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Everything posted by Lewyn

  1. That flexibility is really nice though and allows more diverse builds, of course there is the scoring issue as well.
  2. I agree. The first mistake was making Surtr trainee so he gets 180BST. It's like there aren't rules anymore. Duma is a final boss too, so that can't be used as a reason either. Anyways Idunn on her new weapon and incredible art should have been enough of a sell for the banner and with good stat allocation she could still be great with 5 less BST.
  3. Yes I remember one of the arguments was oh Surtr 180BST and 180BST in general was a mistake, that is why Duma came in with 174. Then we saw the Greil Devoted armors also at 174...even mighty Ike the face of Heroes. So I thought, maybe. However now we get Idunn with that 179, 180 with superboon BST. Wish they would stop giving BST to non trainee units. Surtr and Idunn don't fit 'trainee'. Fae, Tiki, Myrrh all got trainee boost in their other forms so it makes sense plus they were in their games I guess. However they need people to pull on this banner. Idunn's top notch art, sudden sexiness, 180BST, anti meta breath weapon and rare move/weapon type is the draw.
  4. Agree strongly. It feels very artificial when their are too many romance options, not every guy and girl that gets to know each other is going to want to get hitched it just seems unrealistic. Plus it makes the supports have to cover the growing romantic feelings rather than other more interesting issues relating to each characters' history/habits.
  5. Another sucky season. I got 2 defense losses within 24 hours, what the hell. At least I one was a -60 instead of a -80. Anyways light season 2 Eir, whatever no tier 21. This is what turns me off of arena (very different mode as well) when one is just going against premiere skillsets and +10 or close to it merged units, etc. At least I will finally be able to upgrade my offense fortress to lv 4 this week. Yeah it would be great if there was a free mode where you could just play random against random defense maps without points counting and then try out a bunch of different things.
  6. Idunn has the best special art in the game, holy cow! Completely different from her other arts, her body morphing into a dragon...it is so awesome! The rest of it is excellent as well, though I don't remember her being so sexy (that damaged art). So why Idunn was not a mythic? I think they maybe felt they needed her to sell the banner. On the banner, yes they seem somewhat underwhelming. Sue being a cav green bow stands out a bit along with her debuting a new C skill, however yes Idunn does look incredible and someone that will draw a lot of people to pull. Hopefully Lugh's stat line (with gen 3 BST) helps him stand out in the very competitive green mage pool. I don't know what Thea is going to do, there are several amazing flying lance units already. Good thing is no alts, 4 person banner plus another one in GHB. I am disappointed in lukewarm reaction however I guess if people aren't familiar with FE6, majority of playerbase outside of Japan, then the skills and weapons don't really jump out at you. Colored bows haven't really made a big splash, Lucina is coveted cause of her good stats and unique skill that allows self refreshing. Idunn again looks amazing and seems powerful at first glance so people unfamiliar with the game might still be drawn to her.
  7. Thanks for the support! Yes I remember arguing with someone about Thracia representation vs Binding Blade, unfortunately many disregard launch characters. Looking back it is actually quite shocking how many games had zero representatives at launch. You would figure they would at least put two minimum from each game.
  8. I think Fates had a bunch of age changes for characters like Elise/Sakura when localized, and I believe even Blazing Sword changed the age of Lyn (though she always looked already developed so didn't send out any creepy vibes). Well yeah I hate the 'legal age' argument, like with Nowi. She is a 1000 years old! Yeah but that is in human years, in dragon years she is a young child and this is very obvious in how she looks. Considering Awakening and Fates, I'm almost 100% certain there will be loli romance options unfortunately.
  9. How does all that stack up against Reinhardt? What unit is more interesting, stronger, stands out more? In this case it isn't close. Red cavalier is much less bloated than red infantry sword. An 11 MT brave weapon that works on both phases was mind blowing (still is) at the time, it allows him to do DC, vantage and the opponent has to eat 2 attacks regardless of what phase. Swordhardt might still be the best red cav in the game, while Leif has been long forgotten. When the banner dropped many talked about how scared they were to be pity broken by Leif. The lord of FE5 was a footnote to the first dedicated Thracia banner. It wasn't cause Reinhardt was some character with complicated mechanics and much later people found out wow he is one of the best. It was obvious with the dual phase higher MT PRF brave weapon and great stats from the beginning. So yes while Leif is indeed a very good unit, I pulled one off focus recently, he never was the seller or star of the banner despite being the most important character in FE5.
  10. I think with his great stats and kit, Roy will make a good impact. He has really good physical/magical bulk, speed so high he will double everyone, works well with bonus doubler (really only infantry units with natural DC units are good with that, and there are pretty few), and gets pretty much a better version of emblem hones with giving the +6atk/+6spd to himself and working with any human rather than being limited to movement type. Gen3 BST does wonders. Yes and Reinhardt was the banner seller, look at this a more powerful brave sword that hits on enemy phase as well! Or you can have the lord of Thracia a infantry sword with decent stats, and a unique skill only useful in Tempest trials. So there was no trust in the actual relevant important characters of Thracia to sell the banner, even the lord himself. They could have made Light brand amazing but they didn't. Also when talking about representation one has to take into account launch units. Having zero launch units means those games deserve to have much more banners than ones with a bunch of them (like Fates and Awakening). So FE4 is underrepresented still, Tellius as a whole is underrepresented, Thracia is by far the least represented game.
  11. Sorry I meant Zephiel. He'd probably be like a red Surtr, super tank, with a new power creeped skill.
  12. That's true it isn't the best of comparisons. However they certainly did play it super safe and took no risks. The Genealogy banners have done well, and Leif and Nanna would be known to everyone who has played that game. Reinhardt and Olwen would be known by everyone who has played Heroes since their original versions had been in the game a long time . Let's not forget Reinhardt is just a mini boss and he gets an alt. I can't speak too much on FE5 memorable characters, I did play through that patch once but the translation is glitchy and poor, I think I got a sense of some of them though.
  13. I can see a powerful Lilina alt headlining the banner. Maybe with a C skill that complements Legendary Roy (+6 def/res human only). Other alt possibilities yeah Zelgius and old man Hector. Oh and old man Karel the sword saint. NPC characters that can be featured. Guinevere could be a big one, she is very attractive, royalty and an important character even if she doesn't fight. Brunnya already mentioned has the charisma and could be made into an enticing banner unit. If Melady is on the banner, Galle could be possibly as well. For units playable in the game and not yet in Heroes. Rutger seems like a sure thing and Idunn probably as well. Dragons always sell, I think. Sue has a good chance being a cute horse archer, still a rare type in Heroes. Lugh is popular I guess, and if they launched with Raigh I guess why not. Geese stands out in the game and also looks really cool maybe a dark horse to make the banner. As for dancers, after Legendary Azura it is going to be really hard to sell them. They'll have to have something crazy like Pulsedance refreshes unit and -1 cooldown to special, or song of Miracles...refreshes unit and unit can not die til next turn.
  14. My def map, I got Duma from Find and Vote. So I put him, quickly anima blessed my Y Tiki+3, Nowi+1, Fae+1, Ninian+1 and Aversa+5. Honestly they get destroyed cause Eir can kill dragons easily, but I was in a rush and didn't want to bless units that I would need for other modes. -60 is a lot better than -80, and if I get another Duma in the future then -40 will be pretty sweet won't have to worry about defense at all. I have lots of offense teams change every week, during light blessing weeks Eir, Eir+1, LA Hector, Zelgius, Azura (regular). Substitutes for Hector and Zelgius are Surtr or Sanaki (axebreaker). Without light blessing week, I'll use horses like Hrid, Camus, Veronica, Gunnthra. Aversa will often take a slot. Or I'll use fliers.
  15. One thing about Thracia. Leif, Nanna, and Finn are all key important characters in FE4. So the only true new Thracia original we were given was Saias, a GHB unit. It would be like introducing Radiant Dawn finally to the game, and having a banner of Ike, Soren and Titania. Yeah great, they are of course a part of Radiant Dawn. However they would be know from anyone who played Path of Radiance as they are important characters there. So playing it safe, yeah it was super safe. The banner was Leif and Nanna, both feature characters in Genealogy, then an alt of Olwen and an alt of Reinhardt both who were already introduced a year earlier in heroes. Not to mention how Reinhardt completely overshadowed Leif as a red. What if on Micaiah's debut banner there was a Soren alt as the same color/weapon type but a much better weapon and being an armor or flier? I can't really defend this banner, and thing is it is unlikely Thracia gets another for a long time. Maybe in 2 years or something. So where are important Thracia originals like Mareeta and Othin? Will they get in the game before it dies? If there were Vegas odds on this, It would likely be strongly in favor of them never showing up in the game.
  16. Its great that every stupid offense team that beats my defense team has Legendary Azura and every dumb defense team I go against has Legendary Azura. What was she given out for free like Alfonse and Sharena? 2 copies? Mine must have gotten lost in the mail. Special spiral Ophelia is everywhere too, I forgot was she in the 3-4 rarity pool, Lewyn too? Teams are mostly Veronica, Legendary Azurax2, Aversa, Special Spiral Ophelia and then the last spot varies. Sometimes Duma, sometimes Surtr, sometimes Eir or Lilina or someone else. This originally 'fun' mode, is quickly becoming just the opposite. No I don't have Loki, no I don't have Nailah or Null disrupt before anyone asks.
  17. Look back in the dark ages, the early months of the game, we got much much less orbs. Banners often contained more units than they do currently as well. Like dropping 80 orbs on a banner back then was like spending a fortune, nowadays it is like a pittance. However back then the game was new, exciting, they could get away with just about anything. However if they start pinching FTP orbs, I do think many people will leave.
  18. I haven't played around with him yet, will soon, but apparently his effect only gives +3HP allies for now and there will be an additional effect in the future. He himself gets the effect of scoring as a 175BST unit.
  19. Surtr and L! Azura were both horrible mistakes and just really poor design, probably not tested much. One invalidates all other dancers except herons for beast teams and maybe Dancing Micaiah for armor/horse slaying. One can't be player phased or enemy phased without devoted specific builds thanks to his weapon and C skill. Stupid x infinity. However when you create units that are so stupid strong, then regardless of if one knows or cares at all about Azura or Surtr, one has to pull cause who doesn't want a broken tool for their barracks. Game would be much better without their release, so yeah they were awful mistakes. I feel IS is generally willing to risk completely broken units/skills now without caring what effect it has on the meta. If it is bad....oh here is a new 5 star exclusive unit with a skill that can counter it! Ooh this prevents armors from getting free follow ups, ooh this prevents staff users from being uncounterable, etc etc. I'm sure this bonus doubler skill is going to be abused in some horrific disgusting way, but don't worry panic smoke is coming! 5 star seasonal locked! I think as far as BST, they might keep 180 only for trainee dragons, I thought Duma was screwed over but then the Tellius armors also didn't have 180BST either.
  20. I was hoping to be able to skip this legendary banner, I thought it would be Brave Celica, Roy and Hrid. However there is dancing Micaiah I can't pass on that. In addition my Hrid is -atk, and I wouldn't mind Roy he seems crazy and that lightning bolt thing a ma jig is new. I will try red until I get one. I don't have any of the blues, but Ephraim is all that interests me there so will avoid unless there are no reds. I guess colorless 3rd, I only have F Grima and I would like to fix her bane, not too interested in Xander or Mikoto. That C skill of Roy is like a spd atk wave 3 that is on all the time, absolutely an incredible buff. With Roy's A skill, he will be +12 atk/+12 speed right there. Bonus doubler I'm really scared of this inheritable skill it looks like it could be super abused.
  21. Yeah I'm waiting cause the chance is only slightly less, and I also want Bowcina plus I'm sure the other blue will probably be good too, meanwhile in regular focus banner you can get screwed over with some of the pity breakers. Oh I got Duma, my most wanted, on the free gold. -atk/+HP the signature IV for me, yay. That boon which is good on like no one and that bane which is bad on like everyone. Still getting my most wanted unit of the four is overall very good. Really should have been a herofest, I wouldn't hesitate in going for Myrrh and Azura then. In essence that free hero but random, with random IV on top of that tempts people to pull on the banner. You didn't get the unit you wanted most or even the one you wanted least. Or you got the unit you wanted but at bad IV, better pull! Banner won't fool me though!
  22. Despite my dramatics, I have loved each and every Fire Emblem game. I played all 3 Fates games. So even though I dislike certain aspects of some of the game, doesn't mean that the overall experience wasn't incredibly enjoyable. Like if this game was going to be a school harem and that's it, cause it is Fire Emblem I would love it still. So despite my harping on the negatives, it is only cause I love the series so so much.
  23. I'm actually a pretty big anime fan. There is a lot of masterful wonderful storytelling and interesting/unique themes in them. Just certain overdone cliches get on my nerves. I'm sorry if I am making you do more work, I didn't realize there was anything offensive about my post.
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