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Everything posted by PKL

  1. Good job CR! As for my run, ive been doing other drafts first and then i will fully concentrate on this.
  2. So, whenever i get a good level up on miccy be it intentional or not, i should reset? Should i reset all of a sudden because micaiah decided to dodge what she shouldnt have? Are you really suggesting this? really? REALLY?...REALLY?
  3. @Othin - hmm. My excuse is that its been a while since i read that lol and probably remembered wrong. Still, i dont see why resetting is so looked down upon. Not all resetting = RNG abuse, in fact id say its far from it.
  4. I tested a new mage MU build in the no staves draft. But i mostly go with past - Noble's child, present - orphan and future - enlightened. I find it is the most reliable, it gives MU these growths: HP 80% Str 25% Mag 55% Skl 55% Spd 50% Lck 60% Def 5% Res 20%
  5. No resets is just stupid. I repeat: Intelligent systems themselves acknowledge RESETTING IS A PART OF FE. And shit happens that you cant control at all. It also leaves too little room for error, is frustrating and you cant even freaking reset to make up a new strat (which i tend to do and have come up with decent strats that i can keep using in other drafts). I play drafts for fun and to find strats, play with new chars, etc and i do not enjoy being penalized because eirika decided not to dodge 2 axes in an EP at 20 display hit or stuff like that.
  6. NMDraft!Soren is a decent pick though. A promoted soren with favoritism can tear shit apart in drafts, but yeah, hes not actually that good, but I would say hes probably the best mage after micaiah with favoritism. Calill would be pretty cool if she had availability too :(.
  7. That's a terrible idea and you should feel bad for it. Ppl can just not say they forced an RN and never take the penalty. Reminds me of the no resets or you take 8 turns penalty draft...*shrug*. Oh God, that draft was truly horrible.
  8. I have vanessa and saleh in an auction draft :p and duessel garcia lute cormag in an eph modius draft (although every time im about to start the draft, i remember its eph route and go play another game >_>).
  9. Woot! finished! Thanks to Integrity for pointing out there was a shop with vulneraries in endgame. I finished endgame in 9 turns. Horseman!darros got me those vulneraries and sent them to the convoy. After that it was just making marth abel and shiida slowly walk to medeus. Healing every other turn courtesy of darros (he died)...a moment of silence for the great darros, NO not the user lol. Parthia caeda and fake falchion marf teamed up on medeus. Marth barely had enough hp to survive a hit from medeus. My final TC is 176 turns. This was a fun challenge, although the rules could have used some work here and there...but still, this was fun.
  10. She did but did you see her team? :/ She had franz, a flier, a warper and tethys...although from what i have noticed, tethys doesnt shave as many turns as other dancers in the series...but she obviously helps.
  11. OMG noooo our veterans dont get 120 turns, how can someone have improved over a veteran's turncount? Bullshit! bawww bawww bawwww. This is what i saw in your post soul. And i find it hilarious that hawk king was calling BS on me and then he gets a wtf turncount and a ridiculous franz...hypocrite. Also, real veterans get 113 turns....in ephraim modius. >_> So, a certain veteran does pull those turncounts. EDIT: most experienced drafters get ridiculous teams in their respective games...
  12. Dat Rules (borrowed/stolen from Integrity) - Ratings are assumed to be on Hard Mode (JP Maniac). - Votes need some explanation regarding their gameplay performance to be counted. If somebody else said what you want to already, quote them explicitly. +/- ≤1 point extra regarding personality/appearance is encouraged, but no more. If you exercise your bias privileges, please do so explicitly. - Numerical votes out of 10, or something proportional to it. Make it easy to calculate for my sake. - Every ranking phase ends whenever I get out of bed, between 0700 and 0800 EST. Do the math for your timezone, Brits. - I will insist you do not use the "Not X" reason on any character, where X is another unit. If you do, your vote will be thrown out. - "Recruits X" or "takes you to X chapter" arguments are explicitly banned. C'mon, people, this shouldn't need to be a rule. That's not gameplay performance. - Assume that the character in question is being recruited. - Similar to the "Recruits X" rule, do not use "she brings a Savior to the team" as an argument. - BEXP is free to be used in any quantity on any character. - Skills can be reassigned freely. - No transfers. - I withhold the privilege to tell you your rating is bogus and demand you revise it if it breaks any of the above. I will not throw out votes anonymously, you will be informed and given a chance to revise. Averages: Fiona: 1.20 Meg: 1.341 Leonardo: 2.531 Tormod: 3.28 Ilyana: 3.75 Tauroneo: 4.5 Aran: 4.926 Laura: 5.139 Edward: 6.316 Micaiah: 6.5 Zihark: 7.44 Jill: 8.46 Volug: 8.875 Sothe: 8.938 Nolan: 9.069
  13. Dat Rules (stolen/borrowed from Integrity) - Ratings are assumed to be on Hard Mode+Fixed Mode. - Votes need some explanation regarding their gameplay performance to be counted. If somebody else said what you want to already, quote them explicitly. +/- ≤1 point extra regarding personality/appearance is encouraged, but no more. If you exercise your bias privileges, please do so explicitly. - Numerical votes out of 10, or something proportional to it. Make it easy to calculate for my sake. - Every ranking phase ends whenever I get out of bed, between 0700 and 0800 EST. Do the math for your timezone, Brits. - I will insist you do not use the "Not X" reason on any character, where X is another unit. If you do, your vote will be thrown out. - "Recruits X" or "takes you to X chapter" arguments are explicitly banned. C'mon, people, this shouldn't need to be a rule. That's not gameplay performance. - Assume that the character in question is being recruited. - Similar to the "Recruits X" rule, do not use "she brings a Knight Ward to the team" as an argument. - BEXP is free to be used in any quantity on any character. - Rating a unit too low because you think its overrated will make me throw away your vote without mercy public/style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif. - I withhold the privilege to tell you your rating is bogus and demand you revise it if it breaks any of the above. I will not throw out votes anonymously, you will be informed and given a chance to revise. Averages: Rolf: 1.154 Sothe: 2.03 Brom: 2.32 Shinon: 3 Volke : 4.824 Ilyana: 4.98 Soren: 5.152 Rhys: 5.315 Gatrie: 5.463 Mia: 5.708 Mist: 6.413 Mordecai: 6.547 Zihark: 6.65 Lethe: 6.75 Nephenee: 6.79 Boyd: 8.293 Ike: 8.567 Oscar: 9.075 Kieran: 9.231 Jill: 9.31 Marcia: 9.36 Titania: 9.91
  14. Why do ppl hate Ilyana? Im guessing its because shes got low move, is frail as fuck, doesnt have a whole lot of mag and her spd is balls. To make things worse, thunder magic is horrible in FE10
  15. Small update. Chapter 13x 2/83 Boringly standard. Unit Class Lv Xp HP St Mg Sk Sp Lk Df Rs WLv Marth Lord 22 02 55 21 0 23 20 23 18 0 Sword C Erika Bishop 6 25 44 9 20 25 24 16 5 16 Tome A Staff D Caeda Paladin 13 05 44 25 1 27 23 25 17 10 Sword E Lance A Norne Falcoknight 5 06 33 18 3 18 23 13 15 11 Sword D Lance D Feena Dancer 5 93 20 4 0 6 16 11 5 0 Sword E Cain Dracoknight 8 38 45 22 1 22 23 13 18 4 Lance C Axe D Ryan Berserker 15 22 56 29 0 24 27 17 23 2 Axe C Chapter 14 5/88 Easy stuff. Kinda strange that Rescue only actually saves 1 turn here. I thought it would be more. Feena is positioned so that she can dance Marf in Turn 3 after he full moves. My units protect my squishies and open the way for Marth so that Marth can just keep full moving. Linde used Thief on the Again staff. Ryan is manly enough to take on the reinforcements by himself. Unit Class Lv Xp HP St Mg Sk Sp Lk Df Rs WLv Marth Lord 23 00 56 22 0 23 20 24 18 1 Sword C Erika Bishop 8 40 46 9 21 26 25 18 5 18 Tome A Staff D Caeda Paladin 14 50 45 25 1 28 23 25 18 10 Sword E Lance A Norne Falcoknight 7 26 34 19 3 19 25 14 16 11 Sword D Lance D Feena Dancer 6 74 20 5 0 6 17 11 5 0 Sword E Cain Dracoknight 11 03 48 23 1 24 23 15 18 4 Lance C Axe D Ryan Berserker 16 92 57 30 0 24 28 18 24 2 Axe C Linde Cleric 16 31 27 0 4 13 18 19 4 12 Staff C Horace Swordmaster 6 27 31 14 1 20 20 9 9 3 Sword C Arran Staffbot Staff D Wrys Curate 15 72 19 0 8 10 8 10 4 12 Staff B Xane Copycat 5 10 w/e So far, we have a Spd screwed Marth but blessed in Def. A great My Unit aside from loldef. A Caeda that refuses to proc those 2 final spd points so she caps and practically has 0 defensive ability but that Str blessing courtesy of the Arena is much welcome. Norne is looking decent although that durability keeps her from being too good in EP. Feena is just Feena. Cain is awesome except for his Str and Def which are looking a bit shaky. Ryan is looking OMGawesome as always, broken Pirate growths FTW. Linde has like, no magic but is decent in other stats, I will probably have her get to 20 first in hopes of getting more magic in those levels. Horace sucks and can only ORKO stuff barely sometimes with a Wyrmslayer and mages, but everyone ORKOs those. Arran is a mediocre staffbot ATM. Wrys is cool but since he already reached B Staves Ive kinda neglected him in favor of Linde. Xane is cool.
  16. I dont reset for any stats other than spd on miccy. As a consequence, my miccys are always heavily hp and def screwed. Ppl have complained about my micaiah's spd many times though. :/ Also, on the topic of screwy AIs: Ive had to fiddle with the RNG so pent doesnt die in the desert -_- and probably jaffar too but i dont remember if ive had to rearrange RNs to make him survive.
  17. The problem with placing a limit to RNG abuse, is that everyone has a different perception of what is acceptable or not. To me, rigging miccy spd levels until she hits at least 14 is acceptable. To others, that is stupid and should be banned. To me, rigging a 1-10% crit is stupid but to others, it might be acceptable depending on the situation...see where I am going with this? Theres just no way to find a medium that pleases everyone.
  18. That was because the 4 turn of 1-P is just stupid. It requires eddie to get some crits or miccy to get a crit on the first bandit.
  19. Oh, didnt notice that shop. I will finish tomorrow :p.
  20. Why until turn 20? I will run out of vulneraries :/.
  21. Kalll...endgame is literally impossible with these rules. I just tried like 10 times and all my units died every time...and theres no geosphere skipping this because we cant heal.
  22. Lol. I happened to be reading my RTU thread, got out of the thread and saw it at almost the exact time it was posted.
  23. Yubello's base Spd as a Fighter is 9, Lumi not 3. This is him as a Pirate at base: I guess his bases are much more workable as a Pirate. Which might give him a slightly better start. Now I kinda want to do a playthrough where I use Fighter Yubello for the lulz.
  24. Let's see, flight is important in: Chapter 13 (getting the chests with the chest keys and bypassing some enemies with flight. Titania takes longer to get the chests), Chapter 15 (titania takes a loooooong time reaching muarim. Jill doesnt afraid of nothin and 2 turns it), Chapter 17-1 (bypassing enemy lines yet again to reach the north faster), Chapter 17-2 (lol swamp. Jill once again doesnt afraid of nothin), Chapter 17-4 (hand axe the adept halberdier then oliver in EP2. GG), Chapter 19 (an overleveled jill can 2 turn it while titania is starting to struggle), Chapter 20 (fly over mountain, kill her own father = profit?), Chapter 21 (pure water and fly over the pond to drop ike), Chapter 23 (fly over everything and has enough durability with a full guard to be able to withstand enemies while carrying Ike), Chapter 24 (Hint: boots fliers are stupid in this map), Chapter 25 (movement penalty for tits. Jill doesnt afraid of anything and ORKOs almost everything with forges unlike marcia and titania), Chapter 26 (better durability to rescue drop ike safely than titania or marcia), Chapter 28 (fly over mountain, drop resolve wrath ike and watch him destroy things apart) and endgame (see chapter 28). Thats far from 50% of her chapters. Flight is ridiculous in most chapters and still useful in those where it isnt ridiculous.
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