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Everything posted by PKL

  1. Lol I wont pick Jake :p. I want Castor now. I thought Wolf was good in 12 too. Guess I was wrong.
  2. Im fine with Heather being free. But Mia is unjustified lol he just wants her to be free. At least Heather is free so that everyone can have a thief, I guess...
  3. Can I change my pick? Didnt know Wolf sucked in 12. I want Castor :S.
  4. Both of Tormod or Muarim are fine really. Just beware that there's not enough BEXP in HM to get them to be useful in 4-4 or endgame.
  5. (FE11) Random Reclass Thingy Draft finished drafting quite a while ago but I got a bit distracted with all the other drafts I joined -_-. Naglfar- Abel, Draug, Bord, Castor, Minerva, Dolph, Roger, Vyland, Jeorge, Lorenz Blues- Barst, Sedgar, Navarre, Radd, Caesar, Beck, Xane, Arran, Est, Samson eclipse- Cain, Cord, Wolf, Wendell, Jake, Matthis, Tomas, Horace , Etzel, Elice Dr. Will- Julian, Merric, Gordin, Darros, Roshea, Tiki, Midia, Ymir, Astram, Macellan PKL- Caeda, Ogma, Hardin, Athena, Catria, Rickard, Palla, Lena, Wrys, Boah
  6. Volug is actually one of the better picks in HM drafts IMO. He doesnt require as much babying as the other DBs do and he always performs well throughout. Even if his lack of 2 range and gauge is problematic at times. And of course Mia is a good pick :p, she is amazing. Probably even moreso in HM than in NM because her crit, adepts and astra allow her to kill enemies more reliably than almost any other unit. You should consider transfering a Storm Sword with Zihark in 3-7 so that she has better 1-2 range faster unless u want to use Wind Edge for everything. Also, make sure Volug sees a lot of combat in Part 1 so that he can reach S Strike for 3-6. Giving him the DB Energy Drop and Dracoshield makes him a beast! And if you want to low turn this, you should consider one of the Laguz Enmancipation Army for 1-8, which is the most problematic chapter for Volug in part 1.
  7. Congrats, you screwed urself over trying to screw others xD. There's definetely not enough exp to train both in HM. You'll probably only be able to train and promote Nolan by part 3. Edward is definetely one of those characters that is better off alone to leech ur BEXP in HM. Otherwise, it will be a miracle if he even sees level 11 by the end of part 1. This is coming from someone that has used him in countless HM runs succesfully. Every time, Ive needed to favor him a whole lot in order for him to be able to promote. I even need to reset sometimes so that he can gain enough spd and str to perform well in HM. Not to mention, he really wants that dracoshield that now Nolan also wants lol.
  8. Quoted for truth man :D. And nah, I can use Pit quite well and can arrow loop and all that shiz and can actually win with him when i use him in friendlies but I just dont like him lol. He's just not my style. And you are very very right about tournaments being really social events. I know a lot of my current irl friends thanks to tournaments.
  9. Minerva seems good in FE12 but im not sure if I should pick her...I need help picking.
  10. You definetely dont want Soren when you already have Gatrie. Soren is better when alone IMO. I say you should get Mordy or a Hawk.
  11. I said Meg is good enough if u lack a good DB unit.
  12. If you changed the winning condition (the one that says turncount + kills wins), I would join.
  13. Good DBs like Edward, Nolan, Jill, Zihark and Volug and good GMs like Titania, Oscar, Boyd, Mia, Gatrie and maybe Neph are top priority :p. Elincia is also a great choice for saving turns in part 2 and nealuchi (who saves more turns than anyone in part 2). Soren is also a great choice for the GM as with celerity he can save a whole bunch of turns in part 3 and can meteor the boss quite reliably in 3-5.
  14. They're decent but they dont save turns, like at all. They arent high priority in drafts.
  15. Lol u got Boyd in both the HM draft and this one xD and I got Titania in both too :D.
  16. Wolf is awesome :p. I love his back air. As for Pit, never liked using him.
  17. Yep, people enjoy winning. In Brawl, a lot of moves are unsafe when they hit a shield, airdodging has less lag, spotdodges are really good and some rolls (like mk''s forward roll and lucarios rolls) are ridiculous. Which leads to a more defensive game. In Brawl, to make a "combo" or a series of attacks strings, you need to read your opponent, its not like other fighters in which combos are guaranteed. When you hit your opponent in brawl, one of these will happen: 1. Your opponent will airdodge. 2. Your opponent will attack back with an aerial or something due to how low the hitstun is. 3. Or your opponent will jump or do another action specific to his character. A lot of things in brawl are like rock paper scissors. Generally, its safer to just camp since the game kinda forces you to at times. Some characters are also innately better at camping (like falco, toon link and olimar). If my character is better at camping, why would I restrict myself and lower my chances of winning when I can be playing the most effective way (increasing my chances of winning)?
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