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Everything posted by Lewyn

  1. Wait...a lot of stuff here revealed. How would same sex relationship be needed for a specific character? They can't have children. If this game has child units that probably makes it harder to have gay representation, though bi is okay, cause people wouldn't want to be prevented from passing on certain skills/etc. It all makes sense now why the gay characters seem such poor representations of gay people. It is catering to the yaoi fanbase, which is vast majority straight women. I assume the lesbian characters are catering to straight men who find girl/girl hot. So these 'gay' characters are actually catering to heterosexual people. In terms of amount of characters, homosexuals are 3% of the population so that would mean 1 or 2 characters per game which they seem to have done recently (or more). So they aren't really under representing just the representatives given are poor.
  2. I don't see many people praising Fates story, only people bashing it. Meanwhile many praise Genealogy story and Path of Radiance/Radiant dawn story. Sigurd, Ike and Roy are hardly the most amazingly written characters but compared to the garbage that is Corrin they seem like literary genius. Many criticisms thrown at Fates can be blamed at Corrin. Incest. Well without Corrin this doesn't exist Camilla pandering. Well without Corrin this doesn't exist, and the only pandering is her armor and being busty. No one would care. Characters acting in ways that make no sense. Well cause the whole narrative has to bend around the flawless god or goddess that is Corrin. Tons of other stuff I'm sure I'm forgetting that is ruined cause of Corrin. Hopefully Byleth isn't some flawless person that everyone else in the game worships like a god.
  3. 30+ years older? Hardly there are young professors who teach right after they receive their PhDs. Also the point and why it is looked down so poorly is the position of power. Also yeah if you want to bang your student regardless of how attractive she is, you shouldn't follow up on that cause it would horribly wrong. America is definitely weird, but not in its viewpoint on this. Clue me in on Japan though, do professors date their students there, is that the norm?
  4. Yell away, I agree wholeheartedly with everything you've said. I think it's really sad reflection on modern players. Need the story to revolve around them, have harem style being able to hook up with most of the cast regardless of if they are your sibling, underage, or whatever. Be super powerful, the chosen one. What it does is make all the rest of the cast in the background and much less important. Like who in Fates was important besides Corrin? Maybe Azura cause of her connection to Valle and knowledge of it. The other royals just pandered to Corrin, and followed whatever he says even though he had the least combat experience of all of them. I like Fates, but everything wrong with the game can be blamed on Corrin who ruins any potential the story had. With Byleth we already have he has a special power, and the only one to be able to talk with this dragon of incredible importance. He is a teacher and the other major supporting characters seem to be his students. The set up seems like it could be as bad as Corrin. Here is the other thing with an avatar character as the main focus/character it is much much harder to write a good in depth story, and so far it seems like IS doesn't have the skill to do this. This is part of why so many of us didn't want an avatar character at all. What is wrong with a great story with great characters, without having to insert oneself as the focal point? Do we really lack that much imagination. Is it cause people read much less today for leisure, and we have selfies, instagram, and so much to promote narcissism?
  5. Yes this, it is actually much better to have zero representation than have representation that just reinforces gay stereotypes. So build a character, personality, interests (not sexual), hobbies, past history, and then if they want to make him/her gay fine. FE hasn't done a good job for the most part
  6. People don't see the issue here, really? Well many of us have been to or are in college right? College students are legal age right? So is it not an issue for professors to be banging and marrying their students? As for representation. If doing gay characters, can they have ones that don't scream 'gay stereotype' all the time? Leon acting like a lovestruck schoolgirl obsessed with Valdibar, his whole character amounts to Valdibar is the ideal man I love him...and that is it. Sexuality shouldn't define the character, just cause a character is gay doesn't mean that is all there is to him or her. That just makes for terrible writing, and also reeks of just checking off a box and throwing in a token this or that.
  7. Don't like it. There is a lifeless doll quality to it, like the eyes there is nothing going on there. No expression no light of life, just a dead hollow look. Then something about the shading/skin tone, it doesn't look like flesh and blood but like paper cut outs. She does look to have a lot of experience with academy clothing so maybe that factored into why she was chosen, also very different from any FE artist we've had thusfar. It does also look much much closer to Persona than Fire Emblem, and Persona is super huge that could be another factor. I don't know why they didn't let Hidari do this, his art for Echoes was easily the best of the entire series.
  8. With representation it is best if it fits the game rather than being forced in there. There has been really poor racial representation too, very few races outside of Oriental and European.
  9. Oh thanks for clearing that up! I had no idea the info was right there. I agree it timestamp would be great to know. Okay I see I was attacked.....got a loss, then got a victory, however the loss cost me 80 but I don't know if the 20 hours passed before the victory. If it hasn't the victory doesn't mean anything, however since the lift just says -0 regardless one can't tell.
  10. Are you sure about that and is there a source? In terms of what defense victory gets you? Cause after getting a loss, I am immune for several attempts usually. However after getting a victory the next loss loses me lift. Well Legendary Azura is great on offense too. So why not have everyone have her? Also every dancer is good in AI's hand, but only Azura buffs all 4 stats and allows flyer and infantry nukes to move 3 spaces which is a massive advantage over all the others. Sure...Azura isn't game breaking she just happens to be on every defense team and most offense teams (any nuke dancer one certainly). She was an awful mistake. Surtr's weapon is something that can't be inherited, nor his C skill. They are both really garbage design and the most problematic units released in the game's history. Also if they are so ho hum forgettable, then NP if everyone has them right? I also recall you used Surtr and H! Myrrh a lot initially in Aether raids with their bonus weeks. Do you also not have Azura on your defense team and why? Or do you just not use dancers? If I exaggerate you greatly understate. @XRay Wow you went all out for her. Yeah but nulling buffs can help a lot, but is Sharena's res enough? @NekoKnight I really want Azura but I also want Lucina. Thing with this vote banner is it likely will have regular rates, and off focus pity breakers are pretty bad and the average orb count to get her is very high. If March had no other blues I wanted, then I would go all out on this banner, but I could wait a month and hope.
  11. Fine combat manual shop would work. All launch skills available other than 5 star locked ones like Close Counter and Distant Counter.
  12. No one defense result doesn't count per day, one defense loss result counts per day. You can get a victory and then loss and the loss will count. What having Legendary Azura means is more likely to get partial losses so -20 or -40 rather than -80. It is a HUGE disadvantage to have to build a defense team without her, cause it greatly reduces your chances to not take -80 everyday. Also I'm only in tier 20, and EVERY defense team has one or two legendary Azura. So the people that don't are flat out handicapped. Yeah sure the few people without Legendary Azura in the higher tiers can be much easier offense wins for others but that is hardly fair rather just a minority of people are getting screwed hard. Maybe in lower tiers (surely not higher which I'm sure is even more whale heavy) more Azuras would appear. One of the big things about gacha games is pay for advantage, that is the nature of it. Everyone having L! Azura would reduce the effect of that slightly (substantially in raids). Anyways this is what happens when you release flat out broken crap design characters like L! Azura and Surtr. There are no nerfs in this game, so it becomes do you have him/her? No, well good luck you'll need it.
  13. Yes, probably why she is on every Aether defense team and a ton of arena defense teams. If everyone has her though at least everyone will have that big advantage when they build their defense squads. Ah I forgot that Legendary Azura will appear on March banner along with Legendary Lucina, both units I want and don't have. I guess I won't pull for Azura here if she isn't my freebie. Hope for H! Myrrh or Duma then....even though they need Distant counter so it will be quite a long time likely before they can reach their potential.
  14. This right here. We get the random IV for people who want to build the units rather than fodder.
  15. I think as others mentioned what makes it worse is Byleth is a professor at a military academy. The male version is very professionally and respectfully dressed, the female version...not many college professors or military commanders are going to be dressing like that.
  16. One thing I never understood is the argument, if everyone has her (this time it is about Legendary Azura, but usually about a super strong meta unit), then aether raids/arena will be much worse. No way! This way a bunch of people won't be forced to fight with one hand behind their back, it levels the playing field. Every AR team has 1-2 Legendary Azura, and it is absolutely obnoxious to deal with true. I see it on my defense losses, and then I see it on every defense team. If she (or anyone else) is that powerful and must have then it is much better if everyone has a copy so they aren't handicapped.
  17. Wait...EUREKA! I have it! They remove a bunch of 3-4 star units, particularly launch ones, and move them into a shop. In this shop these units can be purchased at 3 star rarity for a badge cost. Ah I need some Fury, oh let me buy a couple of Hinatas. I am desperate for desperation, ah Shanna has what I need!
  18. With the way she is designed it seems obviously geared towards males who want some eye candy. Apparently many males like playing as female avatar for such reasons. However what about females who want an avatar that represents their gender in a respectful manner?
  19. Badges to summon on a special banner that rotates on a daily basis with one unit of 3-4 rarity (will only be summonable at 3 star) that has highly desirable fodder. Kaze, Hinata, Selena, Shanna, etc. The pool is far too bloated and it takes forever to get these useful units, people shouldn't have to wait months for reposition or fury.
  20. Yeah I'd go with Florina's Huey too, we have Lyn on foot, in heavy armor, on a horse, but not flying yet.
  21. *high five* She is definitely very underrated unit, and I am happy with her victory. Honestly I didn't vote for her, my few green votes went towards Christmas Fae but I didn't think she had much of a shot. Hopefully the great performance can mean we get Mani Katti Lyn sometime this year, would be awesome! The starting screen makes a lot of sense, it takes time to scroll through everything to find a unit. Not everyone is willing to take the time, and maybe some didn't know you could scroll. On Helbindi I don't think he made much of a splash so his chances were going to be low either way.
  22. I knew something unexpected would happen, we all talk here and look at reddit and think we have a great idea of what the results would be. I knew at least one would be completely out of left field. One of the Hectors? Surtr? You would think right? However it is legendary Lyn, who doesn't have recency bias, isn't the only of her weapon type (NY Fjorm is green bow too and flies) has no skill that is fodderable that only she has. Then you look at reds...I thought it would be close, maybe Marth cause of his popularity. Spooky Myrrh absolutely crushed the competition! Duma and Azura are both unique and very recent and seemed almost guarantees and it looks like no other unit came close in their categories. Either way it works out quite wonderfully for me. Legendary Azura is my most wanted unit, Duma is my most wanted colorless and someone I pulled hard for last month and didn't get. Halloween Myrrh is up there with legendary Marth as my most wanted red unit and she was someone I pulled hard for on Halloween banner and didn't get. Legendary Lyn, I do have one but she is -spd/+HP which is awful so at the very least I can fix her speed bane which will help her a ton. So in short while Legendary Lyn is easily the one I want least, I can't lose even if I pull her. If I get one of the other 3, all unique and limited availability hard to get units, it will be a jackpot. From first to last my choices would be Azura, Duma, H! Myrrh then Lyn. I hope we get to choose like y'all, I guess I'll send feedback too.
  23. Ah yes I guess a very Japan thing, I myself really dislike avatars in general besides taking the spotlight of the story and being a god like character who everyone around them worships they can romance any character they want. Oh that is a 10 year old child and your pupil or friend's daughter no problem that is okay! Oh it is your blood sibling, no problem they would love to get with you all you need to do is ask! I mean it is just sad that people need to be catered to so much. What I did notice is they might be trying to cater to both sides here. There is no excessive gratuitous fanservice, and characters are mostly dressed conservatively. Maybe there are sexy costumes or something but it will be optional, so those of us that want a serious experience and not some harem simulator can enjoy the game also. People complain about the female avatar, but hey I don't have to pick that, I'll just pick the male. I'm sure one can alter the appearance of female avatar, clothing or something at least as well. I'm hoping they don't have all the girls at the feet of the avatar, even if he can S support them. That way again people who find banging their students a bit icky or wrong (the power dynamic is a big issue) can hook up with another professor or not hook up with anyone.
  24. Incredible analysis! Tons of stuff I completely missed, which were detailed here.
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