirius, Mia Chapter 6x 2/37 Had Caeda kill stuff as a Cavalier with the Lady Sword. Cord hand axed Roro and Caeda took the kill. Radd survived because Sirius cant double him. Caesar did not survive Caeda, not like I care. Unit Class Lv Xp HP St Mg Sk Sp Lk Df Rs WLv Marth Lord 9 95 29 10 0 13 13 12 8 0 Sword D Mia Mage 14 48 32 11 10 13 12 11 8 4 Tome E Ryan Berserker 5 03 44 26 0 20 23 11 17 2 Axe D Cord Fighter 6 82 26 12 0 9 12 9 5 0 Axe D Wrys Curate 10 48 18 0 5 11 10 7 3 11 Staff C Sirius Dracoknight 3 55 28 15 1 15 15 5 14 3 Lance A Axe E Caeda Cavalier 12 17 27 11 0 12 20 20 14 2 Sword E Lance C Rainbow Potion: Caeda, Mia, Cord
  21. Geoffrey is solid. Paragon. Nice bases. Auto A lances. His problem is availability. And you all know i value availability more than the average guy :p. 4.5/10
  22. Stark- is the Growth Drop allowed? Because there's nothing in the OP allowing/not allowing it. EDIT: Used it on Marth.
  23. Yep, it worked. Thanks a lot. This can be locked now.
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