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Everything posted by Lewyn

  1. That facial expression definitely seems evil. Like "Yes my little puppets, that's it" Apparently the church of seiros is a huge influence on the entire continent and wields a tremendous amount of power. I suspect there will at least be some evil to it, though I hope it is complex and interesting.
  2. The thing seems weird, like if Byleth was another student...but he's not. He is a professor, so even if the students are 18+ and all that, it is still really inappropriate. What would be best is Byleth doesn't have romantic supports at all, but the student characters can have romantic supports with each other.
  3. Good work! Golden deer looks to have the hardest to read cast so that seems enticing.
  4. One of the easiest of all BHB. All you need is an AoE nuke and 3 dancers. I used Lewyn, completed all three difficulties first try.
  5. She was definitely very sexy in her original art, but yeah they played it up more while staying true to her muscular BA concept. True I think having more characters that don't have traditional attractive features is good cause it increases diversity and different people find different things attractive. I think they did a good job with Greil who keeps his prominent nose and worn but strong face.
  6. Indeed. This month there are several cash cows. This valentine banner containing the most popular character in the series in a much awaited new version and finally different move type is definitely a big one. Ike also is one of the best fodder characters in the game as well, then you have the debut of Greil. The new heroes banner is likely either Fallen Heroes 2 or Fates beasts (Selkie, Velouria, etc) which will be another huge banner. Then the vote banner which will be must pull for many people, and then the legendary banner which always draws a good amount. It is quite a packed month.
  7. Wish I got tier 21 earlier, all those extra flowers from climbing all those optional tiers above it. Still in 20.
  8. They have surely tallied all the totals and know the winners. The reason they are holding back is cause the final four we chose were so stupendous and incredible that if they revealed it now almost everyone would save all their orbs for that banner. Or at least I'm hoping.
  9. Of course! She can have her own unique special in Heroes. If infantry are indeed getting a BST boost she might get that as something to further separate her from Ayra or Karla.
  10. Naesala's art is an interesting thing. He has become this suave attractive guy who looks a bit younger. His eyes seem trustworthy rather than sly and cunning due to not being really narrow, his nose is normal maybe even small as opposed to very long, his body type seems similar except he seems substantially taller and older in his Tellius art. Now some of this stuff is unfortunate stereotypes. Squinty eyes, big nose=evil. When of course that isn't how it works in real life, but this is what we see in much of media. Is Heroes trying to be progressive? I don't think so, I believe since they think many might not have played the Tellius games they might be put off by Naesala's features. No need to alter the other beasts, cause they were cool and attractive looking in their original art.
  11. Mareeta also has the benefit of being a beautiful swordmaster. Karla was a very minor character and hard to recruit in FE7 as well as pretty weak, but in Heroes people went krazy for Karla. Cause she is beautiful and powerful, which is an incredible combination I'm sure a lot of people who never even played FE7 pulled for her. Mareeta even has her own special personal sword, no need to make one up. It could be a PRF brave weapon, with attack+3 and a guard effect with no HP limit.
  12. Ike (regular, the original), Legendary Hector, Love Abounds Lyn, and Veronica (will replace with Maribelle as just maxed out her hero merit).
  13. Lloyd, is terrible. Lachesis is terrible, hate moe blob style, but also completely doesn't fit the character. Also look at her art compared to Eldigen looks like she is over a decade younger it is ridiculous. Never mind that she is a staff unit on top of that. Wow Lloyd is also a bad sword unit. So bad art and bad usability, that is rough.
  14. This was a good event, I just think next time people should one orb of each color in circle. Then it would be perfect.
  15. Nailah is definitely the much better fodder unit, but Azura isn't a bad one with the blue duel skill and Aerobatic. However for the unit itself, Azura is a must have one at least for Aether raids (she is easily the best dancer for any mode though) while Nailah is nice but not meta defining/breaking. Legendary Azura is also the harder unit to get. Nailah is doubtless going to be on multiple skills banners in the future and is in the regular blue pool. Legendary Azura only appears once every few months at an even lower rate than regular banners.
  16. I don't have Loki, was pulling for her and Duma on the legendary banner but got another Summer Linde instead. Yeah she would be awesome to stop these cheesy Azura shenanigans. I thought whales would all be in 21, I don't know why I am running constantly into 2 L! Azura teams (with multiple merges on her), with +10 Ophelia, +10 Surtr, high merged Peganinos, etc etc. It is ridiculous. I remember one, and no I didn't leave anyone in Surtr range. However I lowered his def/res with an attack from Eir and set up everyone with a lot of movements so I can initiate with my +atk Zelgius...who attacked twice and activated Black Luna. AND SURTR STILL LIVED. I wish I had a damn screen shot, but it must have been more than the +10 the way the buffs were stacked or something. Either way it was infuriating.
  17. Final votes, not showing image cause it keeps erasing previous choices from history. Duma, L! Marth, W! Fae, L! Azura, W! Fae. Hope we get results in a couple days. I guess voting concludes tomorrow night, so maybe a Monday?
  18. Most frustrating Aether raids ever. Lost 2 of 5 units on first run, then used all escape ladders (3) and extra run so I don't let aether go to waste. Impossible to kill any unit in one turn, all super merged every damn time. No matter how I positioned and couldn't tank either. Every team has Azura on it and either a bunch of armors or cavalry/fliers or combo of both all super buffed. Maybe I haven't upgraded my stuff the right way or something, but it is super frustrating not to be able to kill a single unit on the enemy team. I'm glad my escape ladders are gone, tomorrow I'll only have to play this crap once.
  19. Ike is too good here, if I was going to pull (I don't have orbs) he would be who I do it for. He comes ready to go out of the box, which is just such a huge advantage, means regardless of resources you can get great use out of him. He has distant counter, no need to wait forever for a spare Hector/Hrid. He has special fighter which is the preferred fighter skill considering his stat spread, so no need to pull a spare Brave Ephraim. Even speed wave is great with special fighter too.
  20. I just wish we got more flowers, I am fine with it being a one time thing. In fact I prefer it, though I generally hate farming/grinding in any type of game and Heroes is great cause it has much less of that as opposed to many of these types of games. Like 2 flowers, seriously? It would be nice if it was 40, 20, 10. Anyways I think best characters to max are ones that player favors has merged uses a lot, and has a balanced stat spread. A unit that can use all of the stats. I already have settled on Legendary Tiki as the first one to get maxed for armors she has good stats all over and could use all of them. Actually Young tiki (infantry) and Summer Young Tiki (flying) both are like that too.
  21. Amelia is the only one I'm doing. I have Nino and Tharja built but haven't used them in a long time have better options for those move/weapon types. Amelia, while I have a lot of green armors she is nice in that she is a speedy green armor. I'll do it, but I don't know when I will be able to give her Special fighter and Distant counter, she is expensive to build unfortunately. Though when fully built and with this refine she should have a good niche and stand shoulder to shoulder with many of her powerful green armor contemporaries.
  22. So no midterm results. Duma, Legendary Marth, Winter Fae, Legendary Azura. You know what would be great since our choice will be random for the freebie? If the banner afterwards was even just 3% focus, but no non focus. So no pity breaker. It may take a lot of orbs still but at least if you throw enough you should get the one you want. Can one expect this small kindness? I think we all fear that there is going to be one or two units we absolutely don't want and will end up getting, then if the banner is just 4 color standard rates trying to get what we wanted in the first place can be very difficult or even impossible.
  23. Yeah this is what I fear, maybe I should focus on red.
  24. I remember some made the argument that 180BST was a mistake and they won't do it anymore which is why Duma came in with 174. If Ike or Greil here come with 180 we know Duma did just get screwed hard. If we don't have another 180BST armor for the rest of the year then the others were right. Well as pointed out this isn't a love banner, it is devotion and connection to Greil. Also why this IkeXSoren pairing is offensive is people are altering Ike's very nature his sexuality, so it is much worse than Ike being paired with a woman. Ike and Elincia, Ike and some other woman....well yeah it is at least possible. However pairing a straight guy with another dude, that isn't. Hey I think HinokaxCamilla is hot, can I propose that as a canon pairing!? Oh Hinoka isn't a lesbian? Well I make her one anyways in my head. Or lets say Hinoka and Orochi, even though neither are lesbian. Ah but they could be right, who's to say? That is fine but don't propose it as some sort of canon thing, I certainly don't. Don't make Ike and Soren gay when nothing indicates they are. Also sad how this excellent banner the majority of discussion has gone to who is Priam's parents and Ike's sexuality. Want to ship Ike and Soren, Ike and Ashnard, Ike and whatever? Go ahead. Just super annoying when people put this forth as something that is absolute truth and confirmed when there is actually zero evidence supporting it. People put it forth like we are talking about Marth and Caeda.
  25. People pull for characters/games they like/love however the strength of the unit and the skills they came with also are a huge draw probably for whales. Like what if Fury 4 was +8 to all stats and -4 damage, I'm sure it would bring in an incredible amount of money from people who never played the Tellius games or even know who Greil is. Well I hope this is the last seasonal til Spring banner, even though this is an amazing selection of characters. We need the story to progress at something beyond a snail pace and would be nice to get more new heroes into the game.
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