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Everything posted by Lewyn

  1. With regards to stats they show deaths and recovered, so indeed overall US has already surpassed China. Of course China could be lying, but the communism vs democracy thing isn't an issue here. That China is an authoritarian regime means they can forcibly lock down wherever. Though they are also led by someone with more than half a brain. Trump on the Michigan governer. That young woman is over her head she doesn't know what she's doing. Of course everything Trump does regarding this will be to benefit himself he has no care for human life other than himself and possibly his hellspawn.
  2. Doesn't that just make it much worse though? China already past their peak and was the first one with the virus, yet the US who is on the rise and hasn't reached peak yet has already surpassed China in total cases.
  3. The bill passed the House despite protests from a GOP dipshit. Thank goodness. America and Trump's perfect 10/10 preparedness and response leads the world in Coronavirus cases surpassing China despite having 1/5 of their population. Boris Johnson? The British Trump? I wish I could say I had sympathy, no I don't. Deniers in power have cost many lives and the disease to spread, fuck them.
  4. Yeah we need all of that, what is frustrating about Republicans is not only do they move these issues forward they actually go backwards. Chipping away at the ACA, can't get it repealed in Congress so now trying to through the courts. Taking away the requirement of schools to have healthy meal choices, taking away the clean water act, the emissions act. Trying to do away with social security, food stamps, etc. Cutting funding to schools.
  5. Police should have to take a comprehensive, thorough examination testing for prejudice. If they fail they are disqualified. All killings of civilians that are suspect at all should be thoroughly investigated. Now let me tell you the big difference between racism from some asshole in a bar and a cop. If some other civilian does it, and I've experienced it as I'm sure most every other dark skinned person at some point in their lives if not multiple or many times you can tell them to fuck off. You can retaliate, you can do something. If a cop does it (and I've had one bad incident, forced unwarranted drug search of my vehicle a bunch of screaming and racist name calling) it is the worst feeling in the world. You can't do shit. They have all the power. They are armed, you do anything likely you will face charges. It is a difficult problem to solve but definitely a lot of effort and measures should be put in to do this. Having said that, I have many friends who are police who are some of the most upstanding citizens you'd ever meet, so these bad cops are a small minority. However just like the pedo priests in the Catholic Church they should not be protected and have no part in the organization.
  6. It isn't quite a rally, but polls so higher and higher approval ratings for Trump cause of all the publicity he is getting. Most people are stuck at home and many tune in to the daily briefings, in which case there is a ton of patting himself on the back, saying he did a 10/10, inherited a broken system but made a new great one and much more BS. If this virus problem extends to close to the election he will be unbeatable unless things go really bad. I'm in a blue state too, but Trump is a the biggest piece of garbage even if Biden isn't perfect I don't care Trump must be removed no matter what. Hell I'd vote for most of the worst violent criminals on Death Row if they were the other party candidate. Also if hypocritical Republicans bring up Biden being too touchy feely, it is a drop in the ocean compared to Trump. However they will use this to make it seem like see Biden is just as bad as Trump in this regard or some other BS, so hey both are bad, don't vote for Biden Democrats. This could have a major impact in swing states. That Bernie clip was gold, the poor are treated like shit. You think people want to be on food stamps, disability, welfare? Most are ashamed and it is barely enough to live on and can be cut off at any time, this is such an offensive argument by Republicans. I remember during Bush Jr presidency he had some middle aged woman on TV praising her as she was a single mom working 3 jobs and like 100+ hours a week to support her kids. Hey maybe if wages weren't such crap some people wouldn't have to work 80+ hours just to barely get by?
  7. That's what Republican officials fear, if Universal Health Care, higher minimum wage, and other "Socialist" measures pass, people will realize how much better things are and not want to go back even the ones brainwashed by Death panel nonsense and other Fox hysterics. Republicans are the wealthy the powerful, most don't give a crap about the poor or even the middle class. There shouldn't be a minimum wage at all according to Republican core beliefs. Let businesses do whatever they want without any regulation. Unions are bad. Humane working conditions are bad, etc. It's why Bernie being elected with a Democrat majority in House and Senate would be so good. Granted there are moderate Dems not on board with all of his stuff, but it would have been a big push towards making this country a better more humane place. Now with the election mostly sidelined, and everyone focused on the virus. Trump is getting constant attention. His daily briefings are mini rallies, where status of bills/Corona is stated but of course tons of gloating about how awesome he is at everything followed by Pence who looks at him like he is Jesus Christ 2nd coming showering him with extravagant praise.
  8. Washington Post had a photo of Trump's notes I think when he first used Chinavirus, and it was called Coronavirus in notes but he crossed it out and put Chinavirus. It is obvious he is doing it to focus blame on China. It is an easy tactic, scapegoating a people or nation and it will work especially well with his base. He wants to deflect any blame for himself (he gives himself 10/10 and says his response was perfect) even he (bolton) disbanded the Pandemic response team, and he downplayed the virus as practically nothing for months. Also pretty funny was Dr. Fauchi, had to cover his face to stifle a laugh when Trump said 'Deep state' in his public address today. It must take Herculean willpower for those people around him to not laugh or roll their eyes when Trump says something stupid (which is usually multiple times a day).
  9. I think Congress people should also have to put their assets in a blind trust, much like the president (besides Trump of course).
  10. I was going to go Leif to make sure Edelgard didn't win, but he did anyways. Alfonse knocking out Azura means that now I have no regrets regardless of who wins this thing. I joined Winter Sothis but she lost, now on NY Alfonse. Altina has such an overwhelming majority and seems the clear peoples favorite, so I would feel kind of bad if she loses.
  11. Of course the Donald is. Right wing media is all ablaze about how the Democrats are trying to weaponize this and shouldn't criticize Trump, I guess they know their followers have the memory of a goldfish and already forgot how Obama was treated with every single thing he did or said including Ebola. They even defend Pence, the man who doesn't believe in evolution but creationism, who doesn't think smoking kills, and well doesn't believe much in anything scientific just the good book. https://www.newsweek.com/mike-pence-coronavirus-science-hiv-aids-smoking-evolution-climate-change-1489458 This joker will be in charge and communicate to us what is going on. If a significant portion of the Trump voters died from Corona, well the average intelligence of this country would take quite the leap. I'm wondering is their a limit to their stupidity and naivety though? Trump fired the pandemic response team among other actions that hurt our preparedness to deal with this. He continues to lie even about this. Yeah and what happens when you hire a bunch of unqualified/underqualified people to head/work in departments on your staff? When there is an actual crisis, that absolute slavelike loyalty isn't going to help much. Looks like Bernie vs Biden, I think Bernie gots this...certainly hope he does.
  12. Your hyperbole comment was in relation to my post just above said comment, right on this page. There was no exaggeration in it.
  13. What hyperbole? There is a lot of anger but no exaggeration in my posts. Please explain. Bernie is the future and thank goodness. He is also getting more support from older voters than he did in 2016. The DNC need to unite behind him 100% as the RNC did behind Trump if Bernie (hopefully) gets the nomination or even if he has the majority vote. Anything less and they are handing Trump the win and Republicans power for the next 4 years.
  14. Well really the Republican party needs to go they are racist, sexist and are for tyranny and power. We need multiple parties but the GOP especially in its current iteration is a pure negative for America. It is a disgusting extremist organization spreading lies. Moreover the hyper partisan garbage has started with the Republicans and it isn't going to stop, Democrats have tried playing nice but it is a fool's errand. If they force a bunch of stuff through like President Chump and Moscow Mitch are doing, then they can make it really hard for Republicans if they get back in power to push their evil agendas and reverse progress. Republicans aren't about compromise they are about winning at all costs, and the Democrats have to be the same to realistically compete. Being the better more fair party hasn't worked out for themselves so far. We got Donald Trump in office, who has committed atrocities like seemingly every day, lies constantly and Democrats try to rationally explain why he is wrong and where does it get us? Trump's approval rating goes up! The right wing media is going to push their crap regardless of what the Democrats do, they can do everything perfectly and they will make stuff up they always do. Many Americans just buy it up and always will.
  15. Yes this 'unelectable' word being thrown around constantly has to stop. It isn't supported by the polls at all. If Democrats take the Senate they need their own Mitch Mcconnell, who if there isn't a majority of their party that approves of the bill it won't even come to vote. Oh yeah and if Trump is president or any other Republican, don't allow votes on Supreme court justices or any judges. If Bernie or a Dem is there approve judges and stack the courts at a record pace. Ignore Fox and the right wing media and the explosion they have, all they have to say is "Look at Mitch, hypocrites". If Sanders gets in he has to abuse the executive order as much as possible, not only to push his policies as much as possible but to teach Republicans a lesson. If you are going to abuse expand power, we'll do it to. If worst comes to worst and Republicans take back house, retain Senate, Trump wins. They should do government shutdowns and whatever scumbag tactics they can. To the present, Trump's dumb wall blasted through a native american gravesite despite their protests and weren't even consulted. Oh and Bloomberg is launching a huge attack campaign on Bernie Sanders as well.
  16. I don't like how this is set up at all. Edelgard the #8 should have had to face Altina the #1, that way even with multipliers she gets knocked out right away. The character I want most, since it is the only one I don't have, is Christmas Sothis. However she is going against the overwhelming favorite. Then we have Azura my 2nd least wanted character, another merge isn't helping much as she isn't used much for combat and her fodder is bad. Alfonse is my 2nd most wanted character cause I have a -atk/+res, want to get rid of that attack bane. Him getting knocked out by Azura would be painful too. Rest of the units I have, have good to decent natures and no bad banes so not that big a preference to any though maybe slight to Sothis since she is a mythic. I'd like to vote for Christmas Sothis to help her maybe pull off the upset and then perhaps win it all, but I am forced to go with Leif just to prevent what would be by far the worst possible outcome a unit in the regular pool without exceptional fodder who I already have.
  17. Aethin, I have checked this thread just about every day since you announced your project this is how excited I was for Berwick. Tear Ring I was excited about, and loved your translation and it was so so good, however Berwick the excitement was much greater cause it looked like the next/final evolution of Kaga and very different from Fire Emblem. I just finished the very first battle, and am already blown away. The hexes changes strategy so much, the events happening on map, the way most of the skills aren't RNG but are command orientated, bonuses, or only activate in certain conditions. Nice that some of them have drawbacks too, so that adds another layer. The active turn system also completely changes how to approach the game. Anyways thank you so much for this you and your team have done a great service and will bring many hours of unbridled joy.
  18. Bernie supporters are not like supporters of many of the other Dem candidates. They aren't necessarily Democrats, so they aren't looking at what is best for the 'party', they just love Bernie. Just like Trump supporters love him rather than the Republican party necessarily. Hey if Biden or whoever actually wins the majority legit or whatever, I don't think they will not vote. However if Sanders has a big lead but it goes to brokered convention and then someone else gets the nomination that is a different story. Trump re election along with House and Senate under Republican party control would be horrifying and this is a large part of Dem party fear of Bernie. I think they are being paranoid though, and just hurting their party's chances overall.
  19. Disgusted by how many Democrat commentators/analysts are just ripping on Bernie and doing the same kind of fear mongering that Fox and co love to do. The 60 minutes with Anderson Cooper tonight was appalling. They were way nicer to Trump when he was on. However maybe that 'outsider/anti establishment' thing will get him even more supporters. Yang was who I supported, but since he dropped out, I am all in with Bernie. Firstly he is the only one that can beat Trump, and it is for a simple reason that doesn't have to do with his policies. He is an inspiration speaker, charismatic, and he delivers short easy to grasp messages. Medicare for all, college debt cancellation, free public college, etc. Most people don't pay attention to politics, so simple 'slogans' are incredibly effective. Secondly regardless of how difficult it may be for him to pass these policies and all the countless details and thing to account for, I think the most important thing is to have a person who wants what is best for the people and who is a human being of high moral value. Bernie has been fighting for the people his whole life, all the way back in college Chicago, fighting against segregation of schools and racism in real estate, to environment battling. He's got a heart of gold and is what we need after the no heart narcissistic scum that is sitting in the white house presently. As for why Bernie bros (or supporters, many of them females BTW) may not vote if Bernie doesn't win the candidacy. Can you really blame them? With what happened with the DNC 2016, and how they are treating him thusfar, all trust is lost. Many are disgusted with the Democrat party and they have plenty of reason to be.
  20. https://news.yahoo.com/treasury-department-sent-information-on-hunter-biden-to-expanding-gop-senate-inquiry-161846826.html?soc_src=community&soc_trk=tw WTF.
  21. I love Selkie! She had a ton of support so many people like her (also she did well on CYL before her introduction). Honestly Nailah was my favorite of the choices, but NY Selkie was the newest unit I had gotten, and she was at level 1 which makes battles much faster. I believe she was the most popular of the Fates beasts, and maybe the most popular of any beast?
  22. The judges are on his side as they have proved time and time again. If a new president comes in 2020 yeah there could be backlash, but 2024? Don't know about that. Trump figuratively tore up the constitution with his actions thus far, and had a speech of pure fiction that he passed as the state of the union. What is the value of a document of lies? Nothing, she ripped up that trash and hopefully recycled it....well maybe would be safer to burn it. Susan Collins is either an idiot or is just BSing. Probably BSing. She well knows Trump isn't going to learn from his mistake, cause he hasn't been punished for it, she just helped give the go ahead for him to continue to break rules and laws for whatever he desires. She is in a purple state, she is just trying to get re elected while staying loyal to her master Mr. Trump. Mitt Romney will vote to convict. What's this a Republican with a conscience? One that puts country over party? Even if the results are pre determined, him (a republican) voting to convict takes a lot out of any celebration Trump can have. He can't say partisan sham, when one of his own votes to remove him from office. Romney gave a great speech, too bad other GOP members don't give a crap about their duty. https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2020/02/romney-impeach-trump/606127/ Oh yeah and Rush Limbaugh the racist/sexist shock conservative host gets a presidential medal? WTF. Ready for a woman president, a gay president? I think people underestimate just how many absolutely would never vote for someone for this reason alone. https://www.cbsnews.com/video/iowa-caucus-goer-tries-to-change-vote-after-learning-pete-buttigieg-is-gay/
  23. This sums up my thoughts about these disappointing mid term results except I think winter Sothis would be a great winner. Edelgard is in the regular pool, I have her, fine unit, but in the regular pool and doesn't have anything exceptional fodder wise either. That she is at #6, gives her a strong chance to stay top eight, possibly win the VG and be our prize. Can you imagine the disappointment? Then what is L! Azura doing up there? Poor fodder, and though a legendary hero, she is a dancer and doesn't benefit much from merges. The rest of the top 10 look fine. However where are the Duos? I voted everytime for Marth Duo and he's not even in the top 20 so I am wasting my votes no way he can crack top 8 now. Ephraim got there in the teens, small chance, I guess I could go for Alfonse a merge would be nice. Push him from #9 to #8. Winter Sothis I don't have at all (Lif too) but they are much more likely to make top 8 without my help.
  24. Trump is making an enemies list, not only Bolton but the House managers in charge of impeachment and others. He will get his slave Barr to open investigations on all of them and try to put them away. So not only can he get away with anything, he will also destroy anyone who even tries to call him out on it. What a great country we live in.
  25. Well he could delay response to last day, ask for postponements for hearings, and appeal as much as possible. This is what Trump did before his presidency. If Trump complains, they can call him out on it.
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