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Everything posted by Lewyn

  1. OMG!!!!! Secret of Mana was my most played game that isn't competitive, played it dozens of times with different people. However SD3 IMO is even better with its branching class system, multiple endings, 6 select characters, faster battle system. Yes it is my favorite RPG of all time, I might even go as far to say my favorite single player/co op game of all time. I really love how this remake looks, and the wonderfully composed soundtrack can't wait to here it orchestrated hopefully they do a great job. I hope the gameplay is expanded on and flows well, and they expand what the different classes get even more. I've been waiting since the 90s when we got Secret of Evermore instead, for this game. The fan translation was excellent and allowed many of us to enjoy it, but now getting an ambitious remake and localization I can't wait!
  2. Tactics Ogre: Let us cling Together (PSP) Dragon Force (Saturn) Knights in the Nightmare (DS or PSP) Total War Shogun 2 (PC) Starcraft 2 (PC) Ogre Battle 64 (N64) Devil Survivor 1 and 2 (DS, 3DS, PSP) Valkyria Chronicles 1 (PS3)
  3. Scoring from BST also shouldn't matter, merges shouldn't effect scoring even if they are allowed. The banish rule is interesting as many may not have the right units/skills to deal with certain enemy types would be really helpful. If one doesn't have anyone with null disrupt they can banish staves for example. The lack of same skill means one can't stack ward/goad fliers or other skills (double savage blows, etc) Anyways there is a ton of things wrong currently with this being a 'competitive game' so it is hard to take any pride in rankings/performance. Just higher tier, rank, more rewards and well that's it.
  4. Radiant dawn is the more ambitious game, but I feel it was rushed and the pacing is off. Its potential is much greater but despite that IMO Path of Radiance ends up being the more enjoyable and consistent experience.
  5. 1. Free units only, no merges allowed, stuck with base kit no SI allowed. This removes any competitive advantage one can have from pulling, luck of IVs, expensive skill inheritance, etc etc. There would be no other factor than the work people put.experience and in and their ability. 2. New mode, where every unit is accessible by every player and they can freely put whatever skills that exist on any unit that meets the basic requirements (example: armor only). This is another way to do it, but I doubt it would ever happen. Any type of 'freemium' game where one pays in money and/or in game currency for resources that influence the game in more than an aesthetic way will never have an 'even' playing field other than extreme measures as I mentioned above.
  6. I think it would be more similar to "The Wire" except a different setting. We would get a lot of development of the various antagonists as well, and 'our hero' would be far from a 'pure good' guy either.
  7. The main thing is my protagonist would not be a famed warrior, son of a famed warrior, or royalty. Nor would he even be human. He would be a slave in a brutal labor camp (manakete or beast or maybe something new). Haven't thought about it too much but would address many of the issues of power, corruption, prejudice, influence of public perception, genocide.
  8. If there are no demotes with this banner that will be 3 out of 6 this year which is awful. Awakening was the game that needed another banner the least besides Fates so very disappointing. Scraping the bottom of the barrel with the throwaway child characters when many important characters remain from older games. As far as character writing give me a Shakespeare sonnet over a cliche incoherent novel any day.
  9. Oh that's good, so he is set to go. I guess I can try him out when I have some padding in score.
  10. When you remake a game the fans of the original are the buyers in your pocket. People who loved the original usually buy the remake if it is true to the original (with improvements of course). Getting the original fans is the #1 priority cause it is something you can count on. People who are unfamiliar or not fans of the original are not ones you can count on as buyers regardless of what changes are made. Firstly most people who hated a game aren't going to buy a remake regardless of changes. People who are unfamiliar aren't going to bother with an old game that plays like the new games, why bother. They'll just play the new games. IS can win by remaking FE4 to appeal to the old fans, updating graphics, mechanic/gameplay adjustments while staying true to the game. The only way to guarantee failure is to disregard the guaranteed buyers (fans of the original). This is just common sense, and how most remakes work. https://www.reddit.com/r/fireemblem/comments/71ajx0/a_japanese_poll_asked_which_fire_emblem_game_was/ This was also on serene forest https://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?/topic/75681-japanese-fans-voted-for-their-favorite-fe/ I was looking for Japanese polls on favorite Fire Emblem, this was all I could find. Genealogy of Holy War ranked #1, apparently the poll was about 4,000 participants Japanese. This was a 2017 poll. Complete results That would further support the smart bet would be to remake the game in a way that appeals to fans of the original.
  11. He's making a guarantee about the entire casual fanbase of the series globally based on what is said about FE4 on Serene forest, a single English speaking forum. I guess we can find every truth of what the entire global fanbase thinks about anything concerning the series just by this forum alone. Referring to people outside of SF? You say 'most casuals'. You make a guarantee about 'most casuals'. Fire Emblem is a global brand. Well of course the graphics have aged but of course any game remade would upgrade the visuals, have higher sound quality, etc. What would be the point of Echoes Valentia if they just used let's say the Fates gameplay/mechanics? They used the differences to advertise it. That was one of the major selling points. Like this is an old game remade but it is offering a play experience that is new and different from what you are familiar with.
  12. Making such a guarantee on what people who don't like FE4 on SF? Most casuals? You are just as clueless as he is. Then can we also say Fates aged like shit or let's just say it was shit to begin with and many fans dislike it cause it gets so much hate here? That is a pretty dumb assumption but if you admire Shadow Mir's opinion that is not surprising. Shadow Mir doesn't know how the basics work, he has been proven wrong countless times.
  13. I'm not using insults just speaking the truth. Uninformed opinions are trash it doesn't matter what it is about. I've never played Paper Mario Sticker Star. So can I call it absolute garbage even though I have no clue how the basics work and just based on some stuff I looked up or what a few people on a forum said? If you think that is a good argument, I don't know what to say. Shadow Mir used this site to make the claim about how polarizing FE4 is and thus using that for his remake ideas. Like wow 2 people on this site don't like FE4, so if there aren't major changes (on this game he has no clue about and has never played) the world will burn. Calling that stupid is not an insult it is a fact.
  14. Fates is very polarizing on gamefaqs and reddit as well. Of course it is popular it came after Awakening which was a well promoted global entry that was released at the perfect time. FE4 is Japan only and was released when the N64 was arriving and playstation had already been here awhile. I used 'SF' cause that is what laughably Shadow Mir is basing how polarizing FE4 is, when 99.99% of the people who have played the game are Japanese and not a part of this forum. See how stupid such logic is? Yes it is far more credible to bash a game one has never played when you repeatedly show you don't even understand many of the basics of how it functions. Oh and I've actually played Fates so I can give my opinion on it. I can call Corrin the biggest mistake the series has ever made, and even if people don't agree with my opinion since I've actually played the game it is an informed one.
  15. Could you elaborate on Caineghis? How many merges do you need on him? Is DD4 good enough, or is Svalin shield preferred? Does he have to have Kaden support/or M Corrin support?
  16. Then you are blind, Fates is the most polarizing game in the series and gets the most hate here. That includes a lot of criticism on the gameplay as well. Also you don't see the point? Really? If you fundamentally completely change a game in a remake then it is will turn off most if not all of the original game fans.
  17. Lol okay you completely miss the point which isn't surprising. There are people who think Fates gameplay is garbage too. However that isn't the point. The point is weather to remake a game to satisfy people who hated the original or remake a game to satisfy people who are fans of the original. Who do you think is the intended consumer when they remake a game? The answer is obvious hopefully even for you. Of course you didn't reply to the first part of the statement, not surprising considering you can't really dispute any of it.
  18. I am going to take this part to show how biased and stupid your statements are. So first you don't even know that you can save every turn, and complain about being forced to play several hours per chapter before being able to save. So you find out that is a complete lie and false assumption you made (just like many). Then you go on about save system being abusable in FE4. Then someone brings up it is more abusable in RD, so then you say yes it is, but my god you have to play through an entire turn once you start in FE4 so RD is better and so much more convenient. So I guess all those other Fire Emblem games where you can only save after completing a chapter are complete garbage then right? The necessary changes to make it playable, says one who has never played the game. I'm sorry it doesn't make you want to come back for more, there are other games to play. A lot of people think Fates is complete trash. So shall we make changes to make it playable for those people? That sounds like a brilliant idea.
  19. I never understood why she didn't catch on, she is one of the more unique characters in the game. She stands out, she also has a body type that we don't see on anyone else in Fates. Effie is super strong but we don't see those muscles. I'm going to also say I care zero about time between. I care about total count. If you have enough for an emblem team you are done.......forever. Actually ideally one seasonal alt and one legendary would be max. You have hundreds of characters so why are they going to be 7 Camillas in August, and likely 8 before the year ends? There are other sexy girls, if that isn't enough then fetish then up to the Nth degree if you have to. Seeing the same faces again and again and again is just so boring. A cute alternate outfit doesn't make it less so. Camilla is controversial for other reasons but for Heroes the complaints are mostly about how there are so many of them. Still Lyn's 5th version got way more crap than Camilla's, which was honestly disgusting favoritism. If this game goes 10 years, there still shoudn't be any more Fates royals, they all have had enough versions. Several non Fates characters also fall into this category.
  20. This is what I heard as well, in that they won't be screwed over by having a color weakness. They have no color to fear. However from what I've seen, and seeing offense teams beat my defense teams it is always a +10 unit. +10 merge is expensive, even if it is a grail colorless like Winter Cecilia. Then in addition the unit absolutely must be able to counter at any distance so if they don't come with DC or CC well that is another expensive skill to be given. About Caineghis he comes with DC, and he gets that +4 to all stats from his weapon and has good mixed bulk. Could he actually be a cheaper option, in terms of maybe having enough stats that he doesn't need +10 merge, and having most of the skills right out of the box? DD4 will negate all those Azura buffs, or one could put Svalin shield and be immune from effective damage. I pulled him and Lethe on the banner, he is +atk/-res though so would need a merge at least to even consider this. The tactic drill with Mordecai, seemed like he would be a great partner. He smites Lion king, the king debuffs enemy team -4 to all stats, and when enemy team attacks him he gets +4 to all stats. Anyone already experimenting with Caineghis in AR? Surtr, how many merges do you need for him to be successful and how much team support? I have one Surtr at neutral IV currently. I am very interested in this super tank strategy cause it seems like by far the easiest way to counter the largest variety of teams.
  21. That's true. I think cause Cordelia is a larger story character and really strong. I do think Selena/Severa type and Felicia could both do very well in terms of appeal and it would be much fresher than just using Camilla or even Cordelia again. What about Rinkah, where is she. Muscular dark skinned Amazonian tribal woman, how is she not marketable?
  22. Yes it was sarcasm. Half a million copies released a month before N64 was going to drop, so the end of the Super Famicom cycle and way past its prime. Its performance is even more impressive when one considers all that.
  23. You are right I have been incredibly happy with the new hero banners this year but I haven't sent feedback. I think we tend to send negative feedback, but it is important to send feedback when they do something you really love/like as well.
  24. I act like my word means more than anyone who hasn't played the game, cause well it does. I am happy to discuss with people who have played the game and thus know what they are talking about. If they alienate the 1 or 2 people on here who haven't played the game and are clueless, I think they will survive don't worry. Really? I thought it was a steaming pile of garbage that has no redeeming qualities? Maybe they gave away free meals at maid cafes for each purchase or something.
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