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Everything posted by PKL

  1. But at least Roshea is closer to promotion and to not losing attack speed from a javelin. He makes a better cav. Not to mention, Vyland has 30 str growth. Im not going for another curate since I think Lena is enough :p. Unless, I reclass her to mage for the mag growth boost in one or 2 maps, then hell be my curate backup.
  2. Yeah, braves start in chapter 20. I find chapter 21 super hard. But its always manageable.
  3. If someone doesnt/cant finish, I'd be happy to take their spot.
  4. Oh right, forgot Lorenz lol. Yeah, hes terrible alright.
  5. 4-4 in 5..........................HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW
  6. Boah isnt so bad as to be picked last I think. XD Arent the worst units, like Tiki, Bantu and Est? Maybe Elice too...
  7. Thanks, I didnt see that ^^. I will definetely use that to my advantage :).
  8. Can u wifi now?

  9. Bump. Its 13thshadow's turn. Saw him logged on earlier but he probably doesnt remember this draft or doesnt know its his turn.
  10. Epic fail: Edward proccing mag twice when it only has a 5% chance and ignored def str skl and hp in the first level up, second level up he got no spd str or skl >.>. Fml.
  11. PKL

    Its ur turn to pick in Darros'boring FEDS draft thing.

  12. Yeah, Iwas referring to Minerva :p. She makes chapter 10 annoying. Linde is also one I dislike recruiting.
  13. Lena and Radd. I dont want any units that cost turns :p.
  14. Are there any XYZ that are good in monarchs?
  15. Mobius, I found is mediocre this format since Heavy's back. I used to have one last format and it worked great. Now? not so much. I personally dont like Treacherous Trap Hole that much. I forgot Shooting Star. Its kinda hard to summon in froggy now with formula at 1 but I might consider him. ^^ EDIT- I CAN still summon shooting though. Treeborn + enemy controller an opponents lv 4 + genex ally birdman = stardust then next turn treeborn + veiler = formula into shooting.
  16. This is the deck Im running atm: Chaos Monarchs Monsters: 28 3 Caius the Shadow Monarch 2 Light and Darkness Dragon 2 Vanity's Fiend 2 Raiza the Storm Monarch 1 Dark Dust Spirit 1 Thestalos the Firestorm Monarch 2 Tragoedia 1 Gorz the Emissary of Darkness 3 Battle Fader 3 Swap Frog 2 Treeborn Frog 3 Effect Veiler 1 Black Luster Soldier- Envoy of the Beginning 2 Genex Ally Birdman Spells: 12 3 Soul Exchange 3 Enemy Controller 1 Monster Reborn 1 Heavy Storm 3 Mystical Space Typhoon 1 Foolish Burial Traps: 0 Extra Deck: 15 1 Formula Synchron 2 Armory Arm 1 Ally of Justice Catastor 1 Magical Android 1 T.G. Hyper Librarian 1 Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier 1 Black Rose Dragon 1 Stardust Dragon 1 Colossal Fighter 1 Scrap Dragon 1 Mist Wurm 1 Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier 2 Chimeratech Fortress Dragon Side Deck: 15 obv 2 Breaker the Magical Warrior 1 Burial from a Different Dimmension 1 Dark Hole 2 Mind Crush 2 Spiritual Water Art - Aoi 1 Trap Dustshoot 2 Cyber Dragon 2 D.D. Crow 2 Compulsory Evacuation Device You might think the S/T destruction in my deck and side deck combined is overkill but I prefer being overprepared against zombie world, mask of restrict, dimmensional fissure and macro cosmos than being caught off guard :p. What do you think?
  17. Lol the gaggles mindgame worked on 13th. It WAS a mindgame right? You really didnt want gaggles so early right, Darros? Anyway, since Gaggles is gone, I decided to finish prologue. Prologue 1: 5/5 Unit Lv Xp HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Marth 2 40 19 6 0 3 8 8 7 0 Prologue 2: 8/13 Unit Lv Xp HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Marth 4 37 21 8 0 3 10 9 7 0 Prologue 3: 11/24 Unit Lv Xp HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Marth 6 70 23 9 0 3 11 11 7 0 Prologue 4: 17/41 Unit Lv Xp HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Marth 9 24 26 12 0 5 14 14 8 0 I obviously took my sweet time. Killing every enemy possible instead of rushing through it since prologue is free. My marth's skl is lol. But excellent level ups all around. Hope he keeps this up. Im now on chapter 1 but I wont proceed until Wrys is drafted. Hope we finish drafting before the 31st since I want an Elysian Whip :p.
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