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Everything posted by Lewyn

  1. Besides Azura being the best support in the game, unlike Myrrh and Duma she comes ready built. Duma is the only aether defense unit in the game but there will be other defense units in the future, and he hasn't made much of an impact there. Myrrh is a fantastic red armor, and the only red armor dragon but there are other powerful red armors like Zelgius and the new Valentine Ike each with their own advantages. Azura, other than beast teams in which case Leanne/Reyson would be better, is hands down the best dancer in the game. Best movement type, good stat line for a dancer if she has to see combat, extends the range of any infantry or flier +1 which is absolutely insane as well as quad buffs them all to the max. She has easily made the biggest impact of all the find and vote characters.
  2. I mean isn't this where we list everything we dislike about past fire emblems as well as future disasters yet to come? I think I got most of what I dislike, however the game is still a ways off so there isn't really much need to worry now.
  3. I have no clue how hard it is to code and all that, so I don't know. However what others were suggesting about just using one of the existing sounds for the gold orb seems like something they could implement easily.
  4. - Byleth being another Jesus Christ can never do anything wrong god of gods like Corrin. Ah it's me Byleth I burned down an orphanage, however it is to show the evils of the empire! We love you Byleth! - Pedophilia and incest promoted and normalized like in Fates. - The models still looking really rough and unattractive could hurt sales, hope the art picks up a lot as well - The squads and formations being a bad addition or something that doesn't really matter, this is the most exciting thing in the game for me - Characters reduced to one note anime tropes. - Lack of playable beast and/or manakete units. They are my fav! - Creepy teacher Byleth banging/marrying his students - Fan service thrown in our face (look at Camilla's 'big sister' scene) - Children, unless it is done like Genealogy. - Villains who are one dimensional rather than nuanced and deep - AI being bad, map design being poor, gameplay being busted, etc etc.
  5. Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A, Select, Start. I saw this on gamefaqs early and reddit later. I hope it works, if this is going around in the Japanese forums though for sure they will be aware of this (if they don't know) and change it. If it does...Myrrh or Duma....Myrrh or Duma....ah! I dunno. Both need Distant counter, darn it!
  6. It's lazy writing as well as cliche but it works to evoke an emotional response. Here the cold and distant pretty harsh dad makes the ultimate sacrifice at the end. Alfonse's carelessness with Hel has led to his father's death, perhaps like his father it will change him and he will be much more aware of the risks and not take so many chances. What is disappointing besides the lack of originality is Gustav dies, and the chapter ends we don't get a lot of dialogue from Alfonse, Sharena, Henrietta....and then does that mean we will get some start of next story chapter? Also Gustav's treatment of Sharena, we don't get a reason for that, was pretty rough and dismissive. Poor Sharena. Anyways think Gustav was meeting with his council constantly as Alfonse and co searched for Hel to discuss options for cures, ways to prevent Alfonse death, perhaps king succession and what is going to happen.
  7. Noted. I think that is the main source of friction, and this goes for any fan interpretation if it is stated as the only or true interpretation.
  8. This seems so logical and easy to implement I don't know why they haven't already.
  9. Subtlety implies there is something there, being open for interpretation/vague is something else entirely. Just have to say it is just some people never got that from Ike and don't interpret him that way. It doesn't mean they are anti gay, or they are denying he is gay because they feel that would make him inferior...they just never saw him that way nor should they feel forced to.
  10. See for me, and this is why there are many highly acclaimed RPGs that I don't enjoy/play, the gameplay has to be at least good/enjoyable. It can get away with not being great/amazing like I would want for genres like fighter, platformer, puzzle, etc. However if the gameplay is truly dull or unenjoyable then here is where that book comparison works. Might as well skip the boring gameplay and read one of the great works of literature. There are countless amazing books and one would never have time to read them all. As it relates to Fire Emblem I've enjoyed the gameplay of every one. Conquest is the best of Fates cause its gameplay/map design is much much more interesting than Birthright (which is a version of most fire emblems except with the garbage Corrin factor) and Revelations (which at first seems big and awesome, and becomes a mess). Conquest story is by far the worst and most disappointing considering it has the most interesting set up, but the gameplay makes it a very enjoyable experience. FE4 has the most amazing epic story, but personally I always much preferred huge maps also, and I love the skill system as well as how children work. So yeah gameplay is a greater factor by some margin than story for me, but story is important as well. In conclusion for me. Bad gameplay/good story= I would rather read a book Good gameplay/bad story= Would rather play another genre where the gameplay is not just good but incredible Good gameplay/good story= Now we are talking! Hope Three houses is this.
  11. Exactly. Particularly since Fire Emblem is a strategy RPG, story is a big part of keeping interest not just gameplay. The gameplay in RPGs is almost never thrilling enough to get away with a simple or bad story like say a mario game. Bowser has kidnapped the Princess, Mario must save her. Well that is all that is needed, cause the level design and platforming gameplay is so incredible no one cares. That isn't ever the case even with the best RPGs. One needs good gameplay and good story. In fact for RPGs, there are some famous ones that are cited as 'great games' but the gameplay might be super repetitive and uninnovative but it has great music, art and a memorable story...which makes it a memorable worthwhile experience to some.
  12. Movies and Television in America is overall very progressive, it isn't just about money. We have much female empowerment and huge queer representation, in fact entire movies based on transgender or gay issues. Even at the risk of such films bombing badly (and some indeed do), they put it out for the sake of art, pushing things forward, etc. We aren't talking about a new game or new company here. We are talking about IS, we are talking about a series that debuted on the NES. How progressive have they been thusfar? Why do people expect there is suddenly with this game going to be tons more representation? I think maybe there might be a little more than Fates but IS does indeed care a lot about sales which is why we have Camilla's amazing pandering skills and all the anime tropes we got in Fates. They are more about sales than ever before. Also can't compare anime to Disney which is mostly aimed at children. Anime is for all audiences, a better comparison is anime and Japanese film compared to American cinema. Which has been more progressive? What culture is overall more accepting of diversity in sexuality, gender, and ethnicity?
  13. It is a luxurious fur, nothing like the course hair of humans. Non human units are my favorite in these games, and Panne was awesome in Awakening. Used her the whole game, and even married her to Gregor (creepy supports, he just keeps saying little bunny and stuff) and used Yarne too as a berserker. I am super impressed with the art here though, this could headline a banner. We get free tickets, so you can have more free pulls on this banner.
  14. @Interdimensional Observer Thanks for the notice, I loved this interview. Visionary, genius, true artist. There is something very special and it shows in his games, it seems more like the vision of a single person than the work of a team. That doesn't mean everything is perfect, but it seems there were a lot of struggles with the limitations of the time in terms of technology, making these complex big strategy games and stories with all the deadlines had to be incredibly tough. Yes and his brilliant ideas were drawn from for future games, I think Fire emblem has gone on well without him but I don't think it ever has been the same. Sigurd/Dierdre love at first sight has oft been criticized, nice to see him say that they wanted to expand this considerably. Enemy AI related to commander is neat, being based on real world countries too. All the maps in fact form a cohesive whole like individual pieces of a puzzle, such a grand vision I don't think any other FE does this. They create maps of different areas and stuff but don't try to connect everything, obviously this limits his creativity for each individual map but it is more than worth it.
  15. I think this is the problem with bringing up such discussion about LGBTQ+, it has gotten to the point that there really can't be much discussion/debate. It is like walking on eggshells, any questioning brings an immediate strong accusation of being a homophobe. This is the sake with many of these issues in the US. Everyone deserves fair treatment, equal rights, etc. However certain things need discussion and I won't go into it here, but they possibly step on other groups rights or have other problems. Complex problems (I am not speaking of sexuality but issues otherwise) often don't have simple solutions. Okay hard to know what I mean without giving an example, note this is not for this thread and don't want to derail it. However there is debate that people should be able to compete in sports/athletic competitions as the gender they identify with. The problem is the main reason sports are split between biological sex, is cause of the huge advantage males have over females in many of them. The issues this presents are obvious. Relating to Fire Emblem well and most games particularly ones with a big budget, they are most going try to cater to the majority of their fanbase. Now one can say that fanbase has to deal with all bi, or much more gay and trans representation. However this is a game, entertainment, if something is going to hurt sales like IS is going to be very wary of it. We see the treatment in Heroes, even though that is a gacha game and Three Houses likely won't pander so hard. When we see loli, siscon, this kind of stuff it is commonly seen in anime. Fire Emblem is appealing to the Japanese market primarily, and so stuff that is popular in media there is something they are going to try use as an example for how they design their own characters/supports/etc. This is likely why ethnic diversity is almost nonexistent (like anime) and why there is some but very little LGBTQ representation and the ones there often fit an anime trope. Shouldn't this be a character discussion more than supports? Supports I hope tell a lot about each character, depth to their history, insight into their personality and way of thinking stuff that may not be readily apparent, interests, motivations, etc.
  16. With this art has Panne become the most attractive character in Heroes? Perhaps. Why do people get so obsessed with a girl/guy that is just a piece of art/sprite. Hard to understand, until one sees Panne. Like wow. I don't know if such beauty exists in the real world.
  17. Cavalry usually prefer goads, fliers usually prefer goads, the only emblem type that prefers wards is armor. Close defense has been free since we got Joshua early last year, while we have just got our first free link skill with Titania. Infantry is a less desired more common movement type than cavalry. Velouria's only advantage is being female.
  18. Well it had been so long since we had a Fates banner, wait a minute isn't the Hot springs banner still up? Never mind. However Fates gets hardly any banners, wait a minute it has by far the most? The beasts of Fates were coming so at least that is out of the way, maybe we get a good break from that game now. Still as has been said at least it is all new characters, 5 including Awakening's Panne who will be free, and surprisingly low on fan service when they really could have kicked it up a ton with Selkie and Velouria. Beasts are also cool, and we are getting beast cavs here which is nice. I used every beast in the trailer extensively, I love beasts/laguz. Keaton was a monster, the foxes Selkie/Kaden were underrated but are very good too. That being said...there is the legendary banner, find and vote banner, and the Greil devoted which I have held off on thusfar. I will at least complete the circle with the free summon and hope to get lucky. Hey and Keaton has special spiral, so if I ever get Ophelia I don't have to kill off a Lewyn (my dream +10 project).
  19. Jeralt will be the man that raises you. An very manly guy, super tough, incredible fighter with a heart of gold. However later on you will find out he is not your biological father, an evil king or emperor will come to you and say "Byleth, I am your father". You will be shocked cause throughout the game you have witnessed this individual commit atrocity after atrocity and comes across as a cruel selfish conquerer.
  20. I understand, but since IS is accused of underrepresenting gays that is the only reason I put that stat. Along with someone who was suggesting 50% of the cast should be gay/bi. I think if they do children, and I am firmly in the camp that they don't do it unless it is like Genealogy where the story takes place over multiple generation, then adoption/training is another system they would have to add just for children of a gay parent which I can't see them doing. In FE4 they did it, cause if you don't pair these units up and you don't get substitutes well you would have very few characters to use. Again if they go the FE4 route then I can see them doing substitute characters, but Awakening/Fates style don't see them putting in the work for that. Also not all S ranks have to be fall in love, some could be become lifelong friends. In this world of magic, why is it that there is very little racial diversity? This is something that is hardly ever mentioned however 99% of characters are caucasian or East asian (Oriental) so what about African, Native American, Arabic, South Asian, etc? If looking at the world population they are horribly underrepresented. Also would it be that offensive to have a few characters from these other races? I am saying that from the one person who said that the gay characters fit yaoi stereotypes and provided example with Niles being a common trope 'sadistic' character. I mean all the gay characters are very effeminate pretty boys with flowing hair, that seems to be much more fitting of what girls into yaoi like than what homosexual males like (though some like that too). The artist chosen for Three Houses is a yaoi artist, and look at the sample art given in the thread devoted to her. Meaning it seems the target audience seems to be getting what I figure must be a pretty large group of heterosexual women who are yaoi fans rather than providing representation for homosexuals. Like why not have a character that doesn't look like it comes straight from one of those yaoi comics and looks like a stereotype, why not have just what seems to be a character like any other happen to be gay or bi or whatever. Honestly those gay stereotypes do way more harm than good. They are more offputting to people uncomfortable with it, and they also put an image hey this is how gays are...they are all like this and stand out from everyone else.
  21. The reason the 'looks too anime' complaint is given much more to recent games is old anime of the 80s, 90s looks a lot closer to western animation than new anime. When people say the old Fire Emblems were anime or SF2 was anime, everyone is like 'What? Seriously?' Cause doesn't seem very different from western animation, most people had no clue back then and still don't now. With a lot of recent anime it looks very foreign to the western eye if they aren't already familiar/fans. Woah, I'd much rather have it the other way around. The main series is the meat and potatoes, the main course. Heroes is just a side dish to keep fans satisfied in between main entries. Either way the best would be to not have much fanservice at all, and whatever is there have some for both genders and make it optional. I wonder if this is a strategy though, having a yaoi artist directed towards females, to bring in a much larger female fanbase. The large male fanbase is already there.
  22. Sure, but the way these marry and have kids are, the parents pass on their genes (stats, skills, physical traits). Two males can't pass on their genes to one child, nor can two females. I just used real world stats to show they aren't underrepresented. That doesn't mean they can't have more representation than that, but I think much more important is having good representation. The other part of my comment is the gay characters in Fire Emblem have not been created for homosexuals but for straight people which is why they are so badly designed.
  23. Uh...I want Halloween Myrrh. She is the unit I'm likely to never get, she might be red next month however probably won't be other reds I want. Then the repeat halloween banner, and I rarely pull on repeats don't have the orbs to do so...and especially how terrible the first run was not going through it again. Azura is the must own unit, but I hate her design, I just feel forced to have and use her. She will be on next month though with Lucina and maybe even another blue hero as well as future legend/mythic banners. Same thing with Duma.
  24. I saw that. I really hope it isn't Azura, there is no 'fallen' aspect to her so it would be some fantasy scenario. We have real representations within the games of fallen characters hopefully those are chosen. If they are doing fantasy though, we should get Fallen ogre Wrys.
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