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Everything posted by PKL

  1. Notice how enemies in HHM pack weapons that slow them down. Notice how Marcus in 0% growths still tears the game open a new one.
  2. I was promised Brom victory dances. Where are the pics?
  3. No, I can't see Brom doing a victory dance! Needs more pics IMO
  4. Elincia receives 12 damage! (0/45) Brom readies his counter! What? Much copying, such paste!
  5. Sorry for the delay between vids. Real life stuff getting in the way. Should be able to play and record Chapter 15 tomorrow though. The problem Im seeing with Chapter 15 is how the vid has to be all in one gulp, no map saves. This makes the vid longer, which means longer upload times. Longer upload times means Ill rage If youtube or my internet crap out in the middle of the upload. I have the option of map saving in Turn 4 by having Est or Xane get to the map save. If its Xane its fine but if its est, she dies to the reinforcement that pops out of a nearby fort. Since I dont care about useless character's deaths, I guess it doesnt matter. Ill have to check if all my theory and plans are true though. The strat in my brain should work though. EDIT: Also, anyone like the new OP?
  6. Also, 46+92 = 138/2 = 69 silly Elieson. Brom is supposed to hit.
  7. HHM is a chump difficulty. Everyone always points to Cog of Destiny, but if u played HNM before like youre supposed to, you know how the map works by now, just add magic users that are actually pretty chumpy and u just win the mode. It's pretty easy. I don't agree that FE8 is harder though. Perhaps it is easier for dondon because of 0% growths.
  8. Yeah, of course nihil isnt broken with all the hax possible. Any team would lose to this hax >_>
  9. Urvan would be like a Silver Axe with less accuracy and a minor Res boost though.
  10. Do note that while this game's Lunatic is more difficult, most of it feels legit unlike the ones you mentioned. The difficulty is very well-done, some chapters aside (like ice Dragons having way too much crit). Be warned that the Prologue is very demanding in Lunatic and Maniac (H2) though, so I would advise caution and go with H1 Hard. By playing Hard first, you also unlock Mixed Male Class Sets, which gives some much needed help to male units. EDIT: Also, Lunatic doesnt joke around. Once you start the difficulty, you gotta be prepared to never have breathing room. The only easy chapters are very short, like Chapter 3x, Chapters 10 and 10x and 13x.
  11. Seems correct now. I know the damage didnt matter in this round since he got crit anyway. But just making sure you get better before the other turns. Don't worry, the first 3 turns or so are always tough for hosts.
  12. No no, you're calc'ing damage wrong again. 30 Mag Calill +13 Bolting MT = 43 Atk Brom's Base Res = 13 + 1 from Boyd support = 14 +1 from Zihark support = 15 + 2 if Knight ward = 17 Res 43 Atk -17 Res = 26x2 dmg The hit Im unsure about, but its 93 (now that I know Largo isnt a Calill support) before Zihark B or A whatever it is. So take that into account.
  13. Also, nvm for some reason I thought Boyd Brom was full Def support. So I think the damage is right.
  14. Also, the hit is (im sure) 97. So Calill shouldnt have missed that. Idk where you got such low hit lol.
  15. Calill doubles and Im pretty sure her hit must be better than that. Gimme a sec to calc the hit. Yeah, Calill's hit with Bolting is 139 and +7 = 146 - Brom's 49 Avo = 97. The damage is I think 43+1 from Largo support = 44 -16-2 if Knight Ward = 26x2.
  16. Shouldn't Ike have doubled Makalov? Am I missing something here?
  17. [spoiler=Teams] Baldrick's Team vs Athena's Team Turn 12 vs Baldrick's Oscar (Brave Lance) attacks Athena's Ike (Vague Katti)! 10x2 dmg 72% Hit 3% Crit Ike's Nihil activates! (15 55 82) Ike receives 10 damage! (42/52) (0 9 68) Ike receives 10 damage! (32/52) Ike counterattacks! 12 dmg 76% Hit 32% Crit (61 53 93) Oscar receives 12 damage! (44/56) Baldrick Rolf 52/52 Shinon 42/53 Gatrie 0/59 Oscar 44/56 Nasir 45/60 (7/20) Athena Calill 0/54 Ike 32/52 Makalov 51/51 Nasir 3/60 (6/20) Tibarn 66/66 (2/20) Athena's turn!
  18. [spoiler=Teams] Baldrick's Team vs Athena's Team Turn 11 vs Athena's Nasir (Breath) attacks Baldrick's Shinon (Silver Bow)! Nasir's Nihil activates! 10 dmg 72% Hit 0% Crit (2 97 17) Shinon receives 11 damage! (42/53) Baldrick Rolf 52/52 Shinon 42/53 Gatrie 0/59 Oscar 56/56 Nasir 45/60 (10/20) Athena Calill 0/54 Ike 52/52 Makalov 51/51 Nasir 3/60 (6/20) Tibarn 66/66 (2/20) Baldrick's turn!
  19. Rolled RNs because Nasir actually has 2 crit on Gatrie. Didnt matter.
  20. Yeah, the gauge is fixed in the most recent turns. Didnt matter but where are you getting that crit from? Calill had 13 crit normally +5 from bolting, which is 18 - 15 Gatrie = 3? Yeah, the last one is because I forgot to apply Shinon's +7. EDIT: Oh, I see. Gatrie has 13, not 15 Lck oops. Anyway, you can take it from here Reefa. Im gonna be gone til Monday too. So good thing someone is taking over this.
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