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Everything posted by PKL

  1. I think you should stay Myrm tbh. Your Cavalier MU wont be able to double Lorenz while Myrm will. Have Arran pick up the Bullion on the way and help with lorenz with his lance.
  2. Nolan's average is strangely, the same as Edward's. Lol. 9.1 Day 5: Laura Pros: Healing. Great growths that are very well distributed. Great offense after promotion thanks to high speed and mag growth. Great for the Silver Army thanks to Resolve. Can also 2 turn 3-13 on her own like Leonardo with Resolve + Purge. Cons: Low exp gain due to being locked to staves. Takes a long time to promote, usually promotes after the 1-6 BEXP. Doesnt shave turns until promotion. Requires a lot of babying. Her defensive parameters are really bad. Base Laura dies to a breeze. Wind affinity. I give her a 6/10
  3. Hey Wen. I know you got mad @ me for rigging the dodge in P8 against katarina. So I decided to redo all of prologue from scratch and instead focused on gettting perfect level ups with My Unit and Ryan like you did. I shaved a turn off P4 Athena and P8. 23 turns now. :) FE12 Maniac Mode Draft Hosted by Kopfjager Drafting: 1. This draft is for 6 players 2. Marth, Female!MU, Arran, Xane, Feena, Julian, and Rickard are free for all. 3. The game will be played on Hard 2 (Maniac). Classic Mode. My Team: Ryan, Minerva, Cain, My Unit: Marcia/Cavalier Priest's Child +2 Base Def Diverse +1 Str/Mag Base,+10% Str/Mag Honorable +15% Skl/Spd Growth Prologue 1 3/3 Cav MU 3RKOs Jagen :3. Unit Class Lv Xp HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res WLvs Marcia Cavalier 2 70 21 9 2 6 8 4 10 0 Sword D Lance E Prologue 2 3/6 Thanks to Horace for the strat. Unit Class Lv Xp HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res WLvs Marcia Cavalier 3 30 21 10 3 7 9 5 11 0 Sword D Lance E Ryan Archer 1 50 18 7 0 4 4 3 7 0 Bow D Prologue 3 3/9 Marcia lured Caeda and Ryan sniped her. Unit Class Lv Xp HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res WLvs Marcia Cavalier 4 00 22 11 3 8 10 6 12 0 Sword D Lance E Ryan Archer 2 40 19 8 0 5 5 3 8 0 Bow D Prologue 4 Athena Route 2/11 Marcia lured Athena turn 1 after the others took care of the loldiers. Athen was ganged up on and kill was fed to Ryan. Unit Class Lv Xp HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res WLvs Marcia Cavalier 4 61 22 11 3 8 10 6 12 0 Sword D Lance E Ryan Archer 3 47 20 9 0 6 6 3 9 0 Bow D Wrys Curate 3 34 16 0 3 6 7 3 3 7 Staff E Prologue 5 3/14 Ryan got fed kills here. Including a thief. Marcia killed boss. Unit Class Lv Xp HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res WLvs Marcia Cavalier 5 61 23 12 3 9 11 7 13 0 Sword D Lance E Ryan Archer 4 27 21 10 0 7 7 3 10 0 Bow D Wrys Curate 3 51 16 0 3 6 7 3 3 7 Staff E Athena Myrmidon 10 46 25 9 0 12 13 6 7 0 Sword B Prologue 6 Ogma Route 2/16 Athena and Cav MU are way too good. Ryan got the Ogma kill. Unit Class Lv Xp HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res WLvs Marcia Cavalier 6 29 24 13 3 10 12 7 14 0 Sword C Lance E Ryan Archer 5 17 22 11 0 7 8 4 11 0 Bow D Wrys Curate 3 68 16 0 3 6 7 3 3 7 Staff E Athena Myrmidon 10 72 25 9 0 12 13 6 7 0 Sword B Prologue 7 Cain Route 3/19 MU rushed to Cain. While the others handled the enemies. Merric was deployed for the armors and didnt disappoint. Ryan got as many kills as I could give him. Unit Class Lv Xp HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res WLvs Marcia Cavalier 7 48 25 14 3 11 13 8 15 0 Sword C Lance E Ryan Archer 5 97 22 11 0 7 8 4 11 0 Bow D Wrys Curate 4 02 16 0 4 6 7 4 3 7 Staff E Athena Myrmidon 11 03 26 10 0 12 14 7 7 0 Sword B Merric Mage 10 46 24 0 7 6 10 6 7 5 Tome D Prologue 8 4/23 Lured Katarina with Marcia. Then killed her thieves and her. Marcia dodged Katarina's Elfire thanks to Ryan's support and the pillar avo bonus. <- no rigging this time. Which helped me double and kill her in PP. Ryan and the others focused their attacks on the remaining enemies with help from Wrys. Unit Class Lv Xp HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res WLvs Marth Lord 7 77 27 9 0 11 11 10 9 0 Sword D Marcia Cavalier 8 71 26 14 3 12 14 8 16 0 Sword C Lance E Ryan Archer 7 74 23 13 0 9 10 6 13 0 Bow D
  4. I dont have an FE6 ROM yet :o.

  5. 8/10 I prefer Sain due to his superior strength. Kent's superior speed is usually unnecesary as they both double everything anyway and Sain does it with a lot more str than him.
  6. Yeah :). I have like 10 drafts right now lol. Im currently trying to finish some.

  7. Leonardo's average is 2.6. Poor Leo. Day 4: Nolan the Bro. Pros: Amazing right off the bat. Cant double for a few chapters but that quickly changes with his 60% spd growth. Great durability parameters (for the DB anyway) 30 hp and 9 def bases. Great offense thanks to axes and a respectable 45% str growth. Is a great user of Beastfoe thanks to access to Crossbows and Urvan in Part 3. Earth affinity. Great availability. Cons: Shaky hit rates in his first few maps. And while he is one of your most durable units, he cant take a beating as well as Sothe can. He doesnt like the word dodge early on thanks to being weighed down by his weapon. Im just trying to find cons here lol. I give him 9.5/10
  8. Minerva. And my wild card pick is the red bull Cain.
  9. Hey. I might have one after I'm done with this HNM draft. :)

  10. This draft is a mess. Even the BEXP limits are weird or outdated. Isnt Marcia +2.XX and Jill +2.XX? Its listed as Marcia +2.XX and +1.XX for Jill. :/
  11. thisisjaye is still nowhere to be found. How about that RNG? RNG calls dibs on Tiki and Wolf. I call dibs on Samson.
  12. Wtf is this? SH, If I understood things correctly...Sal already chose for you with your list and he chose Mia for himself. Its now Souls turn.
  13. 9/10 Early flier. Shaves millions of turns in LHM. And is a pretty decent fighter.
  14. Quintessence, thats actually a 221 with the new rules. You counted the defend chapters wrong.
  15. Edward's average is 9.125. Day 3: Leonardo Pros: Decent accurate chip early on. Crossbows + Beastfoe in 3-6. Can 2 turn 3-13 quite easily thanks to 3 range. Cons: No Enemy Phase. His growths are subpar. Poor bases. Never gets out of it in a reasonable timeframe due to low exp gain and poor growths where they matter (45% str 35% spd). I give Leonardo a 3/10
  16. Edit your post. So mysterio doesnt know my pick when he picks :p.
  17. Also, dont pick what I picked before soul realized mysterio didnt pick, people. It would be really unfair :/.
  18. Wow good job CR! I'll have trouble beating that :o. Especially with only lolnardo and laura for part 1 xD.
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