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Everything posted by PKL

  1. Umm, can i have undrafted chars die without penalty as long as they werent holding a weapon? because i just killed my undrafteds in ch 2...also, can unarmed generics enter combat? I may need to distract the fighters with something in ch 4.
  2. Oh God no, I hope status staves burn forever and never make into FE13.
  3. Good luck, colonel M. Mind If I use your fighter MU build for an H3 draft?
  4. Sal, you cant say my palla explanation isnt spot-on. She is really too good.
  5. I thought you would all know it by now...Celerity beastfoe rolf with crossbows moves and kills a cat. Lucia kills a cat too. Reyson moves to a tile that acts as a diamond (he is safe). Enemies SD to lucia and rolf. Next, rolf moves to the thickets to the left and kills a cat. Lucia moves behind him and shoves him. Reyson 2 way vigors them and moves to the left. Lucia smites Rolf and Rolf uses Silencer on Izuka. EDIT: Funny, because if it were shinon, i wouldnt be able to shove him with lucia. 1 more reason why I prefer rolf.
  6. Finished my own Tellius Draft #3 FE10 Part in 201 turns. Add that to the FE9 portion and you have 349 turns. (#29254)
  7. Finished :D. 4-E-1 2/29 Pass Jill with Hammers. Pass Ike with Hammers. Rescue on Rafiel instead of the usual Stillness. This was because Nailah Kyza and Sothe needed to be vigored to handle the remaining enemies in the east. Caineghis and Tormod handled the west. Pelleas shoved Rolf in Turn 2 so he could Double Bow Lekain. The rest of the Generals were dispatched by Adept! Lucia and Nephenee. Lucia was at best bio and only needed one Adept proc out of 2 attacks, and she also had Astra chances, the odds were in her favor. Ena helped Kyza actually kill Generals. Kyza received BEXP to 30 and was signed before the Chapter. Other characters capped off their levels with BEXP. Unit Lv Xp HP St Mg Sk Sp Lk Df Rs WLvs Support Ike 17 78 65 37 9 40 37 25 32 19 Sword SS Axe A Nephenee B Micaiah 2 14 43 16 33 25 27 40 18 33 Light SS Staff A Sothe A Sothe 3 71 45 25 13 30 33 28 23 19 Knife S Micaiah A Ena 22 00 59 10 15 13 11 18 13 17 Strike A Sigrun 18 65 50 32 19 36 33 35 26 34 Sword A Lance SS Jill C Jill 20 55 35 10 36 35 35 34 22 Lance B Axe SS Sigrun C Tormod 11 81 50 24 32 30 32 19 22 28 Fire SS Nailah 34 02 67 18 5 23 19 36 16 13 Strike SS Nephenee 17 36 57 34 15 35 34 30 33 30 Lance SS Ike B Lucia 12 04 49 25 17 38 39 26 18 26 Sword SS Kyza 30 53 66 19 5 18 15 23 17 6 Strike S Rolf C Rolf 11 83 58 36 7 37 33 26 26 20 Bow SS Kyza C Pelleas 14 80 33 14 25 21 22 15 14 20 Dark S Thunder A Caineghis 36 02 76 22 4 23 17 30 22 10 Strike SS Rafiel 13 40 32 1 7 1 7 32 3 13 4-E-2 1/30 Blossom on Cain. Kyza attempts to reach SS (hes almost there) but the enemies decide not to attack and BK SDs to Ike...Tormod and Micaiah got me the Wishblade. Unit Lv Xp HP St Mg Sk Sp Lk Df Rs WLvs Support Ike 18 60 65 37 9 40 37 26 32 19 Sword SS Axe A Nephenee B Micaiah 3 06 43 16 34 26 27 40 19 34 Light SS Staff A Sothe A Sigrun 18 65 50 32 19 36 33 35 26 34 Sword A Lance SS Jill C Jill 20 55 35 10 36 35 35 34 22 Lance B Axe SS Sigrun C Tormod 12 07 50 24 32 30 32 19 22 29 Fire SS Nailah C Kyza 30 77 66 19 5 18 15 23 17 6 Strike S Rolf C Caineghis 37 02 77 23 4 23 18 31 23 10 Strike SS 4-E-3 1/31 Blessings: Ike- Ragnell Micaiah- Rexaura Sigrun- Silver Lance Forge (20 MT, 105 Hit, 0 Crit) Jill- Urvan Tormod- Rexflame Kyza- Fang Caineghis- Great Fang Sothe- Peshkatz Ena- Breath Nailah- Great Fang Nephenee- Wishblade Lucia- Alondite Rolf- Double Bow Pelleas- Verrine Rafiel- ? Sanaki- Meteor Kurth- Breath BEXP Rolf to 34 Spd. BEXP Nailah to 20 Str. BEXP Caineghis to 23 Str. Basically, what I did was have Ike Adept the Red Dragon. Cain, Jill, Nephenee and Nailah all team up on Dheg and leave him in 14 HP. Then, a lot of people smite(Sothe)/shove Rolf so he can reach Dheg and he does 22 damage. GG Dheg. Unit Lv Xp HP St Mg Sk Sp Lk Df Rs WLvs Support Ike 18 88 65 37 9 40 37 26 32 19 Sword SS Axe A Nephenee B Micaiah 3 06 43 16 34 26 27 40 19 34 Light SS Staff A Sothe A Sigrun 18 79 50 32 19 36 33 35 26 34 Sword A Lance SS Jill B Jill 20 55 35 10 36 35 35 34 22 Lance B Axe SS Sigrun B Tormod 12 07 50 24 33 30 32 19 22 20 Fire SS Nailah C Kyza 30 90 66 19 5 18 15 23 17 6 Strike S Rolf B Caineghis 38 11 78 24 4 23 18 32 23 10 Strike SS Sothe 3 71 45 25 13 30 33 28 23 19 Knife S Micaiah A Ena 22 00 59 10 15 13 11 18 13 17 Strike A Nailah 36 31 68 20 5 23 19 38 16 14 Strike SS Tormod C Nephenee 17 68 57 34 15 35 34 30 33 30 Lance SS Ike B Lucia 12 35 49 25 17 38 39 26 18 26 Sword SS Rolf 13 00 60 36 8 37 34 27 27 20 Bow SS Kyza B Pelleas lolshovebot Rafiel 13 50 32 1 7 1 7 32 3 13 4-E-4 1/32 BEXP Cain to 19 Spd so he can double Lehran. Burned a rescue charge to rescue Nephenee and kill the first spirit. Celerity Rafiel vigored Rolf Caineghis Nailah and Ike. Boots Jill killed an spirit that was in the way (but not one of Lehran's guards). Ike shoved the spirit that is to the right of Lehran. Rolf Double Bow 3 ranged the southern spirit. Nailah killed the spirit to the left of Lehran and Parity Cain ORKO'd Lehran. Unit Lv Xp HP St Mg Sk Sp Lk Df Rs WLvs Support Ike 18 88 65 37 9 40 37 26 32 19 Sword SS Axe A Nephenee A Micaiah 3 86 43 16 34 26 27 40 19 34 Light SS Staff A Sothe A Sigrun 19 07 50 32 19 36 34 35 26 34 Sword A Lance SS Jill B Jill 29 55 35 19 36 35 35 34 22 Lance B Axe SS Sigrun B Tormod 12 35 50 24 33 30 32 19 22 29 Fire SS Nailah C Kyza 30 90 66 19 5 18 15 23 17 6 Strike S Rolf A Caineghis 39 33 79 24 4 23 19 33 23 10 Strike SS Pelleas C Sothe 4 22 46 25 13 31 33 29 23 19 Knife S Micaiah A Ena 22 00 59 10 15 13 11 18 13 17 Strike A Nailah 36 39 68 20 5 23 19 38 16 14 Strike SS Tormod C Nephenee 17 98 57 34 15 35 34 30 33 30 Lance SS Ike A Lucia 12 72 49 25 17 38 39 26 18 26 Sword SS Rolf 13 72 60 36 8 37 34 27 27 20 Bow SS Kyza A Pelleas lol Rafiel 13 60 heron/10 4-E-5 2/34 BEXP'd Lucia until she capped Str Skl Spd. Cain to 20 Spd. Nailah to 20 Spd. Parity Cain is wow. Add Nailah to it, and you get overkill. The last Rescue charge was burnt to save Rafiel from Ashera's AoE. (Micaiah rescued him far enough and into a cover tile, he survived with 9 HP). He was far enough to survive but not far enough to not vigor Cain, Ike, Jill and Rolf in Turn 2. Kills: Lehran- 0W Ena- 0W Cain- 4W Pelleas 5W Geoffrey- 23 Tormod 24W Nailah- 38W Kyza- 44W Lucia- 45W Sigrun- 63W Rolf- 79W 5th Sothe 114 B 92 W 4th Micaiah 128 B 96 W 3rd Ike 189 B 141 W 2nd Jill 166 B 145 W 1st Nephenee 232 B 192 W Nephenee should definetely be banned <3. Final TC is 201. Part 1= 58, Part 2= 23+4 (Elincia penalty in 2-E), Part 3=78+4 (Titania penalty in 3-1), Part 4= 34
  8. I will finish all of them. And there have been a lot of creative drafts lately, which I like to join out of curiosity. It is a non-issue because I will finish them. Even If I have 20 drafts, at least I finish unlike other ppl.
  9. I am, but Im a bit busy with other drafts and then college next week :/.
  10. 4-4 and 4-5 done. 4-4 7/25 Tormod got BEXP'd and crowned. I also gave him Paragon and .99 EXP. Nephenee and Nailah killed stuff and Rafiel vigored them. Tormod opened doors with Meteor and took on the east side and the reinforcements there, as well as the General that stays put in the south. Nephenee split up from the main group to kill the enemies in the rooms up north. While Pure Water! Ike made his way to Oliver, taking care of 2 range enemies, so Nailah could come up to help him mop up. She killed Oliver. Unit Lv Xp HP St Mg Sk Sp Lk Df Rs WLvs Support Ike 16 20 65 37 9 40 37 24 32 19 Sword SS Axe A Rafiel 13 20 32 1 7 1 7 32 3 13 Nailah 33 89 66 17 5 23 19 35 16 13 Strike SS Nephenee 15 84 56 34 15 35 34 29 33 30 Lance SS Tormod 10 13 49 23 32 29 32 18 21 27 Fire SS 4-5 2/27 Kyza to .99 EXP. Beastfoe + Celerity on Rolf. Smite on Lucia. Same strat that I usually do, except I had Laguz Gem Kyza battle tigers to further raise his Strike rank and for his last Blossom levelup. Unit Lv Xp HP St Mg Sk Sp Lk Df Rs WLvs Support Reyson 18 23 43 3 5 5 11 32 7 17 Lucia 10 56 47 25 17 38 37 25 18 26 Sword SS Kyza 26 40 63 16 5 16 15 20 16 6 Strike S Rolf C Rolf 9 75 56 36 7 36 32 25 25 20 Bow SS Kyza C Pelleas 14 61 33 14 25 21 22 15 14 20 Thunder S Staff SS Geoffrey 2 70 44 27 12 26 24 21 20 21 Lance S Bow C OMG I had forgotten I have Caineghis drafted. Wtf? endgame is going to be soooo fun with Nailah and Cain.
  11. Not recruited/10 Ok, in the case that hes actually recruited, he has instant hammer like in the other game and his spd isnt as bad as in the other game. He is still very smelly though. 2/10
  12. Sorry, ive been here but everytime I tried to tally ilyana and aran i just screamed, stopped and went to play drafts instead. Sorry for my laziness, but those threads were a bit messy. Thanks for putting up the thread, Boron :). I would appreciate it If everyone started bolding their votes.
  13. That explains it. I too saw the weird levels in the other draft. I guess CR just derped as usual. Also lol RN abuse to get hit.
  14. PKL

    Something weird happened when I was playing the desert in FE10, Ive never seen Leanne get targetted by Elsleep before. I wonder why it happened? Maybe he didnt have a choice between Sigrun, Pure Water Jill, Micaiah and Pure Water Sothe lol. Has it ever happened to you?

  15. 4-3 done in 5 turns. It took a lot of positioning and Imbue Jill (what a gimmick ) + Resolve Miracle Miccy + Silver Knife forge Adept Provoke Sothe + Adept Vantage Sigrun. Imbue was so that Jill could use all her Player Phases to KO the pacifists (the el bishops, Lekain and the Physic Bishop). Sigrun was actually pretty awesome since I BEXP'd her spd to 30 (all of the other stats are pretty much capped). And she got to 32 speed just in time to naturally ORKO the swordmasters in the last EP (last stat other then def that wasnt capped and its higher than Def). Also, Leanne was targetted for some odd reason by the Elsleep Bishop but he didnt actually hit in EP 1. I was like o_O. EDIT: Well, apparently that BEXP I gave Sigrun made me only get Tormod to 18.76...but w/e I has a Crown.
  16. Unit Lv Xp HP St Mg Sk Sp Lk Df Rs WLvs Support Micaiah 17 79 37 10 30 23 25 39 11 30 Light S Staff C Sothe A Sothe 1 00 44 24 12 28 32 26 22 19 Knife S Micaiah A Leanne 6 60 lolheron Sigrun 12 51 47 31 17 34 28 35 25 34 Sword A Lance SS Jill 13 02 54 35 10 32 35 32 30 21 Lance B Axe SS Stats after 4-P now that Im in the desert. Lol @ sigrun's Spd.
  17. Needed all that BEXP to get Miccy to level 20 and decent spd and Jill to uber promotion.
  18. Nvm, I got 4-2 in 7 turns. Pelleas can take on the reinforcements just fine without promoting since he 2HKOs. Reyson had Celerity. Rolf had Resolve/Wrath and Lucia got Adept + Tempest Blade/Silver Sword crit forge. Kyza was clutch after he got to S Strike mid chapter.
  19. Yeah but people would call BS that Ike got str and spd in time to ORKO the general. Also, no comment on the crown issue?
  20. Haha. Now I have a dilemma, Im left with 18686 BEXP after all that BEXP on lucia. I only have Crown, it can either go to Pelleas or Tormod. Idk if 18000 BEXP is enough to promote a level 5 tormod...
  21. 4-1 4/6 Got Ike to 31 Str and 33 Spd with BEXP. Gave him Pass and a Torch. Nephenee went west with her javelin forges and destroyed one of the snags in Turn 1. Nailah goes as far east as possible and kills a general. Ike passed through the enemies and uses a Torch. This keeps the bishop to the south visible in Turn 2, allowing Ike to kill him. 31 Str is needed to naturally ORKO the general thats there. 33 Spd is needed to double Catalena. A lot of enemies SD to Nailah except a 2 range General. The Horseslayer General is lured. A lot of enemies die to Ike. And a falconknight and thunder sage SD to Nephenee. Then, Ike kills the Bishop. Nailah destroys the snag (so the General there doesnt prioritize destroying it. This also lured the 2 range General towards her but keeps Rafiel safe. Nephenee went down to the Bishop on the west and equipped another Javelin forge. In EP, the snag General dies to Nailah. The 2 range General is lured towards her and the Horseslayer keeps advancing towards her. Neph kills the 2 Halberdiers and some enemies and Ike wtfpwns everything in his side. Turn 3, I have Ike move towards Catalena and use a Torch. Parking in range of 2 Generals. Nailah kills the 2 range General. Rafiel vigors and Nailah kills the Horseslayer General. Nephenee kills the Bishop. Turn 3 EP: Nailah kills the Halberdier reinforcement. Ike kills everything down there including Catalena. Turn 4: Nailah full moves and kills the Bishop in the centereast bush tile. Ike kills the Bishop from 2 range (this makes the last Catalena General attack him in EP). Nephenee parks in range of all the reinforcements to the northwest. All enemies SD in EP to Neph, Nailah and Ike. Call RNG abuse at this, butches. I dare you.
  22. There are other people who have gotten crazy lucky with their vanessa's Str too. This happens all the time. Go complain about all those times too :/. Also, I dont care If the record is counted. So w/e, if you want to take it down, so be it. I know it was legit and am extremely annoyed when someone calls BS on me. Meh. I wont continue arguing with you, believe what you want. I know it was legit and that's that.
  23. Yeah, FE9 marcia and jill are lol. But would it really be wise to just outright ban them? Fe10 haar is indeed beatable by titania and possibly by edward + elincia + a good part 3 unit. Maybe we should unban him and see how OP he is (or not) still.
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