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Everything posted by PKL

  1. Coin results are fixed. Meaning you will always get that card no matter how many resets you do.
  2. ^Hey older me. lol I switched the teams around. Even though SH provided wrong reasons for zihark and brom switching, it works better this way. Brom cant handle the west side of 4-1 and will lag terribly in 4-4.
  3. Id like to trade for Marcia or Rolf. Im willing to negotiate any unit not named Titania. :p
  4. Now IDK who to pick lol. Thanks to my backfiring advice on CR :(. I guess Ill go with soren even though I have Titania
  5. Also, Creeper wtf? Im supposed to have Laura drafted iirc. Why isnt she on my team?
  6. you have nephinel and mordy for part 3. Id say Soren would be redundant. If youre gonna draft cain, make sure you save a Wing. And tbh, your team could use another silver army'er. Youll get a bad turncount with a micaiah solo. Soren is locked to greil unfortunately and Cain is locked to Endgame :p.
  7. First- Makalov and Kieran were that high due to Geoffrey not being free in the past. Now, theyre not as valuable and their availability really hurts them. Also, its better to bless Wyrmslayer with an undrafted unit. Second- Calill. Well, she can be great in 3-9 with lots of BEXP + promotion. Depending on how much BEXP, she could 3 turn it (if she hits enough AS after meteor to double or adepts the boss and she 2RKOs naturally). Then, shes the most reliable sage in the desert and her resolve+flare+high speed is really awesome. She wrecks the map except a few 29-30 AS swordmasters if she doesnt have resolve at the time they attack her. Shes also decent in endgame. If you have nasir drafted, she can severely dent non-wardwood auras with rexflame.
  8. Silver- Micaiah Sothe Leanne Sanaki Marcia Greil- Ike Titania Rafiel Brom / Tormod Hawk- Reyson Makalov Rolf Zihark Do you guys think this is alright? Or should I switch places around? Oh and: [spoiler=Part 3] 3-P Base: Titania get :D. Transfer Titania, no less :D. Rolf also has transfers :D. Oh God...I dont even want to look at Ike...so broken with transfers... Removed Soren's Adept and gave it to Titania. Gave Ike the Provoke. 3-P 7/7 Titania rushed. Ike helped while Rolf killed stuff with his Killer bow and killer ballistae. Unit Lv Xp HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Support Strike Ike 11 87 49 26 4 30 25 14 23 9 Sword S Titania 17 82 37 26 10 25 23 20 20 14 Axe S Rolf 2 86 33 20 2 22 21 13 15 12 Bow S 3-1 Base: BEXP Titania to Promotion Titania 1 00 44 29 14 27 27 23 23 19 Gave the rest of the BEXP to Ike for a level up. (hp str def) He already has capped hp str skl -_-. This shit is ridiculous. Also, the remaining BEXP got Rolf to .95. Perfect. Free unit will be Mia btw. With no adept but eh at least shell help some. Gave the Crossbow to Rolf. 3-1 4/11 Titania rushed. Rolf killed stuff with his killer bow. Mia got the robe village and helped guard Rolf from a swordmaster and a halberdier. Ike killed stuff. Unit Lv Xp HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Support Strike Ike 13 22 50 27 4 30 25 14 25 9 Sword S Titania 1 38 44 29 14 27 27 23 23 19 Sword C Axe S Rolf 4 93 35 21 3 23 23 15 16 13 Bow S Mia 7 52 34 19 5 28 30 18 15 8 Sword S 3-2 Base: BEXP: Titania to 1.99 Rolf to 4.99 Brom to 8.99 Bought a Wyrmslayer. Sold the Ashera Icon. Sold Red Gem. Sold the 2 Blue Gems. Sold Healx2 and Mend. Sold Ellight, Elwind, thunder and fire. Bought 4 Wind Edges and 6 Hand Axes. Then sold the Silver Card. Funds: 20353 G Gave Adept to Ike. Celerity to Titania. Shade and Wrath on Rolf. Miracle on Titania though she doesnt need it. 3-2 3/14 I do my shit legit. 3 turns because Titania cant kill boss unless she gets a lucky 8% critical. Unit Lv Xp HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Support Strike Ike 13 73 50 27 4 30 25 14 25 9 Sword S Titania 2 72 52 30 14 28 27 24 23 20 Sword C Axe SS Rolf 5 52 36 22 3 23 24 15 16 13 Bow S Brom 9 69 42 21 4 18 17 19 27 10 Sword E Axe C 3-3 Base: BEXP- Ike to 14.00 (spd lck def) Rolf to 5.99 Brom to 9.99 Ike x Titania C support. Bought the Dracoshield. Gave Gatrie a few lances as he'll be my free unit here. 3-3 8/22 Celerity Titania rushes. Gatrie opens the door. Rolf chipped the general and titania finished him and canto'd. Ike kills a halb and Brom moves. Pass Rolf keeps moving forward and kills a halb positioning himself so the mage to the west will attack him at 2 range. Titania keeps rushing, killing a swordmaster and canto'ing. Ike and the others move. Brom attacks a thunder sage from 2 range. The west mage SDs to rolf. A lot of enemies SD to Titania. Brom then finishes the thunder sage. Rolf moves and crossbows the ashera icon senator. Ike moves. Titania uses Steel Poleax to 1RKO the general blocking the way. Gatrie gets Blossom. Rolf keeps moving forward. Ike too. Titania rushes with the Steel Poleax. Brom moves east. Gatrie lights up the west supply after taking care of the last halb. Titania kills a general on EP. Rolf lights up the center supply. Ike moves towards the northeast supply. Titania kills a steel longbow archer with hand axe equipped. Boss SD'd to her. And a few more enemies. Then, Ike keeps rushing to the northeast. Rolf kills a mage. Titania lights up the north supply. More enemies SD to her and Ike. Then, Rolf killed an archer for CEXP. Ike kills the halb. Titania burns the supply to the northwest (the one near master crown) and then she kills the White Gem senator in turn 8. And Ike lighted up last supply. Unit Lv Xp HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Support Strike Ike 14 96 50 27 4 30 26 15 26 9 Titania C Sword S Titania 3 88 53 31 14 28 27 24 23 21 Ike C Sword C Axe SS Rolf 8 04 39 25 3 25 26 18 17 13 Bow S Brom 10 38 43 22 4 18 17 20 27 10 Sword E Axe B Gatrie 10 37 44 25 5 18 20 15 24 11 Lance A Axe B 3-4 Base: BEXP: Ike to 16.00 (+2 to all of spd lck res) Titania to 3.99 Rolf to 8.99 Brom to 10.99 Sold the Ashera Icon, Blue Gem and White Gem. Funds: 30753 G Bought the Silencer. Funds: 22753 G Celerity on Ike. Blossom on Brom. 3-4 7/29 Titania Rolf and Ike opened Ranulfs path. Brom battled as much as he could near the start. Titania went to the right and killed the 2 range enemies from below the gap. Ike and Rolf cleared the way for Ranulf. And Ranulf arrived. Ranulf had barely enough move to make it in turn 7 from the gap. Unit Lv Xp HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Support WLv Ike 17 71 50 27 4 30 29 17 26 11 Titania C Sword S Ranulf 26 00 55 14 6 16 15 23 13 10 A Titania 4 21 54 32 15 28 28 24 23 21 Ike C Sword C Axe SS Rolf 10 25 40 27 3 27 26 19 18 13 Bow S Brom 11 72 44 23 4 19 18 21 27 11 Sword E Axe B 3-5 Base: BEXP: Ike- to 18 00 (spd lck res) Rolf- to 10 99 Brom- to 11 99 Titania- to 4 99 Celerity on Titania. Blossom on Rolf. Smite on Brom. Pass on Reyson. 3-5 1/30 Titania kills the a general to the left and cantos. Reyson gets smitten by Brom. Rolf kills a general for a blossom level up. Titania gets vigored by Reyson and she ORKOs boss. She proc'd str from the general that she killed. If she hadn't she wouldnt have been able to ORKO boss. Unit Lv Xp HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Support WLv Ike 18 00 50 27 4 30 30 18 26 12 Titania C Sword S Titania 5 52 55 33 16 28 29 24 23 21 Ike C Sword C Axe SS Rolf 11 11 41 27 3 28 26 20 19 14 Bow S Brom 11 99 44 23 4 19 18 21 27 11 Sword E Axe B Reyson 15 10 40 3 5 5 11 31 6 17 3-6 Base: BEXP- Zihark to 15.00 BEXP- Micaiah to 1.99 BEXP- Sothe to 8.00 (skl spd lck) Zihark 15 00 40 24 10 30 30 18 20 15 I crowned him. Zihark 1 00 44 26 14 32 32 18 22 19 Bought a Beast Killer for Sothe. Bought a Storm Sword for later. Sold the earlygame Kard, a Steel Bow Funds: 7215 G 3-6 8/38 It CAN be done in 7 with a foot unit Im now sure of this. Sothe just had to not run out of beastkiller uses in front of lethe Only 1 enemy left in EP 7 :/. Unit Lv Xp HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Support WLv Micaiah 5 88 34 7 24 18 21 27 11 25 Sothe A Light A Staff C Sothe 11 75 40 22 6 26 26 32 20 15 Micaiah A Knife S Zihark 6 12 47 29 14 35 36 21 23 21 Sword SS Black Knight 20 00 70 38 18 40 30 20 35 25 Sword SS Lance S 3-7 Base: BEXP: Rolf to 11.99 Blossom back to Brom. Shade on Rolf. Celerity on Ike. 3-7 12/50 Zihark was a pain to take down. Silencer Rolf with a crit took him down. BK attacked Ike in turn 11. Then I retreated. Unit Lv Xp HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Support WLv Ike 20 00 50 27 4 30 30 20 26 12 Titania C Sword S Titania 5 62 55 33 16 28 29 24 23 21 Ike C Sword C Axe SS Rolf 13 89 42 27 3 30 26 20 20 14 Bow S Brom 13 55 45 25 4 20 20 23 27 12 Sword E Axe A Reyson 15 90 40 3 5 5 11 31 6 17 3-8 Base: BEXP: Rolf to 14.00 (hp lck def) Brom to 13.99 Titania to 5.99 Ike x Titania B Celerity on Titania. Adept on Ike. Hand Axe forge for Titania with Max MT. The coin got me an arrow for +10 Hit. Another forge and a coin for me a vine...another one with an arrow -_-. Bought a Steel Blade for Ike. Funds: 14792 G 3-8 4/54 Celerity Titania rushed to the boss area. Rolf and Brom took the east. Ike got the southern stationary general and also the steel longbow archer and few other enemies. Unit Lv Xp HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Support WLv Ike 20 00 50 27 4 30 30 20 26 12 Titania B Sword S Titania 7 20 56 34 17 30 30 24 23 22 Ike B Sword C Axe SS Rolf 14 90 43 27 3 30 26 21 21 14 Bow S Brom 14 43 45 25 4 21 21 24 28 13 Sword E Axe SS Reyson 16 31 41 3 5 5 11 32 6 17 3-9 Base: BEXP: Marcia to 17.00 Makalov to 7.99 Marcia 17 00 40 24 8 24 27 21 22 19 Then, Crowned her. Marcia 1 00 44 27 12 26 29 21 25 23 Gave Geoffrey's Paragon to Makalov. And Astrid's Paragon to Marcia. Bought Adept from the Shop. 3-9 3/57 Marcia flew to the boss. Makalov trained a bit with Geoffrey's help. Marcia got the Wing btw. She also picked up a Spirit Dust and sent the Brave Lance to the convoy ^^. PERFECT. Unit Lv Xp HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Support WLv Geoffrey 16 66 37 25 8 24 21 19 18 16 Lance S Marcia 2 46 44 27 13 27 29 22 25 24 Sword C Lance S Makalov 9 41 39 18 5 19 19 20 18 10 Sword A 3-10 Base: BEXP: Rolf to 15.00 (hp lck def) Brom to promotion. Brom 1 00 49 29 8 27 24 30 32 20 Then BEXP him to .99 Pass on Rolf. Everybody else kept the same skills. 3-10 5/62 Titania rushes to boss area with a little push from Reyson. The others handle the south. Killer Lance Marcia destroyed stuff that got close to Elincia. Unit Lv Xp HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Support WLv Ike 20 00 50 27 4 30 30 20 26 12 Titania B Sword S Titania 8 52 56 34 17 30 31 24 23 22 Ike B Sword C Axe SS Rolf 16 63 45 27 3 30 26 22 22 14 Bow S Brom 2 25 50 30 8 28 24 30 33 21 Sword C Lance D Axe S Reyson 16 71 41 3 5 5 11 32 6 17 3-11 Base: BEXP: Rolf to 18.00 and crowned him. Rolf 1 00 49 29 7 32 28 24 26 20 Makalov to Promotion. Makalulz 1 00 49 26 9 23 27 29 22 16 Makalov, Rolf, Brom and Marcia to .99. Celerity and Savior on Marcia. Makalov kept Paragon. Rolf got Paragon. Made a Javelin forge for Marcia with Max MT and +5 Hit. Got a Coin with +2 MT. Another javelin forge for her with Max MT and +5 Hit. Another javelin forge for her but this time with Max MT, +5 Hit and Max Crit. Drew a Card that gives 4 more coins :o. Another javelin with the same stats as the one directly above. Drew a coin with +10 Hit. Another javelin with the same stats. Drew an Axe Coin for +2 MT. And the last one with the same stats. Drew a Soldier Card for +1 MT and +10 Hit. Made 2 Hand Axe forges with Max MT. Got a +2 Mt card again and no more coins left for the second one. Funds: 28558 G Bought 2 Hand Axes for Makalov. Funds: 27308 G Pass on Ike. Daunt on Titania. Gave Ike a Slim Sword. 3-11 6/68 Marcia ferries Ike. Drops him so he can kill the crossbow guy. Then pass ike keeps moving forward. Marcia stuns boss. Ike equips Slim and seizes. Unit Lv Xp HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Support WLv Ike 20 00 50 27 4 30 30 20 26 12 Titania B Sword S Titania 8 66 56 34 17 30 31 24 23 22 Ike B Sword C Axe SS Rolf 3 09 51 31 7 33 30 25 26 20 Bow S Brom 3 05 51 30 8 29 25 30 34 22 Sword C Lance D Axe S Makalov 5 39 52 26 11 26 31 30 25 16 Sword S Axe B Marcia 4 65 46 28 13 27 30 24 26 25 Sword C Lance SS Leanne 6 60 26 0 4 1 6 28 2 11 3-12 Base: Resolve on zihark. Paragon on Micaiah. Bought the Taksh. Funds: 11215 G Sold a few useless items including beastfoe. Funds: 14335 G Bought a Killing Edge. Funds: 10735 G BEXP Sothe a level. ( mag spd lck) Miccy to .99. 3-12 4/72 AI was put to target the right side. So they left the gaps to Sothe and Miccy. Zihark murdered everything down the ravine. Unit Lv Xp HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Support WLv Micaiah 7 87 34 7 25 20 21 28 12 27 Sothe A Light A Staff C Sothe 12 54 40 22 7 26 27 33 20 15 Micaiah A Knife S Zihark 6 46 47 29 14 35 36 21 23 21 Sword SS 3-13 Base: Spared Pelleas. BEXP: Zihark to 6.99 Sothe to 13.00 (mag spd lck) Bought Micaiah a Physic. Funds: 5185 G 3-13 3/75 Zihark makes way towards Ike with help from Sothe. Sothe killed an unstransformed tiger in the way and Zihark killed Ike. Unit Lv Xp HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Support WLv Micaiah 8 85 34 7 26 20 22 29 12 28 Sothe A Light A Staff C Sothe 13 52 40 22 8 26 28 34 20 15 Micaiah A Knife S Zihark 7 67 48 29 14 36 36 21 23 21 Sword SS 3-E Base: BEXP: Marcia to 4.99 Rolf to 3.99 Makalov to 5.99 Brom to 3.99 Made sure Miracle and a few other skills were in the convoy. Paragon Daunt on Marcia. Celerity on Ike. Ike x Titania A. Rolf x Reyson C. Forged a Fire tome with max MT and -1 WT for Sanaki and put it in the convoy. Bought 2 Pure Waters and gave one to Ike and one to the convoy. Funds: 22628 G 3-E 5/80 Rolf picked up Rescue along the way. Ike and Titania roflstomped everything that dared to attack them. Marcia also roflstomped a lot of enemies. Rolf killed Zihark with deadeye. Makalov and Brom were useful too. Unit Lv Xp HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Support WLv Ike 1 00 54 29 8 32 32 20 28 16 Titania A Sword S Axe A Titania 9 06 56 34 17 31 31 24 23 22 Ike A Sword C Axe SS Rolf 4 68 52 32 7 34 30 25 26 21 Reyson C Bow S Marcia 6 86 48 30 14 29 32 25 26 25 Sword C Lance SS Makalov 7 21 53 27 12 27 33 30 26 17 Sword S Axe B Brom 4 18 52 31 8 30 26 30 34 23 Sword C Lance D Axe S Reyson 17 21 42 3 6 6 11 33 6 17 Rolf C Final Part 3 Turncount: 80 Total turncount as of Part 3's Ending: 166
  9. Also, Volug's S Strike and SS Strike come naturally if hes ur main units in the DB creeper. :/ He should have S strike by 1-8 if youre doing it right and SS strike through the middle of 3-6.
  10. Yeah, Adept does not help raise strike or WEXP for that matter.
  11. Yeah its with celerity :p. Soren is also really good in 4-4 and can tank the sleep staff :o. Idk where id put nealuchi personally. He saves a bunch of penalties and his offense is really good in part 2. Though he does have availability issues and once he comes back in Part 4 his MT is mediocre.
  12. Agreed with Sal. Nealuchi is really good in Part 2 with Salstrike :p. And I can attest to Soren's usefulness with favoritism.
  13. Neph IS a frontline GM. Perfectly capable of it.
  14. Yeah Adept on a unit that 1RKOs is pretty dumb. Especially when that unit also doesnt mind taking counterattacks...
  15. Rolf has a very very shaky start SH. He can help as a PP (and possibly EP from behind walls) ORKO machine in 3-1 but that requires that he procs 1-2 spd in 3-P and 1-2 spd in 3-1 Base with BEXP. BEXPing his spd is at least modestly easy due to being his 3rd best growth tied with skl. He uses Shinon's Killer Bow really well. But as I said, most people dont like babying a unit, especially an archer.
  16. Bumping this since I disagree with something. Why is Edward below Nolan in NM drafts? Edward has a lot more chance of being able to 4 turn 1-4 than Nolan. Both are unneeded in 1-6 except for shoving sothe, something both can do. 1-7 is where theyre both promoting most likely. Both can do the same thing here. Assuming a forge for Edward and tier 2, he can ORKO the boss with a crit. Nolan can hammer him and kill him more reliably though. And Hand axes>wind edges but eddie himself shouldnt be missing any ORKOs from 1-2 range here either in NM. 1-8 they both do the same thing. Eddie with a bit less accuracy though thanks to wind edge sucking. 1-E is meh for both. Then comes Part 3. Assuming Beastfoe Nolan and a crossbow he'll be really good in 3-6. But Eddie is also ORKOing stuff pretty reliably thanks to resolve + innate wrath and caladbolg. They both 7-8 turn the map assuming the player is competent. They perform mostly the same in 3-12, Nolan having an edge against the 2 range enemies due to Hand Axes once again...Both can do the same thing in 3-13. Kill Ike in 2-3 turns depending on if you have pass in the DB or not. Then comes part 4. None of them are gonna go to Silver due to desert so ill leave that out. Also, If Nasir isnt drafted, Edward>Nolan in endgame for what that is worth. I feel both perform mostly the same throughout the game in NM and should be slashed. :/ Also, I feel like Boyd, Mia and Nephenee should be in high tier instead of mid tier. Especially Boyd. Hes practically a mini-Titania. With celerity and hand axes, hes a ORKO machine that never lets up. His only flaw is his SPD base severely dampering his usefulness in 3-P and possibly 3-1 if you get unlucky with BEXP. Nephenee is amazing in 2-2 to avoid the lucia penalty and she can have access to P2 BEXP to make her competent right off the bat in part 3. Her performance is a bit shaky at times due to javelin MT sucking but sentinel crit bonus + crit forges are good enough for 3-8 and 3-10.
  17. Shes not underrated. She'll never make up for the turn/turns she costs to recruit. :p
  18. Oh so it doesnt matter whether it was 3-1 or 3-0 or w/e? :o
  19. 1. PegKnightLover- 3-1 whase, 3-2 xeylode, 3-0 Soul, 3-0 KALLLucas = 12 Wins/3 losses 2: Kaoz- 3-2 KALLL = 3 Wins/2 losses 3: whase- PKL 1-3, KALLL 1-3 = 2 Wins/6 losses 4: Xeylode- 2-3 PKL = 3 Wins/2 losses 5: Mysterio- ? 6: mmKALLL- 0-3 PKL, 3-1 Whase, 2-3 Kaoz = 5 Wins/7 losses 7: Soul- PKL 0-3
  20. I should get on finishing Part 4 of the EM draft. I got bored of it. If I get less than 56 turns in part 4 (which is really probable, I always get like 40-44 turns in part 4) Then, I win the draft :o. Lolhaar
  21. He didnt beat me KALLL :p. So Im still best of Serenes Forest. Eryth/Xeylode is still really really really good. And is a threat to me :o. Xeylode/Eryth (Snake/Falco) vs PKL (Snake/Marth/Toon Link) 2-3 I predict Eryth will raep you all xD. First match was the laggy one. Second match was snake vs snake, I 3 stocked him somehow :o. Third match was another snake ditto in battlefield. It was close but he won. Fourth match was Delfino Plaza. I tried surprising him by using Marth. But he picked Falco and there was enough lag so that I couldnt dancing blade fully. -_- It made things really painful. Needless to say, he beat me 1 stock. Then, I chose Final Destination and went Toon Link. He went Snake. I 2 stocked him :o. GGs Eryth.
  22. FE10 Rolf Marcia and Titania. FE9 Rolf and Lucia. FE12 Ryan and Palla.
  23. 2/10. Bad unit is bad. lol 3 base speed.
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