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Everything posted by Lewyn

  1. Sure they are, but Feh is better than most of them we should be encouraging less greed not more. At least with regular banners we get people from the Fire Emblem series, which is the reason most people came to Heroes. In heroes it hasn't appeared yet but collaborations are are standard practice in gacha games nothing unusual about it and certainly not rare. If this was most other gacha games yeah I doubt many would care, after all many are original properties or based on series with very few characters so collab characters instead of alt 70 of someone okay big deal. Fire Emblem is a rich series with hundreds of characters so to see them get gimped for some characters from an obscure game yeah I'm sure many will care. If it is some extra banner I don't think people will care that much. Anyways we'll see soon, hopefully Heroes is classy enough to not put us in collab hell.
  2. What is the predictions for said banner? I'd love another merge on Ishtar. Claud with Valkyrie staff, hope we get him soon.
  3. I mean it is garbage. A junky practice greedy gacha games use to lure people with their limited "one time only" collaboration! Also Dragalia lost, a generic gacha game 90% of the playerbase probably hasn't even heard of? If they are going to do a collab use a real game (not gacha) with a rich history or that is recent and was a masterpiece many have played and near everyone has heard of. Is it really entitled to not want a collaboration of a game most haven't heard of to take the spot of our once the month new heroes banner? I don't think so, it isn't like asking for more orbs or something. People just want the game to be better not trashier. There is no need for curiousity collaborations aren't some rare cool phenomenon but something in many gacha games. I have future vision, what would happen is the 1% of Heroes players who also play Dragalia lost will be happy, many of the others won't be. Some won't care. Nothing really exciting. Probably a similar reaction as if the next banner was 4 Camillas.
  4. So act friendly offering a piece of cake and when she gets close grab her and break out the hunting knife and....! So cruel. Well I'm at 13 orbs, having gotten every orb that can be gotten so a skip would be good for me. Still don't understand how people want something garbage added to the game just to see people's negative reactions. Seems stupid.
  5. I'm with others that Dragalia lost collab if it unfortunately happens should just be accessories and bonus maps or something, it better not rob us of our once a month new heroes banner. Also you guys see Feh's stats, and skills? Easy to talk about someone behind their back, I'd like to see any of you say it to her face. Personally I think Feh is the dearest sweetest most wonderful hero and owl there is! (Don't kill me please, shower me with orbs and good luck!)
  6. I mean the game is created as a love letter to fans of the series so indeed we are expected to know the characters. It even is rife with spoilers in confessions and other dialogue. However I agree it would be cool if say Heroic ordeals had some character building for the hero. Ah Bruno, dude can ride a horse, was such a master of the spear he taught Sharena, can wield tomes as well as anyone, and on top of all that is able to have this herculean body. Jeez, what have I been doing with my life? We should get him as Master Knight class, it would be fitting. I agree on Hrid, I think gameplay wise he is excellent design, but in story there is hardly anything to him. We must just assume he is mostly like Ephraim, since he rushes into battle by himself, and cares for his siblings. I think Ephraim existing allows people imagine more of Hrid's story/personality.
  7. My hopes - No dragalia collab - New mode utilizing the new type of blessing Roy and future legendary heroes have - CLEANING THE SUMMONING POOL in a major way. This has been discussed in general discussion, but I concur that all launch units should be 3-4 star and that includes Taco and Hector - I like the idea already stated of a way to earn more merges, without having to pull more copies - New GHB elite quests - A huge massive astronomical orb bonus for golden week! Anyways nothing weird or interesting about my hopes pretty much what many are hoping for. I've learned long ago not to get my hopes up as far as channel but I'll try to watch anyways.
  8. I agree there are plenty of other really powerful A slot skills. Close counter and distant counter should be available to the masses. Ostian counter is a unique personal skill, I don't think distant counter needs an inheritable power creep. It is still the ideal skill for many units.
  9. It was me that said that, and I said or lesbian to not sound sexist. Why I said 'straight' guy instead of just guys or most guys, trying to say everything PC. However yes you are right I made a bad assumption. So remove that or lesbian, and just shorten it to assume Kiran is a straight male. I think a lot of girls have been big into some of the few male fanservice characters we've gotten despite not getting any 'additional backstory', so I don't think that is really required. Besides which these characters, besides OCs, come from the main series so we already got personality/background/etc.
  10. All gen 1 five stars? Well that would be a dream, cause Hector and distant counter would be available at 3-4 star rarity! The skill of skills, something that so many units have, yet so hard to get. Wow....better not get my hopes up. People still pull like mad for any unit that has distant counter, I don't think they are going to pass up on all that lost money.
  11. Yes gacha is a big part of strengthening units, though if at low rarity 3-4 star can get merges much easier. However you did say 'favorite' so summoner support due to only being able to be put on one unit does very much indicate that. I wouldn't be opposed if for one's summoner unit only, there were some other grindable things to make them stronger or unlock more voice lines or give their sprite a might glow.
  12. - Naga - Altina - Loptous - Mila - Lehran
  13. Well didn't pull any Yune, but pulled 2 Legendary Azura. I got Cordelia Galeforce, but unmerged, I think she would really need merges to get her speed high enough (mine is +spd), flier formation on all is also an investment even when Spring Loki hits the shop. Your team does look deadly though, thanks for answering.
  14. There are a ton of seals, however many of them are beneficial not weak. Fortress def, fortress res, hardy bearing, phantom speed, there are so many seals one would like to have upgraded all the way. If one wanted to optimize Arena assault they would want 28 seals upgraded to maximum, and besides that having more seals allows ones units to function in a larger variety of ways. Dragonflowers give more stats. +1 could be the difference between doubling and not, or getting doubled. It could get a kill, or allow one to survive a blow, or prevent panick status. 2.5 merges. Infantry get a sweet +2 to stats which is a big boost, 5 merges right? The difference between a zero merged unit and a +5 is pretty big. Divine dew. Refines often majorly help character performance, so they are often a big deal. Being able to do more of these allows a more powerful barracks, quite a few of the refines are fairly creative as well so can help in specific situations. Grails, we have a whole competitive PVP mode based on getting this resource. Being able to +10 Winter Cecilia or other Eliwood, or Aversa for AR and other modes, much easier is huge. Merges matter for arena scoring as well. My stance against grinding is grounded in this. Many games punish players mightily and put tons of pressure to grind daily tasks or whatever or else fall behind. It forces many players to play against their will or else 'miss out'. That is a terrible feeling and sucks in the times and lives of many like a tedious unholy vortex. It is bad enough that we are forced to play AR near every day to get the 5 daily rewards and make sure not waste aether. I mean Heroic ordeals are at least unique maps, if we got new additional grindable content it would likely be mindless and monotonous the same or similar thing over and over. I've gone over already why those resources are valuable (feathers, coins). As for what banner would be replaced, yes none of us can know for sure, but if you were going to place a bet you really think they would cut a seasonal banner, the golden goose of gacha games, or do you think they would cut a new hero banner? You can +10 your Micaiah and put a bunch of various expensive skillsets on her as well as put her on a team where she can reach max potential. You can also summoner support her, since we can only do one unit it really shows who one favors.
  15. I've heard of and seen occasionally full flier teams with ward flier. If I am lucky enough to pull a Yune or two this is something I would like to build, anyone using this sort of team and have knowledge/advice? Also what do such teams do about bow users, effective damage is usually pretty darn effective.
  16. Rinea is a lovely flower, Emperor Rudolf and his complex relationship with his son, Valdibar is a man's man oh and an actual armor in game! I think they can market these characters if done right. Any female it is easy as hell, that goes for any Fire Emblem game, just make them powerful and sexy, $$$ can't fail. Males are harder indeed, but good art and design can help. Well Echoes has a small cast so I wouldn't be surprised. So all those games have more playable characters not in than Echoes?
  17. We don't know for sure, but considering seasonals are such money drawing machines I highly doubt they drop one of them for a collab. So unless they aren't dropping any Heroes banner and just run the collab as an extra, New Heroes banner is likely to suffer. Yes and there are pressing problems, but that is why we don't need to add more of them. Yes we could use more grails, coins, and stones. Maybe they can give more as a log in bonus, or in the monthly quests (without gimping other rewards).
  18. Sacred coins allow us to upgrade seals, divine dew is a rare resource that allows us to refine weapons, heroic grails allow people to +10 free units as well as get valuable fodder, dragon flowers increase stats. They are all valuable, and not everyone loves to farm. A lot of people play Heroes specifically cause they hate farming which is prevalent in other gacha games. You didn't answer my other question. You have mentioned several times you haven't played Fates and maybe other games, why not use your spare time to do that instead of monotonous grinding? Please as someone who plays Fate order also, tell me what is the appeal of brainless repetitive tasks? I've played the other FE games and they are amazing. You can grind Hero merit, have you gotten 5000HM with every unit in your barracks? Have you built every unit in your barracks and done their heroic ordeal? Have you done every squad assault challenge, every chain challenge (beginner, hard, lunatic)? Have you finished all the grandmaster challenges? Feathers, sacred coins, orbs....those all make an actual impact. They would never trade out a seasonal banner, they already added Hot springs as another seasonal to look forward to on a yearly basis. If they cut a banner to make room for collaboration I can almost guarantee it would be new hero banner not seasonal. So there is plenty of reason to be worried about collabs.
  19. What do you mean 'viable' there are way more playable story characters besides those. Tatiana would be awesome, so would Valdibar or Kamui or Mycen or Emperor Rudolf, the list goes on and on. I don't think we are getting Thracia though.
  20. Hey I'd be down with it either way, especially if Tellius is more beasts. I'm really wondering why they won't release another Echoes banner though it seems long overdue.
  21. The problem has been mentioned many times. If we are getting one new hero banner a month on average, that means only 12 banners a year. So losing one of those for a collab is actually a huge deal. Wasn't this binding blade banner great? Yeah it was the first one in the history of the game, Thracia has had only one, and other entries not Fates or Awakening few. Never mind that new hero banners also are the ones that come with new main story chapters and advance it, getting a chapter a month is already super slow.
  22. Let's say you could grind some new mode fro 10 orbs a day, that would be 300 orbs a month if done daily essentially letting players who do this have 2x of the most important resource in the game. In addition though of course whales always have this advantage, in PVP there would be a massive advantage for grinders since they will have pulled twice as many units/skills on average. Many time sink games or games with daily quests do punish players who don't grind do those quests, they fall way behind the other players that do. It puts immense pressure on every player to do these grinding daily quests to keep up. In addition as Interdimensional Observer was saying usually these games scale content assuming everyone has done all the 'free' stuff available. I wouldn't be opposed to grinding for exclusive accessories, palette swaps, castle decorations or other such things. However grinding for major competitive advantage would be a massive turn off. Heroes is great cause it doesn't force that onto players like other gacha games do. If you hate grinding you can still enjoy Heroes and not be leap frogged by 99% of the playerbase. I also just don't understand why people want to grind so much, new fun modes? Yeah sure, but why waste time with repetitive tasks? If one hasn't played all the games in the FE series, play those. Or there are many other strategy games or other kinds of games to enjoy.
  23. Wow look at the dominance of Idunn votes, hotness matters! Anyways I'm going for Duma, if he loses then I'll go to dark emperor Hardin.
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