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Everything posted by PKL

  1. I will be able to play 12 soon. So ill join. ^^ Also, do we have to draft between both lists? Like, specify if its FE11 Caeda or FE12 Caeda? Or is it FE11 first, then FE12?
  2. Julian is free for opening doors in Chapter 6 and 12 then. If thats what you meant. Or did you mean for treasure? I think Marth is enough to at least grab the seal in 12. Besides, there's 10 uses of master keys :p. EDIT: And I feel extremely sadistic right now. So, Julian is only free for doors (which is kinda useless) right now.
  3. That was the point of drafting thieves. I will consider making one of the thieves free for thieving. But for now, keys :p.
  4. Lol @ copy paste xD. Ill join since I love RD and Ive wanted to try and RD HM draft for a while. Be advised though, it will take a while for people to join since most people dont like RD HM drafts.
  5. I wanted every class allowed :p. No explanation for the brave weapons thing lol, forgot the only way to access them is through wifi -_-.
  6. Her only drawback (maybe) is that the 1-2 range weapons of her class suck. But, funnily enough, her critting and adept activation make up for that by letting her ORKO with quite a lot of reliability. I've had her in a draft and saw first hand, just how ridiculous her combat is xD. She faced like 10-15 enemies in 3-10 and all of them were ORKO'd by either adept procs, crit or astra. She's the best swordmaster period. In NM, Eddie >>>> Zihark hands down. He's got enough EXP to get to 2nd tier, has more availability and performs better in part 3 due resolve + wrath pwnage. He also has better availability and can help with stuff like 4 turning 1-4. In HM, I can see Zihark beating Eddie. If Eddie is trained though (which is not as hard as people here think) then he can definetely outperform Zihark still. My problem wtih Zihawk is that his str and def growth suck major arse. (30 str and 25 def) and his bases arent that spectacular to boot.
  7. Yeah, GF or Grand Finals. The player coming from losers has to beat the other in 2 sets to make up for being in losers, its tough, but Ive seen it done a lot of times before. Never give up :p.
  8. Oh well, there goes my next pick (Gordin) lol. Let's see...first pick now is hardin. Second is...brb lemme see unit list... EDIT: Athena. I was thinking of drafting Lena...but her growths in other classes are terrible. Meaning shes bad at everything other than being cleric, which is far from guaranteed in this draft. I think shes going to be one of the last picks xD. EDIT 2- Dr. Wil its ur pick again :p.
  9. You're right, limiting Levin Sword might be dumb lol. I took it out.
  10. After careful consideration and playtesting H2 in draft setting...Ive added a new rule to balance the difficulty a bit. Forges are available but only in specific chapters and some weapons (PRF, effectives and magic swords are banned from forging). I need your input on the rule though, I want to know if its dumb or good. If you guys dont like it, ill take it out.
  11. Also, I dont hate items. I actually quite enjoy playing with them on from time to time. But when its for money or competition, theyre best turned off :p.
  12. Oh right, last match was ur falco vs my game and watch, sorry about that. Got mixed up with the friendlies after the match xD. And to answer your question: No, in Round Robin from what Ive heard (never actually played RR) is that everyone plays each other and the one with the most points at the end wins. Theres no bracket. In Pools, its divided into groups. Let's say: Group A: KALL, random player, scrub, masher and Kaoz. Two of those players will come out, one with low seed (2nd most points in that pool) and one with the high seed (the one with most points) and then a bracket is made with all the players that got out. Top seeds play lower seeds in the first match of brackets.
  13. Pools doesnt work with little amounts of people. Its better to do a double elimination or a round robin. Round robin means more play time for the worser players (making them improve). While double elimination gives them a second chance but they usually dont play as much as in a round robin. Still, I prefer double elimination because, round robin might take longer and Im used to it.
  14. In my experience with NMand drafts, Eddie is better than Zihark. He grows fast, beating him in str and soon in tier 2, in defense. Eddie is a solo'ing machine in NM. Slap Resolve and watch him raep laguz in 3-6 with wrath and resolve :o. Hes a bit harder to use in HM but with enough favoritism and planning, he can be as good as in NM. (he just needs to reach tier 2 and never get spd screwed).
  15. I could see them making an est lol. Archer that joins in part 4 with the following growths: hp: 180 str: 120 mag: 40 skl: 160 spd: 160 lck 100 def 80 res 40 lulz. Obviously, the growths would never kick in since the only way that unit is gaining a level is through cards.
  16. Regarding stages, I would prefer stage striking personally. And the stage list could use some tweaks. (Im a smashville whore) I obviously also prefer 3 stocks. It felt weird to me when i won so quickly (or lost) since im used to that third stock xD. Oh and no items, double elimination.
  17. MmKALL (Olimar, Falco, Metaknight, Marth)vs PKL(Toon Link, Marth, Sheik, Falco) 1-3
  18. Ok sure, brb, gonna add u but I have to setup the wii first and it might take a while. So please be patient. Let's get this done today :).

  19. Brom is a lot better than Meg. Even if he is a bad unit himself. He can use forged hand axes from the get go and can use the hammah. Has huge availability lead over Meg AND Marcia/Elincia can rescue drop him in 2-E so he can hammer ludveck. His stats arent great, his move is terrible and his caps suck but hes still better than Meg. You get where this is going... MEG SUCKS.
  20. Did you just say Brom has availability issues? >_> He has: 2-1, 2-2 and 2-E in part 2. Rejoins in 3-2. Is available in 3-3, 3-4, 3-5, 3-7, 3-8, 3-10, 3-11 and 3-E. And all of part 4. Thats a lot of chapters. Compared to Meg: 1-4, 1-5, 1-6, 1-7, 1-8, 1-E. Then in 3-6, 3-12, 3-13 and all of part 4. At this point, I just think you're trolling...
  21. Is this guy really comparing Meg to Edward? Facepalm... Dude, we're talking HM here. How the F is Meg going to get a level up in 1-4? She cant kill 3 cats ever in 1-4 due to extreme suckiness and if we're playing efficiently, she wont even have time to do anything...A level 5 edward in 1-4? Thats just hate, man. If ur imaginary Meg can get 11 levels in 4 chapters then, how is Edward getting only 1 level in 4 chapters? Favoritism. Trust me, Meg getting a level would be a miracle, period. She can't be shoved. She has 5..5 MOVE! So she cant reach enemies quickly and to make things worse, she has horrible terrain penalties due to her class. She'll never get enough levels to double unless you move at a snail's pace every chapter. Has bad caps, weird growths for an armor, gets doubled in her starting chapter and will never ever contribute as anything more than a shovebot in an efficient playthrough.
  22. Hey, I made the RNG pick a unit for Blues and its now ur turn in my draft ^^.

  23. Ok, RNG for blues since I dont want to have to keep delaying. I intentionally put in the RNG every character (1 to 52) to see if he got a bad unit but, suprise surprise. RNG rolled 9 and he got barst. >.>
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