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Everything posted by Lewyn

  1. No need to worry about "winners" and "losers". You want to know the most popular character, look at total team size at/near beginning of gauntlet. You can look at all 8, and see which has the biggest team. There you go the "real" winner.
  2. Ha this is the best chapter in awhile! There is no way Alfonse can answer Leanne's question without looking bad. The second panel is also great. Alfonse covers his face, but notice one eye can still see clearly. This is wrong, but I can't help myself!
  3. If looking at the headbands themselves I would say Sanaki easy takes it. It looks to be crafted from the finest of silk and the intricate pattern screams prestige and class. If looking at which characters clothes/physical appearance mesh best with headband it would be a toss up between Tibarn and Sue.
  4. Sorry my bad I worded that improperly. He is actually wrong usually. However, everyone around acts like he is perfect, like every decision he makes is genius. This is actually much worse than a 'perfect' character who is flawless and everyone follows. Here we have a character inexperienced full of mistakes and devoid of any sense of strategy or foresight but everyone around him acts as if everything he says is brilliant beyond compare. So it destroys the credibility of all the other characters and makes the story an impossible buy on just about every level.
  5. Eliwood the actual main lord of FE7 finally gets his due, I guess have to see his stats I guess built in bonus doubler is nice. I am pretty disappointed with the other units though. Blue looks great for me, my Selkie is -res, so fixing that a okay. I want Ephraim and Lucina so bad. WHERE IS TIBARN though? C'mon! I guess Hrid has that hone 4 for ultimate Azura shenanigans, and I could use another Ryoma to fix my defense bane or maybe get a sweet attack or speed boon. Green....where's Kaden? Where is that soft fox fur? C'mon! I wasn't a fan of the bath tub banner, but Yune is there so I have to pull I guess a few more Gunnthra wouldn't hurt though she is already +3. Then Colorless, Veronica...well she is a great merge project, Sakura? Hot springs...I guess she's okay. Blue and red look really good, maybe I should ignore green and colorless even though I really want Yunes and to fix my Grima bane. Ugh....do the smart thing Lewyn don't snipe odds are bad. What to do, what to do.
  6. Oh yeah definitely! Solo SD3 and SD2 are phenomenal but that they are multiplayer experiences give it infinite replayability and generally makes it even more fun. Secret supports 3 players.
  7. I'd rather no more Fates or Awakening. Something from FE4 or FE5, another from Echoes or Binding blade or the Tellius saga would be fine. At least try to make fair representation in the legendary/mythics if can't do it in seasonal or regular banners. Leif is Master Knight promoted, meaning he can use any weapon. Mounted (horse) unit they can give him anything. Seliph is probably unfortunately stuck to Horse Sword user, they could do something like Ryoma and change his move type. I'd personally not want anymore broken units, just think it is awful design and puts those that have said units at a major advantage. There are only three 'broken' units I would consider in this game. Legendary Azura, Surtr, and Legendary Alm. All three seem to have been done on purpose, it wasn't a case of oh we didn't see this coming either, which just makes it seem really greedy as well. It actually makes me not want to pull for the unit cause then I am supporting terrible design. Supporting terrible broken design encourages more broken design and then where does that leave the game? In terrible shape. I'll use an extreme example that won't ever happen. They release a 200BST colorless flier unit that is immune to flier weakness has a PRF with effective damage against every unit , a unique skill that allows warping anywhere with no restriction. What would be the financial reaction? Probably would set record sales cause everyone would want something so broken.
  8. One of the big things is unlike most RPGs they are something to experience with friends, it is such a great group experience. Fighting over royal jam and chocolates, being wowed by the bosses story reveals, saying who gets to be the guy, who the girl, who the unspecified, etc.
  9. To answer the question yes. I see artistic expression as something pure, communicating one's thoughts/feelings/philosophies etc into their work. Now that may end up pleasing fans, like the one dude who said he likes hot girls so he drew one. That isn't 'fan service', he made what he wanted to make serving his interests and expression it just happened to also please the fans. If one instead creates something specifically to please the fans, then they rob their work of some integrity. Besides tiny nods/easter eggs which won't really detract from the experience but pay tribute to the fans at the same time.
  10. They were forced to warp the story around the avatar in Fates. Why I think Corrin is easily the worst character isn't just his personality or how he is written but the way the story treats him. He is the Jesus Christ character that can do know wrong, that all kiss the ground he walks on. I have no doubt if there was no Corrin, the story would have at least been respectable and the overall game experience would be so so much better.
  11. Archers/Snipers. I love how they work in Echoes, but unless they are uber powerful (like the broken duel skill on the FE4 ones or broken PRF or super stats) they are annoying to use in other games and generally sort of unneeded. Most units have higher physical defense than res, so mages are much better ranged attackers usually and they can counter from any distance. Meanwhile most archers don't have great res so they aren't good for taking out mages either. They are only good for taking out fliers, but most games are much more heavy on peg knights which most physical melee units can handle well, the beefier draco knights are the only enemy where it seems somewhat useful having an archer. Archer/sniper is also unmounted. I always use at least one on my team for variety sake but really thinking about it they rarely deserve a spot.
  12. One man's trash is another's treasure. Either way this banner is going to be must pull for me anyway. I have no Yune, and I need 2 of her. I don't have Lucina or Ephraim and would like both. Likely Tibarn in red and I want to fix the annoying atk bane I have on mine so I can put Galeforce on him. F Grima I have a +res one, great for mixed tank...but she is -def, need one one more to fix that bane. Green might have Kaden, and I have pulled every beast except the green ones. I am only missing Ranulf, Kaden, and Yarne. Kaden is the most versatile being maybe the ultimate buff support unit and not needing a beast team. Personally I expect to be really let down by the legendary hero. We got the awesomeness of Naga last month, and heroic Alm the month before (broken design but I like him storywise/character). I assume something lame which for me personally I won't say but I'm sure most know what I'm thinking.
  13. Red Bow Briggid, make it happen. Seriously though waiting for FE4 to get its first alt, legendary would be a good start.
  14. Definitely. 60 bland forgettable characters or 20 well designed fully developed characters the latter is just infinitely better. If they can have more characters without detracting from the quality of the storyline or the development of the cast in general fine, but just like in life better to do a few things well than do many poorly.
  15. Plot/execution quality is necessary for a memorable worthwhile story, innovative/interesting ideas are not. The best is when we get both. However there are many well loved stories that have traditional themes that have been used many times, while can't think of any beloved stories with poor execution/plot structure.
  16. Yeah its really rough and feels like being excluded. In games, not just Fire Emblem, where there is an avatar character I like to rename it to my real name and then try to adjust the physical appearance to most closely match my own, however can't even get the right skin color. I don't know how hard it would be to put a few darker skin shades, especially since the games are releasing globally. I can understand certain worlds (shows, movies, games) not having any darker skinned people cause it doesn't fit, however if having an avatar character it should have enough options to represent a variety of people.
  17. One additional thing that I don't believe was mentioned is that this banner is real good for ethnic diversity. 99% of the characters look to be northern European or Oriental. With the Muspell sisters, Surtr and Helbindi they look like they could be black or South Asian. There are so few representatives for those minorities that it is great to get at least some characters that 'look' like they could be one of those.
  18. Really like this mode, super easy and takes almost no time to get all the main rewards. Then one can play more if they choose for rank rewards.
  19. Fates. Worst character in history (Corrin), worst story in history (Corrin shares blame here), most pandering in history and most sexually inappropriate in history. Triple dipping thanks to three game split is really bad as well. All Fire Emblem is 'anime' but Fates takes the worst of that genre throwing every overused trope at you and having few characters with any real depth or originality.
  20. Final Fantasy series, Resident Evil series, Call of Duty series
  21. 1. NES, not even close either. Many of the genres of game started here, innovation is unmatched in this period. Ton of all time great games as well during this period. It is by far the biggest jump from the previous system as well (atari). It blew the world away at its time much more than any other Nintendo console as well. 2. SNES. Further developed some genres and innovated some too. Really strong library with quite a few games that rank at the top or near the top of most lists. Has aged really well in that the sound chip and 2d graphics still look good. 3. Switch. I think this is the first time since SNES, Nintendo really got it right and created the best system of its generation. Combines portable and console, looks and sounds great, has good third party support (something lacking since SNES), and a strong line up of games with something for near anyone. 4. Gamecube 5. N64 6. Wii 7. Wii U
  22. Wow Laegjarn looks amazing. I will go for blues on my free pull. Stats, art, skills, weapon the girl has it all! What is most surprising is how awesome Ylgr looks though, that is a fantastic stat spread.
  23. Yeah Silverly got the 2nd point, they have a substantial following. They are also fresh, relatively new characters as well and when you consider that in fact OCs are the 'main' characters/heroes of this game I think more seasonals for them is hardly surprising. The characters from other games are powerful summonable warriors from other worlds, they are like DLC characters in FE, almost no plot significance and kind of a fun guest star to use. Laegjarn wears a bikini better than anyone since Adult Tiki. Wonder if there was a censorship issue which is why trailer delay, I guess we'll see.
  24. Well Ylgr hasn't got any alts yet and yeah should have said Nifl siblings 'except'' for her, she is just a kid. They are the wrong gender. For seasonals we are lucky to get one guy most of the time, so that space is very limited. Azura, Camilla, Lyn, Lucina, Tharja, are all mega waifus and thus have a ton of alts. I believe with gacha games, whales spend the most for 'waifus (or husbandos in games with a large female audience)' and skills. Hey I'm still waiting for a single Judgral alt, so this isn't exactly my favorite but it could be worse, much worse.
  25. Why the Nifl siblings? Cause they are sexy, there doesn't need to be more of a reason than that. Goes for Muspell siblings as well. Getting lots of alts has little to do with quality of writing and more with how sexy and attractive the character is as well as general popularity.
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