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  1. PKL

    I named my cyndaquil refa :p.

  2. Shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit i forgot that if i give pass to eddie i must settle with 5 turns in 4-1 due to no pass until 4-2. fuckdamnit. Now what do i do? If i do give the boots to eddie and pass for those 2 chapters...then i must either move eddie to greil instead of hawk, or 5 turn 4-1...i had hoped that boots adept eddie would destroy 4-2...mia wont be able to do the same due to having to equip celerity with no adept so she cant replace him...
  3. Well, eddie has 37 spd x 2 = 74 avo + 20ish lck and resolve should give him godlike avo so his durability wont be a problem. Its just a matter of whether he can ORKO everything while wielding wind edges for the 1-2 range enemies...and if there are even enough enemies there to achieve a 2 turn.
  4. What is a silver army? I only know the flier army :p. Also, do you think eddie can 2 turn 3-12 with pass boots?
  5. Either i got lazy, my team sucks or RNG abuse doesnt save many turns in part 3 :/. These are perfectly normal TCs. Do you guys see any chapter where i could have shaved turns? Also, can boots pass edward 2 turn 3-12 and 3-13? Im considering giving him the boots unless boots are needed for the flier army :p. If u guys confirm that boots isnt neccesary to 2 turn 4-P and 5 turn the desert then yeah, its going on eddie (if i get confirmation on the part 3 maps being 2 turnable with boots + pass).
  6. 3-3 8/23 Goddamnit, I thought having so many units would shave turns here but eh, it was either Mia's offense being terribad to get there in 7 turns or Celerity Soren not having enough move to get to the north crate in 7 turns so I settled with 8 and the crown. Unit Lv Xp HP St Mg Sk Sp Lk Df Rs WLv Support Skills Ike 14 97 47 26 2 29 26 14 22 7 Sword S Mia C Soren 15 90 40 10 27 23 23 15 14 23 Fire A Thunder B Wind A Adept/Celerity/Provoke Rolf 7 32 38 23 3 24 24 15 15 10 Bow B Rhys 9 07 31 10 25 19 19 24 8 28 Light C Staff A Miracle Mia 12 41 38 21 6 30 30 18 17 9 Sword S Ike C Vantage/Adept/Cancel 3-4 7/30 Derp. Rhys spammed Physic so Lyre could stay alive and she just got her strike rank up with 3 enemies near the start. Unit Lv Xp HP St Mg Sk Sp Lk Df Rs WLv Support Skills Ike 16 32 49 27 2 30 27 16 23 7 Sword S Mia C Celerity Soren 16 27 40 11 27 23 23 16 15 23 Fire A Thunder B Wind A Rolf C Adept/Provoke Rolf 9 09 40 25 4 26 26 16 16 11 Bow B Soren C Rhys 11 43 32 11 25 20 20 26 9 30 Light C Staff S Miracle Mia 1 91 44 26 10 32 32 18 22 13 Sword S Ike C Vantage/Adept/Cancel Lyre 18 48 47 8 6 12 12 17 7 8 Strike A Blossom 3-5 1/31 Soren meteors, the others get their .99 level ups. Unit Lv Xp HP St Mg Sk Sp Lk Df Rs WLv Support Skills Ike 16 32 49 27 2 30 27 16 23 7 Sword S Mia C Celerity Soren 16 98 40 11 27 23 23 16 15 23 Fire A Thunder B Wind A Rolf C Adept/Provoke/Wrath Rolf 10 09 40 26 4 27 26 17 16 11 Bow B Soren C Rhys 12 08 32 11 25 20 21 26 9 30 Light C Staff S Mia 2 05 44 27 10 33 33 18 23 14 Sword S Ike C Vantage/Adept/Cancel Reyson 15 10 heron 3-6 7/38 Edward solos the east. Sothe and Miccy team up north west. Edward was BEXP'd to 11.00 and crowned before the chapter. Unit Lv Xp HP St Mg Sk Sp Lk Df Rs WLv Support Skills Micaiah 4 33 8 24 16 23 30 8 24 Light C Staff C Sothe A Resolve Sothe 11 37 22 7 26 26 22 18 11 Knife S Micaiah A Pass Edward 7 50 29 7 36 37 25 20 13 Sword S Wrath/Cancel/Paragon 3-7 12/50 Derp training for everyone. Especially for Lyre. I also recruited Zihark with Lethe. Soren was BEXP'd to promotion prior to the chapter. Unit Lv Xp HP St Mg Sk Sp Lk Df Rs WLv Support Skills Ike 17 75 50 27 2 30 28 16 24 7 Sword S Mia C Celerity Soren 2 02 45 19 30 25 26 20 21 26 A/B/S/E Rolf C Adept/Provoke Rolf 11 06 41 27 4 27 26 17 16 11 Bow A Soren C Rhys 13 88 33 11 25 21 22 26 10 30 Light B Staff S Miracle Mia 3 70 45 27 10 34 34 18 23 14 Sword S Ike C Reyson 16 10 heron Lyre 19 50 48 9 6 13 13 18 7 9 Strike A Blossom 3-8 4/54 Celerity Soren rushes down. Lyre Rolf Rhys and Reyson get the northeast. Ike and Mia take the center. Unit Lv Xp HP St Mg Sk Sp Lk Df Rs WLv Support Skills Ike 18 25 50 27 2 30 29 16 25 8 Sword S Mia B Soren 5 29 46 19 32 28 27 22 21 28 A/B/S/E Rolf B Adept/Provoke/Celerity Rolf 11 76 41 27 4 27 26 17 16 11 Bow A Soren B Rhys 14 78 34 11 25 22 22 27 10 30 Light B Staff S Lyre C Miracle Mia 4 10 45 27 10 34 35 19 24 14 Sword SS Ike B Vantage/Adept/Cancel Reyson 16 40 heron Lyre 20 15 48 10 6 14 14 19 7 9 Strike A Rhys C Blossom/Daunt 3-9 3/57 Marcia solo. She was BEXP'd and crowned before the chapter and also got BEXP to .99. She sent the wing to the convoy. Unit Lv Xp HP St Mg Sk Sp Lk Df Rs WLv Support Skills Marcia 3 35 46 29 14 27 31 24 26 25 Sword C Lance S Paragon 3-10 5/62 Impossible to 4 turn with this team. I had to smite Celerity Soren once and Mia too. They teamed up on the boss area while the others teamed up on the southern enemies. Unit Lv Xp HP St Mg Sk Sp Lk Df Rs WLv Support Skills Ike 19 14 50 27 2 30 29 16 26 8 Sword S Ike B Smite Soren 6 98 47 19 33 29 28 22 21 29 S/B/S/E Rolf B Adept/Celerity/Provoke Rolf 13 20 42 27 4 28 26 17 16 12 Bow A Soren B Rhys 15 99 35 11 25 22 23 28 10 30 Light B Staff S Lyre C Miracle/Wrath Mia 5 92 46 27 10 35 35 19 24 15 Sword SS Ike B Vantage/Adept/Cancel Lyre 21 10 48 10 6 15 15 20 8 9 Strike S Rhys C Blossom/Daunt
  7. Yeah, 3-1 is smelly. Have boyd get the generals and ike + your freebie take on the halberdier and sniper near you then send ike through the bushes with your freebie supporting him while boyd moves counterclockwise. Worst case scenario: take a titania penalty.
  8. Pretty damn good 7/10. Has a very fast reyson support that gives him more attack. Hes pretty good for siege toming (is that a word?) stuff and his awesome move means he doesnt get left behind unlike all the other mages. His BEXP situation is pretty good too, what with joining after jill/marcia/oscar/kieran/astrid all got all the BEXP they wanted. He also joins after you get all that pacifist ch 15 BEXP...om nom nom.
  9. There's this shiny item called a Master Seal...I heard its pretty good.
  10. This is so sadistic its not even funny :/. Make it lyn mode too and i will join because i dont have many FE7 drafts...ok i lied but ive never tried HHM...actually i shouldnt join...w/e, wont join.
  11. Hmm, maybe adept jill could...also, 3-P is the most annoying thing ever.
  12. Nope. Shes not very likely to get to low hp before the armors unless she gets hit by a thunder mage and if she does, i doubt she will have enough durability left to withstand the myrmidon.
  13. You cant 3 turn 1-6-1 with jill quint. She doesnt have enough offense with a hand axe to ORKO armors and she doesnt have crit. Even with a drop and insta seal, she cant :/. Her durability isnt the problem since a robe draco solves it. Btw, did 3-P in 7 turns, 3-1 in 5 turns and 3-2 in 3 turns. Mia cant rescue or take soren, so the 2 turn was impossible because of that lame restriction.
  14. @quint- hmm thats weird...IIRC the one time i had titania, she barely reached the boss with my pass strategy and i tried literally everything else before it and she fell short with everything else and yes, she had celerity. Are you sure you dont need pass?
  15. Costs turns to recruit 0/10. Ok, seriously, he has great bases and didnt cost anything besides turns to get there unlike mia and zishark. I havent recruited him in ages since im always LTC'ing or drafting when i play FE9...I give him a 7/10. Also, thanks for picking this up. I got super tired of RTUs and just CBF'd to keep updating.
  16. Once she enters combat once, it is a penalty. If she enters combat again, it doesnt matter as the penalty will still be 4 turns.
  17. Well, if she is undrafted, then yeah, it is a penalty. Free units count as drafted, undrafted units cannot rescue drafted units without a penalty. Unrelated: Added Part 2 to my log. It took 2 days to do this ;_;. Glad thats all over.
  18. @ Colonel M- My Paladin Caeda went 4 levels in a row without proc'ing spd in a draft lol.
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