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Everything posted by Lewyn

  1. Yeah that is what is most frustrating. He is every annoying trait a person can have in one. Loud mouth, ignorant/anti science, lazy as hell, narcissist who constantly brags yet has nothing to brag about, blames his own failures on everyone else, is a hypocrite, is a coward draft dodger, uses people and then disposes of them, sexually assaults/harasses women, a racist, is immature, impatient, says he is self made when he was born with a silver spoon in his mouth, has no class. Other terrible leaders, evil leaders have something that you can see how they got followers. With Trump maybe it is the super stupid and ignorant have a voice? That is all I can think of. Pence would be a zillion times better. He would have almost no chance to win the 2020 election so we would only deal with him for a few months. He is backwards thinking, super conservative, but not near the scum that Trump is. Hillary wouldn't have called black players kneeling during NFL games sons of bitches. She also wouldn't have dismissed Black lives matter, with stupid crap like White lives matter, Blue lives matter....completely missing the point. She wouldn't have told colored Senators to go back to their own country, or call Haiti and Africa as shithole countries. Maybe a conversation would have been had. At least you wouldn't have the president doing worse than ignoring peaceful protests, villainizing them. Now Trump wants to mobilize the federal military to dominate the protesters. Bet you if it was the gun toting white corona protesters marching Democratic capitols that started looting, he wouldn't lift a damn finger and would probably encourage it.
  2. Trump is fundamentally unfit, but this is no surprise was known well before he became president. However you still have a large portion of people thinking he is the greatest president ever, higher than Lincoln. While this baby is hiding in his bunker, yeah Biden is greeting protesters, meeting mayors, speaking. Trump won't even make a public address from the White House, just tweets some dumb talking points "Law and order!" "Loot shoot" "Only good democrat is a dead democrat!" I know it is wrong, but I'm much more angry at his followers for either their stupidity, bigotry, or whatever. Much more angry at Fox news, OAN, right wing media and their brainwashing, conspiracy theory, alternate realities. Trump is a sack of shit with not a single good quality as a human being or a president, but what about the people that voted for him? What about the right wing media and their misinformation/lies campaign? What about the spineless GOP who worship trump like this is ancient Egypt and he is Pharaoh? Let's take it to the extreme about a leader's loyal followers who put him into power and the leader. Say Ted Bundy had run for president and won. Well we could bash him all we want, but wouldn't the people who voted for him be just as worthy of our ire if not more so? So if Trump is unfit, immoral, racist/sexist bigot corrupt monster and he is elected and likely re elected should not his followers, the right wing media, the GOP senate all receive just as much hate if not more so?
  3. Justin Amash is going to introduce a new bill in congress that removes Qualified Immunity from police. This seems like a real longshot to pass, but it would make it much easier to hold police accountable. He put it on his twitter. https://i.redd.it/otxkj7h1e7251.jpg
  4. The coward in chief was hiding in a white house bunker. Thought he was a tough guy? Well a leader would make a speech by now about uniting the country, say something. However that requires a heart, not being a sociopath with no morals.
  5. Any attempt to solve it will be unsuccessful unless most people at least recognize there is a real issue/problem. You say it is obvious, but a large chunk of the country will say differently. So first is finding a way to persuade and inform these ignorant or bigoted people, then if most people are convinced there is an issue much greater chance that government and such can act and do something. Looting has spread to many suburbs, wealthy ones too.
  6. There is a lot of disturbing violent footage from both sides if you look out there, I won't post it here of course. Mummy Guliani and Trump have used it to play politics again, Democrat governors can't handle their state! Here is a message to Fox and the right wing, stop mislabeling things, deflecting. Have a real conversation about treatment of blacks and minorities in the justice system, by police. Just saying bullshit like BLUE LIVES MATTER, no that isn't what Black lives matter movement was about. People are sick of putting up with it. I'm sorry and I will say something controversial here, white people will never understand (accept Jews if they are considered white) the discrimination that colored people face. Not just dramatic things like what we see here, but more subtle things that happen on a regular basis. It is good that many are trying to understand and sympathize though. However there are many that won't even try. So a black person got choked to death, police have killed white people too! WTF are they rioting for, peaceful protests are how you get things done. Forgetting how Black lives matter, I can't breathe, Kneeling, protests were ignored and villainized in right wing media. Even when there was a black president, with the various incidents the Martin killing, black lives matter, etc. He just barely mentioned maybe there needs to be a conversation so we can understand what is going on. He was ridiculed and lambasted as anti cop and other BS. Yeah slavery ended. We had the civil rights movement. There is still a long way to go. Lets have a conversation nationally, at the highest levels, let's examine this issue. Even if some don't think there is anything wrong let's look into it. Nothing is more infuriating that mislabeling something or just dismissing it.
  7. I read that Atlantic article a long time ago. However I think Trump is cut from a different cloth than Hitler and Mussolini. Those guys were visionaries, driven, wanted to mold the country and perhaps the world into their vision. They were also highly intelligent. He is trying to create a dictatorship but to feed his ego, his politics has changed wildly over the years. He has no grand vision for the country or the world. He wants everyone to praise and love him and no one able to criticize him without suffering consequences. Other than that he would be happy with a bucket of chicken laying in his big belly, lying down watching Fox and then Tweeting whatever is on his mind. Golfing during the daytime, perhaps a few statues built in his honor. Maybe some parades, his birthday becoming a national holiday, a monument or memorial in DC. Like Hitler and Mussolini I can see why large groups of people supported them, they had a vision that spoke to them. Supporting Trump seems to be a very different type of person. Trump firing more inspector generals, Senate asks for explanation he doesn't give any. They demand a thorough one, more than he doesn't like them, but he ignores it. Republicans do nothing, they kiss his feet like always. His lawyers arguing against civil, state, federal subpoenas any case....just say and this to the Supreme court, he has complete immunity from the law. Some of the conservative justices say they don't like the wording, yeah really? That is all the rebuke is? Do they realize that this means Trump could rape and kill anyone he chooses, or order it and not be even investigated? The justices he's appointed are mostly grossly unqualified, young with little experience, far right Trump loyalists. Trump has the gall to try to tell social platforms how they run their businesses. Twitter has ignored his dumb baby tantrum executive order, and hopefully push against him even more. The chokekill was disgusting, and people are fed up. If police officers who did things like this were convicted and sentenced to prison then there wouldn't be near as much anger. However many just get paid leave, at worst losing their job and they just relocate to another department. Few actually go to prison. So institutions aren't doing anything, peaceful protest hasn't done anything. Remember the kneeling in NFL? Yeah Kaep got blackballed, the right wing media twisted the reason of protest to disrespecting the military and flag. Black lives matter? Oh it is actually protesting that black lives matter more than other lives, NO that wasn't it at all...but Fox news and all twisted this narrative too. So these protests get ignored and in fact get many people hating the protesters. So peaceful protests do nothing, the supposed justice system which is supposed to be blind does nothing, so what are these people left with? Making their own justice.
  8. Moscow Mitch is a piece of garbage, but a smart piece of garbage. I would like a scientific study on the "Trump Effect". Would be done by Sociology or Psychology, and study how Trump's speeches and tweets backed by right wing media outlets led to complete subservience and loyalty of about a 1/3 of the US population. That trust what Trump says in any field on any topic over experts, evidence, etc. It is a damn scary thing, these people can't be reasoned with they believe whatever alternative lies/theories are spun from Trump even if he changes these regularly. They will fight for these warped beliefs, and parrot Trump and Fox talking points. Is it hypnotism, is it some form of brain washing? Repetition of certain phrases coupled with facial expressions, the emotion of outrage continuously expressed tapping into deep seated anger?
  9. So what happens when Trump wins this election and the Senate is still in Republican control? What happens when they have 6 out of 9 Supreme court Justices? What happens to noble ideals then? Take control of the Senate, boot Trump from office throw him in jail for all his crimes, and now the Democrats and their supporters can be idealistic. The drone misinformation crap of the Republican party has gotten us Trump. So obviously it is super effective, and despite all of Trump's crap which puts him amongst the worst presidents ever if not the worst he still is the Vegas favorite to win. Even if the economy sucks in November and even though we will be in six figures of Coronavirus deaths. Democrats need to focus on winning by any means possible. Once this disgusting morally bankrupt Republican party is destroyed and transformed then they can take the high road.
  10. That's true and is a huge weakness. Democrats have to change and also fall in line. They should dismiss and not pay attention to the Tara Reade thing at all. Ignore it completely, never bring it up. Call it out for the false crap it is. She is lying and likely paid off by RNC or Trump campaign. Why does she wait after all these decades to finally come out now after the Democratic nominee is chosen? If she had come out January or something, yeah Democrats who didn't like it could just vote for something else. This seems just a way to lead an easy win for Trump. She's a silly fangirl of Putin, Trump isn't so different just much much less intelligent. So what is it now, anyone can come out and say Biden harassed me or some other Democrat and suddenly oh yeah he is a serial rapist, can't vote for him. While Trump, who rapes and assaults whoever he wants without consequence and the RNC are laughing their asses off at how easy it is to play the public?
  11. How come is it whenever a Democrat has some sort of allegation of sexual misconduct it is a massive deal, and many democrat voters are like well I'm not voting for a person cause of the accusation. Al Franken and Katie Hill just humbly gave up their seats. Republicans just deny the charges and fellow republican voters and legislators don't attack the person at all. Trump can say oh yeah me rape her? She is a dog, maybe a 4/10. Gets no blowback from Republicans. Meanwhile Democrats rip apart fellow Democrats like what is happening to Biden now. It is like two sports teams, some members commit fouls constantly and dirty plays but his teammates don't say anything. While the other team anytime any member commits a foul or dirty play he is torn apart by his own teammates. It is complete BS. Speaking of samples, one of the rape lawsuits, the woman found the dress she was wearing that night. She requested a sample from Trump to compare, the DOJ shut that down. So screw Biden providing a sample. Stop shooting yourself in the foot. Being the nice guy, the party of good means crap if you always lose. Can't do anything if you lose.
  12. That won't happen if the Republicans remain a major party. They have no interest in doing something that hurts their chances of winning regardless of whatever unsavory method/tactic. Well he is comedy gold for other comedians. If he wasn't so cartoonish and childish we wouldn't even get the joy of laughing at him. I think history will not only frown on Trump but show him as a representative of a large ugly underbelly of America rooted in bigotry, greed, selfishness, and ignorance of science.
  13. https://fivethirtyeight.com/features/weve-got-some-early-trump-vs-biden-swing-state-polling/ Really the only thing that matters is these purple states. It doesn't matter if blue states win by a larger majority, or red states are closer than previously. Anyways this polls show how fragile Biden's lead is and how easily it can swing back to electoral advantage for Trump. Then you got what RNC/Trump are trying to do in the pandemic making it much harder to vote. More people voting favors Democrats of course. Voter fraud? Most that has been found has been done by Republicans. This election is going to be close and ugly. The backlash will be very ugly and likely violent. This is what happens with a person like Trump in power. Oh and Trump and White house has blocked CDC instructions for reopening that was planned to be released to states. Ahmaud Arbery lynching. Citizens shouldn't be allowed to make arrests at all, anywhere. No wonder groups like Antifa arise. If the police aren't going to do anything then someone has to take out these scumbags. Why is George Zimmerman still alive even?
  14. The results and Deaths and economy crash, apocalypse or whatever will be blamed on Obama and China and a large portion of the country will eat it up. The Republican propoganda machine is unbreakable, Trump followers will believe Obama is an alien from Mars who was sent to end the human race if he said it. They believe what he says over Dr. Fauci. They believe him over any expert in any field regardless of what the topic there is. Talk about furious, I feel you. However I'm more furious at how brainwashed and immovable many people are who support him. Trump is an evil idiot, but if so many support him even after all the crap he has done and said and will continue to do and say then he is the president we deserve. Best thing is for those of which it is a real possibility and are intelligent to move to a country that doesn't have a sociopath toddler as their leader. He won't get shot. Likely his followers will start a civil war, bring their dumb guns and scream about freedom and whatever. Like the person that murdered a security man for a store cause the store required a mask which he refused. This happened in Michigan. Someone should ask Trump about this, he'd probably say the security man was also wrong or something, something. Free Michigan from that dumb airhead woman! Trump definitely won't get blown out. Remember that Fox and the rest of the massive right wing machine won't ever ever turn on him. Of course Barr is Trump's stooge always has been, Barr should be thrown in jail himself and be banned from practicing law or having any position to do with it or justice. Trump can pardon whoever he wants as well. Again the presidency not being abused to hell depends on having people with at least a tiny bit of decency, but there is no safeguard when you have 100% scumbag in office.
  15. 1. I listen to right wing media radio hosts like Shapiro and Rush and watch Fox occasionally to see their perspective and stories and issues. The world they are painting is mostly devoid from reality and that is what they are selling to millions of Americans. They have also mastered digital advertisement/misinformation to a far far greater degree than Democrats making it easy to push their false narratives and brainwash countless people. Lincoln project is great and Republicans are so so much better at dirt campaign ads and maybe it can help recruit other classic conservatives who will trust such ads more than ones put forth by Democrats. Trump never does become more unpopular though, despite his apalling treatment of hurricane with Puerto Rico, his withholding of military aid to Ukraine to force them to investigate Biden and the resulting impeachment (in which his numbers somehow went up), his Iran attack, withdrawals from multi nation agreements, tariff wars, the Kurds, etc etc. His numbers always remain steady. Yes he really could shoot someone on 5th Avenue, and his numbers wouldn't be touched. He would claim it is a hoax, or that person was a secret Chinese or Russian spy, or whatever and millions would buy the shooting as justified. 2. Biden I'm sure will out debate Pence, which is well not exactly a challenge. However every verbal gaff will be blown up a trillion percent to hammer home....oh Joe Biden has severe dementia, isn't all there, whatever. Joe Rogan has the most listened to podcast, and was supporting Bernie. However now he is supporting Trump, and ripping on Biden as senile and inept. He doesn't like Trump and makes fun of him, but says Trump can handle the pressure and responsibilities, but Biden can't. That somehow makes his words more convincing than if it were by a hardcore Trump supporter. 3. The 2018 midterms and various elections have been convincing. However Trump isn't just a Republican, he is also a figure that commands legions of loyal followers who once voted for Obama...who aren't conservatives. Being charming with colleagues and friends is much different than being charismatic as a public speaker. Most people will never meet or talk with Biden in person or Trump. Trump has crazy charisma cause he sounds like a hilarious cartoon character. Bernie could more than match that charisma, and on top of that actually sounds like he truly cares about people. Biden is going to sound professional but stiff. Look he has an advantage over Hillary but think back to the 2016 election and the debates. Hillary ran circles around Trump. It didn't matter, Trump just repeated a handful of phrases had no detailed plans and still that was enough. Trump now wants to just reopen things, and likely that will lead to more spikes and many more deaths. He still doesn't have a plan, doesn't have enough testing, Fox news and Trump laugh at contact tracing. Really before a vaccine (if that ever comes) we need tons of efficient testing and contact tracing to be able to open up. Countries that had that prepared some didn't have to lock down at all, and their economies and people are safe. The worst this gets the more it hurts Trump. However Trump says he built the greatest economy ever and he is the man to rebuild it again. I thought Trump was a stupid piece of garbage when he strongly promoted the Birther controversy, I was like fuck this racist scumbag. When he announced his candidacy I honestly thought he didn't have much chance to win the Republican primary, thought it was a publicity stunt. Trump loves selling himself, and being the center of attention. However when he won in a very strong field, I was worried back then. When he had the power to get Fox to fire Megan kelly just cause she asked a perfectly valid question that he didn't like, it was clear how much power he had. When I saw Hillary speak and despite her great ideas and intelligence sounded like an annoying nag that I didn't want to listen to, that she had zero charisma, my worry increased much more. Everyone thought she had it in the bag, but never in my lifetime have a person win the presidency with zero charisma and she had the massive drawback of being a woman as well, so I thought Trump had a great chance. It took a perfect storm for us with a hated Republican president who got us into a war that should never have happened, financial crisis, and an incredibly charismatic all time great speaker candidate for us to elect the first non white man to the presidency. After he won the presidency, I did think with all his blunders and showing himself inept many times it would effect his approval numbers and those that voted for him would have realized their mistake. Obama had to be like a perfect Gary Stu and even then he would get attacked at all sides I'd never seen a president so constrained anything other than that and it woul dbe a massive deal. It was like hey African Americans you aren't slaves anymore but you aren't going to be treated like whites either. Or like the first black athletes who has to be picture perfect mild members of society to be accepted at all. Trump on the other hand is the opposite never have I seen a president so unrestrained, so able to do and say whatever he wants without any consequence. His followers are devoted more than the most religious are devoted to their god. Many who aren't Trump fans or anti Trump don't trust any of the media anyways cause the divide has become so large. The right wing media are not the Republican media anymore but the Trump media. It is like Russian state TV for Putin. A great way to control the country and brainwash anyone who gets their news mostly from such sources. Considering all this I can't be optimistic, not to mention by hook or crook the GOP will do anything to win. Bill Maher has been saying for years as well, if Trump does lose will he actually leave? Those few months after the election and before the next president takes office, what will a crazy loon like Trump do? Trump can simply say the results are fake or it was a conspiracy and wants long investigations that take years and before that he won't leave office. Then what happens? Do the secret service/military remove him? I haven't heard any official answer. Oh and will the GOP actually stand up to him at that time? A few like Romney might, but the majority will likely stick in his corner.
  16. 1. That's the thing the republican propaganda will milk anything and do so extremely effectively and extremely ruthlessly. Most of right wing media has no shame so much of it will get tons of coverage as long as it can't be blown back. On the Reade accusation Republicans are often united in outright denial of accusations of sexual misconduct on fellow Republicans, and will cover it up as much as they can. Democrats who have much more publicly supported the Me too movement, and support of victims are stuck having to take these allegations seriously regardless of credibility. Giving it a thorough investigation. Latest gallup poll has approval of Trump at 49%, tying an all time high. Among independents he has an approval of 47% which is the highest he's ever scored. Is it the twilight zone? I wish, but Trump seems immune and somehow growing stronger. I think Biden is as sharp as ever cognitively, just that his speech stuttering has come out more recently. Stuttering or other speech impediments often persuade (wrongfully in many cases) that the person is unintelligent or has something seriously wrong. 2. Biden did great in the Democratic primaries but how much does that mean in the general election? Trump didn't exactly slaughter his way to the top in the Republican primaries, but somehow he is our president. 3. Yes there is 6 months left for Trump to screw things over worse and I'm sure he'll make plenty of mistakes and do plenty of evil things, but how much is enough that it actually impacts his popularity? Also even if Covid will be with us for awhile, if the economy does start recovering before election he is going to take credit and most people will believe him. His handling of the virus, many defend and compare to European countries who have had similar results or done worse while ignoring the countries that have done better and ignoring any wrongdoing he did. He has successfully sold his China ban, while Biden called him racist and Pelosi encouraged people to go dancing in Chinatown to many people. Biden is a man which is a massive advantage of Hillary Clinton. However he has the same problem of being uncharismatic, somewhat boring speaker, seen as an "establishment" Democrat. Look in any rational world someone like Trump would never be elected to President, but here we are. Also incumbents have a huge advantage. I think we would have to go into a Great Depression, Covid to still be hitting hard (thousands dying everyday) to give me any confidence that he will lose. I think we should all believe that Biden is a super underdog and go out and vote and encourage others if you don't want another 4 years of chaos under Trump.
  17. I don't care how many skeletons Biden has in his closet, I'm voting for him over Trump. The Michigan protesters are so dumb, storming government buildings armed with guns. They should be forcibly driven out. Considering the importance of controlling spread of disease such crowds should be broken up by the police. If they want to spread the disease amongst themselves and live or die with the consequences that is fine but they are going to spread it to others as well. It is same argument against public smoking, I'd rather a person do heroine than light up in public spaces, cause they are harming others with their actions. Trump is not fucked for 2020. Biden is boring and they are going to milk the Tara Read violation for all its worth, and exaggerate Joe's cognitive decline/speech whatever. Trump campaign has much much more money. The electoral system heavily favors Republicans, and Republicans still love Trump...or at least prefer him over a Democrat. An enormous right wing media machine is spinning Trump as the ultimate hero. A flawless man who is fighting for freedom and everything that is good and just. With this Covid 19 it is going to be even harder to try to relocate to another country if Trump does win.
  18. Most people here probably don't take what Trump says seriously, but just in case ignore is repeated babbling about hydroxychloroquine. There is no substantial evidence supporting its claims and it has bad side effects and can make things worse. Most medical professionals are against it at this time. Another thing, one of the many reasons religions are bad are what some pastors are doing now. Holding large congregations in church. These god fearing/loving people are infecting and killing and repercussions need to be much more severe.
  19. https://www.nytimes.com/2020/04/07/us/politics/trump-coronavirus-watchdog-glenn-fine.html One of Trump's lapdogs will now oversee how these trillions are spent. Got to keep all the corruption and stealing hidden after all.
  20. https://www.cnn.com/2020/04/03/politics/trump-fires-inspector-general-michael-atkinson/index.html So everyone's favorite orange piece of shit acted like the scumbag in chief yet again. Man do the laws really suck in terms of checking the president. All of them assume the president has at least a hint of a moral compass. However now with Trump we see how little there is to restrain the president from doing whatever the fuck he wants. Even Republican Senators are asking for real reasons, but does it really matter? He could say I didn't like that he wore black socks one day and what the fuck is Congress or anyone going to do? Nothing. After this douchebag is out of office either in 2020 or 2024 the next president should exile him and his hellspawn, he doesn't deserve to be a part of this country.
  21. That sounds like a great read! I think I'll check it out when my library re opens.
  22. It is less learning the nature of the people in charge, and more about the details which gets more and more disturbing the more I look into it. Down the rabbit hole with no way out. Trump has certainly done more than his part to further power them, on his repeal of many of Obama's protections and even going further than that in taking away protections that date from far before. Save us Bernie.
  23. Commend the bravery of some people here to come out as trans. I imagine in person with friends/family it is especially tough. The pushback against trans seems to have been on a few sticking points. The bathroom issue, the sports issue, then pushback by gay community and straight on the assumption that trans people are changing gender cause they don't want to come out as gay. There is also the argument about the surgery being deemed as cosmetic unnecessary vs medical necessity (essentially should insurance cover it). Then there is should treatments be allowed pre puberty. The thing about is it a mental disorder, is it genetic, is it environmental? I think like homosexuality, that shouldn't have any impact on how the group is treated. Is it a choice? That is the question and the answer seems to obviously be no.
  24. Having just watched the film "Dark Waters" it got me thinking not only of that case but many similar cases. Why are corporations allowed to dump harmful chemicals at all into waterways? Why are they not responsible for finding another way of getting rid of waste? They don't own the streams, rivers, what have you they shouldn't have the right to just dump crap into it. Who knows how many health problems are caused by this, certainly it is a negative to American people who aren't getting paid by these corporations. Which leads me to another point, is part of the problem the stock market. Most major corporations are publicly owned and so have to make their shareholders happy continue making as big as a profit as possible. If a company finds that some chemical is unsafe or causing a problem, and perhaps they have to take something off the market they are unlikely to do so cause it will hurt their profits and may make the stocks fall. Are major corporations like Kings of old? Almost absolute power, as long as the general public doesn't get too upset?
  25. So Trump dipshit of dipshits is insisting that his signature appear at the bottom of all the relief checks going out. That is our fucking tax dollars it isn't coming from his pocket, but people especially ones that are really struggling financially are going to think Trump saved them with his own money or whatever. He is a rich man after all! He's taken millions of dollars of tax money to his properties and now he is going to fool a bunch of people into thinking he is the one paying out these relief checks and get a big political push.
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