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Everything posted by PKL

  1. You cant pick from RD yet thisisjaye.
  2. Ok, random.org was a bitch and barely changed the order. 1, 3, 2, 4, 6, 5 So, I pick first (which I dislike in my drafts) then CR-S01 then Silver harpoon then zorbess then soul and finally thisisjaye. I'll pick Jill. gogogo Also, we pick from the FE9-FE10 units list first. Aka the list of characters that appear in both games. After that, we pick from the FE10 only units in reverse order, starting from thisisjaye.
  3. Both of you should join. Im juggling almost the same amount of drafts as Soul :p.
  4. @ Sal- Too soon to call this a sucess. I need 2 more to join ;_;.
  5. Im starting now. Gonna rape the game with Laura
  6. Tellius Draft #3: *Originally the work of Radiant Dragon and Serenes Forest's PoR Experimental Draft Rules: 1. 6 Participants (5 + myself) will each draft a team to use in PoR (Hard Mode:Fixed Mode) and RD (Normal Mode) with the goal of finishing with the lowest turncount. 2. Units that are free for all to use are: Ike (PoR & RD), Titania(PoR but draftable in RD), Reyson, Micaiah (RD), Sothe, Black Knight(RD), Rafiel (RD), Geoffrey (RD), Leanne (RD) and Lehran(RD). 3. You may transfer data of this draft play through from PoR to RD. No other transfers may be used. 4. Undrafted units may: trade with units, shove/rescue other undrafted units and recruit characters however if they do anything not listed within this rule, then a penalty is incurred: 5. A "quick" list of what Undrafted units may not do without incurring a penalty: enter combat (no meatshielding), shove/smite/rescue drafted units/enemies/NPCs, build supports, use staves, steal, visit villages, open/break chests/doors, find hidden items (this includes PoR Chapter 15 and in RD), give Daunt/Pool/Tide bonuses, be used to increase sight during fog of war chapters etc. 6. Exception to Rule 4: If an undrafted unit is recruiting a character and is attacked (without a weapon) then that player suffers a 2 turn penalty as opposed to the usual 4 associated with free usage of that character. This character may only recruit the character and if attacked (without a weapon) meatshield. Any other actions not authorized in rule 4 still result in a 4 turn penalty. 7. Exception to rule 4 and 5: In PoR Reyson and one of the Hawks may be used to get Naesala to retreat in PoR Chapter 19. Make sure they stay out of combat if you don't draft them or they will suffer the same +2 turn penalties for self defense. 8. Other and Partner/Ally units may do as they please without penalty. 9. The penalties for using an undrafted unit in PoR and penalties for RD are listed below. They are the similar to those previously used in Radiant Dragon's version. 10. Limits placed on PoR BEXP are also listed below and have been modified for this draft. - At the beginning of each chapter, you may give each unit 50 BEXP during base preparation while in PoR. - Once you reach Endgame, you may use your left-over BEXP to get your drafted units to level 20 for transfer purposes. - With fixed mode selected, don't BEXP abuse for good level ups. 11. The position of each participant will be chosen at random once all 6 have entered. 12. This draft will be snaking, with the person in first position getting the 1st and then 12th picks. The person in the sixth will receive the 6th and 7th pick. This will continue on for 11 rounds. 13. This will be done in Hard: Fixed Mode in PoR and Normal Mode in RD. There will be 6 participants with 11 drafted units each and 7 free characters + Herons for all resulting in a total of 21 units available between both games (although three are essentially the same character and two are temporary allies at most). Free Character for all to use: 1. Ike (PoR and RD) 2. Titania (PoR) 3. Sothe (PoR and RD) 4. Michiah (RD) 5. Geoffrey (RD) 6. Reyson (PoR and RD) 7. Rafiel (RD) 8. Leanne (RD) 9. Black Knight (RD) 10. Lethran (RD) Forced Character Penalties in PoR and RD: All characters hold a 4 turn penalty for doing anything not specified above. If an undrafted character (forced or being used to recruit) is attacked when unequipped, they incur a +2 penalty instead of +4 like usual but cannot perform any other action other than meatshielding while recruiting so try not to have it happen too much. Exceptions (RD): 1. One of Edward or Nolan is free for each of 1-P, 1-1 and 1-2. 2. Volug is free for 1-5. 3. Elincia, Marcia and Nealuchi are free for 2-P 4. Nephenee and Brom are free for 2-1. 5. One undrafted, non-Lucia unit is free for 2-2. 6. One undrafted, 7 move unit is free for 3-1. 7. One undrafted, 6 move unit is free for 3-3. PoR BEXP Limits: [spoiler=Table of BEXP limits] Ike: +0.xx Boyd: +0.xx Oscar: +0.xx Rhys: +4.xx Soren: +3.xx Mia: +3.xx Ilyana: +3.xx Rolf: +8.xx Mist: +7.xx Marcia: +2.xx Lethe: +0.00 Mordecai: +0.00 Volke: 12/-- Kieran: 13/-- Brom: 12/-- Nephenee: 10/-- Zihark: +1.xx Sothe: 09/-- Jill: +2.xx Astrid: +5.xx Gatrie: +2.xx Makalov: +3.xx Stefan: +0.00 Tormod: 14/-- Muarim: +0.00 Devdan: +1.xx Tanith: +0.00 Reyson: +0.00 Janaff: --/10 Ulki: --/10 Shinon: +6.xx Calill: --/08 Tauroneo: +1.xx Ranulf: --/12 Haar: +1.xx Lucia: +3.xx Bastian: +3.xx Geoffrey: --/13 Largo: --/10 Elincia: --/07 Ena: --/15 Teams: 1. PKL - Jill, Nephenee, Tormod, Rolf, Lucia, Ena/ Nailah, Sigrun, Kyza, Caineghis, Pelleas 148 turns clear PoR/201 turns clear RD = 349 turns 2. CR-S01 - Oscar, Ilyana, Mia, Brom, Ulki, Devdanved/ Aran, Tibarn, Vika, Leonardo, Geoffrey 169 turns clear PoR/201 turns clear RD = 370 turns 3. Silver Harpoon- Boyd, Kieran, Astrid, Lethe, Stefan, Mist/ Edward, Naesala, Heather, Laura, Oliver 353 turns clear PoR/ 4. zorbess - Marcia, Mordecai, Soren, Janaff, Makalov, Tauroneo/ Nolan, Giffca, Skrimir, Renning, Gareth 5. Soul - Haar, Zihark, Elincia, Calill, Volke, Nasir/ Volug, Nealuchi, Sanaki, Lyre, Largo 174 turns clear PoR/ 6. Thisisjaye - Tanith, Gatrie, Shinon, Muarim, Ranulf, Rhys/ Titania, Meg, Fiona, Bastian, Kurthnaga
  7. Bastian and Renning...the other picks just arent good in HM so no thank you.
  8. Ive always hated DSR. It makes long sets really bad.
  9. Sign me up ^^. 0731-5039-7369
  10. Quick question 13th. Why isnt Arran the scrub free after you get Sirius? Hes basically an inferior Sirius and I doubt people will find much use for him after ch 4 anyways. He might be useful for fetching items in the desert as a DK, so i want him free :/. Also, gimme Boah.
  11. Problem with samto is, I get a better unit next chapter (6x Radd). I'll go with belf.
  12. Can you all help me decide who to pick? All the characters left look really scrubby and I havent even seen them in FE12 and im in chapter 10x...that means bad availability :/. I was looking at growths and recruitment in the main page and im thinking of belf or leiden...
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