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Everything posted by PKL

  1. Your kent is not screwed though. Hes just atrociously-below-average xP
  2. How is nealuchi...weak defensively? When has has great Avo and decent defense + huge HP.
  3. It was. I remember I was putting the draft thread up when Horace and SB requested it in IP and i edited it before I hosted the draft. D:
  4. From the playthrough i saw, i do not see forced deployed character meatshielding as neccesary. Miriel starts near the group. Tiamo starts away from enemies. Not sure about the others though.
  5. The way i see it is that keeping undrafted units out of combat is a skill in itself. There should definetely be a penalty even for characters that join in turn 2. Of course, if it is impossible to keep them out of combat they should just be free for the chapter like FE12 palla in ch3, the yus/ogma and sirius in ch4 and merric in ch10.
  6. How many players would the draft ideally have? There are 31 units not counting the children. If krom, fred, my unit, lucina, olivia and mark are free for all there are 25 units left + 13 children ( that would probably be best drafted with their mothers like FE4). We could make another unit free so there are 24 units left (nono?basilio?flavia?) and make it 4 players, 6 units each. As for gaidens, undrafted units wouldnt be able to pair. Gaidens are free up to 10 turns, 20 if needed. If a player drafts units with the purpose of getting more gaidens and more exp, more power to them. Skirmishes would be banned like FE8. And thats all i can think of.
  7. I agree that lucina and mark should be free. What about olivia though? I suspect she would give whoever has her drafted a very big advantage. And lightning speed should be banned...i dont need to explain myself on that. And, last, we would have to find a solution on grinding. What is too much grinding? What is too little grinding to stay on par with the enemies in HM?
  8. Chapter 22 3/64 Fiora attacks a random mage and completes her level. She gets danced by Ninian, full moves and uses the Whip. After that its just luring enemies so Pent can kill them. And luring the other boss with Hector so Lyn could Mani Katti it. In EP3, I made sure the Luna dude SD'd on Fiora instead of Pent. Luna get. Lucius took the southeast. Skipped all treasure. Unit Lv Xp HP St Sk Sp Lk Df Rs WLv Support Eliwood 7 74 21 10 9 10 13 7 2 Sword B Lyn 12 40 23 12 16 17 9 4 0 Sword B Hector 12 15 30 15 10 11 7 13 2 Axe A Lucius 12 21 25 12 10 17 3 2 12 Light B Guy 8 82 25 7 12 15 6 5 1 Sword B Fiora 1 89 38 18 18 19 10 12 13 Sword E Lance A Ninian 1 82 14 0 0 12 10 5 4 Rath 9 30 27 9 10 11 5 8 2 Bow B Up next: I kill off Dorcas/Bartre to avoid Jerme like the plague, I get the Earth Seal and show Lloyd whos the boss.
  9. Dat Rules (borrowed/stolen from Integrity) - Ratings are assumed to be on Hard Mode (JP Maniac). And only hard mode! - Votes need some explanation regarding their gameplay performance to be counted. If somebody else said what you want to already, quote them explicitly. +/- ≤1 point extra regarding personality/appearance is encouraged, but no more. If you exercise your bias privileges, please do so explicitly. - Numerical votes out of 10, or something proportional to it. Make it easy to calculate for my sake. - Every ranking phase ends when the next RTU thread is posted (at this point, it's hard to tell). - I will insist you do not use the "Not X" reason on any character, where X is another unit. If you do, your vote will be thrown out. - "Recruits X" or "takes you to X chapter" or "Gives you Bronze Sword" arguments are explicitly banned. C'mon, people, this shouldn't need to be a rule. That's not gameplay performance. - Assume that the character in question is being recruited. - Similar to the "Recruits X" rule, do not use "she brings a Savior to the team" as an argument. - BEXP is free to be used in any quantity on any character. - Skills can be reassigned freely. - No transfers. - Anyone that has done a RD RTU withholds the privilege to tell you your rating is bogus and demand you revise it if it breaks any of the above. I will not throw out votes anonymously, you will be informed and given a chance to revise. Averages: Fiona: 1.20 Meg: 1.34 Vika: 2.40 Leonardo: 2.53 Tormod: 3.28 Ilyana: 3.75 Tauroneo: 4.50 Black Knight: 4.60 Maurim: 4.72 Aran: 4.92 Laura: 5.13 Edward: 6.31 Micaiah: 6.50 Marcia: 7.31 Zihark: 7.44 Elincia: 8.21 Leanne: 8.38 Rafiel: 8.45 Jill: 8.46 Volug: 8.87 Sothe: 8.93 Nailah: 9.00 Nolan: 9.06 Leanne got a 8.375 but I rounded it 8.38.
  10. One thing is for sure: Im not looking forward to playing the HM draft like this -_-
  11. One of the better lockedup dudes of chapter 12. Except shes not a dude but you know what i mean. She has workable bases, 10 move and is already promoted, which gives her dracoknight access. Her growths suck, but then again, everyone's growths suck in the game except for zagaro, wolf and te broken sh!iiiiiiida. I give her a 4.5/10
  12. Good staff and tome ranks at base. Good bases. Nice growths. Whats not to like? 8/10
  13. My team's durability sucks lol. Base Ninian has more defense than lyn :(.
  14. I havent forgotten this btw. My wii refuses to keep playing the disc if i turn off animations which makes every map take soooo long ;_;. I will get back to this soon.
  15. Chapter 21 2/61 Did a massive rescue-dropping chain on Lyn and also made Ninian full move east while dancing Fiora, who rescued Hector. Fiora dropped Hector in boss's range (barely made it). And Hector destroys stuff like a man. Next, Lyn full moves. Ninian dances her and she recruits Rath. Lucius and the others battle enemies and Hector Wolf Beils boss leaving him in 3 HP. Which is more than enough for Fiora to take the kill. GG. Also, the game rewarded me for doing this positioning awesomeness with awesome levels all-around. http://i1105.photobucket.com/albums/h347/PKL7/2turnch21withrath.png http://i1105.photobucket.com/albums/h347/PKL7/2turnraththatwashardtodo.png Unit Lv Xp HP St Sk Sp Lk Df Rs WLv Support Eliwood 7 36 21 10 9 10 13 7 2 Sword B Lyn 10 50 22 10 15 15 9 3 0 Sword B Hector 11 55 29 15 10 11 7 12 2 Axe A Lucius 11 14 24 11 9 16 3 2 11 Light C Guy 8 82 25 7 12 15 6 5 1 Sword B Oswin 12 53 30 14 11 6 4 14 4 Lance A Fiora 13 86 25 15 15 18 9 10 10 Lance C Matthew 5 09 20 5 4 13 3 4 1 Sword D Ninian 1 52 14 0 0 12 10 5 4
  16. Chapter 20 3/59 http://i1105.photobu...NEEDSMARCUS.png WHO NEEDS MARCUS WHEN I HAVE THE POWER OF TEAMWORK. And Hector. Hector, what would I do without you? Fiora rescue dropped Hector in Turn 1. Lured boss in Turn 2 and hand axed more stuff. Then weakened the boss further and Fiora took the kill. Eliwuss was danced in Turn 3 so he could get the Whip. Im a genius. Unit Lv Xp HP St Sk Sp Lk Df Rs WLv Support Eliwood 7 06 21 10 9 10 13 7 2 Sword B Lyn 10 50 22 10 15 15 9 3 0 Sword B Hector 10 75 28 14 10 10 6 12 2 Axe B Lucius 10 94 23 10 8 15 3 2 10 Light C Guy 8 82 25 7 12 15 6 5 1 Sword B Oswin 12 53 30 14 11 6 4 14 4 Lance A Fiora 12 86 25 14 15 17 9 10 9 Lance C Ninian 1 31 14 0 0 12 10 5 4
  17. Chapter 19 4/56 Marcus rescues Hector and moves north. Fiora moves just in front of him, takes Hector, trades so he has Wolf Beil equipped and drops him. Oswin rescues Eliwuss. Matthew opens the door and Guy kills an archer so he wouldnt target Fiora. The other archer's move is blocked by Dorcas. The boss and a few more cavaliers and armors go for Hector and everyone except the subboss dies and a cav die. Next, Hector kills the cavalier to his right. Lyn kills the Nomad. Oswin gives Eliwuss to Marcus. Marcus full moves and drops Eliwuss in a forest. Fiora kills the subboss. Next, Matthew rushes to get the Brave Bow. Marcus opens the door and parks in 2 range of boss. Eliwuss stands in the door with iron sword equipped, this is because with rapier, he would kill cavaliers and with his durability he would die. Marcus weakens boss with a Javelin PP + EP, leaving him with 2 HP so Fiora could get the kill. Matthew got me the Brave Bow. Next, Lyn moves out of the way. So Lucius can kill a cavalier that went after Hector so Hector can full move and kill the cavalier that Eliwuss didnt kill and is now blocking the door for Fiora. Fiora takes the boss kill. And eliwuss seizes. Unit Lv Xp HP St Sk Sp Lk Df Rs WLv Support Eliwood 6 72 20 9 8 9 12 7 1 Sword B Lyn 10 33 22 10 15 15 9 3 0 Sword B Hector 8 81 26 12 9 9 6 11 2 Axe B Marcus ??/8 78 35 19 20 14 9 10 12 Sword A Axe B Lance S Lucius 10 36 23 10 8 15 3 2 10 Light C Guy 8 82 25 7 12 15 6 5 1 Sword B Oswin 12 06 30 14 11 6 4 14 4 Lance B Fiora 11 22 24 14 14 16 9 9 8 Lance C Bartre 7 75 34 13 6 6 6 5 0 Axe C Dorcas 5 34 32 9 8 6 4 5 0 Axe C Matthew 4 58 19 4 4 12 3 3 0 Sword D
  18. Dat Rules (borrowed/stolen from Integrity) - Ratings are assumed to be on Hard Mode (JP Maniac). And only hard mode! - Votes need some explanation regarding their gameplay performance to be counted. If somebody else said what you want to already, quote them explicitly. +/- ≤1 point extra regarding personality/appearance is encouraged, but no more. If you exercise your bias privileges, please do so explicitly. - Numerical votes out of 10, or something proportional to it. Make it easy to calculate for my sake. - Every ranking phase ends when the next RTU thread is posted (at this point, it's hard to tell). - I will insist you do not use the "Not X" reason on any character, where X is another unit. If you do, your vote will be thrown out. - "Recruits X" or "takes you to X chapter" or "Gives you Bronze Sword" arguments are explicitly banned. C'mon, people, this shouldn't need to be a rule. That's not gameplay performance. - Assume that the character in question is being recruited. - Similar to the "Recruits X" rule, do not use "she brings a Savior to the team" as an argument. - BEXP is free to be used in any quantity on any character. - Skills can be reassigned freely. - No transfers. - Anyone that has done a RD RTU withholds the privilege to tell you your rating is bogus and demand you revise it if it breaks any of the above. I will not throw out votes anonymously, you will be informed and given a chance to revise. Averages: Fiona: 1.20 Meg: 1.34 Vika: 2.40 Leonardo: 2.53 Tormod: 3.28 Ilyana: 3.75 Tauroneo: 4.50 Black Knight: 4.60 Maurim: 4.72 Aran: 4.92 Laura: 5.13 Edward: 6.31 Micaiah: 6.50 Marcia: 7.31 Zihark: 7.44 Elincia: 8.21 Rafiel: 8.45 Jill: 8.46 Volug: 8.87 Sothe: 8.93 Nailah: 9.00 Nolan: 9.06 Dancer/10 :/. I hate reviewing dancers. 9/10 Very useful in every map shes in. Unlike rafiel, she can only 2 way vigor which makes her worse for endgame.
  19. I just figured Cog of Destiny might have been impossible otherwise. Since everyone except the guy with Dart/Hawkeye would have to face reinforcements and probably run out of weapons D:. But if you all want it gone, sure.
  20. What is this about marcia being hard to train? Ive gotten her to promotion in HM LTC by 3-9 IIRC because of all the BEXP at that point + master crown. If anyone deserves a crown and favoritism in the CRKs, its her since the others will never fly, or be useful for that matter. Tanith is better statistically, sure. But marcia has some utility in part 2, namely getting the 2-3 speedwing and horseslayer'ing stuff in that map, rescue dropping someone in 2-E, flying to the boss to pwn him in 3-9 and then tanith does the same thing in every map as marcia except with better str growth but with not enough to not need forges anyway. As for sigrun... babying sigrun in HM is ridiculously hard and not worth it for a unit that lolneverprocsspd. Marcia>tanith>>>>sigrun is still true in HM.
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