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Everything posted by PKL

  1. Err...I pick Rebecca I guess.
  2. Its too late to change the rules on the subject. But you should at least know that your reasoning for banning/not banning haar is very flawed silver harpoon. He doesnt cause a huge impact you say? Hes the only other character who can 1 turn 2-E other than elincia. Celerity and savior haar 2 turns 3-2. No other char can do that. Then theres 3-3, he can 5 turn that place with celerity savior and dropping ike to get one supply. Even titania and oscar dont come close to that turncount. Then theres 3-4, he can ferry ike for a 6 turn clear, saving a turn. 3-5 Im gonna give you, since both titania and haar can 1 turn it. Then theres 3-8, he can 4 turn that while everyone is looking at 5-6 turns. Then theres 3-11, he can 4 turn that while Titania struggles here. Then he rapes silver army by being one of the few who can 2 turn 4-P. And is one of the most reliable characters to get a 5 turn in the desert. While titania is looking at a good 4-1 (but doesnt shave turns because anyone can do her job there) and a map that limits her mobility big time (4-4). Saying Titania comes close to what haar has to offer is incredibly naive of you, SH. Anyway, I should stop ranting and pick. Ummm...I pick Titania of course. And I give Kurthnage the great. Im gonna go ahead and use my wildcard too and pick Edward.
  3. My experience with micaiah in drafts tells me shes faster than Wil. @OP- Best tip: Dont use him.
  4. Updated Teams Kopfjager: Rody, Malliesia, Barst, Navarre, Malice, Est, Wrys, Blues/Marth:Luke, Frey, Ogma, Warren, Athena, Ellerean 13th: Sirius, Draug, Wendell, Gordin, Roger, Jeorge, Astram, PKL/ Toon Link: Caeda, Ryan, Yumina, Julian, Radd, Horace, Jake, ThisisJaye: Cecille, Cain, Minerva, Merric, Caesar, Leiden, Dice, LeaderElliot: Catria, Palla, Linde, Etzel, Cord, Norne, Belf, Bord Matthis Yubello Castor Samto Bantu Darros Robert Beck Tiki Dolph Abel Macellan Katarina Tomas Sheema Samson Frost Rohsea Vyland Sedgar Wolf Midia Ymir Michalis Nagi Only Blues is left. I saw him on earlier today...
  5. Blame Silver Harpoon. I told him to not do it. But he does not listen to reason.
  6. @ blues- i havent started that one yet but its mostly because im busy with other drafts. Im really interested in playing it though. HM drafts are frustrating as fuck = GOOD.
  7. KALLLlucas (Snake/Game and Watch) vs PKL (Marth/Pikachu/Olimar) 0-3
  8. Marcia 3 turns 3-9. That's something! I know her str may be an issue sometimes. But she usually caps it in tier 2 with BEXP anyway.
  9. Tanith has more BEXP levels. She has better growths than Sigrun. And is just plain wreckage. Sure, Tanith's 40% speed growth may come to bite you...but Sigrun's 25% speed growth can come bite you even more often. Also, Tanith is super hot too. Possibly more than Sigrun :3.
  10. Thanks Sal ^^. Im currently in the process of playing FE11. Im in chapter 16. Man, I suck so much @ FE11. Its already auto loss after all that effort I put into the 12 playthrough ;_;. Oh well.
  11. No one has contacted me for matches other than Soul :/.
  12. Silver- Tanith because flying is really useful in both silver maps. Ilyana should be here too because she has great move in desert and can resolve tank everyone in both silver maps. No need for any others here. Greil- Volug because his move will be really helpful in both greil maps. Mist because shes forced and canto is godlike in 4-1. And possibly Brom? Idk he sucks everywhere. Hawk- Nealuchi because flight. Shinon because wrath resolve + crossbows = pawn and u can ferry him with nealuchi in 4-5 to kill izuka in 2 turns. (Its quite complicated btw, I do it with rolf + a flier all the time but its with an specific strategy, youll probably need smite and laguz stone reyson for it. If you cant figure it out, u can still 3 turn the map pretty easily).
  13. Whoa wtf? It's all gone. Maybe it got erased when i was trying to edit it and the internet went out.
  14. 13th's [FE11-FE12] Archanean version of that crazy bastard Radiant Dragon's brainchild My FE12 Playthrough My Team: Barst, Palla, Radd, Castor, Athena, Ymir, Vyland/Ryan, Yubello, Belf, Boah, Lorenz My Unit = Noble's Child + 1 base to str/mag +10% str/mag growth, +2 base skl/spd + 5% growth to skl/spd and truthseeker +30% hp growth. [spoiler=The entire log reposted, WARNING: huge post, cliick at ur own risk] Prologue 1 4/0 Standard stuff. Unit Lv Xp HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res WLv Ursula 2 70 19 4 5 6 7 3 2 4 Tome D Prologue 2 5/0 Took my time milking exp. Unit Lv Xp HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res WLv Ursula 3 00 20 4 6 6 8 3 2 4 Tome D Ryan 1 70 18 7 0 4 4 3 7 0 Bow D Prologue 3 6/0 Took my time once again to get as much EXP as possible. Lured Caeda and Ryan killed her after rody weakened her. Unit Lv Xp HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res WLv Ursula 3 60 20 4 6 8 3 2 4 Tome D Ryan 2 87 19 7 0 5 5 3 8 0 Bow D Prologue 4 Athena route 5/0 Got as much exp as possible for ryan and MU. Unit Lv Xp HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res WLv Ursula 4 39 21 5 7 7 9 4 2 4 Tome D Ryan 4 77 21 9 0 7 6 5 8 0 Bow D Prologue 5 9/0 Took my time and didnt use Athena. Ryan and MU got juicy level ups. Unit Lv Xp HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res WLv Ursula 5 52 22 5 8 7 10 4 2 5 Tome D Ryan 6 21 23 9 0 9 8 6 9 0 Bow D Athena 10 00 25 9 0 12 13 6 7 0 Sword B Prologue 6 Draug route 3/0 Draug because its a better matchup for Mage MU. I milk EXP as much as I can with help from luke and athena. Unit Lv Xp HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res WLv Ursula 6 37 23 5 9 7 11 4 2 5 Tome C Ryan 6 93 23 9 0 9 8 6 9 0 Bow D Athena 10 00 25 9 0 12 13 6 7 0 Sword B Prologue 7 Est route 4/0 I picked Est route because Ryan. Unit Lv Xp HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res WLv Ursula 7 64 24 5 10 8 12 4 2 5 Tome C Ryan 7 99 23 10 0 10 9 7 9 0 Bow C Athena 10 31 25 9 0 12 13 6 7 0 Sword B Prologue 8 The Assasination of that Guy 8/0 Milked exp as much as possible as usual. Ryan is beastly. And that Ursula...o_O Unit Lv Xp HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res WLv Marth 8 24 28 9 0 12 12 11 8 0 Sword D Ursula 9 36 26 6 12 9 14 6 2 5 Tome C Ryan 10 25 25 11 0 12 10 8 11 0 Bow C Athena 10 49 25 9 0 12 13 6 7 0 Sword B Chapter 1 Preparations Screen: Reclass Ryan to Hunter immediately. And Arran to Swordmaster. Gave Ursula a new fire tome. Arranged them in the map and went in. Funds: 5700 G First try failed, I reclassed Ryan to Cavalier and gave him Iron Sword. That way he can build his sword rank while having better move (Which I need) Chapter 1 4/4 Ryan charges with his Iron Sword ORKO'ing everything in sight. Then, Ursula and him team up on the boss to kill him and marth seizes. Arran grabbed the bullion. Unit Class Lv Xp HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res WLv Marth Lord 8 39 28 9 0 12 12 11 8 0 Sword D Ursula Mage 10 69 27 6 13 10 15 6 2 6 Tome C Ryan Cavalier 11 12 28 11 0 12 13 8 13 0 Sword E Lance E Arran Swordmaster 3 12 26 8 1 18 17 4 8 3 Sword C Chapter 2 Preparations: Ryan to Hunter now. Sold the Bullion (S). Gave Ryan back his bows. Made Arran a Dracoknight. Arranged the map order and went in. Chapter 2 6/10 Rushed. Didnt bother recruiting Warren. Ryan killed boss with his steel bow after Jagen weakened and lured him on EP. Didnt get the Lady Sword due to needing Arran for combat. Oh well. Marth seized in turn 6. Unit Class Lv Xp HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res WLv Marth Lord 9 00 29 10 0 13 13 12 8 0 Sword D Ursula Mage 11 76 27 6 14 11 15 7 2 7 Tome C Ryan Hunter 12 57 28 13 0 15 14 8 9 0 Bow C Arran Dracoknight 3 58 24 11 1 12 11 4 12 3 Lance B Axe E Chapter 3 Preparations: Gave Nosferatu to Ursula. Rearranged map order. Put Ursula in the east where the Dracoknighs can reach her. That's about it. I go in. Chapter 3 14/24 Ursula nosferatus the 6 dracos, killing all of them. Palla with Silver Lance goodness ORKOs all the cavalier reinforcements by staying in the middle fort after killing the thief. Marth visits the village with the bridge key on turn 3. Arran takes it. Ryan prepares to rush. Mage MU moves closer to everyone. Arran opens the bridge. Marth moves. Ryan stays in a specific tile that makes Matthis suicide with his javelin. Palla keeps battling reinforcements. Matthis SDs just like I predicted. Mage MU and Ryan clear Marth's way. Allowing him to once again move fully. Arran stays back. Ursula survives with 1 hp against the ballistae and a cavalier. She then KOs the ballistae in my turn. Palla levels up amazingly and proceeds to slaughter the dracoknights. Marth keeps moving towards Julian's village. While Ryan practices with his bow against the boss. Ryan keeps practicing. Palla kills the dracos with ease. Marth visits the village. Ursula KOs the boss. After that, its just full move marth every turn toward the seize point. Unit Class Lv Xp HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res WLv Marth Lord 9 00 29 10 0 13 13 12 8 0 Sword D Ursula Mage 15 27 30 6 17 14 17 9 3 7 Tome B Ryan Hunter 13 31 29 13 0 16 15 8 10 0 Bow C Palla Peg. Knight 12 88 26 12 2 13 17 9 10 6 Lance B Arran Dracoknight 3 63 24 11 1 12 11 4 12 3 Lance B Axe E Chapter 3x: Goals: Make Ryan reach D Swords. Train Marth a bit. Have Cleric MU build her staff rank. I reclass Ryan to Cavalier and Ursula to Cleric. Chapter 3x 12/0 Unit Class Lv Xp HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res WLv Marth Lord 10 19 30 11 0 13 14 13 9 0 Sword D Ursula Cleric 15 92 30 6 15 14 17 9 2 12 Staff E Ryan 14 01 30 12 0 15 16 8 15 1 Sword E Lance E Palla 13 31 27 13 2 14 18 9 10 7 Lance B Chapter 4 Preparations: Reclassed Ursula back to Mage. Didnt deploy Arran. Chapter 4 5/29 Had to take 2 more turns to get Castor. Yumina rescues Marth, he visits his village. Ryan MU and palla just did self improvement. Srs Bznz killed the boss and pretty much everyone in that area allowing marth to seize in turn 5. Unit Class Lv Xp HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res WLv Marth Lord 10 19 30 11 0 13 14 13 9 0 Sword D Ursula Mage 16 06 30 6 18 14 18 9 3 7 Tome B Ryan Cavalier 14 57 30 12 0 15 16 8 15 1 Sword D Lance E Palla Peg. Knight 13 77 27 13 2 14 18 9 10 7 Lance B Sirius Paladin 2 26 29 13 1 15 13 4 12 6 Sword B Lance A Chapter 5 Preparations: Reclass Yubello to Curate. Reclass Ryan to Hunter. Trained Palla to promotion. Palla Dracoknight 20/1 34 20 1 20 20 12 17 4 Funds left: 4400 G Chapter 5 5/34 Recruited Rickard. Palla rushes. With her def, only some enemies actually hurt her. She got hit by the arrowspate but shrugged it off. She's so good that she had time to eliminate the dracos on the west. Bought a door key from the vendor with sirius. The others battled as much as they could for cexp. Unit Class Lv Xp HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res WLv Marth Lord 10 19 30 11 0 13 14 13 9 0 Sword D Ursula Mage 16 33 30 6 18 14 18 9 3 7 Tome B Ryan Hunter 15 16 31 14 0 18 17 8 11 1 Bow C Palla Dracoknight 2 91 34 21 1 21 21 12 17 4 Lance A Axe E Yubello Curate 1 81 18 0 0 1 7 5 4 6 Staff E Sirius Paladin 2 82 29 13 1 15 13 4 12 6 Sword B Lance A Castor Hunter 7 65 24 10 0 7 10 4 6 0 Bow C Barst Fighter 6 07 27 13 0 11 11 6 7 0 Axe D Rickard base Chapter 6 Preparations: Reclassed Barst to Pirate and trained him a bit. Barst 8 63 Pirate 25 14 0 10 15 6 8 0 Axe D Funds: 450G Chapter 6 7/41 Took a turn more for the bullion. It will be worth it to train Barst. And Im super broke. Got all the shards and the barrier staff. What can I say? Palla is broken. Unit Class Lv Xp HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res WLv Marth Lord 10 69 30 11 0 13 14 13 9 0 Sword C Ursula Mage 17 04 31 7 19 15 19 10 4 7 Tome B Ryan Hunter 16 09 32 15 0 19 17 8 11 1 Bow B Palla Dracoknight 4 75 36 21 1 23 21 12 17 4 Lance A Axe E Sirius Paladin 3 48 30 14 1 16 13 5 13 6 Sword B Lance A Rickard Thief base Barst Pirate 9 89 26 15 0 11 15 7 8 0 Axe D Castor Hunter 8 25 25 10 0 8 10 4 6 0 Bow C Chapter 6x Preparations: Sold the Billion(L). Funds: 10450 G Goals: Train everyone a bit. CHECK Have Yubello heal spam for 20 turns. CHECK Chapter 6x 20/0 Marth got the boss kill. Radd was stuck between palla and castor attacking and yubello healing castor for 20 turns. Unit Class Lv Xp HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res WLv Marth Lord 11 39 31 12 0 14 15 14 9 0 Sword C Ursula Mage 17 46 31 7 19 15 19 10 4 7 Tome B Ryan Hunter 16 47 32 15 0 19 17 8 11 1 Bow B Palla Dracoknight 5 05 37 21 1 24 21 12 17 4 Lance A Axe E Yubello Curate 5 72 20 0 0 2 8 6 6 7 Staff D Castor Hunter 8 45 25 10 0 8 10 4 6 0 Bow C Barst Pirate 10 52 27 15 0 12 16 7 8 0 Axe D Radd Myrmidon 5 00 22 5 0 10 13 1 5 0 Sword C Chapter 7 Preparations: Reclassed Ryan to Cavalier. And gave him a steel sword and iron sword. I also gave him Aquarius and Gemini. Gave Libra to Radd and gave him a few swords. Reclassed Srs Bznz to Dracoknight. Reclassed Castor to Mercenary. Chapter 7 5/46 Rescued Feena with Yubello. Moved Marth and danced him. Palla and Sirius flew and chased thieves around. Meanwhile, Ryan follows behind marth and Ursula gets the physic staff. got all the thief loot. Ryan got the boss kill. Barst took on some reinforcements. Seize Unit Class Lv Xp HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res WLv Marth Lord 11 39 38* 12 0 14 15 14 9 0 Sword C Ursula Mage 17 77 31 7 19 15 19 10 4 7 Tome B Ryan Cavalier 17 27 33 15 0 18 18 8 15 1 Sword D Lance E Palla Dracoknight 6 42 38 21 1 25 21 12 18 4 Lance A Axe E Yubello Curate 6 92 21 0 0 3 8 6 6 8 Staff D Castor Mercenary 8 45 25 8 0 12 13 4 8 0 Sword E Barst Pirate 11 25 28 15 0 12 17 7 8 0 Axe C Radd Myrmidon 5 00 22 5 0 10 13 1 5 0 Sword C Sirius Dracoknight 3 99 28 15 1 16 13 5 15 3 Lance A Axe E Feena Dancer 1 85 16 2 0 2 13 8 5 0 Sword E Chapter 8 Preparations: Trained Ryan as a cavalier in the base arena until 20 and promoted him. Then I reclassed him to a Horseman. I also trained him with an iron lance just in case I need to go Dracoknight! Ryan later. Ryan Horseman 1 00 36 19 1 24 22 9 15 4 Sword D Bow B Funds: 5150 G I sell the Bullion(S) I got last last chapter. Funds: 10150 G And I decide to train barst in the arena too. Barst Pirate 16 25 33 19 0 14 20 10 8 0 Axe C Funds: 710 G I gave Barst the Ch6 Secret Book. And promoted him to Berserker. Barst Berserker 1 00 39 21 0 17 21 10 10 0 Axe C I sold random unneeded items like the Firestone and went in. Chapter 8 3/49 Feena dances Marth. Castor buys a hammer. Palla and Ryan make way for Marth. Barst hammers some generals for sweet exp. Palla kills boss. Sirius chases and kills the leo thief. Seize. Unit Class Lv Xp HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res WLv Marth Lord 11 51 38 12 0 14 15 14 9 0 Sword C Ursula Mage 18 17 32 7 19 16 20 10 4 7 Tome B Ryan Horseman 1 57 36 19 1 24 22 9 15 4 Sword D Bow B Palla Dracoknight 7 25 39 22 1 26 22 12 19 4 Lance A Axe E Yubello Curate 7 28 22 0 0 4 9 7 6 8 Staff D Castor Mercenary 8 45 25 8 0 12 13 4 8 0 Sword E Barst Berserker 2 96 40 22 0 18 22 11 10 0 Axe B Radd Myrmidon 5 14 22 5 0 10 13 1 5 0 Sword C Sirius Dracoknight 4 12 29 16 1 17 13 5 16 3 Lance A Axe E Feena Dancer 2 36 16 3 0 3 14 9 6 0 Sword E Chapter 9 Preparations: Gave some javelins to Palla. Filled Rickard's inventory with random stuff. Reclass Ryan to dracoknight and gave him some javelins. Chapter 9 5/54 Rickard starts as far east as possible. He moves, Feena dances him. He full moves again. Marth moves. Palla and Ryan javelin thieves and Ursula moves up with yubello trailing a bit behind her. Rickard gets the boots in turn 2, he has a full inventory so sends it to the convoy and marth uses it. Feena dances marth. Sirius javelins a thief that has the thief staff and marth full moves and finishes him off. The others keep killing mages to the west. Etzel got killed. Rickard got the Capricorn. Marth keeps moving toward the village and the others keep killing stuff on the west. Marth visits the village in turn 4. Yubello rescues him in turn 5 and he seizes. Ryan got the boss kill. Unit Class Lv Xp HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res WLv Marth Lord 11 91 38 12 0 14 15 14 9 0 Sword C Ursula Mage 19 08 33 7 20 16 20 10 4 7 Tome B Ryan Dracoknight 3 20 37 22 1 25 22 9 20 4 Lance D Axe E Palla Dracoknight 8 29 40 23 1 26 23 12 19 4 Lance A Axe E Yubello Curate 8 16 22 0 0 4 9 8 6 8 Staff D Castor Mercenary 8 45 25 8 0 12 13 4 8 0 Sword E Barst Berserker 3 39 41 22 0 18 22 12 10 0 Axe B Radd Myrmidon 5 14 22 5 0 10 13 1 5 0 Sword C Sirius Dracoknight 4 18 29 16 1 17 13 5 16 3 Lance A Axe E Feena Dancer 2 70 16 3 0 3 14 9 6 0 Sword E Rickard Thief 3 00 18 6 0 3 9 1 3 0 Sword E Chapter 10 Preparations: Promoted Ursula. Reclassed her to Bishop. Reclassed Ryan to Sniper. Gave Virgo to Marth. Chapter 10 2/56 Barst, Palla and Ryan open Marth's way. Feena dances Marth. Merric uses pure water and sits to the right of ellerean. A cleric blocks marth's way...I decide to just kill her and 2 turn the map. Sorry silver card. Ursula got a few barrier uses in and Yubello used thief for the bullion (L). He also reached C staves. Unit Class Lv Xp HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res WLv Marth Lord 11 91 38 12 0 14 15 14 9 0 Sword C Ursula Bishop 1 27 39 8 20 17 21 10 5 13 Tome B Staff D Ryan Sniper 3 50 41 21 1 28 24 9 17 4 Bow A Palla Dracoknight 8 72 40 23 1 26 23 12 19 4 Lance A Axe E Yubello Curate 8 83 22 0 0 4 9 8 6 8 Staff C Castor Mercenary 8 45 25 8 0 12 13 4 8 0 Sword E Barst Berserker 3 97 41 22 0 18 22 12 10 0 Axe B Radd Myrmidon 5 14 22 5 0 10 13 1 5 0 Sword C Sirius Dracoknight 4 18 29 16 1 17 13 5 16 3 Lance A Axe E Feena Dancer 3 04 17 3 0 4 15 10 6 0 Sword E Rickard Thief 3 00 18 6 0 3 9 1 3 0 Sword E Chapter 10x: Reclassed Ryan to Horseman. My Goals for this chapter is to get as much exp as possible for radd while building yubello and ursula's staff rank. Chapter 10x 11/0 I took only 11 turns because the reinforcements keep getting tougher and it is cheap If I keep juicing xp out of them. There should be a 10-15 turn limit on this gaiden in the future (or be the only gaiden that's counted). Anyway, fed Radd some kills with Levin Sword awesomeness. His level ups were ridiculous too. This will be fun...Yubello and Ursula staff spammed like there's no tomorrow. Ryan got the boss kill. Unit Class Lv Xp HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res WLv Marth Lord 13 01 40 14 0 15 17 16 9 0 Sword C Ursula Bishop 2 82 40 8 20 17 22 10 5 13 Tome B Staff C Ryan Horseman 7 20 40 22 1 28 24 10 17 4 Sword D Bow B Yubello Curate 12 00 23 0 1 7 12 9 6 10 Staff C Barst Berserker 8 77 46 26 0 22 24 15 12 0 Axe A Radd Myrmidon 9 90 26 8 0 13 16 2 7 0 Sword C Feena Dancer 4 91 18 4 0 5 16 11 6 0 Sword E Chapter 11 Preparations: Sold the Bullion (L) and made Radd a Cavalier. Trained him a bit. Reclassed him to Myrmidon and sold the other Firestone. Then I keep training him as myrmidon. Radd 17 37 29 10 0 20 19 6 10 1 Sword C Chapter 11 6/62 Ursula rushed and rescued Marth. Palla flies gathering items (she got Draco and Arms scroll) while ryan handles the bulk of the enemy army. She then joins Ryan and kills the boss. Got all the loot except Elysian Whip thanks to Sirius. No secret shop. Unit Class Lv Xp HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res WLv Marth Lord 13 28 40 14 0 15 17 16 9 0 Sword C Ursula Bishop 3 69 41 8 21 18 22 10 5 14 Tome B Staff C Ryan Dracoknight 9 42 42 26 1 26 23 11 21 4 Lance D Axe E Yubello Curate 13 49 23 0 1 7 12 10 6 10 Staff C Barst Berserker 8 90 46 26 0 22 24 15 12 0 Axe A Radd Myrmidon 17 82 29 10 0 20 19 6 10 1 Sword C Feena Dancer 5 42 19 4 0 6 17 12 7 0 Sword E Palla Dracoknight 10 77 42 24 1 26 23 13 20 4 Lance A Axe E Castor Mercenary 8 45 25 8 0 12 13 4 8 0 Sword E Sirius Dracoknight 4 79 29 16 1 17 13 5 16 3 Lance A Axe E Chapter 12 Preparations: Train Radd a level. Then I seal him. Radd 1 00 26 13 1 22 21 7 12 4 Sword A Reclassed Ryan to Horseman. Gave Marth the Dracoshield. And another robe. Plus, two speedwings. The secret book i gave to ursula. And Radd received a Godess Icon. Chapter 12 6/68 Ok, I was asking myself If giving marth so many stat-boosters was such a good idea...but It definetely paid off. I literally couldnt move any faster than this. I had to put marth in danger all the time and he would barely survive with 1 HP on EP. Ursula broke physic on marth lol. Its probably not minimum, but Im very glad this map is done WITH. I HATE THIS CHAPTER. Got the last shard btw. And Im glad I promoted radd to swordmaster as the chapter couldnt have been done without him. Unit Class Lv Xp HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res WLv Marth Lord 17 94 51 15 0 17 24 20 11 0 Sword C Ursula Bishop 5 19 43 8 22 21 23 12 5 14 Tome B Staff C Ryan Horseman 10 54 43 24 1 28 25 11 17 4 Sword D Bow B Yubello Curate 14 20 24 0 3 8 12 10 6 10 Staff C Barst Berserker 9 75 47 26 0 22 25 16 12 0 Axe A Radd Swordmaster 4 10 38 14 1 24 23 9 13 4 Sword A Feena Dancer 6 10 20 5 0 7 18 13 7 0 Sword E Palla Dracoknight 12 93 43 24 1 26 23 13 20 5 Lance A Axe E Castor Mercenary BENCH Sirius Dracoknight 4 87 29 16 1 17 13 5 16 3 Lance A Axe E Chapter 13 Preparations: Reclassed Ryan to Dracoknight. Gave him a javelin and a steel lance. And a killer lance just in case, since hes about to reach C. Chapter 13 4/72 Risky but effective. I had Feena dance Marth on first turn and then marth used full move through the rivers. He came 1 TILE SHORT OF SEIZING IN TURN 3. But alas, this is good anyhow. Ryan and Palla are soooo awesome :D. Ursula got the Dragonpike. Radd battled some enemies to the west. Unit Class Lv Xp HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res WLv Marth Lord 18 85 52 16 0 18 25 21 11 2 Sword C Ursula Bishop 8 42 46 8 23 23 24 14 5 16 Tome A Staff C Ryan Dracoknight 12 89 43 26 1 26 23 12 21 4 Lance C Axe E Yubello Curate 14 55 24 0 3 8 12 10 6 10 Staff C Barst Berserker 11 33 49 28 0 23 25 16 12 0 Axe A Radd Swordmaster 5 36 39 14 1 25 24 10 13 4 Sword A Feena Dancer 6 58 20 5 0 7 18 13 7 0 Sword E Palla Dracoknight 14 13 45 24 1 26 23 14 21 6 Lance A Axe E Sirius Dracoknight 5 27 30 17 1 17 13 5 16 4 Lance A Axe E Chapter 13x: 4/0 Kleine recruited...I WISH. :( Got the iote shield. Palla and Sirius were Paladins but didnt get deployed to not noticing the unit limit -_-. Unit Class Lv Xp HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res WLv Marth Lord 18 94 52 16 0 18 25 21 11 2 Sword C Ursula Bishop 8 50 46 8 23 23 24 14 5 16 Tome A Staff C Ryan Horseman 13 83 43 24 1 28 26 12 17 4 Sword C Bow B Yubello Staffbot 14 74 24 0 3 8 12 10 6 10 Staff C Barst Berserker 11 74 49 28 0 23 25 16 12 0 Axe A Radd Swordmaster 5 53 39 14 1 25 24 10 13 4 Sword A Feena Dancer 6 74 20 5 0 7 18 13 7 0 Sword E Athena Myrmidon 11 17 25 9 0 13 14 7 7 0 Sword B Palla Paladin 14 13 47 23 1 26 23 14 19 9 Sword E Lance A Sirius Paladin 5 27 32 16 1 17 13 5 14 7 Sword B Lance A Chapter 14 Preparations: Nothing. Except some reclassing. Chapter 14 4/76 Marth got danced by Feena turn 1. Everyone kills stuff. Ursula then gets danced and full moves as much as possible. Marth gets the spheres. Ursula rescues marth. He full moves towards the seize point. Yubello got the Again with Thief. Sirius chased the thief and got warp. Xane was a big help because it copied Ursula :D. Unit Class Lv Xp HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res WLv Marth Lord 20 26 54 18 0 20 25 23 13 1 Sword B Ursula Bishop 9 96 47 9 23 24 25 14 5 16 Tome A Staff C Ryan Horseman 14 84 44 24 1 28 27 12 17 4 Sword C Bow B Yubello Curate 15 66 25 0 3 8 13 11 7 10 Staff B Barst Berserker 12 92 50 29 0 23 25 16 13 0 Axe A Radd Swordmaster 8 36 42 17 1 27 26 11 14 5 Sword A Feena Dancer 7 38 21 6 0 8 19 14 7 0 Sword E Athena Myrmidon 11 39 25 9 0 13 14 7 7 0 Sword B Palla Dracoknight 14 82 45 24 1 26 23 14 21 6 Lance A Axe E Sirius Dracoknight 5 73 30 17 1 17 13 5 16 4 Lance A Axe E Xane Freelancer 6 93 20 3 0 3 12 11 6 10 Chapter 15 Preparations: Gave Palla the Iote's Shield. Recover to Yubello. That Door key I bought in Chapter 5? I gave it palla. Deployed Rickard for the first time in years. Sold the Bullion (L). Ryan arena'd once to level up and get hp+spd. Chapter 15 5/81 Xane transforms into Palla. Marth moves, Feena dances but he doesnt use full move yet. Ryan and Palla kill some enemies. Ryan gets to A bows with the attack. In the enemy phase, the horsemen attack ryan from 2 range and give me some items. I send bows to the convoy and end up with steel sword equipped against the paladins that attacked him later. Only 2 generals remained blocking the way. Palla used the Door key. Marth moves, Feena dances him. Marth equips a Rapier. Ursula mends Ryan, he attacks a general and stands in a way that 2 range enemies of the boss area will SD to his new Silver Bow. Barst prepares to rush the isle from the north. Next turn, Palla moves and kills 1 ballistae. Ryan kills the general that didnt die to Marth's rapier and blocked the way with his silver bow. I warp Rickard to the next door. He opens it (from inside). Marth full moves. Radd moves and gets danced by Feena. Almost reaching Marth. Barst storms the isle with his steel axe killing a physic thief. Abel SDs to him in EP. :( You were cool in SD, Abel. Anyway, I then have radd eliminate the swarm bishop that almost killed rickard. Marth full moves. Ryan moves towards marth. Ursula spams staves for Staff rank. I have Palla kill arrowspate guy. Barst kills boss. Sirius kills a fortify bishop. Thief reinforcements show up but dont block Marth's way. I full move Marth and use again on him after getting some items with my dracos including a rapier, steel lance and elfire. Marth seizes after Ursula and Yubello spam some more. Unit Class Lv Xp HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res WLv Marth Lord 20 36 54 18 0 20 25 23 13 1 Sword B Ursula Bishop 10 34 48 9 23 25 25 14 5 16 Tome A Staff C Ryan Horseman 16 77 46 24 1 28 28 12 17 4 Sword C Bow A Yubello Curate 17 25 27 0 4 9 13 12 7 12 Staff B Barst Berserker 13 71 51 30 0 23 26 17 13 0 Axe A Radd Swordmaster 8 71 42 17 1 27 26 11 14 5 Sword A Feena Dancer 8 18 21 7 0 8 19 15 8 0 Sword E Athena Myrmidon 11 39 25 9 0 13 14 7 7 0 Sword B Palla Dracoknight 15 60 45 25 1 26 23 14 21 6 Lance A Axe E Sirius Dracoknight 6 30 31 17 1 17 14 6 16 4 Lance A Axe E Xane Freelancer 7 15 21 3 0 4 13 11 7 10 Chapter 16 Preparations: Put some stuff that I got last chapter in the convoy. Gave Physic to Ursula. Chapter 16 3/84 Rickard stands in front of the door in turn 1. Everyone prepares to storm the door next turn and move close to Rickard except Ryan who's going to lure Astram and Sirius whos going to get the Geosphere. Turn 2, Rickard opens the door. And I kill a bunch of enemy units except for the 2 swarm bishops, 2 mages and a berserker. The boss was my priority here making palla kill him. Feena dances Rickard and hopes to dodge a swarm. Sirius hits the Geosphere thief once. And Ryan runs away from Astram. Next turn, I kill the fortify and physic bishops. Warp Rickard to the Bullion (L) chest. Get the Rescue with a thief. Ryan kills Astram with the Killer Bow. Sirius finishes off the Geosphere thief. I gather some CEXP, then seized. Unit Class Lv Xp HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res WLv Marth Lord 20 66 54 18 0 20 25 23 13 1 Sword B Ursula Bishop 10 80 48 9 23 25 25 14 5 16 Tome A Staff C Ryan Horseman 17 45 46 24 1 28 28 13 17 4 Sword C Bow A Yubello Curate 18 57 28 0 5 9 14 12 7 13 Staff B Barst Berserker 14 25 52 30 0 23 27 17 13 0 Axe A Radd Swordmaster 9 55 43 18 1 28 27 12 14 5 Sword A Feena Dancer 8 66 21 7 0 8 19 15 8 0 Sword E Palla Dracoknight 16 14 46 25 1 26 23 14 21 6 Lance A Axe E Sirius Dracoknight 6 82 31 17 1 17 14 6 16 4 Lance A Axe E Xane Freelancer 7 53 21 3 0 4 13 11 7 10 Rickard Thief 3 00 base Chapter 16x Preparations: Arena'd Sirius a bit. Sirius 11 08 35 21 1 19 17 10 18 5 Funds: 13400G Chapter 16x 3/0 Recruited Katarina for her awesome tome. Yubello is ready for promotion. Unit Class Lv Xp HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res WLv Marth Lord 21 26 55 18 0 21 25 24 13 1 Sword B Ursula Bishop 11 20 49 9 24 26 25 15 5 16 Tome A Staff C Ryan Horseman 17 87 46 24 1 28 28 13 17 4 Sword C Bow A Yubello Curate 19 32 28 0 5 10 15 12 7 13 Staff B Radd Swordmaster 45 19 1 29 29 12 14 5 Sword A Feena Dancer 8 98 21 7 0 8 19 15 8 0 Sword E Sirius Dracoknight 11 34 35 21 1 19 17 10 18 5 Lance A Axe E Barst Berserker 14 25 52 30 0 23 27 17 13 0 Axe A Palla Dracoknight 16 14 46 25 1 26 23 14 21 6 Lance A Axe E Xane Freelancer 7 53 21 3 0 4 13 11 7 10 Chapter 17 Preparations: Ryan arena'd once for hp spd def. (which is weird, since he has a total growth of 195 right now) Chapter 17 5/89 Ryan gets the door key from the berserker. Feena dances him. Radd kills the sniper close to the start. Ryan later opens the door. Barst gets warped to the nosferatu thief (yes, I really want that nosferatu :p). Yubello uses a Seal to promote. Palla helps Ryan open Marth's way to the throne room. Marth moves. Samson SDs. Then, Ryan killer bow crits Sheema and Marth seizes. Unit Class Lv Xp HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res WLv Marth Lord 21 56 55 18 0 21 25 24 13 1 Sword B Ursula Bishop 12 61 49 9 24 26 25 15 5 17 Tome A Staff C Ryan Horseman 19 18 48 24 1 28 30 14 19 4 Sword C Bow A Yubello Bishop 1 91 34 1 8 12 16 13 8 17 Tome D Staff A Radd Swordmaster 11 69 45 19 1 29 29 12 14 5 Sword A Feena Dancer 9 88 22 8 0 9 20 16 8 0 Sword E Sirius Dracoknight 11 34 35 21 1 19 17 10 18 5 Lance A Axe E Barst Berserker 14 38 52 30 0 23 27 17 13 0 Axe A Palla Dracoknight 16 99 46 25 1 26 23 14 21 6 Lance A Axe E Xane Freelancer 7 85 21 3 0 4 13 11 7 10 Chapter 18 Preparations: Reclassed Ursula to Sage. Gave her a nosferatu. Gave Yubello the Rescue staff. Palla arena'd once to get a good level up. (hp def) Chapter 18 2/91 Marth moves, feena dances him. Barst Radd Ryan and Palla cover Feena. Marth visits the Lifesphere village. Yubello warps Ursula in the middle of all those generals. She uses nosferatu on the ballistae that blocks the way. She KOs every general there with nosferatu and levels up amazingly. Speaking of, she wasnt the only one who leveled up amazingly. Look at this: O_O. Yubello rescues Marth in turn 2. Ursula KOs the general blocking the seize point. Marth seizes. Unit Class Lv Xp HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res WLv Marth Lord 21 56 55 18 0 21 25 24 13 1 Sword B Ursula Sage 14 25 51 11 28 28 25 17 5 14 Tome A Staff C Ryan Horseman 19 18 48 24 1 28 30 14 19 4 Sword C Bow A Yubello Bishop 2 41 35 1 9 13 17 14 9 18 Tome D Staff A Radd Swordmaster 11 69 45 19 1 29 29 12 14 5 Sword A Feena Dancer 10 03 22 8 0 10 21 16 8 0 Sword E Sirius Dracoknight 11 34 35 21 1 19 17 10 18 5 Lance A Axe E Barst Berserker 14 68 52 30 0 23 27 17 13 0 Axe A Palla Dracoknight 17 32 47 25 1 26 23 14 22 6 Lance A Axe E Xane Freelancer 7 85 21 3 0 4 13 11 7 10 Chapter 19 Preparations: Reclassed Ursula back to Bishop. Chapter 19 6/97 Marth moves Feena dances him. Yubello warps Ryan to the roshea village area so he can get rid of the berserkers before marth gets there. Next turn, Ursula moves, feena dances her. Marth keeps moving. Ryan kills the last berserker. Marth gets rid of the paladins that attack him with his rapier. Ursula moves and equips nosferatu. Marth is one turn away from roshea's village and takes the opportunity buy 3 door keys from the vendor close to roshea's village. Ursula kills the Sedgar horsemen with nosferatu. Next turn, marth visits the village. Palla kills boss, receives a spirit dust and she sends the silver lance to the convoy (equipping a javelin). Ryan kills the ballistae that was close to sedgar's position. Yubello physics Palla. Yubello lures a ballistae to attack him. Palla dodges all the ballistae and survives, kills wolf and all the horsemen in that area. Radd lures Vyland and the pallies. Ursula moves, rescues marth. He full moves and lands in a fort. Roshea talks to Vyland. Everyone kills the pallies that were accompanying vyland. Marth full moves and Yubello uses again. Marth seizes. Unit Class Lv Xp HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res WLv Marth Lord 23 22 57 20 0 22 25 26 13 1 Sword B Ursula Bishop 15 55 51 9 25 26 25 18 5 18 Tome A Staff C Ryan Horseman 20 00 48 24 1 28 30 14 20 4 Sword C Bow A Yubello Bishop 4 06 36 1 9 14 18 14 9 18 Tome D Staff A Radd Swordmaster 12 09 46 20 1 29 29 13 14 5 Sword A Feena Dancer 10 78 22 8 0 10 21 16 8 0 Sword E Sirius Dracoknight 12 13 36 22 1 19 18 11 18 5 Lance A Axe E Barst Berserker 15 34 53 30 0 24 28 17 13 0 Axe A Palla Dracoknight 19 03 49 26 1 26 23 14 22 6 Lance A Axe E Xane Freelancer 8 08 22 3 0 4 14 11 8 10 Vyland Paladin 8 00 37 14 1 13 12 7 15 6 Sword B Lance B Chapter 20 Preparations: Gave Door Keys to Palla and Sirius. Chapter 20 5/102 Parthia Ryan crit Hardin (38 chance) and finished him in One round. Sirius and Palla opened the doors for Marth. Got the Again staff with a thief charge and the bullion (L) with Rickard! Xane. Unit Class Lv Xp HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res WLv Marth Lord 23 87 57 20 0 22 25 26 13 1 Sword B Ursula Bishop 15 96 51 9 25 26 25 18 5 18 Tome A Staff C Ryan Horseman 20 00 48 24 1 28 30 14 20 4 Sword C Bow A Yubello Bishop 4 76 36 1 9 14 18 14 9 18 Tome D Staff A Radd Swordmaster 12 09 46 20 1 29 29 13 14 5 Sword A Feena Dancer 11 53 22 9 0 11 22 17 8 0 Sword E Sirius Dracoknight 12 64 36 22 1 19 18 11 18 5 Lance A Axe E Barst Berserker 16 24 54 30 0 24 28 18 13 0 Axe A Palla Dracoknight 50 26 1 26 23 14 22 6 Lance A Axe E Xane Freelancer 8 18 22 3 0 4 14 11 8 10 Rickard Thief base Chapter 20x Preparations: Didnt deploy Palla Xane Rickard or Barst. Deployed Ryan to train his Sword rank. Though ill mostly be concentrating on getting Marth and Sirius up to par. Reclassed Yubello to Sage and gave him a few tomes. Chapter 20x 15/0 Took my time getting the chests and heal spamming as much as possible with both staffbotters. Ryan reached B. Feena danced a lot. Overall, I got all that I wanted except maybe some more Sirius level ups. Unit Class Lv Xp HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res WLv Marth Lord 26 67 59 21 0 25 25 28 14 1 Sword B Ursula Bishop 16 98 52 9 25 26 25 18 5 18 Tome A Staff B Ryan Horseman 20 00 48 24 1 28 30 14 20 4 Sword B Bow A Yubello Sage 7 56 38 3 13 14 21 14 9 14 Tome D Staff B Radd Swordmaster 12 79 46 20 1 29 29 13 14 5 Sword A Feena Dancer 13 25 23 9 0 13 24 18 8 0 Sword E Sirius Dracoknight 13 04 37 23 1 20 19 11 18 5 Lance A Axe E Chapter 21 Preparations: Gave Sirius the VIP Card. Sold useless items for cash. Gave Marth a Dracoshield. Gave Yubello a Spirit Dust. Reclassed Ursula to Sage. Chapter 21 6/108 Marth moves. Feena dances him. Yubello warps Ursula to the east close to the seize point and she kills a meteor tome dark mage there. Everyone makes a diamond around feena to protect her. Xane transforms into Palla. Next turn, I move Ryan and attack the meteor tome fort dark mage for Marth to pass through. Marth gets physic'd. Ursula keeps nosferatu tanking against wyverns to the east. Sirius prepares to get the Secret Shop. Palla helps him. Marth keeps moving towards the village. Marth survives somehow. Tip: Ursula lured a wyvern that was close to the village :D. Sirius gets an Energy Drop, 1 speedwing, 3 spirit dusts, 1 seraph robe and 3 dracoshields. Marth visits the village. Yubello moves. Then, yubello moves again, rescues Marth and marth seizes. Unit Class Lv Xp HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res WLv Marth Lord 30 00 60 25 0 25 25 30 16 1 Sword A Ursula Sage 20 00 55 11 30 28 25 22 6 15 Tome A Staff B Ryan Horseman 20 00 48 24 1 28 30 14 20 4 Sword B Bow A Yubello Sage 8 69 39 3 16 14 21 14 9 14 Tome D Staff A Radd Swordmaster 47 20 1 29 30 14 14 5 Sword A Feena Dancer 13 81 23 9 0 13 24 18 8 0 Sword E Sirius Dracoknight 13 80 37 23 1 20 19 11 18 5 Lance A Axe E Barst Berserker 16 98 54 30 0 24 28 18 13 0 Axe A Palla Dracoknight 20 00 50 26 1 26 23 14 22 6 Lance A Axe E Xane Freelancer 8 68 22 3 0 4 14 11 8 10 Ymir Warrior 10 57 48 20 0 13 15 5 11 1 Axe B Bow C Chapter 22 Preparations: Gave Marth 3 Dracoshields. Gave Yubello 3 Spirit Dusts. Gave Sirius a Speedwing. Gave Radd 2 Energy Drops. Gave the last drop to Sirius. And a Godess Icon. Gave the Master Key to Palla. Used an Arms Scroll on Ryan for A Swords. Reclassed Ymir to Sniper and gave him a Silver Bow. Reclassed both Sirius and Palla to Paladins. Chapter 22 4/112 Marth moves and uses a Pure Water. Feena dances. Ryan silver bows a mage. Palla full moves. Xane transforms into Sirius. Ursula and everyone moves. Turn 2, Marth attacks a mage while full moving. Palla and Sirius full move too. Ryan and the others kill stuff. Sirius kills another mage blocking the way. Palla opens the right hand door. Ursula warps Ryan. Ryan uses parthia on the mage dragon blocking the door. Marth full moves, trades Ryan's Parthia making him equip Silver Sword and attacks a Fire Dragon and ORKOs it. Yubello fortifies. Feena dances him and he fortifies again. Ryan Parthia crits the mage dragon in the seize tile. Marth seizes. Unit Class Lv Xp HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res WLv Marth Lord 30 00 60 25 0 25 25 30 22 1 Sword A Ursula Sage 20 00 55 11 30 28 25 22 6 15 Tome A Staff B Ryan Horseman 20 00 48 24 1 28 30 14 20 4 Sword A Bow A Yubello Sage 9 90 39 3 23 14 21 15 9 15 Tome D Staff A Radd Swordmaster 13 49 47 24 1 29 30 14 14 5 Sword A Feena Dancer 14 23 23 10 0 14 25 19 8 0 Sword E Sirius Paladin 14 93 47 24 1 20 21 14 16 8 Sword B Lance A Barst Berserker 17 58 55 30 0 24 28 18 13 0 Axe A Palla Paladin 20 00 52 25 1 26 23 14 20 9 Sword E Lance A Xane Freelancer 8 89 22 3 0 4 14 11 8 10 Ymir Sniper 11 16 44 18 1 18 18 6 13 3 Bow B Chapter 23 Preparations: Not much. Just made sure Ursula had Nosferatu and Starlight on her. Chapter 23 4/116 Ursula moves and gets danced by Feena. The others kill some dragons. Ursula then nosferatu tanks the glower enemies. Marth full moves. She nosferatu tanks Gharnef and 2 more glower mages. Marth keeps moving with help from ryan and sirius. Sirius takes a beating from the meteor mages but survives. Ursula kills Gharnef with starlight and Marth seizes. Unit Class Lv Xp HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res WLv Marth Lord 30 00 60 25 0 25 25 30 22 1 Sword A Ursula Sage 20 00 55 11 30 28 25 22 6 15 Tome A Staff B Ryan Horseman 20 00 48 24 1 28 30 14 20 4 Sword A Bow A Yubello Sage 10 81 40 3 23 15 21 15 9 15 Tome D Staff A Radd Swordmaster 14 62 48 24 1 29 30 15 14 5 Sword A Feena Dancer 14 65 23 10 0 14 25 19 8 0 Sword E Sirius Paladin 16 10 49 25 1 22 22 16 17 8 Sword B Lance A Barst Berserker 18 33 56 30 0 24 28 18 13 0 Axe A Palla Paladin 20 00 52 25 1 26 23 14 20 9 Sword E Lance A Xane Freelancer 9 53 23 4 0 4 14 11 9 11 Ymir Sniper 11 16 44 18 1 18 18 6 13 3 Bow B Endgame Preparations: Promoted Merric with a Master Seal that I kept and reclassed him to Dracoknight. Reclassed Palla to Dracoknight. Sirius too. Took Falchion from the Convoy. Endgame 2/118 I dont care to explain this chapter. So I will let the screenshots talk for themselves. I made Ryan kill Medeus :3. Unit Class Lv Xp HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res WLv Marth Lord 30 00 60 25 0 25 25 30 22 1 Sword A Ursula Sage 20 00 55 11 30 28 25 22 6 15 Tome A Staff B Ryan Horseman 20 00 48 24 1 28 30 14 20 4 Sword A Bow A Yubello Sage 11 15 41 3 24 16 21 16 9 15 Tome D Staff A Radd Swordmaster 15 33 49 24 1 29 30 16 14 5 Sword A Feena Dancer 14 93 23 10 0 14 25 19 8 0 Sword E Sirius Dracoknight 16 17 47 26 1 22 22 16 19 5 Lance A Axe E Barst Berserker 18 90 56 30 0 24 28 18 13 0 Axe A Palla Dracoknight 20 00 50 26 1 26 23 14 22 6 Lance A Axe E Merric Dracoknight 1 00 28 8 5 10 14 6 15 5 Lance D Axe E Minerva Dracoknight 4 00 32 13 1 12 15 11 16 3 Lance C Axe A Julian Thief 6 00 20 7 0 8 14 7 6 0 Sword E Lena Bishop 3 25 27 1 8 8 13 10 6 11 Tome D Staff B Maria Bishop 1 00 24 1 5 5 5 8 3 9 Tome E Staff C Nyna Bishop 7 24 25 1 6 6 10 18 4 9 Tome C Staff A Elice Bishop 5 00 26 1 7 7 7 7 5 10 Tome C Staff A Final turncount: 118 [spoiler=Character kills] Marth 127B 59W Ursula 148B 106W Ryan 222B 167W Palla 148B 120W Yubello 18B 3W Sirius 82B 48W Castor 26 B 3 W Rickard 2 B 0 W Barst 128 B 104W Radd 86 B 64 W Feena 5 B 0 W Athena 9B 2W Xane 14B 11W Vyland 0B 0W Ymir 3B 2W Nagi 1B 1W [spoiler=Character Opinions] Marth- he is Marth. Starts out pretty decent and ends a freaking beast. Massive statbooster use made seizing with him a lot easier. Ursula-Female Mage MU is really freaking good. Her hp growth ensured that she could take 2-3 hits. She had overkill mag/spd for pretty much the whole game and her nosferatu tanking was invaluable in some maps. <3 Ryan- Wow. This guy is really good. Has the highest availability after MU. Grows pretty quickly into a beast. MVP of the run definetely. Palla- Omg. This girl is so OP right from the get go. Auto silver. Good level. Great bases...Shes got it all. She made earlygame a breeze pretty much. Slowed down a bit in endgame due to her 23 speed but her high move made invaluable for stuff like opening doors for Marth. 2nd MVP of this run. Yubello- decent staffbot. Made some maps more tolerable. His mag base is terrible though :/. Was a big help with fortify/again/physic and rescue. Sirius- turned out pretty decent thanks to the arena'ing and the statboosters. Like Palla, his movement was a big help in a few endgame maps. Castor- wow this guy is so redundant in my team...He didnt help at all, just costed me 2 turns so I can lose this draft lol. Fuck you Castor. Barst- 3rd MVP of this run. Man, his offense is so damn good as a berserker. Too bad his defense always sucked ;_;. Still, his great offense basically guaranteed stuff was going to die when he attacked/got attacked which is really good. Radd- This guy is decent. Sure, he has those terrible bases. But his growths are badass. Arena makes him a badass unit. ORKO'd a lot of problematic stuff. Pretty good performance Id say. Feena- this girl is awesome. Should definetely be free in all drafts. Would be instant win for the one who got her. Athena- benched. Not much to say. She helped a bit in prologue, I guess? :S Xane- the turn she takes to transform limits how useful she was in this run. Sure, it meant a second palla/ryan but once she got to enemies, they were all dead... Vyland- lol Ymir- lol. Nagi- she helped with a few dragons I guess.
  15. Chapter 19 Preparations: Reclassed Ursula back to Bishop. Chapter 19 6/97 Marth moves Feena dances him. Yubello warps Ryan to the roshea village area so he can get rid of the berserkers before marth gets there. Next turn, Ursula moves, feena dances her. Marth keeps moving. Ryan kills the last berserker. Marth gets rid of the paladins that attack him with his rapier. Ursula moves and equips nosferatu. Marth is one turn away from roshea's village and takes the opportunity buy 3 door keys from the vendor close to roshea's village. Ursula kills the Sedgar horsemen with nosferatu. Next turn, marth visits the village. Palla kills boss, receives a spirit dust and she sends the silver lance to the convoy (equipping a javelin). Ryan kills the ballistae that was close to sedgar's position. Yubello physics Palla. Yubello lures a ballistae to attack him. Palla dodges all the ballistae and survives, kills wolf and all the horsemen in that area. Radd lures Vyland and the pallies. Ursula moves, rescues marth. He full moves and lands in a fort. Roshea talks to Vyland. Everyone kills the pallies that were accompanying vyland. Marth full moves and Yubello uses again. Marth seizes. Unit Class Lv Xp HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res WLv Marth Lord 23 22 57 20 0 22 25 26 13 1 Sword B Ursula Bishop 15 55 51 9 25 26 25 18 5 18 Tome A Staff C Ryan Horseman 20 00 48 24 1 28 30 14 20 4 Sword C Bow A Yubello Bishop 4 06 36 1 9 14 18 14 9 18 Tome D Staff A Radd Swordmaster 12 09 46 20 1 29 29 13 14 5 Sword A Feena Dancer 10 78 22 8 0 10 21 16 8 0 Sword E Sirius Dracoknight 12 13 36 22 1 19 18 11 18 5 Lance A Axe E Barst Berserker 15 34 53 30 0 24 28 17 13 0 Axe A Palla Dracoknight 19 03 49 26 1 26 23 14 22 6 Lance A Axe E Xane Freelancer 8 08 22 3 0 4 14 11 8 10 Vyland Paladin 8 00 37 14 1 13 12 7 15 6 Sword B Lance B Chapter 20 Preparations: Gave Door Keys to Palla and Sirius. Chapter 20 5/102 Parthia Ryan crit Hardin (38 chance) and finished him in One round. Sirius and Palla opened the doors for Marth. Got the Again staff with a thief charge and the bullion (L) with Rickard! Xane. Unit Class Lv Xp HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res WLv Marth Lord 23 87 57 20 0 22 25 26 13 1 Sword B Ursula Bishop 15 96 51 9 25 26 25 18 5 18 Tome A Staff C Ryan Horseman 20 00 48 24 1 28 30 14 20 4 Sword C Bow A Yubello Bishop 4 76 36 1 9 14 18 14 9 18 Tome D Staff A Radd Swordmaster 12 09 46 20 1 29 29 13 14 5 Sword A Feena Dancer 11 53 22 9 0 11 22 17 8 0 Sword E Sirius Dracoknight 12 64 36 22 1 19 18 11 18 5 Lance A Axe E Barst Berserker 16 24 54 30 0 24 28 18 13 0 Axe A Palla Dracoknight 50 26 1 26 23 14 22 6 Lance A Axe E Xane Freelancer 8 18 22 3 0 4 14 11 8 10 Rickard Thief base Chapter 20x Preparations: Didnt deploy Palla Xane Rickard or Barst. Deployed Ryan to train his Sword rank. Though ill mostly be concentrating on getting Marth and Sirius up to par. Reclassed Yubello to Sage and gave him a few tomes. Chapter 20x 15/0 Took my time getting the chests and heal spamming as much as possible with both staffbotters. Ryan reached B. Feena danced a lot. Overall, I got all that I wanted except maybe some more Sirius level ups. Unit Class Lv Xp HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res WLv Marth Lord 26 67 59 21 0 25 25 28 14 1 Sword B Ursula Bishop 16 98 52 9 25 26 25 18 5 18 Tome A Staff B Ryan Horseman 20 00 48 24 1 28 30 14 20 4 Sword B Bow A Yubello Sage 7 56 38 3 13 14 21 14 9 14 Tome D Staff B Radd Swordmaster 12 79 46 20 1 29 29 13 14 5 Sword A Feena Dancer 13 25 23 9 0 13 24 18 8 0 Sword E Sirius Dracoknight 13 04 37 23 1 20 19 11 18 5 Lance A Axe E Chapter 21 Preparations: Gave Sirius the VIP Card. Sold useless items for cash. Gave Marth a Dracoshield. Gave Yubello a Spirit Dust. Reclassed Ursula to Sage. Chapter 21 6/108 Marth moves. Feena dances him. Yubello warps Ursula to the east close to the seize point and she kills a meteor tome dark mage there. Everyone makes a diamond around feena to protect her. Xane transforms into Palla. Next turn, I move Ryan and attack the meteor tome fort dark mage for Marth to pass through. Marth gets physic'd. Ursula keeps nosferatu tanking against wyverns to the east. Sirius prepares to get the Secret Shop. Palla helps him. Marth keeps moving towards the village. Marth survives somehow. Tip: Ursula lured a wyvern that was close to the village :D. Sirius gets an Energy Drop, 1 speedwing, 3 spirit dusts, 1 seraph robe and 3 dracoshields. Marth visits the village. Yubello moves. Then, yubello moves again, rescues Marth and marth seizes. Unit Class Lv Xp HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res WLv Marth Lord 30 00 60 25 0 25 25 30 16 1 Sword A Ursula Sage 20 00 55 11 30 28 25 22 6 15 Tome A Staff B Ryan Horseman 20 00 48 24 1 28 30 14 20 4 Sword B Bow A Yubello Sage 8 69 39 3 16 14 21 14 9 14 Tome D Staff A Radd Swordmaster 47 20 1 29 30 14 14 5 Sword A Feena Dancer 13 81 23 9 0 13 24 18 8 0 Sword E Sirius Dracoknight 13 80 37 23 1 20 19 11 18 5 Lance A Axe E Barst Berserker 16 98 54 30 0 24 28 18 13 0 Axe A Palla Dracoknight 20 00 50 26 1 26 23 14 22 6 Lance A Axe E Xane Freelancer 8 68 22 3 0 4 14 11 8 10 Ymir Warrior 10 57 48 20 0 13 15 5 11 1 Axe B Bow C Chapter 22 Preparations: Gave Marth 3 Dracoshields. Gave Yubello 3 Spirit Dusts. Gave Sirius a Speedwing. Gave Radd 2 Energy Drops. Gave the last drop to Sirius. And a Godess Icon. Gave the Master Key to Palla. Used an Arms Scroll on Ryan for A Swords. Reclassed Ymir to Sniper and gave him a Silver Bow. Reclassed both Sirius and Palla to Paladins. Chapter 22 4/112 Marth moves and uses a Pure Water. Feena dances. Ryan silver bows a mage. Palla full moves. Xane transforms into Sirius. Ursula and everyone moves. Turn 2, Marth attacks a mage while full moving. Palla and Sirius full move too. Ryan and the others kill stuff. Sirius kills another mage blocking the way. Palla opens the right hand door. Ursula warps Ryan. Ryan uses parthia on the mage dragon blocking the door. Marth full moves, trades Ryan's Parthia making him equip Silver Sword and attacks a Fire Dragon and ORKOs it. Yubello fortifies. Feena dances him and he fortifies again. Ryan Parthia crits the mage dragon in the seize tile. Marth seizes. Unit Class Lv Xp HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res WLv Marth Lord 30 00 60 25 0 25 25 30 22 1 Sword A Ursula Sage 20 00 55 11 30 28 25 22 6 15 Tome A Staff B Ryan Horseman 20 00 48 24 1 28 30 14 20 4 Sword A Bow A Yubello Sage 9 90 39 3 23 14 21 15 9 15 Tome D Staff A Radd Swordmaster 13 49 47 24 1 29 30 14 14 5 Sword A Feena Dancer 14 23 23 10 0 14 25 19 8 0 Sword E Sirius Paladin 14 93 47 24 1 20 21 14 16 8 Sword B Lance A Barst Berserker 17 58 55 30 0 24 28 18 13 0 Axe A Palla Paladin 20 00 52 25 1 26 23 14 20 9 Sword E Lance A Xane Freelancer 8 89 22 3 0 4 14 11 8 10 Ymir Sniper 11 16 44 18 1 18 18 6 13 3 Bow B Chapter 23 Preparations: Not much. Just made sure Ursula had Nosferatu and Starlight on her.
  16. @thisisjaye- that is awesome. Sure you can. Just remember to record the map's final turncount for a moment so we can all clearly see it. ^^
  17. Yeah, I was 1 kill short in other phase 5. Tibarn and co. were pacifist freaks against the remaining enemies. The game trolled me really hard. Tibarn just moved and the other hawks moved to surround him as to "protect" him. As If he needed to be protected...
  18. Chapter 17 Preparations: Ryan arena'd once for hp spd def. (which is weird, since he has a total growth of 195 right now) Chapter 17 5/89 Ryan gets the door key from the berserker. Feena dances him. Radd kills the sniper close to the start. Ryan later opens the door. Barst gets warped to the nosferatu thief (yes, I really want that nosferatu :p). Yubello uses a Seal to promote. Palla helps Ryan open Marth's way to the throne room. Marth moves. Samson SDs. Then, Ryan killer bow crits Sheema and Marth seizes. Unit Class Lv Xp HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res WLv Marth Lord 21 56 55 18 0 21 25 24 13 1 Sword B Ursula Bishop 12 61 49 9 24 26 25 15 5 17 Tome A Staff C Ryan Horseman 19 18 48 24 1 28 30 14 19 4 Sword C Bow A Yubello Bishop 1 91 34 1 8 12 16 13 8 17 Tome D Staff A Radd Swordmaster 11 69 45 19 1 29 29 12 14 5 Sword A Feena Dancer 9 88 22 8 0 9 20 16 8 0 Sword E Sirius Dracoknight 11 34 35 21 1 19 17 10 18 5 Lance A Axe E Barst Berserker 14 38 52 30 0 23 27 17 13 0 Axe A Palla Dracoknight 16 99 46 25 1 26 23 14 21 6 Lance A Axe E Xane Freelancer 7 85 21 3 0 4 13 11 7 10 Chapter 18 Preparations: Reclassed Ursula to Sage. Gave her a nosferatu. Gave Yubello the Rescue staff. Palla arena'd once to get a good level up. (hp def) Chapter 18 2/91 Marth moves, feena dances him. Barst Radd Ryan and Palla cover Feena. Marth visits the Lifesphere village. Yubello warps Ursula in the middle of all those generals. She uses nosferatu on the ballistae that blocks the way. She KOs every general there with nosferatu and levels up amazingly. Speaking of, she wasnt the only one who leveled up amazingly. Look at this: O_O. Yubello rescues Marth in turn 2. Ursula KOs the general blocking the seize point. Marth seizes. Unit Class Lv Xp HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res WLv Marth Lord 21 56 55 18 0 21 25 24 13 1 Sword B Ursula Sage 14 25 51 11 28 28 25 17 5 14 Tome A Staff C Ryan Horseman 19 18 48 24 1 28 30 14 19 4 Sword C Bow A Yubello Bishop 2 41 35 1 9 13 17 14 9 18 Tome D Staff A Radd Swordmaster 11 69 45 19 1 29 29 12 14 5 Sword A Feena Dancer 10 03 22 8 0 10 21 16 8 0 Sword E Sirius Dracoknight 11 34 35 21 1 19 17 10 18 5 Lance A Axe E Barst Berserker 14 68 52 30 0 23 27 17 13 0 Axe A Palla Dracoknight 17 32 47 25 1 26 23 14 22 6 Lance A Axe E Xane Freelancer 7 85 21 3 0 4 13 11 7 10
  19. Chapter 15 Preparations: Gave Palla the Iote's Shield. Recover to Yubello. That Door key I bought in Chapter 5? I gave it palla. Deployed Rickard for the first time in years. Sold the Bullion (L). Ryan arena'd once to level up and get hp+spd. Chapter 15 5/81 Xane transforms into Palla. Marth moves, Feena dances but he doesnt use full move yet. Ryan and Palla kill some enemies. Ryan gets to A bows with the attack. In the enemy phase, the horsemen attack ryan from 2 range and give me some items. I send bows to the convoy and end up with steel sword equipped against the paladins that attacked him later. Only 2 generals remained blocking the way. Palla used the Door key. Marth moves, Feena dances him. Marth equips a Rapier. Ursula mends Ryan, he attacks a general and stands in a way that 2 range enemies of the boss area will SD to his new Silver Bow. Barst prepares to rush the isle from the north. Next turn, Palla moves and kills 1 ballistae. Ryan kills the general that didnt die to Marth's rapier and blocked the way with his silver bow. I warp Rickard to the next door. He opens it (from inside). Marth full moves. Radd moves and gets danced by Feena. Almost reaching Marth. Barst storms the isle with his steel axe killing a physic thief. Abel SDs to him in EP. :( You were cool in SD, Abel. Anyway, I then have radd eliminate the swarm bishop that almost killed rickard. Marth full moves. Ryan moves towards marth. Ursula spams staves for Staff rank. I have Palla kill arrowspate guy. Barst kills boss. Sirius kills a fortify bishop. Thief reinforcements show up but dont block Marth's way. I full move Marth and use again on him after getting some items with my dracos including a rapier, steel lance and elfire. Marth seizes after Ursula and Yubello spam some more. Unit Class Lv Xp HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res WLv Marth Lord 20 36 54 18 0 20 25 23 13 1 Sword B Ursula Bishop 10 34 48 9 23 25 25 14 5 16 Tome A Staff C Ryan Horseman 16 77 46 24 1 28 28 12 17 4 Sword C Bow A Yubello Curate 17 25 27 0 4 9 13 12 7 12 Staff B Barst Berserker 13 71 51 30 0 23 26 17 13 0 Axe A Radd Swordmaster 8 71 42 17 1 27 26 11 14 5 Sword A Feena Dancer 8 18 21 7 0 8 19 15 8 0 Sword E Athena Myrmidon 11 39 25 9 0 13 14 7 7 0 Sword B Palla Dracoknight 15 60 45 25 1 26 23 14 21 6 Lance A Axe E Sirius Dracoknight 6 30 31 17 1 17 14 6 16 4 Lance A Axe E Xane Freelancer 7 15 21 3 0 4 13 11 7 10 Chapter 16 Preparations: Put some stuff that I got last chapter in the convoy. Gave Physic to Ursula. Chapter 16 3/84 Rickard stands in front of the door in turn 1. Everyone prepares to storm the door next turn and move close to Rickard except Ryan who's going to lure Astram and Sirius whos going to get the Geosphere. Turn 2, Rickard opens the door. And I kill a bunch of enemy units except for the 2 swarm bishops, 2 mages and a berserker. The boss was my priority here making palla kill him. Feena dances Rickard and hopes to dodge a swarm (which she did). Sirius hits the Geosphere thief once. And Ryan runs away from Astram. Next turn, I kill the fortify and physic bishops. Warp Rickard to the Bullion (L) chest. Get the Rescue with a thief charge. Ryan kills Astram with the Killer Bow. Sirius finishes off the Geosphere thief. I gather some CEXP, then seized. Unit Class Lv Xp HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res WLv Marth Lord 20 66 54 18 0 20 25 23 13 1 Sword B Ursula Bishop 10 80 48 9 23 25 25 14 5 16 Tome A Staff C Ryan Horseman 17 45 46 24 1 28 28 13 17 4 Sword C Bow A Yubello Curate 18 57 28 0 5 9 14 12 7 13 Staff B Barst Berserker 14 25 52 30 0 23 27 17 13 0 Axe A Radd Swordmaster 9 55 43 18 1 28 27 12 14 5 Sword A Feena Dancer 8 66 21 7 0 8 19 15 8 0 Sword E Palla Dracoknight 16 14 46 25 1 26 23 14 21 6 Lance A Axe E Sirius Dracoknight 6 82 31 17 1 17 14 6 16 4 Lance A Axe E Xane Freelancer 7 53 21 3 0 4 13 11 7 10 Rickard Thief 3 00 base Chapter 16x Preparations: Arena'd Sirius a bit. Sirius 11 08 35 21 1 19 17 10 18 5 Funds: 13400G Chapter 16x 3/0 Recruited Katarina for her awesome tome. Yubello is ready for promotion. Unit Class Lv Xp HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res WLv Marth Lord 21 26 55 18 0 21 25 24 13 1 Sword B Ursula Bishop 11 20 49 9 24 26 25 15 5 16 Tome A Staff C Ryan Horseman 17 87 46 24 1 28 28 13 17 4 Sword C Bow A Yubello Curate 19 32 28 0 5 10 15 12 7 13 Staff B Radd Swordmaster 45 19 1 29 29 12 14 5 Sword A Feena Dancer 8 98 21 7 0 8 19 15 8 0 Sword E Sirius Dracoknight 11 34 35 21 1 19 17 10 18 5 Lance A Axe E Barst Berserker 14 25 52 30 0 23 27 17 13 0 Axe A Palla Dracoknight 16 14 46 25 1 26 23 14 21 6 Lance A Axe E Xane Freelancer 7 53 21 3 0 4 13 11 7 10
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