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Everything posted by Lewyn

  1. Add it to the articles of impeachment. Trump is an idiot that doesn't think things through or much at all. Glad he is our commander in chief, and this will likely hurt us and not too long from now.
  2. A mobile bolt tower that can be used twice and possibly more in the future, unless the opponent has a tower AND a duo hero themselves. Oh and that can be used any turn at player's control. I think it was a big mistake to make duo heroes usable in AR. Yeah healing tower if upgraded enough but at the same time lots of teams don't want to run that there are much more important structures.
  3. So finally got 2 of every element mythic heroes and now they drop duo heroes. Not only do they allow them along with their broken duo skills to be used in AR, you can even have a tower to be able to use it twice (and I assume in the future more than that). Then on defense you can counter that with your own tower disabling the skill but only if you have a duo hero on your defense team. It is absolute BS and destroys many team compositions. Don't forget that Hector is only the first duo hero, future ones will have different skills. Wouldn't be surprised to get Nils/Ninian with a super refresh duo skill, all allied units can go again or some other nonsense. I mean talk about a cash grab, one of the worst ones to date.
  4. Yeah how one is raised is such a huge influence on thought and development. There is also so many different news media sources nowadays that it is easy to find an echo chamber, so parents raise their kids to believe a certain way then reinforce it when watching these agreeable news sources. In general I think, and I don't know if it has always been this way, but it seems many don't think for themselves. When Trump came. I remembered the Birther thing and right there I was like hell no not voting for this piece of scum, however I still listened to his speeches and campaign ideas. While the other candidates (Demo and Rep primaries) had many plans and ideas, his was simply. "Make America great again" "Lock her up!" and "Build a wall"! He also said he would end all crime in America. Of course there are no plans in how he would accomplish any of these few mostly vague claims and that is coupled with having zero political experience running for the most important and highest position in the land. I guess we could dress up a cucumber in a suit and people would vote for him if it aligned with their party. Partisanship has gotten as bad as ever, and it all started with Newt many decades ago. Instead of different idealogies coming together, debate and compromise, now it is blocking and name calling. Party over country, party over the people.
  5. Halloween banners have traditionally been one of the power hitters of the year. The first one gave Halloween Jakob and Halloween Henry. The second gave H! Mia and H! Myrrh (Kagero and Niles aren't bad either). This one really only has one impressive unit and that is the new duo hero. I do hear those whale sounds as well. Dual dialogues, 2 voice actors, first ever duo hero, 185 BST scoring, broken duo skill usable in arena and other modes, incredible weapon and skillset, art to die for. I'm sure there will be no end of +10 Duo Hector/Lilinas by the very next day. Of course this will strongly encourage IS to continue with their rapid power creep. Again please please ban duo heroes from AR.
  6. Yeah I don't care about arena except just bouncing 18 and 19 which shouldn't be effected by this. However I care about Aether Raids, hope duo units or at least their duo skill isn't able to be used in this mode cause it would be a massive advantage. 20 damage to enemy team whenever you choose, and also would suck for defense teams. AR is mostly kept from the cash grab other than trying to get 2 of each element mythic hero. It is so cash grabby though, we just had more BST boosts and now this 185 dual skill and powerful duo skill even usable in arena.
  7. Most Republicans don't care, the only way they will is if the US people turn almost unanimously against them. Mitch is made of the same cloth as Trump but is actually smart. So women against the right to choose with their own bodies and for misogyny? I guess traditionalists who want to live like women in the 1800s perhaps? No doubt what way those men voted, but it makes sense. Trump benefits them. White nationalists are a vile lot, but they voted for Trump and I don't blame them. It makes sense cause it aligns with their goals.
  8. Duo units seem especially cash grabby. Counts as 185BST unit, even though the highest units thusfar are 180BST (and count as such), and gets some special duo skill like 20 damage to entire enemy team once per match. Open up your bank accounts. The Hector/Lilina art is top notch and adorable as heck but anyways glad I never took arena too seriously or +10ed one of those now low BST low rarity armors.
  9. Yeah it is hard to hate on these people. They are super focused on a single issue, but it is cause it is what matters the most to them. Sheep people suck, and is one of my biggest pet peeves. Yes. Nero is almost a perfect comparison. They are like the same person. Historians are already shocked by Trump apparently. https://www.cnn.com/2019/10/02/opinions/trump-impeachment-unprecedented-cobbs-longley-osgood-suri/index.html Yeah there are self loathers out there. Trump also got 53% of the white woman vote, which was one of the more shocking stats to come out of the election. First woman president, or Molester/Rapist/Misogynist. As far as his election I blame them the most. White men voting for Trump, well they are voting for themselves to stay in power and not have any checks to said power. (Though it was beyond stupid that working class whites thought Trump could reverse automation).
  10. I've always been fascinated in learning about the other side, the other view. Especially if it is difficult for me to understand why, I always want to know the reason. While most in my extended family voted Clinton, some voted Trump. Now these people aren't the 'dunces' of the family by any stretch they are intelligent some extremely wealthy/successful. So as I asked why, a 2 main responses (Luckily none of the stupid Hillary is worse or refusing to vote for a woman president). 1. I always vote Republican. So this pretty simple. Pure party loyalty regardless. 2. Cause Trump's views align with theirs on a hot button issue. Some are very anti illegal immigration and support any measures to stop it. If you are a woman or minority, actually anything but a white male a vote for Trump is a vote against yourself. If the world is around another 40 years and I'm still alive I'd love to see what History books write about Donald Trump and the Republican led Senate that allowed him to get away with murder time and time again.
  11. There has to be a bombshell so big that even Fox, Mitch, Ben Shapiro, Rush, etc can't spin to make it seem like its a witch hunt, fake news, or making a big deal out of nothing. There will be some good conscious Republican senators will vote, but many will only if they feel that the Republican voters/people have mostly turned against Trump. Oh yeah and #4 Somehow Biden's name gets dirtied just cause of all of Trump's BS corruption claims, and it allows Elizabeth Warren (who looks like she would win anyway) to come out on top. This kind of scares me, it took a perfect storm for our first non white male president, well he was still half white (Obama) to be elected. A woman? So many people will refuse to vote cause of that alone, stupid but hey that is unfortunately how it is. We also have Trump's Pocohantes nickname and the Native American claim conspiracy, an easy thing that Trump will keep coming back to. Would prefer a white male just to insure this orange piece of garbage goes down. I would say Bernie, but is their anti semite sentiment? Probably, but not as much as anti woman. Anyways if a Democrat wins in a close election, Trump will demand a recount, and he will never accept the result. He will have to be forcibly removed from the white house, and a civil war on the streets will erupt between the brain washed Trump zealots and those who are for democracy. If a Democrat wins in a landslide, he is going to use every resource and do it illegally (assumed he wasn't impeached) to continue to investigate and try to dig up dirt on the the president elect. Regardless of what is found he will have strong negative words. Then same thing, he will refuse to step down. Saying he is protecting America from the evil (president elect). He will be forcibly removed (I hope so, don't know the legal specifics) and a civil war will erupt. Oh and if he is impeached a civil war will erupt. Trump has destroyed this country regardless, that does take a certain kind of incredible ability. What was once Rome. What was once America.
  12. They are likely doing this cause most Americans are too stupid or ignorant to follow multiple crimes/situations. The Russian interference was way over their heads so when Trump says it proved him innocent many believe it. People forget all of his cronies that got locked up in that investigation, but whatever. I think they should focus on all aspects that support impeachment of Trump, but again Americans for many it is way over their heads. The whistleblower thing is really simple and straightforward or at least appears to be. The thing is as far as conviction in the Senate the more impeachable offenses the better, so those who still defend Trump will look much worse. I'm sure the Mitch and has his fellow conmen can spin a single accusation regardless of evidence in a way that makes it seem like nothing or a democrat conspiracy to oust Trump for no reason. Anyways defense of Trump is usually the same. Either, "Obama did much worse!" listing some made up offenses, or Democrats have been after Trump from the beginning and have no grounds for their accusation, ignoring it. It is just pathetic but his followers believe it anyways. I'm embarrassed of America and for America. I urge everyone to not get to excited, Trump and the GOP are experts at blocking, delaying. If they were so confident that this is just a witch hunt surely we could get full reports, etc. House will likely impeach Trump, but Senate will not convict. Then since they will block, release heavily redacted versions, etc the American people could be easily swayed into thinking this is just a partisan attack and not an affront to our country.
  13. Astram wow. What a conundrum though. Merge or fodder? I think I will at least merge once, have to think about making him a grail project. Pairing him with Brave Lucina, maybe regular Marth too then a strong green. Oh those glorious invisible buffs stacked to the max.
  14. Yeah centaur wasn't a good example sorry about that. Black/white hybrids are considered mulattos. They are both black and white, half and half. The point with Micaiah is unlike other lords, she is absolutely despised and faces heavy prejudice merely cause of the blood in her veins, for being a branded. We see through the majestic Tellius saga the differences and conflicts between beorc and laguz various stereotypes and prejudices and atrocities committed. We then see the branded are worse off than either being rejected by these two main groups. We get to experience this as the main character rather than some side character as is often the case in other FE games. This makes her one of the most memorable and distinct of lords.
  15. Elincia is an important character but never "the main character". There are non MCs that are popular true, but being an MC is a huge advantage. It is really hard to be unpopular. Micaiah is half laguz, half beorc. So yeah she's not human. Would you consider a half vampire, half human...human? Would you consider a centaur human? Anyways as Icedragon alluded to it is a great way to show without offending any real life group the difficulties of being biracial. Not fitting in with either group and sometimes shunned by both. An outsider.
  16. @Anacybele You'd be a lot happier just letting people vote for who they want and not worrying so much. I often want older characters and particularly FE4 if possible to win, but if they aren't the most popular (and even here cause of multipliers most popular loses a lot) then that's fine. What are you going to do? There is nothing you can do, and bashing a character is hardly going to make its supporters leave it is going to have the opposite effect.
  17. While Seliph needs an alt the most (yes I know that a +10 fully invested one is really annoying in AR that is a super hefty investment/cost), it is nice FE4 finally gets an alt, and finally a legendary unit. Her art and animation is stunningly gorgeous, and hey she doesn't look like she had a few too many drinks like her regular version. I'm going all blue here.
  18. Micaiah is an MC, non MC characters much harder to be popular. Just look at most of the winners of CYL 1, 2, and 3. As far as Mary/Gary Stu most lords seem to be like that. She is unique in being a magic user and being non human. Also unlike other female lords she isn't a pin up model, she is petiite cute and pretty but not drop dead gorgeous.
  19. Maybe you've explained before but why do you hate Micaiah so much? Pretty much everything you've said ever about her has been very negative.
  20. Brave Eliwood is great when their beasts and dragons, a superb galeforce user n general and wants to be best friends with Legendary Eliwood. I am very impressed with his performance and dominance. Still as others have said, including myself before the units even released, though is that Micaiah is the winner hands down. It should surprise no one she is the most picked by far. She is the most unique, the most useful, the most powerful, the most immune to aging. Then specifically about PM, effective damage ranged mage against armors and cavalry is much much more useful than Eliwood in the Abyssal maps. There is almost always horses cause of their high range, and armors cause of their high def/and or res. Can't say the same for dragons or beasts. Picking someone for guides to use in these maps, Micaiah again is the obvious choice. Most people picked Veronica and PM uses her for guides already so that rules out the similar Camilla. Besides which Veronica is likely much more useful for those maps anyways as the buff/debuff of her staff makes a world of difference in such maps.
  21. Really good stuff, hope this is the start of something they will continue with characters added to the game. Also would be nice for important story chapters as well.
  22. I think once Bruno finds the cure for his and Veronica's condition both of them will be on a banner. It would be nice to see him in the story at least, been awhile.
  23. Really. I'm sure you can find online videos of high level aether defense before the changes and that explain why the maps worked so well with certain set ups.
  24. Trust me the changes were pretty huge. There was some crazy broken abusive set ups before, now it takes quite a bit more creativity to come up with something oppressively strong.
  25. Tier 20 to 21 is the longest and hardest climb, all you need is one good week to break into 21 and you are set for life. Duma is coming up on this month's legendary banner BTW if you want to try for him.
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