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Everything posted by Lewyn

  1. Do we have that option though? What is to prevent from Trump to ask other countries to continue to interfere in the election, or ask foreign powers to dig dirt on political opponents? That is in addition to voter suppression/gerrymandering and all that other good stuff. I'm sure if despite all that stuff, Trump loses, he will say it was rigged against him that other nations interfered against him and refuse to leave. He even said it before the results of the 2016 election, I guess assuming he was going to lose. The GOP and Trump have taken power away from the people.
  2. Yes...a power grab cause letting every citizen vote would be bad. Much better to only let those that are well off who can afford to take a day off, or who don't have to work double/odd shifts, etc to vote. Mitch is like Trump, but smarter, quieter, garners much less attention. The impeachment trial is a Republican/GOP sham/cover up. No witnesses, no documents, cramming super long days so no one is going to watch everything and get through it quickly. Hope all the GOP Senate seats are flipped, then even if Trump steals the election (only way he can win, and he will continue to try to rig it anyway he can) he can quickly be removed. America. Democracy? Freedom? Justice? Ha what a joke.
  3. Thinking but I may spread my votes. Plumeria, Triandra, Nasir, Lyre, Erinys, Arion. I'm thinking the dark fairies have a somewhat a chance maybe, the other units I just want to help them rank high enough that they may get included on a banner within a reasonable amount of time.
  4. This is exactly why I vote, to give recognition to characters from Judgral. I don't dream they would actually win CYL, but maybe help them get enough support to get more representation. More characters in the game. Sometimes both!
  5. Of course Mitch doesn't want anything approaching a fair election. The Republicans would never win again. Will of the people, sure. The will of the people would mean no Bush Jr, we'd have Al gore instead, and no Trump we'd have Hillary. Likely Senate and House both controlled by Democrats. The country would be a million times better and the Republican party would be extinct. Yes election day is a holiday in many countries so everyone has the opportunity to vote. It should be here as well, we should want everyone to vote and encourage it. The president and congress and all other offices should represent the peoples choice. Not my president is a perfectly valid response to Trump. Someone who won with steroids in a sport, or broke rules cheated in some other way same thing.
  6. Trump already has his defense team and has delivered his statement (which is hilariously childish). It seems obvious what his strategy is going to be. Huge theatrics, insults to the democrats, saying impeachment defies the will of the people. Lots of mentions of the Bidens and how horrible they are. It isn't too much of a surprise, this is his basic strategy just about always and it has taken him far and allowed him to get away with just about everything. These points will be repeated again and again in right media outlets, and they will cherry pick democratic talking points and assault them. Also if anyone watches Bill Maher, he had both Andrew Yang (who has a great sense of humor, still rooting for him) and Nancy Pelosi on his last show. Pelosi is just a delight is she not?
  7. I think all those are good, but thinking what would hurt Trump the most. Humiliation, public humiliation. There should be a parade, maybe a tour, where he wears one of those wood board signs. On the front it would say "Worst president ever", on the back it would say "Traitor". He would wear a dunce hat, and people would be allowed to throw rotten fruit at him. Oh yeah with Illhan Omar leading the parade and forcing him to keep walking forward. Then sit him in a room with a gun and he'll do the rest. Anyone see the Dead Zone? Sadaam is brown of course they would be frothing at the mouth. White male strongman that fits their crazy prejudices and ideas.
  8. It was apparent long before that. Just look at his businesses' legal history. I'd have to study history, but Trump is not only the worst president in my lifetime, but the worst American. Worse than any American mass shooter, serial killer or whatever. This douchebag was born into extreme privilige and has excessive wealth. There is no need, no growing up in violent neighborhoods, no violent/sexual child abuse. The guy is just fucks over whomever for his own benefit, to get even more. More wealth, and feed his ego, and policies that have and will cause much suffering and lives. This guy needs to be thrown into max security prison and get the shit beaten out of him on a daily basis. There I go again, sorry. However he deserves more than losing the presidency, and some fines.
  9. How old is he? 73. He has never paid for his misdeeds other than paltry sums here and there, so why would he believe he can be touched by real consequences? No wonder he has a god complex as well. He is going to live and die living a golden life of wealth, luxury and women. Screwing over many people and committing countless crimes and never paying for it. That is Donald Trump. That is the man elected president in 2016, reinforcing his godhood. That is the man that will likely win in 2020. He's a cartoonish supervillain, but even most of them are more likable or have some heart. Yet even with much of his bad behavior on full display, no one can make him pay. Pay really. Usually successful criminals are stealthy and there may be many that live and die and the public or no one knows they did anything wrong. This is not that. Joffrey that is a perfect comparison. A 73 year Joffrey whose behavior has never been punished.
  10. Hate the packers, I think the Niners will clobber them unless Jimmy G turns it over a ton. Chiefs vs Titans is going to be something else though.
  11. If I wasn't set so much on FE4 characters I would vote for Plumeria, and yes I will switch to her if midterm results reveal she has a chance. What if Kiran being special, a summoner, means maybe he doesn't dream and thus can't enter the land of dreams? I don't know. Yes he could be caught in an infinite lewd dream from Plumeria, but that doesn't exactly seem like it would be a bad thing.
  12. Plumeria has a good chance, OCs do real well in these polls, and she is going to draw a ton of fans. 3H is popular and new, so expect one male and one female to make it probably. Sothis might be real popular, she got the only 3H seasonal thusfar. I'll try to push FE4 characters in my votes that haven't made it yet. Erinys, Brigid, Lex, Oifeye, etc. If they have mid term votes I will likely pull for Pulmeria if she has a real chance.
  13. Yeah it will be a wait, I hope 2021 at the latest. I think the staff has really responded well to all the feedback given and done something to make the banners much more satisfying. There has been very little complaint about the banners this year. The worst, is oh don't know that game or whatever, but happy for fans. Hope they continue. Grail units tend to be low priority as far as refines/new weapons so yeah 3 years is sadly close to the number probably.
  14. So I guess we have the 3 main types of dream covered here. Peony is for good dreams, like jumping on cotton candy clouds, winning a championship for your home team, transforming into a dragon and flying the skies, etc. Triandra is for nightmares and dreams of sadness, anxiety. Plumeria is lust dreams. Plumeria will likely rank high on CYL, just a feeling I get. Kiran, is he like a mirage, fading in and out of the dream? It was hard to tell, like he was there for a moment then gone.
  15. Do you predict we are going to get young Trabant though? Or even Arion? Gungnir might never get in the game. Interesting that hot springs was cut, I must admit I was one of the ones that complained a lot about that banner. We are in a much different place now with much more diverse representation of games both in new hero banners and seasonals which has changed my outlook. Back then it seemed like every other seasonal banner or more was Fates themed, exclusively or at least half units, it was super overkill and super annoying particularly since it was mostly the royals over and over again.
  16. I do view/listen a lot of right wing media. Fox news, Rush, Ben Shapiro, Tucker Carlson, etc. I am looking for the reasoning and arguments, what even their ideals are. All I mostly hear is name calling as in the Democrats are enemies of democracy, socialists, communists and a lot of yelling as well as outright lies. Trying to get a rise out of people, like Dems are trying to take away rights, freedoms, etc. The right wing media is smart and know how to tug at the heartstrings/prejudices, and manipulate. I am shocked how effective it is for so many people. I wasn't talking of political figures, as there are a few independents in Congress, but more about voters which there is often a large group that don't identify with either party. Thus I would assume, these individuals would look at multiple news sources and should easily turn on the orange blob. Yet it doesn't happen. Anyways the orange terror, I am taking a break from paying attention to him. Too stressful not worth it. If he blows up the world, guts social security, whatever other crap that makes the citizens miserable, well nothing I can do about it. I will just vote, hope this guy one day gets his Game of Thrones style walk of shame and that's it. Xray, I agree with you. Republicans think they can get away with all this dirty play, but if Democrats start using their own evil tactics against them that is the only way they will stop. If Trump is re elected, they should stall, run multiple impeachment inquiries, basically do everything they can to make his 2nd term a term of nothing. No matter how 'low' they have to sink, with the crap they pulled with Obama, fuck them they won't be able to complain in good conscience that is if they have one at all.
  17. It's not terrible but definitely a drawback. Also if trying to +10 a unit usually one can pull the best nature, or at the very least a preferred one. Don't get extra stats neutral vs asset/flaw. Both will give you 5 stats, asset flaw can even give you 6 if you have a superflaw. For Ares depends on build, but +atk is best for his typical vantage one shot build. If one really wants to build his speed one can go +speed too.
  18. Yeah GHB units are much cheaper. I haven't built a TT unit to +10, but was planning for Winter Jaffar...man that is going to be expensive. On Altena my prediction is if she has an awesome/amazing stat line she won't demote, if she has a mediocre or poor stat line she will. I hope they are generous enough to give her a great stat line (that is different from other lance fliers), she is still expensive to build, the skills she comes with are not good at all. They are neutral, they have no asset/flaw. So they can't benefit from being +spd, +atk or +whatever. That is a huge advantage as very few units prefer being neutral.
  19. Oh but Trump thought he could just kill a general of another country and say, yeah but we the US are tougher and bigger WTF are you going to do about it? If you try anything you are finished! Sure works on his underlings I'm sure, but he doesn't understand that no you can't disrespect an entire country make it do whatever you want. Countries have pride. Of course this is all cause the dumbass pulled out of the Iran nuclear agreement (oh BTW Iran is back to working on their nuclear weapon program), then put hefty sanctions on Iran destroying their economy. Why the decision he made was made, what the 'imminent threat was' if there was one, all this better be explained by him.
  20. Stop, you are making me impatient for her now too! She is like a much cuter Robin Hood and the hat, the hat! I think cause grail cost is high for +10 usually, and a big thing is no IVs. Quite a few grail units are really good though and some have been staples in AR and other modes.
  21. Yes many factors why she lost, she also has no charisma. Just the alternative, was a sack of shit and people voted for the sack of shit. Guess I can't get over that. I get the party loyalty, but how far does that go? Something seriously messed up and that can be seen with how many Republicans and most GOP fully back Trump regardless of what he does. I'm sure they know he is a scumbag and a criminal but they don't care. As for who can be reasoned with, one would figure independents/moderates would move dramatically away from Trump but they haven't. So Republicans fear witchunt whathaveyou campaign seems to have been effective with the neutrals too. Also even if there is a small shift, if Trump rigs the election which he definitely will do and no one will stop him, it isn't going to matter. He could come out as a child molester and serial killer, and they will probably say "BUT OBAMA" or something and keep him in power. They will back Trump forever. I'd like to take a break from keeping up with him and his craziness, everytime he talks I want to smack him in the face. However he is gutting the ACA (going through the courts now, but he wants them to delay decision til after election so it doesn't hurt his chances), cutting food stamps/social services/education, roll back emissions, clean water act, pulled out of the Iran nuclear deal which is a huge reason why this conflict has happened in the first place (but hey can't have a black monkey like Obama have anything left, got to erase him like he never existed), pulled out of the climate agreement, stole billiions of dollars by declaring national emergency to fund his dumbass wall, and now is setting us for a war against Iran. Sure a bunch of other stuff I missed. I remember when he got elected. People said don't worry, he is just one guy there are a lot of checks and balances. Well when his party controls the Senate and they are his slaves, and he controls the courts through record appointment of judges, Supreme Court majority....no there aren't many checks and balances. Whew Trump is not good for stress levels. Just hard to wrap one's mind around that one of the worst humans in the world's history is president and no one can do anything about it.
  22. Well this is more on how the actual democrats in politics should talk. Politeness doesn't work with the masses apparently. Hillary's well reasoned plans lost to Trump's 'Lock her up!" along with racist rhetoric. Namecalling, fearmongering, and doing it repeatedly over and over making fictions facts. If the masses are stupid enough to be swayed by this the democrats should use the same tactics against their opponents, while at the same time displaying their well thought out plans. There are good people on both sides, but what we see from the leadership of each party is completely different.
  23. Yes this type of tactic is what the right excels at, but we've seen how effective it is. The people on the left try to be the bigger man/woman and argue with intellectual arguments, detail, without personal insults and where has it got them? Look at the impeachment inquiry and compare Schiff to Jim Jordan. How much has good reasoned well thought out arguments and facts vs lunatic yelling about nonsense shifted public opinion? If the Democrats had a Trump as president, he would have been kicked out within a few months of office. Republicans would tear him down repeatedly. Just look at what they did with Obama. If mudslinging and namecalling is so effective and can win seats and the election use it. I think the end justifies the means in this case. Trump being re elected is the end of America.
  24. Yeah I have no idea why people think she would be a 3-4 star unit, I think she is a shoe in for the next gen2 FE4 banner. There were a lot of units they could have chosen though that I think have no chance to feature on a banner. Like Johalva or Johan they aren't holy weapon users, just axe allies that join.
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