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Everything posted by Lewyn

  1. It does make it easier to do just that, I just wonder if it is a good thing. Last time I think it led to people seeing oh Veronica has a chance and putting support behind her however this led to Camilla not winning (some of that support was also so Camilla would lose) Ah first CYL was before game release so I wasn't around then, I guess it is something they will continue with though if it is tradition. @Gregster101 Man I'd love both of them to get in!!! If it was up to me the answer would be a resounding yes!
  2. What do you guys think of what they did with CYL2? They told us the placings mid way through voting. I think that influenced the outcome, and doubtless would influence it if they do it again this time. See in the beginning we vote for our favorites, sure some may vote for people they think that could 'realistically win' but many will just vote for who they want the most. However when the halfway point comes around, then we see who has a real shot at winning. It likely shifts many people to vote for someone they really want among the top ranking candidates (top 5 male, top 5 female) rather than their personal favorites. Brave Myrrh would be on a Horse but she would be able to fly too (so move 3 spaces ignore terrain) wielding a lance like her beloved big bro Ephraim.
  3. Of course! However I'm assuming we won't be fortunate enough to be blessed with another FE4 banner before CYL3 so my list would be. 1. Altena 2. Lex 3. Azelle 4. Erinys 5. Oifeye 6. Arion 7. Manfroy
  4. Since my favorite is in, I would do one vote per character. All would go to FE4 characters not yet in the game.
  5. We got a title! Though maybe I'm missing the joke but why would the horned demon lift his robes? Oh wait...trap, I got it. Love the follow up to Nino/Jaffar!
  6. Yeah I think they have been very conservative for the most part in how they are using their characters. We do get surprises but they seem to love to reuse the same small handful of characters again and again. It isn't just the amount of alts overall but that is just a few characters that get a ton of them. Ah yes this is a bit of the town building idea. We get to put buildings down and create maps, gives another element of strategy. Some people have put a lot of thought into spacing their units, traps and buildings. I'll still play arena for the orb rewards, but so nice to have a PvP mode where one can actually use and build whatever team they want. I think if the grail cost didn't increase for each copy the amount we get now would be fine, but yeah I think we will get 50-100 per week depending on how well one scores. That will take long time to +10 a unit, but I think we might get other quests that award grails...hopefully. Also please add Dorcas and Aversa!!! +10 Aversa is easily top priority as far as grails go, but she isn't even available yet! I know people are saying she and Dorcas may be added next month, but is there any confirmation of this? Why couldn't they add them right away? Healers are great at initiating but most of them are also the frailest little things out there, if initiated on many of them get destroyed particularly by physical damage. Veronica is on every aether team but I haven't lost to one yet. Also yeah if you have a high res unit you can tank that healer and then the enemy AI starts its movement towards you making them easy to pick apart. I've gotten 7 or so defense wins already and my team is LA Hector, L! Tiki, W! Tharja and Genny. I've lost a unit 2 times thus far in Aether raids and none of that was due to healers, it was due to dancer shenanigans. I did not like Legendary Marth destroy all dragons, the null follow up skill is great though. If there is an anti healer skill it should be very carefully done so they don't fall to obscurity once again.
  7. Oh yeah Pain double savage blow. Hmm wonder what the title of a Lucius manual would be. Don't want to open that can of worms though. That's a perfect title!
  8. Yeah personally I have no interest in gacha games, but Fire emblem is one of my favorite series. This is why I got into Heroes. I'd have to say generally I'm not into alternate costumes and stuff like that, so that is rarely an appeal for me though I admit they have come up with some interesting ones. Hardin is an interesting one...titled 'Fallen' hero is very appropriate indeed. However yeah this is why I want more writing, like in the banner chapters and I want to see more of the characters. I don't think they need to stretch, if they continued releasing 3 or even 4 person banners but they were all new faces, it would still take several years to get through them. There are hundreds of characters, and I think when going through the supports a lot have something to offer. Aether keep is really nice, the freedom in team creation is very welcome. Xray was talking about a completely different arena without BST, SP cost all that factoring in, well this is pretty much Aether keep. The only restriction is use one of the rotating bonus units on the team. No need to worry about BST, SP cost of skills, merges, feeding kills to this or that unit. I hope 3.0 offers some more amazing things, and considering the slowdown in money I think it may. Ooh nice!
  9. Okay so I did sit and watch much of the Lu Bu video. I think his viewpoint is stuff we've seen by many other people. The powercreep is way too fast, alts, thinking the way arena scoring works is stupid, and feeling that IS is not putting as much effort into the game as they should. Most of these are good points that I agree with. Why do the Corrins get power creep infantry BST? They aren't trainees. The thing about Fire Emblem as opposed to most gacha games that many players have come to it not cause they are gacha enthusiasts but because they love the main series. A series which contains hundreds of characters still yet to make any appearance. Even if one started with Awakening or Fates, much of the cast is still not in the game instead they are giving multiple versions of the royals and other main characters. So even with the games in the series that are currently most popular they choose to throw out tons of alts instead of giving us new faces. The story writing is way too brief and lackluster considering the big breaks between chapters and we don't get nearly enough lines and input from the banner characters in these. Forging bonds is nice but we can't even get that for every new hero banner.
  10. Nino learning to read Jaffar's name was too precious. Minerva always seemed like one that wouldn't have much patience for grandstanding. Also Maria looks like she is reading comic books, someone needs to give her a Genny or Maribelle manual.
  11. As far as doing the same things over, the one big change was starting to put alts on near every new hero banner as well as an increase in seasonal banners. Generally less new hero banners as well and having less units. Did that have an effect? If it did was it the main factor or simply one of many factors? Was the power creep of skills and BST power creep a factor, making people less willing to spend money cause they feared what was good today would not be good tomorrow? The armor push and skills like Bold fighter? I don't know. Ultimately it depends on the spending preferences and patterns of whales, and I'm not a marine biologist. Though I did once save a whale by pulling out a golf ball that got stuck in its blowhole.
  12. Oh that's where I heard it! Yeah that is unfortunate about Thracia, one wonders if they picked different units it could have done better, or was it that the skills/power level of the units wasn't enough. I think as far as sales, they know the numbers right away. They probably discuss them, and then decide on what would be good profitable future banners. They probably have a few months of banners planned in advance if they are speaking true, cause getting the art assets, voice acting, writing the story chapters etc. I think feedback, very few probably do use the in game feature. I think the Japanese twitter is likely very active though, so they can gauge public opinion there. So the next new hero banner will likely have 3 units, and then the 4th unit will be on GHB. They likely make up Forging bonds.
  13. This is kind of key. While I think they do listen to feedback and will release banners for older games (Binding blade and Radiant dawn coming! Thracia coming!), it is profits that is likely dictating what banners they come up with. I forgot where but someone posted that the Thracia banner did not sell well, so we might not see another for awhile. Meanwhile apparently the Ishtar Genealogy banner did sell well, which likely factored into Genealogy getting another banner a few months later. Like we can complain and down vote all we want, and they might take notice and give us some less popular characters and representation from games that haven't received but if these banners are selling well it isn't going to stop their practice. We can try to put the blame on them, but they are simply doing what is making them money. If these alts, or fates banners released close together or whatever else people like to complain about did not sell well then they would change.
  14. I don't like alts. Still one could argue the alts of popular characters were put in to increase profits or guarantee banner success, so I am going to put in replacement characters that not only fit but I feel that are popular enough to make a lot of money. Sacred Memories - Tethys Fallen Heroes - Fallen Rinea Branded King - Basilio World of Thracia - Finn would be on the banner with his PRF Brave lance, other unit would be Othin with Pugi. Wings of Fate - Reina Scattered Fangs - Sonia Ylissean Travelers - Flavia Adrift - Lilith, Arete, Sumeragi
  15. Ah! I'm sorry, I'll change it right away I didn't mean to misspell on the divine forum!
  16. Or maybe you are? Maybe we should all look in the mirror and self reflect and only after a long process see whether how we have currently lived is how we should continue to live. Anyways we are done here, this has nothing to do with the thread.
  17. The way I see it, if only one person who just wants to pick a fight has a problem with my wording, it is on them. I'm certainly not going to put extra effort to not offend someone who is just waiting to jump on whatever I say, screw that. It also isn't up to me to word things immaculately as you said it is a forum. Inducing petty squabbling from someone who pettily squabbles all the time with multiple people? Yeah again that's on them. If someone is a problem, I'm not going to bend over backwards to please them, it is up to them to change.
  18. Well yeah, those were actually new characters I'm sure not only fans of older games but many fans of Fates games were also happy. I think if this banner was 4 new Hoshiden units as some were suggesting, or a Vallite banner with all new characters there would still be some bemoaning of Fates but it would likely be much less. Yes there are a lot of Binding blade units that I'd love to see added. Radiant dawn also has a monstrous cast so there is a lot they could add.
  19. Well there is only one person on here who is petty and didn't get it, either cause he actually has that poor of understanding or just wanted to pick a fight. Everyone else seems to have understood the meaning cause it is obvious. If I was submitting an article to the New York Times I would choose my words a lot more carefully. This is an internet forum, getting the meaning across is all that matters.
  20. Using a common phrase that even people whose 2nd language is English know how to interpret is lazy or ignorant. Lol okay.
  21. Really am I the child? Not the person who starts a fight over their own poor understanding of the English language? "However was there even one complaint about them? Can't recall. No one cared." So where did I ere? I don't recall a single person complaining likely cause whoever did were so few in number. No one cared, doesn't mean not a single person in the entire world cared. If you don't understand that your English is poor. If someone says everyone likes ice cream or no one likes being fat. It doesn't mean every single person, it means the vast majority.
  22. Yeah we are, I'm all for fair representation. I know completely equal representation is never going to happen, but they can do a much better than they have been doing. Then even with the most represented games like Fates and Awakening they are just spamming more and more versions of the same characters rather than adding the many that still aren't in at all. Those are really interesting character choices and I would be all for them.
  23. Oh man you are going to be a douche and bring this up again? Okay I made a general statement, learn to interpret things. I'm sorry you are so upset you lost our last argument, get over it.
  24. Yes there were others that complained, but it was very few compared to the legions with Lyn and Lucina oh and Camilla whenever she gets an alt or is mentioned in any form.
  25. My first post in this thread outlined why I thought this was the worst banner in the history of the game, so I am no fan of the units chosen or the theme or what they bring to the table (other than the anti follow up skill, being able to dump speed without repercussion is just dumb). No doubt it is money milking. As a Valla theme banner it makes no sense for Camilla to be on it. I was also among the ones that thought it was clear money milking on the NY Hoshido banner, Camilla is a Nohr princess and yes they put 'holiday traveler' to somewhat justify it however really it should have been Hinoka. However Hinoka isn't as popular so they threw Camilla on there.
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