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Everything posted by Lewyn

  1. Yes PLEASE VOTE. I did last week. However please, I don't want the US to become like Belarus, Hungary, Poland, Thailand, Philippines, Brazil. No offense to anyone there, but I'd like US to remain a democratic free country, or else we are going to be fucked for a super long time. Once power is seized it is incredibly difficult for the people to do anything. Every dirty trick he tries in the courts or during the counting, millions of activists are set to protest. Fight him tooth and nail.
  2. I have a huge extended family but I don't want to live in a country as evil, hateful, or flat out stupid to re elect Donald Trump. Yeah finding a reliable full time job and getting then possible citizenship can be tough. This makes it even harder. Trump's plan make America hell, and then make it impossible for Americans to leave. Yes much rougher. Biden has to win and stack the courts.
  3. God Trump is such a baby, nothing new, but if you saw 60 minutes last night Jesus. I missed it live, but watched it late last night. Trump gets upset and takes his ball and goes home. Then his press secretary Kayley whatever comes in with a big smile and drops this huge binder in the reporters lap saying it is 'Trump's healthcare plan'...the reporter then says there was hardly anything in it, some loose executive orders and not much else. Any fellow Americans planning an exit should Trump win the election or even worse outright steal it? South Korea is nice and has a lot of openings to get into, there are a multitude of ways to get into various countries in the EU as well.
  4. Guiliani is a disgusting pervert just like Trump. What is he, 76? Maybe it will put some water on the Hunter Biden laptop conspiracy he is pushing. Is taxpayer money going to his 2 year investigation in Ukraine? Either way jail is a good place for him too. On secession, yeah that was heat of the moment, hard to do...so many difficulties, would have to form new federal governments and the spacing, what about attacks from outside, etc. I'm just sick of these dumb Trump supporters and his favoritism towards red states and trying to destroy blue states. On the hacking, that dude should have done some fake tweets that embarrass Trump or make him look really bad to HIS SUPPORTERS. Like make him look super 'unmacho', weak, frail, and snobbish. God be a hero and help get this loon out of office.
  5. Excellent explanation, and having a 6-3 supermajority conservative pro corporation, anti consumer/anti worker Supreme Court is going to help achieve their goals tremendously. There has been massive funding for federalist society and pushing these ultra conservative, pro business judges by Koch brothers and others. Sure they dangle banning abortion and getting rid of gay marriage and other things to fire up Republican base support but that isn't their real goal. Their real goal is to strip away: worker protections, union rights, safety protocols, minimum wage requirements, overtime pay requirements, environmental laws, discrimination protections in hiring, consumer and worker ability to challenge/punish them in courts. All to increase wealth of shareholders at the expense of workers and consumers. It is disgustingly evil and not talked about enough. Why Democrats didn't bring this up more I don't know. I'm wondering, and this isn't something to be discussed lightly, maybe blue states should just secede and form their own country. How much longer are they going to abide by the tyranny of minority rule and a president who repeatedly tries to and threatens to cut federal funding to states that didn't support him? Tries to turn his supporters against Democrat governors and mayors, leading some to attempt kidnapping and public execution (like Whitmer)? Blue states pay the lion's share of federal taxes, and receive less federal aid, and get treated like shit by the current President and his party. I'd love to see the blue states form their own country, red states form their own country, purple states either split to either one or form their own country. See which country turns out to be the best in 30 or so years.
  6. Exactly. What's wrong with Kentucky? Disgusting. The red mirage, you better believe Fox and conservative media outlets will declare Trump the winner prematurely and support Trump stopping counting of mail in votes. So what do the Democrats do then? Is this time for left wing militias and force? A stealing of an election can't be tolerated. Also WTF is up with mail in voting? Many states don't start counting til election day, and are super strict on anything mismarked or if the signature doesn't perfectly match. Democrats do you want to live in a Trump hellscape for 4 more years? Republicans are voting in person, all Democrats besides those that absolutely can not cause of military or health reasons should do the same. The risk of Covid is fucking worth it. I can see scummy red states and swing states with Republican controlled legislatures throwing out tons of mail in votes, oh and maybe just selecting their own electors. Also Fox, GOP senators just laughing off what Trump says. They should be tried for treason.
  7. If that happens, I would fully support vigilante justice.
  8. Tribalism, meaning a lot of people will vote their party no matter what. Ted Bundy was a Republican too and I'm sure many people would still vote for him. Sure a serial killer and rapist is bad, but not nearly as bad as a Democrat! Bundy will preserve America and I'm sure the party will keep his serial killing in check! 4 years later, after he's continued his murdering ways. Bundy will preserve America, and HE'S BETTER THAN A DEMOCRAT! There won't be an America if they take over! Oh yeah let's not forget no checks on media, the downfall of the Fairness Doctrine. I can say Martians secretly control the US government and can legally get away with it. It's ridiculous.
  9. Yes and they are trying to take away healthcare from 20 million Americans and make it much worse for millions more than that. If Trump was poor he would be dead or hospitalized and immobilized, without the money to pay for the stay. Many of his supporters are old and poor and overweight and he doesn't fucking care, they won't have the healthcare he has and some might not even have it at all...and they'll die. Many will get serious symptoms. I think all Trump's enablers, need to be criminally punished not just ousted from office. They don't deserve to go back to their comfortably lives of yachts and mansions after their disgusting disregard of human life and support of open corruption.
  10. Trump backing out the virtual debate shows he is...well what he likes to grab women by. He is saying he is cured (even though he hasn't tested negative yet) and is going to do rallies, multiple ones this week. Can he be tried for war crimes, well this isn't war, but what about knowing spreading deadly disease? Also multiple GOP senators exposed at Rose garden or in contact with people that went to it are refusing to be tested for Covid so they can be there for the Amy SC hearing. Like WTF is this? What pieces of fucking trash all of them.
  11. 7 days later. President Donald J Trump passed away last night at the age of 74 due to Covid.
  12. Okay after that motorcade stunt, I am hoping for his death. So he has an active Covid infection, is contagious, and he forces secret agents to cram with him in that car so he can wave as a gesture of strength? What a disgusting disregard for human life.
  13. I compare him to those guys cause he is also an egomaniac sociopath with zero empathy. He doesn't have a grand evil plan like racial purity, but he is just as evil and selfish. If killing 10 million people would benefit him and he could get away with it he would do it without a second thought. Now I wonder if the shoe was on the other foot. What if Biden got Covid, what would Trump do? Mock him about masks, call him weak, unpresidential. What if Trump pulled a Putin and had him killed? His degenerate supporters would be frothing at the mouth and cheer. The world will be a much better place without Trump, that is for sure.
  14. Should people have felt bad when Bin Laden was killed? Hitler? Stalin? Sadaam Hussain? I think it was mostly celebration. I don't think people were hoping they would continue to live and prosper, cause all human lives are sacred. Trump is just as monstrous as those individuals, but there are more checks in America (even if many are failing). Don't worry about Trump though, everything breaks his way. Like always. Luckiest man on Earth. This is my prediction. He recovers quickly, like by mid next week. He claims he was hospitalized for precautions, and the virus was no big deal. People praise his toughness. He cheats/rigs/wins the election. Destroys America. Never suffers a single real consequence in his entire life. Maybe drops Melania when she gets a little older and picks up another wife, rapes a few more women, continues to profit off the presidency and run cons left and right. Sympathy for the devil? No thanks. I'm not so morbid to wish for his death, but I'm certainly not shedding any tears if that is what happens. I'm sick of Trump and the corrupt Republican party. Hear about the robocall scam in Wisconsin? Or how about how Texas governor decided now to only have one poll drop box per county. Yeah the city of Houston will only have one box. Why? Cause of security reasons or some other bullshit. Voter suppression at its finest. Biden only trails by 3 points and they want to make sure he has no chance. This party needs to be utterly destroyed, as I said before. Then like beaten humiliated dogs they can rise again as something else, a respectable conservative party that plays by the rules. .
  15. A victory over Pence would mean a lot, and it is much easier to beat him than Trump. It would mean are country can recover and head in the right direction. Trump is a horrible man, I mean historically monstrous as a person. Many thousands died that didn't need to because of how he handled Covid, and not cause of him making accidental blunders, he ignored the CDC and corrupted them.
  16. Except of course, it isn't his money/business, it is the United States.
  17. Trump could release his tax returns and clear all the questions up. However it is at least as bad as the NY Report, and likely much much worse. His denials about fake news are very weak, when he could just show us the 'truth' with releasing his tax returns like every president has done. He's going to use Proud boys as poll watchers and intimidators along with other white nationalism militia groups. I guess the left has to send out their own militias to prevent this or something. Or people need to come armed and be prepared to fire if necessary. Belarus is a preview. I thought another 4 years of Trump would erode America and maybe be kill it as a democracy, however it could end this year with Trump rigging the election, stealing it, or encouraging militias to spread violence and terror cause he claims he was cheated out of the election. Also Democrats aren't going to accept he results either, I sure as hell won't, most will have good reason to believe Trump cheated in some way. So even if say Trump won fairly, many would believe he didn't. Tons of violence, rioting, and it would never end. Trump supporters, it isn't just on Trump either, it is on you. You take responsibility for who you vote into power. Remember that.
  18. On Trump's tax returns, well no wonder he didn't want anyone to see. Sham president, sham businessman. What is he good at? Selling himself, but other than that he sucks at everything. I think a secret power he has though is how incredibly limited his vocabulary is as well as the strong Queens accent. His incredible lack of intellect and not being good at academics works in his favor. If he were like most trust fund babies who after attending the finest schools, have immense vocabularies and sound like an intellectual he would not appeal like he does. He seems as 'one of the people' rather than an elitist. A weakness in fact becomes a strength, at least in politics.
  19. I'm sorry but stuff that happened in the middle of the 1800s isn't really relevant to today. What happened in 2016 is. I know Mitch is a whiz at coming up for an excuse for whatever heinous behavior or action he does and it actually sounds smart unlike the idiotic ramblings of another excuse maker, Trump...however it is all the same. Complete bull crap. Democratic socialist. Bernie Sanders. Oh the horror. Free university, universal healthcare, higher minimum wage. I dunno it would mean that even those working the worse paying jobs could at least get by and everyone would have health coverage. Bernie about one of the most moral and genuine people there are. Neo Fascist. Donald Trump. Democratic socialists...please. It isn't even close. The danger of Bernie is maybe it raises deficit a lot, maybe some businesses who don't want to comply with new minimum wage law move overseas. The danger with Donald Trump is the end of democracy.
  20. That race is unstoppable until the GOP are wiped out or made so weak they can't do anything for a long time. A few updates. Lindsey Graham says he has the votes to confirm whatever justice Trump puts forward, yeah guess it doesn't matter at all who he picks. Also guess that most Republicans are hypocrites, not surprised. Another thing Pelosi said they have tools, but she would not shutdown the government. My question is why not? The Republicans have thrown their baby tantrums several times in the past decade shutting down the government when they don't get their way and they didn't give a fuck. Think if the situation was flipped and Dems stole a justice on Mcconnell's line of thinking, then hypocrisy and rush to confirm a far left justice to give a commanding 6-3 supermajority? Let's be honest Republicans would shut down the government without hesitation if that is what it took to delay the confirmation til January. Why are Democrats such damn weaklings, do they realize what is at stake?
  21. Don't reveal it before the election. Only if Biden wins and Dems flip the Senate do it. Otherwise ACA, abortion rights, affirmative action, all environmental protections are going to be gone. Poisoned sludge drinking water (which will effect the poor the most), terrible air quality, rising temperatures, acceleration of more natural disasters, 20 million no longer medically insured resulting in thousands of deaths and untold amounts of suffering, women having to get illegal abortions or doing it themselves leading to lots of suffering and death. Rape victims who get pregnant committing suicide at alarming rates. Racial bias allowed and unpunished (it is very difficult to prove discrimination since so many factors go into hiring) no more serparation of church and state, maybe striking down of minimum wage laws, no more medicare (so retirees can just die I guess unless they saved a ton of money), and much more. America will change dramatically for the worse and Democrats would have no power, any law Republiscum don't like they just say it is 'unconstitutional on some bullshit grounds' and regardless of how flimsy their case the supermajority of far righties will strike down the Dem laws. Oh yeah and criminals like Trump and co that keep kicking their cases up to Supreme Court will continue to get away with it, laughing all the way. When Trump and GOP try to cut funding to blue states and cities (something he has tried several times and claimed countless times) the Supreme Court will support it and those states and cities (many of them which contribute tons of tax money much more than most other states) will be paying the BS federal government for nothing. The Democrats have to level the playing field, and suppress the GOP as much as possible. Stack the courts with liberal majority, and make it easier to vote, do the dumbass Trump thing of telling states how they can vote, thereby forcing red states to have mail in votes, more voting poll stations in poor areas. Learn to play the game, or keep losing and become irrelevant to the cost of us the regular people. I also hope Democrats have invested a lot of funding in armed groups for poll watching to make sure GOP doesn't use voter intimidation. It's going to be a shitshow but the Democrats really don't have any other choice.
  22. The so called 'nos' are probably just for show. Mcconnell lets the most vulnerable Senators vote no, knowing he has at least 50 votes (Pence is tie breaker) to push through whatever Neo Nazi climate denying far right nutjob Trump appoints. I'll believe it when I see it, we heard all this during the vote for witnesses or evidence during the Senate impeachment trial. Court packing is a must. Do it dramatically. I was thinking just doing 2 more justices, so it is 6-5 GOP majority. However that doesn't punish the Republiscum enough. Make it 4 justices so liberals have the majority. Then do all the voter suppression and crap that GOP do to keep winning elections and keep packing courts so the conservative justices will be so outnumbered to be meaningless. Then fucking Mcconnell will have that damn smirk wiped off his face and regret his actions.
  23. Damn! Courts are supposed to be apolitical, not tools for one party. It originally took 2/3 vote to get confirmation meaning the nominated justice had to be very centrist since you needed many votes from the minority party. Then that changed long ago to 3/5 vote, well still the nominee had to be pretty close to center cause you needed still some votes from the minority party. However in 2017 Mitch made it so you only need a simple majority. Meaning the nominee needs NO votes at all from the minority party, which means it can be a far right or far left judge. This fucking sucks, justice is supposed to be blind. Expect Republicans to challenge every bill by the Dems they can on legal grounds regardless of how flimsy the reasoning is. ACA, Roe vs Wade, Environmental laws, LGBTQ+ rights, minority rights/protections, Social Security, Medicare, whatever. They don't have to repeal in Congress not with a supermajority in the courts. Trump's list is far right pro life nominees. So highly partisan. As an added bonus Trump himself, that slippery snake that gets away with anything, well he always appeals everything over and over and over again to the Supreme Court, now with a 6-3 majority much much less likely they hold him accountable for anything, and if he wins re election that could become a 7-2 majority. Trump is the luckiest person I've ever seen, this will shift election focus. As if 2020 couldn't get any worse.
  24. I think this is what they should do. 1. Threaten government shutdown if Mitch decides to go forward with hearing and vote for justice, oh and if the hearing starts, follow through and shut it all down. 2. If that is somehow not feasible, or the GOP finds a way around it and jams in a new SC justice then if Biden wins Presidency and Dems flip the Senate, up the amount of justices to 11 and nominate and confirm 2 more justices. I don't know if people realize how big a deal this is. Roe vs Wade. ACA is going to courts with a very weak legal case, but with supermajority that won't matter. Gay marriage. Allowance of discrimination, other LGBTQ+ rights/laws. Any Democratic bills that pass or Executive Orders. Essentially Democrats will have zero power, they won't even exist really. They will be in Congress, maybe even President. However anything they pass will be overturned cause the courts will just be an arm of the GOP.
  25. Nope! Remember Mitch said that he wouldn't approve a justice during an election year, the people should get to decide? What a fucking hypocrite. It doesn't just mean when Trump challenges every state result and kicks it up to the Supreme court he uses it to steal the election, he also is never going to pay for his damn crimes cause he always appeals all the way to the Supreme Court again and again. Can the Dems force a government shutdown? Any extreme measure they can take? Everything has to be on the table at this point or we are all fucked.
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