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Everything posted by PKL

  1. Alright, its weird though, he was reading. Thats why I wonder why he didnt pick again.
  2. U have a FB? Pm me ur name :p. Ill add u.

  3. Yeah, thats weird. Not even core has posted here lol.
  4. Oh well, he left >.>. See yall tomorrow.
  5. Ur supposed to pick another unit. Its snake style.

  6. U got screwed. PEMN :p. Res doesnt matter at all really. Mages are very rare enemies. Oh, and I wonder why Silver Harpoon doesnt pick a second unit >.>.
  7. WTF, marth is clearly in range in turn 4 in chapter 19 but he cant seize. O_O. So I took another turn :/. 108 turns so far. I think thats pretty good for my first draft anyway.
  8. ^Its ur time to pick :p. And hes never failed me...50 defense growth is pretty good. Dont know why Xander is saying his durability is bad.
  9. You might regret it lol. Good luck in 3-6, 3-12 and 3-13 if Silver picks Meg lol. Fiona is terrible in those maps.
  10. @ CR- I recommend a part 1 unit. U already have all u need for part 3. (Marcia and Mia) So yeah. Mia can handle everything in part 3 with ike support. EDIT- IMO u should go with Meg or Fiona. Meg is really really good in drafts if u dont have any other part 1 unit. And remember u get another pick after Silver Harpoon picks.
  11. btw silver harp , remember u get 2 units once cr picks.
  12. Alright, take ur time. I can help u pick if u need.
  13. Its not ur turn yet :p. Its CR-S01's turn.
  14. He has a slower start though and 3-1 is a pain :p.
  15. I wonder who's better, Boyd or Gatrie? I pondered the idea of picking Gatrie but opted to go with Boyd.
  16. He was unarmed :p. So Its not a penalty. And remember, hes free for thieving :p. I restarted and got to visit the secret shop and got the draco without sacrificing a thief ^^.
  17. Damnit, Julian died in chapter 17 lol. I warped him to the chest room in turn 2 he got a draco and then on turn 3 boah warped rickard to get a secret book then marth seized. Should I restart and not let julian die?
  18. Catnip takes Soren. His/her list has Leonardo listed as first and then a bunch of units that are taken. Then there's Soren. I dont think he wants Leo this early...so I decided to give him Soren. Btw, include who you want the most in the list. I dont like guessing :p.
  19. ^Lol my marth is at level 15 iirc and hes got 0 res still. I call shenanigans :p. Anyway, Chapter 11: 9/66 I sealed Caeda and made her reclass to Paladin. Radd stayed behind and took care of two peg knights while the others rushed. Caeda was the main battler here, opening the way for marth. Jagen helped too. Sedgar and Roshea went to the mercenaries and gathered CEXP and WEXP. Unit Lv Xp HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Marth 12 85 34 13 0 10 11 15 10 0 Jagen 7 40 25 9 1 12 9 5 10 6 Caeda 2 43 31 13 0 17 20 17 12 6 Bord 12 90 30 12 0 12 8 6 6 0 Lena 11 77 17 0 5 9 11 14 3 9 Sedgar 5 65 30 9 1 14 15 4 11 2 Roshea 8 81 26 7 0 8 8 4 7 0 Rickard base Radd 3 92 20 6 0 9 12 4 6 0 Chapter 12: 7/73 Could've been 5 but Jagen with master key had to get the boots. Theyll save more turns eventually anyway. Rickard and Julian got all the loot. Sedgar handled reinforcements. Radd and Roshea battled as much as possible for CEXP. Midia and Boah survived the others didnt so hello gaiden :). Btw Caeda is still Paladin. Unit Lv Xp HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Marth 13 58 35 14 0 11 12 16 10 0 Jagen 7 59 25 9 1 12 9 5 10 6 Caeda 3 91 32 15* 0 18 20 18 12 6 Bord 13 15 31 13 0 12 8 7 6 0 Lena 13 32 17 0 5 9 12 14 3 11 Sedgar 6 87 32 10 1 15 16 4 12 2 Roshea 9 28 27 7 0 8 8 4 7 0 Rickard base Julian base Radd 5 94 22 6 0 10 13 6 6 0 Chapter 12x: 20/20 Caeda is a draco and tries to build her axe rank. While Radd gets most kills, gets to C swords for armorslayer and Bord and Roshea gather CEXP. Sedgar battled a lot too. Lena cured a lot. Delicious CEXP. :) Oh and I got both villages. Unit Lv Xp HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Marth 14 00 35 15 0 11 13 17 11 0 Jagen 8 36 25 9 1 12 9 5 10 6 Caeda 4 94 30 16 0 19 21 19 14 3 Bord 15 05 32 15 0 13 10* 9 6 0 Lena 15 57 17 0 8* 10 12 15 3 11 Sedgar 7 69 34 11 1 16 16 4 13 2 Roshea 10 44 28 8 0 9 8 5 8 0 Radd 10 78 26 7 0 12 16 9 8 0 Chapter 13: 3/76 Marth runs straight at the goal. Midia recruits her love. He kills stuff. Caeda (as a paladin still) kills stuff including the boss with her new killer lance. Bord promotes. Lena physics. Sedgar kills the northern ballistae. Radd crits the south ones. Bla bla bla. Bord's stats are after I reclassed him to Hero in chapter 14 btw. Unit Lv Xp HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Marth 14 00 35 15 0 11 13 17 11 0 Jagen 8 44 25 9 1 12 9 5 10 6 Caeda 5 37 32 15 0 19 22 20 12 6 Bord 1 00 34 16 1 22 15 9 10 3 Lena 16 42 17 0 8 10 12 16 3 11 Sedgar 7 84 34 11 1 16 16 4 13 2 Roshea 10 68 28 8 0 9 8 5 8 0 Radd 11 30 27 8 0 12 16 10 8 0 Midia 1 35 base Astram 1 40 base Chapter 14: 6/82 Caeda reclassed to Dracoknight. Bord reclassed to Hero. Rickard opens the drawbridge. And everyone rushes to the throne. Sedgar Jagen and Rickard get the silver card. Radd and Roshea fight for CEXP. Caeda wind speared Jiol and Marth seizes. Unit Lv Xp HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Marth 14 42 35 15 0 11 13 17 11 0 Jagen 8 65 25 9 1 12 9 5 10 6 Caeda 6 39 30 16 0 20 23 21 14 3 Bord 1 78 34 16 1 22 15 9 10 3 Lena 16 81 17 0 8 10 12 16 3 11 Sedgar 8 43 36 12 1 17 17 4 14 2 Roshea 10 98 28 8 0 9 8 5 8 0 Radd 12 17 28 9 0 12 17 10 9 0 Midia 1 50 base Astram 1 91 base Rickard base Chapter 15: 5/87 Marth rushes, Caeda flies on her own and throws javelins @ everything in marths way. Radd and the others gather CEXP. I run out of physics :(. Unit Lv Xp HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Marth 14 42 35 15 0 11 13 17 11 0 Jagen 8 65 25 9 1 12 9 5 10 6 Caeda 7 34 31 16 0 20 23 22 14 3 Bord 2 30 35 17 1 23 15 10 10 3 Lena 17 61 17 0 8 10 12 16 3 12 Sedgar 8 52 36 12 1 17 17 4 14 2 Roshea 11 25 29 8 0 10 8 5 8 0 Radd 12 94 28 9 0 12 17 10 9 0 Midia same Astram same Now on Chapter 16.
  20. Boyd. Kakarot takes Oscar and Kieran. (Im going by the order of the picks u gave me and Jill isnt available) I take Ilyana.
  21. Im finishing, almost. Last time I got to chapter 28. Ill post my progress soon. (and play the rest of the game)
  22. Lol alright, I already changed ur pick. I wasnt being mean >.> maybe I worded it poorly but I definetely didnt want to sound mean. I just thought someone wanted her and would protest :p. @ Soul- get out.
  23. @ Vicious Sal- U and ur mindgames :/. Chapter 6x: 17/17 I wanted Lena to get some tome rank. But she barely could do anything. Instead Zagaro was trained in axes. He got to D in time for next chapter ^^. [unit]Unit Lv Xp HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Marth same as last chapter Jagen 4 74 25 7 1 10 9 3 9 6 Caeda 10 75 22 8 1 13 20 15 9 6 Bord 9 00 27 12 0 10 8 5 5 0 Lena 5 63 17 0 5 8 9 10 4 2 Sedgar 3 19 26 7 1 12 13 3 9 2 Roshea 5 59 24 6 0 7 8 4 7 0 Chapter 8: 6/44 Marth moves as fast as I can move him. Im curious, could I have shaved a turn here? Lots of people died protecting my units from the onslaught of cavaliers and horsemen. Caeda flew on her own and killed the boss while the others handled the cavs and armors blocking marth's way. Bord was in danger all chapter >.>. Rickard bought a Wing spear and a rapier and some javelins. Unit Lv Xp HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Marth 12 48 34 13 0 10 11 15 10 0 Jagen 5 91 25 8 1 11 9 4 9 6 Caeda 12 63 23 10 1 15 20 12 9 6 Bord 11 10 29 12 0 12 8 5 5 0 Lena 7 80 17 0 3 8 10 11 3 8 Sedgar 4 52 28 8 1 13 14 4 10 2 Roshea 6 52 25 7 0 7 8 4 7 0 Radd 1 11 base Rickard base Chapter 9: 5/49 Caeda Jagen and Sedgar team up on the manakete then marth arrives. Rickard gets some loot and Radd trains against a fighter and thief where Jeorge's village is/was. Unit Lv Xp HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Marth 12 48 same Jagen 6 42 25 9 1 12 9 4 10 6 Caeda 13 22 24 10 1 16 20 15 9 6 Bord 11 42 29 12 0 12 8 5 5 0 Lena 8 74 17 0 4 8 10 12 3 8 Sedgar 4 86 28 8 1 13 14 4 10 2 Roshea 7 41 25 7 0 7 8 4 7 0 Rickard base Radd 1 70 base Chapter 10: 8/57 I wonder If I could have done this a turn faster :/. Caeda got a shiny master seal from the hero after wing spearing the boss. Radd got an amazing level up. Jagen helped Rickard get another physic. Unit Lv Xp HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Marth 12 68 34 13 0 10 11 15 10 0 Jagen 6 88 23 10 1 12 9 4 12 3 Caeda 14 97 24 10 1 16 20 16 9 6 Bord 11 72 29 12 0 12 8 5 5 0 Lena 9 72 17 0 4 8 11 13 3 8 Sedgar 5 21 30 9 1 14 15 4 11 2 Roshea 7 51 25 7 0 7 8 4 7 0 Rickard base Radd 2 65 19 5 0 9 11 3* 6 0
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