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Everything posted by PKL

  1. Eh, the KE myrm is the one near the first group of armors :p, or maybe im totally confuzzled. Also, eddie needs all str and some def procs + draco for the 1-2 4 turn without wrath and the steel sword. That explains why you couldnt do it :p.
  2. Yeah, the KE myrm isnt stationary, problem is luring him in turn 1...you would need 2 shoves i think. If volug had 1-2 range a 3 turn would be very possible :/
  3. Cut the vanessa can be usedv to rescue ross rule. Ross is an NPC, undrafted can rescue NPCs freely so the rule is redundant. Not joining btw.
  4. IIRC it required one shove on nealuchi and one on leanne. BEXP abusing for str on Marcia is getting annoying. 1 str proc out of 23 tries lol.
  5. Bahaha, I can abuse Marcia's BEXP levels to get Str up to 23. With Brave Lance, that will do 6 damage x 4 = 24 in EP and then 24 again in PP. It is "possible" in theory to beat Ludveck with Marcia in 2 turns, she just needs to dodge a whole bunch of shit.
  6. I already asked him before making this draft and he said no.
  7. It is >.>. Also, I wonder If I can shave a turn with a super OP Marcia with Brave Lance in 2-E...
  8. Well, Ill leave your spot there for you If u ever can play again but your team will be open to whoever wants to test it. In other words, after I finish, Im so making a second playthrough, but with your team and everyone else is free to do so too. EDIT: Unless someone randomly comes in and wants your spot. But I doubt it, theres not that many people that draft FE10.
  9. Alright. Just say you updated the post with new chapters whenever you have something new. Im doing this because i tried finding stuff in the other haar draft and it was a pain, searching through 30 pages just to find someone's log.
  10. Haha thats crazy XD. Also, reserve a post to put all your updates so i can link to it in the OP.
  11. She is so clutch in prologue, being one of the only characters that can reasonably take a katarina + thief hit. She does come later than palla and catria but she still comes early enough. Her str hurts her a bit, but a quick reclass to cavalier and base arena tends to fix that for me. She has the win spear, which although not as OP as in Fe11, is still pretty useful in some maps. I give her a 9.5/10 (+1 bias factored in).
  12. Hmm, idk i kinda am recalling them appearing at the beginning of the turn now lol. Also, why not skip the robe?
  13. IIRC, they appear at the end of Turn 5.
  14. You might be able to if miccy has wrath and gets at least 1 dodge in EP against tigers and crits. You will probably have to reset so the enemies (especially the tiger boss miccy is going to kill) are in worst bio.
  15. Yeah, i will try it this way and leave a save here just in case. Also, it might be way too hard/frustrating to 4 turn 1-4 with just ilyana SB, tigers have way too much accuracy and ily can only take 1 hit. Youd have to rig 90 something displays AND also crit. A 5-6 turn is more plausible. Also, CR, i wonder if shoving sothe with volug can make you 3 turn 1-6-1...you just need sothe to reach the priest...although iirc, there are some 2 range enemies near the 2 armors at the center so it might make it worse if they can reach volug...still, can you try it?
  16. Haha, can miccy ever get to 25 combined hp def to survive a tiger hit? Also, yeah, oscar can 1 turn it with sol and a bow. You will need pass reyson and celerity oscar. Pass because reyson needs to be in an specific tile to the left in order to vigor oscar when he full moves and a general is in the way. Also, you didnt answer my question, what do you think? Is it wise to skip heather?
  17. I got a 3 turn of 2-1 and skipped heather, do you all think this is a good idea? I might be able to do 3-3 with no problems even without pass due to omg 6 units wtf. And the DB have theirs...so ike can just use theirs in the maps where pass matters (4-1 and 4-4, maybe 4-E-1)...also, in retrospect, i wonder if i could have done better with more abuse, SB seems to be able to replicate what i did with ed with ilyana o_O.
  18. Lmao 12 turns. Dat skrimir. Shouldnt be too hard to get at least 8 turns with ike and rolf, SB. Assuming skrimir doesnt misbehave...
  19. G2G- dont worry about it too much then. Its your first FE10 draft and I wouldnt want it to be a frustrating experience for you. So, just play normally and dont worry too much about keeping up with the rest of us :).
  20. Dont go through the usual route of chapter 20 lol. You are in for a surprise. Its better to charge marth west so that he doesnt need to face camus and all those shitton of silver sword cavaliers.
  21. The "Does Haar need to be unbanned?" Draft Free units: Micaiah, Sothe, Ike, Leanne, Reyson, Rafiel, Black Knight, Lehran My Team: Edward, Mia, Marcia, Soren, Rhys, Rolf, Muarim, Lyre, Gareth [spoiler=Expenditures] Dracoshield - Edward Seraph Robe - Micaiah Dracoshield- Soren Seraph Robe- Soren [spoiler=Part 1] Part 1 Team: Micaiah, Sothe, Edward and Muarim 1-P 4/4 Rigged the Micaiah crit. Took 5 resets >_> to get it. Eddie then plowed through, got str and wrath critted the boss. Unit Lv Xp HP St Mg Sk Sp Lk Df Rs WLv Support Skills Micaiah 1 77 15 2 7 8 7 10 2 4 Light D Edward 6 13 21 9 0 12 14 8 6 0 Sword D 1-1 4/8 Wrath critted the boss. Nolan helped Miccy and shoved her in the last turn so she could reach the escape tile. Skipped the Hand Axe. Unit Lv Xp HP St Mg Sk Sp Lk Df Rs WLv Support Skills Micaiah 2 34 16 2 8 9 8 11 2 5 Light D Edward 7 53 22 10 0 13 15 9 7 0 Sword C Wrath Nolan 9 46 base Nihil 1-2 4/12 Basically, Eddie goes up the ledge and ORKOs the fighter. Leo rescues Laura. Nolan goes east and attacks a soldier. Miccy moves. Turn 2, Eddie rushes and shugs the draco. Nolan and Miccy team up on the new fighter. Leo full moves. Eddie ORKOs the soldiers and fighter near sothe's spawn point with a Steel Sword and a STR proc. Leo drops Laura. Eddie kills the last soldier with Wrath. Sothe moves and chokepoints. Next, Leo shoves Laura. Eddie kills the archer, Sothe does w/e and Laura arrives. Its ridiculous. No energy drop though. Unit Lv Xp HP St Mg Sk Sp Lk Df Rs WLv Support Skills Micaiah 3 06 17 2 9 9 9 12 3 6 Light D Sothe A Sothe 1 14 35 18 4 20 20 15 14 9 Knife B Micaiah A Edward 8 66 23 11 0 13 16 10 10 0 Sword C Wrath Nolan 10 08 30 13 0 12 10 7 9 4 Axe C Nihil 1-3 5/17 Regular right side strat except some shoves on Miccy for faster clearing. Had to rig a dodge from a Steel Lance soldier for Miccy so I confirmed Quint's normal "strat" is very unreliable >:(. Unit Lv Xp HP St Mg Sk Sp Lk Df Rs WLv Support Skills Micaiah 3 57 17 2 9 9 9 12 3 6 Light D Sothe A Sothe 1 33 35 18 4 20 20 15 14 9 Knife B Micaiah A Edward 9 59 24 12 0 13 17 11 11 0 Sword B Wrath 1-4 4/21 Iron Sword forge Wrath Eddie takes the east with some Miccy help. Sothe rushes west. Unit Lv Xp HP St Mg Sk Sp Lk Df Rs WLv Support Skills Micaiah 4 40 18 2 10 10 10 13 3 7 Light D Sothe A Sothe 2 42 35 19 5 21 21 16 15 10 Knife B Micaiah A Edward 12 64 27 14 0 16 20 13 13 2 Sword B Wrath/Cancel 1-5 6/27 Wrath ledge Eddie with a Wind Edge wtfpwns everything. I trained my units as much as I could. Unit Lv Xp HP St Mg Sk Sp Lk Df Rs WLv Support Skills Micaiah 5 84 19 3 11 11 11 14 3 8 Light D Sothe A Sothe 2 91 35 19 5 21 21 16 15 10 Knife A Micaiah A Edward 15 88 30 17 1 18 20 14 13 3 Sword A Wrath/Cancel 1-6-1 4/31 Gawd this was annoying. Mostly because the turns Ive pulled so far made Sothe be in bad bio throughout the chapter. Miccy received a BEXP level up with HP to survive the first fighter and get to resolve territory. The rest was just Sothe and Miccy destroying stuff in their respective places with Eddie cleaning up. Unit Lv Xp HP St Mg Sk Sp Lk Df Rs WLv Support Skills Micaiah 9 09 21 4 15 11 13 17 4 12 Light D Sothe A Resolve Sothe 3 88 35 20 5 22 22 16 15 10 Knife S Micaiah A Adept Edward 16 82 30 18 1 19 20 15 13 4 Sword A Wrath/Cancel 1-6-2 2/33 Shove Sothe. Profit? Eddie got a bunch of kills in EP 1. Sothe full moves and lands in the thicket tile that the boss can target him in. He equipped a crit knive forge with + Hit and +5 MT and had Adept though it took 2 tries because the boss cancelled the counter the first time. Unit Lv Xp HP St Mg Sk Sp Lk Df Rs WLv Support Skills Micaiah 9 09 21 4 15 11 13 17 4 12 Light D Sothe A Resolve Sothe 4 96 35 21 5 23 23 17 15 11 Knife S Micaiah A Adept Edward 17 30 30 19 1 19 20 16 13 4 Sword A Wrath/Cancel 1-7 5/38 Recruited Muarim and he ORKO'd boss. Sothe went through the east carrying Micaiah. Unit Lv Xp HP St Mg Sk Sp Lk Df Rs WLv Support Skills Micaiah 10 11 22 4 16 11 14 18 4 13 Light D Sothe A Resolve Sothe 5 18 35 22 6 23 24 17 15 11 Knife S Micaiah A Adept/Savior Edward 2 75 33 22 3 22 22 18 14 6 Sword A Wrath/Paragon/Cancel Muarim 19 26 base 1-8 4/42 Muarim kills things south. Celerity Sothe kills things east. Eddie kills things west. Miccy gets the Draco and a soldier and a bandit in the center. Muarim doesnt need the no damage trick, he just needed to shove a bandit to lure another bandit that goes after a villager if he cant attack muarim right away. Unit Lv Xp HP St Mg Sk Sp Lk Df Rs WLv Support Skills Micaiah 11 84 29 4 16 11 15 19 4 14 Light C Sothe A Resolve Sothe 6 24 35 22 6 24 25 18 15 11 Knife S Micaiah A Celerity Edward 3 91 34 23 3 23 23 19 14 6 Sword A Wrath/Paragon/Cancel Muarim 19 60 base Rafiel 12 20 heron 1-9 4/46 Found a much MUCH more reliable way to 4 turn this map than the standard. It gets Miccy less kills and thus, exp, but she takes less enemies in EP 3 so its much more reliable. Basically, BK kills a Fighter in the west from 2 range. Miccy 2 ranges the myrmidon. In EP, the myrmidon attacks Micaiah and puts her in resolve and Micaiah finishes him off. Next, Miccy moves west again and lands in a thicket tile. There is only one fighter here and the thicket + resolve give her very good chances of surviving compared to the javelin+fighter in the other route. BK moves east and north. The fighter SDs to Resolve Micaiah and a few enemies SD to BK. The 2 northern reinforcements appear. Turn 3. Miccy moves up and lands in another thicket tile in front of the pacifist soldier that triggers Jarod. BK moves up 1 and lands in a thicket. In EP, the pacifist soldier (i call him pacifist because he doesnt move) and another soldier SD to Miccy while a fighter and the 2 northern reinforcements die to BK. Turn 4, I feed the new Archer reinfocement to Miccy and BK full moves down. Jarod SDs in EP. Unit Lv Xp HP St Mg Sk Sp Lk Df Rs WLv Support Skills Micaiah 13 55 30 4 17 12 17 21 4 16 Light C Sothe A Resolve 1-E 5/51 Sothe carries Miccy to victory. Eddie trains, Muarim attempts to build his strike rank. Micaiah was BEXP'd to level 19 prior to the chapter. Unit Lv Xp HP St Mg Sk Sp Lk Df Rs WLv Support Skills Micaiah 20 30 4 20 14 20 28 5 20 Light C Sothe A Resolve Sothe 7 09 36 22 6 25 26 18 16 11 Knife S Micaiah A Savior/Pass Edward 5 77 35 24 3 25 24 21 15 6 Sword A Wrath/Cancel/Paragon Muarim 19 64 base Rafiel 12 70 heron [spoiler=Part 2] Part 2 Team: Marcia, Leanne, Geoffrey 2-P 8/8 Got to kill the boss with Marcia and Mend Spam with Elincia. I also recruited Haar and traded his Javelin to Leanne. Unit Lv Xp HP St Mg Sk Sp Lk Df Rs WLv Support Skills Marcia 7 54 36 18 7 18 22 13 18 15 Sword C Lance A Leanne 5 80 base 2-1 3/11 Double wrath crit from Nephenee. Skipped Heather. 2-2 5/16 Wrath Neph plows through things. I rigged a dodge on Leanne at 1 point so she didnt die, this allowed her to reach Neph in Turn 5 to vigor her so she could kill the boss. Unit Lv Xp HP St Mg Sk Sp Lk Df Rs WLv Support Skills Leanne 6 21 26 0 3 1 6 28 2 11 2-3 5/21 BEXP'd Marcia to 10.99, rigging all the levels for str. Marcia kills boss and then gets the Wing. Geoffrey had gotten the Arms Scrolls earlier and Marcia traded it before killing the Halberdier. She sent the Speedwing to the Convoy. Unit Lv Xp HP St Mg Sk Sp Lk Df Rs WLv Support Skills Geoffrey 15 46 base Marcia 12 10 39 23 7 21 26 15 18 15 Sword C Lance S 2-E 2/23 Marcia went straight down, killed the Long bow archer there and parked with a Steel Sword equipped. In EP, she dodges the Crossbow guy and the attacks she got hit by, left her with 1 HP. Next, she Brave Lances Ludveck and goes up. Leanne vigors her and she finishes off Ludveck. Unit Lv Xp HP St Mg Sk Sp Lk Df Rs WLv Support Skills Leanne 6 41 26 0 3 1 6 28 2 11 Marcia 13 17 40 24 7 21 26 16 18 16 Sword C Lance S [spoiler=Part 3] Part 3 Team: Greil Mercenaries- Ike, Soren, Rolf, Mia, Rhys, Lyre, Marcia Dawn Brigade- Micaiah, Sothe, Edward 3-P 7/7 Rigged 2 Wo Dao crits from Mia on the boss. It was extremely complicated to make Skrimir behave. The bishop needed to be killed by a tiger in the last turn so Skrimir wouldnt kill it instead of arriving. Luckily, it was a tiger reinforcement (who moves before Skrimir). Trained Soren a bit, made Rhys spam Mend and had Rolf crit mages with the Ballistae. Unit Lv Xp HP St Mg Sk Sp Lk Df Rs WLv Support Skills Ike 11 63 44 24 2 28 23 14 21 7 Sword S Soren 6 74 29 9 24 22 19 12 9 22 Fire B Thunder B Wind A Adept/Provoke/Miracle Rolf 2 49 33 18 3 21 20 13 13 9 Bow B Rhys 3 76 27 8 23 16 14 21 7 24 Light C Staff A Mia 8 83 34 18 5 27 28 18 14 8 Sword A Vantage 3-1 5/12 So many units (gawd wtf were u all smoking?) but the lack of 2 range other than Soren really hurt. Mia got me the robe. Free unit was Boyd. I BEXP'd Soren until he reached 22 Spd in the Base. Ike went through the bushes with help from Rhys, Boyd and Rolf then took on the Turn 5 reinforcements along with Boyd. Soren got the Generals and moved counterclockwise, solo'd the Turn 4 reinforcements and then got the pacifist Halberdier up north. Mia shoved him after she got the robe. Unit Lv Xp HP St Mg Sk Sp Lk Df Rs WLv Support Skills Ike 13 44 46 25 2 29 25 14 22 7 Sword S Soren 12 81 31 9 27 23 23 14 10 23 Fire B Thunder B Wind A Adept/Provoke/Miracle Rolf 3 81 34 19 3 22 21 13 13 10 Bow B Boyd 8 39 base Rhys 5 64 28 9 25 16 16 21 8 26 Light C Staff A Mia 9 08 35 19 5 28 29 18 14 8 Sword A Vantage 3-2 3/15 My plan to 2 turn this failed because Mia cant lift Soren. So, I instead settled with a 3 turn. Celerity Soren OHKO'd the boss with a Max MT thunder forge with a +2 MT coin. Unit Lv Xp HP St Mg Sk Sp Lk Df Rs WLv Support Skills Ike 14 40 47 26 2 29 26 14 22 7 Sword S Soren 13 89 31 10 27 23 23 14 10 23 Fire B Thunder B Wind A Adept/Celerity/Provoke Rolf 4 69 35 20 3 22 22 14 14 10 Bow B Rhys 6 80 29 10 25 16 17 22 8 27 Light C Staff A Miracle Mia 10 52 36 19 5 29 30 18 15 9 Sword S Vantage/Adept 3-3 8/23 Goddamnit, I thought having so many units would shave turns here but eh, it was either Mia's offense being terribad to get there in 7 turns or Celerity Soren not having enough move to get to the north crate in 7 turns so I settled with 8 and the crown. Unit Lv Xp HP St Mg Sk Sp Lk Df Rs WLv Support Skills Ike 14 97 47 26 2 29 26 14 22 7 Sword S Mia C Soren 15 90 40 10 27 23 23 15 14 23 Fire A Thunder B Wind A Adept/Celerity/Provoke Rolf 7 32 38 23 3 24 24 15 15 10 Bow B Rhys 9 07 31 10 25 19 19 24 8 28 Light C Staff A Miracle Mia 12 41 38 21 6 30 30 18 17 9 Sword S Ike C Vantage/Adept/Cancel 3-4 7/30 Derp. Rhys spammed Physic so Lyre could stay alive and she just got her strike rank up with 3 enemies near the start. Unit Lv Xp HP St Mg Sk Sp Lk Df Rs WLv Support Skills Ike 16 32 49 27 2 30 27 16 23 7 Sword S Mia C Celerity Soren 16 27 40 11 27 23 23 16 15 23 Fire A Thunder B Wind A Rolf C Adept/Provoke Rolf 9 09 40 25 4 26 26 16 16 11 Bow B Soren C Rhys 11 43 32 11 25 20 20 26 9 30 Light C Staff S Miracle Mia 1 91 44 26 10 32 32 18 22 13 Sword S Ike C Vantage/Adept/Cancel Lyre 18 48 47 8 6 12 12 17 7 8 Strike A Blossom 3-5 1/31 Soren meteors, the others get their .99 level ups. Unit Lv Xp HP St Mg Sk Sp Lk Df Rs WLv Support Skills Ike 16 32 49 27 2 30 27 16 23 7 Sword S Mia C Celerity Soren 16 98 40 11 27 23 23 16 15 23 Fire A Thunder B Wind A Rolf C Adept/Provoke/Wrath Rolf 10 09 40 26 4 27 26 17 16 11 Bow B Soren C Rhys 12 08 32 11 25 20 21 26 9 30 Light C Staff S Mia 2 05 44 27 10 33 33 18 23 14 Sword S Ike C Vantage/Adept/Cancel Reyson 15 10 heron 3-6 7/38 Edward solos the east. Sothe and Miccy team up north west. Edward was BEXP'd to 11.00 and crowned before the chapter. Unit Lv Xp HP St Mg Sk Sp Lk Df Rs WLv Support Skills Micaiah 4 33 8 24 16 23 30 8 24 Light C Staff C Sothe A Resolve Sothe 11 37 22 7 26 26 22 18 11 Knife S Micaiah A Pass Edward 7 50 29 7 36 37 25 20 13 Sword S Wrath/Cancel/Paragon 3-7 12/50 Derp training for everyone. Especially for Lyre. I also recruited Zihark with Lethe. Soren was BEXP'd to promotion prior to the chapter. Unit Lv Xp HP St Mg Sk Sp Lk Df Rs WLv Support Skills Ike 17 75 50 27 2 30 28 16 24 7 Sword S Mia C Celerity Soren 2 02 45 19 30 25 26 20 21 26 A/B/S/E Rolf C Adept/Provoke Rolf 11 06 41 27 4 27 26 17 16 11 Bow A Soren C Rhys 13 88 33 11 25 21 22 26 10 30 Light B Staff S Miracle Mia 3 70 45 27 10 34 34 18 23 14 Sword S Ike C Reyson 16 10 heron Lyre 19 50 48 9 6 13 13 18 7 9 Strike A Blossom 3-8 4/54 Celerity Soren rushes down. Lyre Rolf Rhys and Reyson get the northeast. Ike and Mia take the center. Unit Lv Xp HP St Mg Sk Sp Lk Df Rs WLv Support Skills Ike 18 25 50 27 2 30 29 16 25 8 Sword S Mia B Soren 5 29 46 19 32 28 27 22 21 28 A/B/S/E Rolf B Adept/Provoke/Celerity Rolf 11 76 41 27 4 27 26 17 16 11 Bow A Soren B Rhys 14 78 34 11 25 22 22 27 10 30 Light B Staff S Lyre C Miracle Mia 4 10 45 27 10 34 35 19 24 14 Sword SS Ike B Vantage/Adept/Cancel Reyson 16 40 heron Lyre 20 15 48 10 6 14 14 19 7 9 Strike A Rhys C Blossom/Daunt 3-9 3/57 Marcia solo. She was BEXP'd and crowned before the chapter and also got BEXP to .99. She sent the wing to the convoy. Unit Lv Xp HP St Mg Sk Sp Lk Df Rs WLv Support Skills Marcia 3 35 46 29 14 27 31 24 26 25 Sword C Lance S Paragon 3-10 5/62 Tried again but couldnt 4 turn it yet again. I just rigged better levelups than last time. I fell 2 enemies short of a 4 turn. Unit Lv Xp HP St Mg Sk Sp Lk Df Rs WLv Support Skills Ike 18 99 50 27 2 30 29 16 25 8 Sword S Mia B Smite Soren 7 01 47 19 34 29 29 23 22 30 S/B/S/E Rolf B Adept/Celerity/Provoke Rolf 13 44 43 27 4 28 26 18 16 12 Bow S Soren B Rhys 15 73 35 11 25 22 23 28 10 30 Light B Staff S Lyre C Miracle Mia 5 79 46 28 11 34 36 19 25 14 Sword SS Ike B Vantage/Cancel/Adept Lyre 21 14 49 11 6 15 15 20 7 10 Strike S Rhys C Blossom/Daunt 3-11 4/66 Celerity Savior Marcia ferries Ike and Leanne vigors her in Turn 2. Leanne was kept safe by the Hawks that accompany her. I also made Rhys and Soren staff spam for exp and lyre battle a bit. Unit Lv Xp HP St Mg Sk Sp Lk Df Rs WLv Support Skills Ike 20 00 50 27 2 30 30 18 26 10 Sword S Mia B Soren 7 29 47 19 34 29 29 23 22 30 S/B/S/E Rolf B Adept/Provoke Rolf 14 57 44 27 4 28 26 18 16 12 Bow S Soren B Rhys 3 11 44 18 28 26 27 34 19 34 Light B Staff S Lyre C Miracle/Paragon Mia 6 34 47 28 11 35 37 20 25 14 Sword SS Ike B Vantage/Adept/Cancel Lyre 22 03 50 12 6 16 16 21 7 10 Strike S Rhys C Blossom/Daunt Marcia 6 40 47 31 13 29 33 25 26 25 Sword C Lance SS Celerity/Savior Leanne 6 71 heron 3-12 3/69 Pass Eddie goes Down then left. Micaiah with Resolve goes left. Unit Lv Xp HP St Mg Sk Sp Lk Df Rs WLv Support Skills Micaiah 7 16 35 9 27 16 25 32 9 27 Light B Staff C Sothe A Resolve Sothe 11 35 37 22 7 26 26 22 18 11 Knife S Micaiah A Edward 8 29 51 30 7 37 38 26 21 14 Sword SS Wrath/Pass/Cancel 3-13 3/72 Pass Eddie again. He wrath crits Ike (ouch 81% crit and OHKOs). Unit Lv Xp HP St Mg Sk Sp Lk Df Rs WLv Support Skills Micaiah 7 16 35 9 27 16 25 32 9 27 Light B Staff C Sothe A Resolve Sothe 12 19 37 22 8 26 26 22 18 11 Knife S Micaiah A Edward 9 18 52 30 7 38 38 26 21 14 Sword SS Wrath/Cancel/Pass 3-E 4/76 Celerity Savior Marcia drops Soren in Micaiah's area and stuff dies. Lyre goes after paladins to the east. Mia and Marcia take down Edward (which wasnt as hard as I though since lolworstbio). Rhys went northwest. Neutral Bio Ike got me the rescue. [spoiler=Part 4 Teams] Italic: forced Bold: unit that is available in one map Normal: nothing of note Silver- Micaiah, Sothe, Leanne, Marcia, Rhys Greil- Ike, Rafiel, Soren, Mia, Muarim Hawk- Reyson, Edward, Rolf, Lyre [spoiler=Part 4] 4-P 2/2 Micaiah kills the halberdier. Sothe Beast Killers the Warrior. Marcia rescues Micaiah and moves up 2 of Sothe's position. Leanne full moves and vigors both. Shade! Savior Sothe rescues Leanne. Marcia drops Micaiah where the Steel Longbow paladin will SD on EP. Marcia moves to a thicket to have more avo. Rhys goes east. In EP, the crossbow guy went after Marcia but she Vantage + Adept killed him before he could attack. A lot of enemies SD on ResolveMiracle Micaiah and the east enemies die to Rhys. Next turn, Marcia Adepts the Tempest Blade General. Micaiah moves to Sothe support range but to a spot where the new reinforcements can still SD. (sothe isnt in range of anyone) And rhys goes east to kill more stuff. In EP, Yuma SDs on Good Bio Marcia (Vantage, Adept AND stun talk about overkill) and everyone else SDs to Marcia, Micaiah and rhys. 4-1 4/6 Mia takes the west. Soren + Rafiel take the east. Boots Torch Ike goes DOWN. 4-2 6/12 Lyre was BEXP'd to Level 31, capping skl spd in the process and getting to 17 str. I also signed her for Rend and gave her halfshift and laguz stones. What I did was send Lyre south. Celerity Eddie goes to the boss, while Rolf trails behind killing stuff Eddie didnt ORKO. Then, Reyson went to help Lyre. Eddie owns the boss area with Tempest Blade, including the boss. rolf kills the center bishop that physics like a mofo, a general eddie didnt KO and the blizzard sage which SD'd on EP at 2 range because he had no target for blizzard. Lyre with Reyson help KO'd 2 rangers and also halfshifted ocasionally because she could still ORKO some things. Last turn, I have Eddie Tempest Blade the southwest general that has 2 range and park in front of the other for EP killing. Lyre uses Laguz stone and with a Reyson vigor barely makes it to a tile that will make the reinforcements SD on her. GG 4-3 6/18 I got lazy and bad luck meant I 6 turned it instead of 5. Rhys didnt want to get into Resolve >:(. Yep. I suck at the desert, its official. 4-4 6/24 Soren meteoring/blizzard'ing doors and crucial enemies. Pass Boots Ike rushes to Oliver and Muarim then joins him to kill stuff. Mia handles the mage room and the Fortify Room's enemies. Soren got the east. Rafiel helped a lot. 4-5 2/26 Celerity Beastfoe Rolf kills a cat. Edward with Caladbolg kills another one. Reyson parks in between them and uses a Laguz Stone. Lyre goes up and halfshifts. Elincia recruits Volke and rescues him, then parks there. Everyone kills stuff in EP and the tigers go east because Lyre is closer than Rolf/Eddie for them. Next, Rolf silences a cat. Eddie shoves him. Reyson vigors both and moves right. Eddie smites Rolf. And he kills Izuka. [spoiler=Endgame] 4-E-1 3/29 Standard stuff. 4-E-2 1/30 Hammer bros. 4-E-3 1/31 Wyrmslayer. 4-E-4 1/32 Rescueeee. 4-E-5 3/35 That's all folks! Final Turncount: 185 if i counted right.
  22. Costs turns to recruit 0/10. The one time I did recruit him, he seemed pretty average aside from his bow rank and his defense will forever suck. I guess he can be a glass cannon horseman if you manage to get him there, but eh. 2.5/10
  23. I would like to remind you all that this isnt as much a competition as it is a collective effort to find the best TCs and to see if haar is really OP'd. I would like to see some effort put into this. Earlier, i discovered a 4 turn of 1-2 that is only possible with massive RN abuse for eddie levels, a much much more reliable 4 turn of 1-9 (ironic i would find it while trying to risk it and 3 turn, but yea, i will use this new strat i found from now on and a 3 turn is impossible) and i did the 1-3 5 turn quint always does, which btw, was my most loathed chapter. Remember RNG abuse is encouraged so go wild and 4 turn 1-P and do otherwise impossible things :p. Also, i wonder if a 4 turn of 1-E is possible...probably not.
  24. I have a PLAN for 3-2. Rescue soren with ike after soren full moves. celerity mia gets shoved by everyone and their mom, ike gives soren to mia and mia drops soren in boss range in turn 2. GG? Having 4 units in 3-3 will also trivialize it so much...actually, i might be able to emulate titania's TCs with so many goddamn part 3 units. What were we all smoking? I want some more.
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