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Everything posted by Lewyn

  1. Hey this might be obvious but since we are getting +20 lift for each blessed unit with 2 eir, then you really don't need the bonus unit? You can just have a full aether raid core team and never worry about bonus unit rotation. This seems too awesome, is anyone doing this?
  2. This calendar is absolutely packed with orbs, feathers. Two tempest trials, two voting guantlets, tap battle, voting guantlets, multiple paralogues, etc etc. I'm sure xmas units will be insane, and NY as well but the only banner I am really interested is Radiant dawn. Beast units is the freshest thing since launch. We've had new weapon/movement combinations, or colored bows/daggers and even colorless breath. However this is the first completely new weapon type. It is likely going to be tied to some conditional transformation mechanic that gives unit super powers like 3 move flying and probably boosted stats. I vowed off summoning on banners with regular rates since the Halloween catastrophe but I might have to make an exception here. Don't want to be left out of a brand new way to play the game.
  3. Yeah that is what it seems to me as well. Seems you have chosen your units to bless already, I gotta to figure that out today to avoid more potential lift loss. Zelgius, LA Hector, Azura tactic team or all fliers. Gotta to be able to get to and kill Surtr efficiently since he is on a lot of defense teams and be able to deal with all ranged/razzle dazzle stuff. Wish I could test it with the blessing bonuses before committing.
  4. Gosh...I didn't pull for Surtr despite the great rate cause I have most of the great green armors. I didn't know he was going to be so important for Aether raids. EDIT: Okay free ticket + 4 orbs got me another Eir. Those who have pulled a lot of Eir and used them, what is her best IV? Personally have pulled +spd/-res and now +atk/-spd.
  5. So you are doing the super immortal Surtr thing then? I already made that mistake of merging my 2 Eir so I have to hope to pull another. I think using 3 is rough I guess unless you have +10 Surtr or something who can take out the enemy team by himself. Probably could get away with using two and still having a lot of flexibility in team building. Aversa is already on my L! Lyn team otherwise I would definitely use her. Gosh she is perfect for Aether raids. Don't have Loki. I'll have to keep looking for perfect team.
  6. I pulled another Eir from herofest, +spd/-res. However I made a big mistake I guess merging my neutral onto it, seems you score much better running 2 Eir. Still what is done is done. Who are you guys using your light blessing(s) on? I don't have Surtr though it seems many are using it on him. If I had another hone fliers I would make a flier team with her, fliers do awesome on these maps (especially with a flier dancer) and can handle most compositions really well. However my one flier team is already blessed with Ryoma and water. Don't want to waste a light blessing, don't want to waste potential aether points (Which I have already done)...what to do?
  7. Eir- Noble, beautiful, sad. Merciful death, indeed she brings that to those unfortunate who suffer a fate worse such as chronic crippling uncurable disease or pain or some other condition. Where death isn't something to be feared but a welcome relief. She loves her mother very much, perhaps Hel suffers greatly for some reason and though she may seem cruel it is more due to hurt and a painful past. Involving..........maybe Gustav? The movie hints she will turn on her own mother, she will grow very fond of her allies in the living world. Gives me Katarina vibes. Hel- Cold, distant very fitting for the ruler of the realm of the dead. Wonder what her relationship is to Loki in Heroes. Lif and Thasir- We don't get too much on them other than they are the founders of the Askr and Emblian empires. Why are they in this 'bad place'? What sins did they commit? Did their power and conquering come at a price? Henriette- Very motherly, nurturing, friendly. Looks like an older Sharena, and is a counter to the very serious all business Gustav Gustav- Old Hector vibes here. He sees the big picture, and his carefree passions and haste disappeared to some tragic event in his past. What could it be? Involving Hel? Was it something else? He only put a barrier by the tomb 20 years ago. Did Hel only come into existence then? Loki teasing Veronica is precious as always. Veronica I guess knows that she can't defeat/kill Loki. Good they mentioned Bruno right away, I think we will finally get a resolution to his quest. Since Askr can not close realms, they need Veronica if they want to shut out the death realm permanently. They will team up I believe eventually. Maybe with Bruno and Veronica cured of their cursed blood. Very promising start, and more text/writing. I hope future story chapters are as enticing and full.
  8. While whales already had a major advantage with +10 merged best units and the rarest skills, it was much much less than arena. Skillful FTP players could rank high with good teams. No chance of that now cause +10 mythic heroes and the blessing bonuses will make high rank whale only and also means they can afford to make much more mistakes, bad/failed runs. There was a dream that was once Rome.
  9. Thanks now I got to vote to more accurately reflect my opinion. This is another thing. I want Mythic heroes to not be alts unlike most of the legendary heroes. So minor characters of myth and legend like Anri, Altina, etc or OCs.
  10. Well I said beast units would make the channel for me, and wow did they not disappoint! Tibarn looks awesome, and Nailah too!? 2 of my favorites, and I am glad they went with the laguz to debut beasts as they were such a big part of the whole Tellius saga. I am excited to see how they end up working, it is so cool they transform as well. New trailer was not as exciting as the book 3 one, however I am very pleased with the direction they went with Hel. They could of just made her some super hot goth chick, but instead they actually made her genuinely creepy and disturbing looking. Eir the solemn princess we get for free, artistically looks beautiful,very well done. I am not as much a fan of the other new OCs, Adult Veronica and Dark Alfonse (Yeah I know that isn't who they really are), the design is just....over embellished and a bit hokey to me. The music. Good metal is frickin' awesome, unfortunately this isn't good metal. Just very bland and generic. Please don't judge all metal by this trailer. I hope storywise while the concept is interesting, that the writing is much more detailed and of much higher quality. Having 4 new blessings is fine...sorta. I do not like that they will be tied to Aether raid bonuses. I really liked how we had almost no restrictions in team building with Aether raids, this will likely mean having to include a mythic unit of whatever blessing is in season along with blessing certain heroes with this. Can they have a mythic and legendary blessing? It is costly to erase and replace. I think the new banner is just this Herofest. After all it feature the first mythic hero which is brand new. This is my best shot to get more Lewyns...and he is the +10 dream for me. However beasts and new xmas (likely super broken) units are coming too, tough decisions to be made. The free ticket thing is smart. You can' t use it on your free summon, so at the very least you will be entering 2 circles. With Forging bonds 3 or maybe more. The temptation to finish out the circle or pull certain colors is there, so I think generally people will be putting more orbs into banners they normally wouldn't summon on.
  11. I think our prettiest icon yet. The art looks really good and high class.
  12. I would be fine with them being obscure legends or original characters. Them being lords would just be redundant. Also I definitely wouldn't want characters with a legendary version to get a mythic version as well.
  13. They didn't release a trailer last night, which likely means that it is saved for the channel. To justify taking precious time, it may be a new unit type (beast units?) that need to be explained in a long laborious way by Feh. She will probably say like 2 or 3 sentences and it will take 2 or 3 minutes after the 2 minute banner trailer. Anyways if this new unit type, or new type of orb (gold orbs?) or whatever is really awesome and groundbreaking then it is worth it. Then I think we get book 3 trailer, Light/Dark blessings and explanation, and Aether Raid changes. Financially Feh is in a bit of a critical point, they are still doing well but much less so than they did the first year. This should mean more drastic changes, modes, address of complaints/criticisms and other things to renew interest in the game as well as increase profits. So maybe this channel will be something special, then again we've seen enough of these and many have been disappointing so best not to get hopes up.
  14. Yes while Feh is cute, it is honestly insulting to the viewers intelligence how she speaks. Maybe they are doing it to stretch time, like look this channel is 10 minutes or 18 minutes!!! Wow! Yeah in a board presentation that 18 minutes could cover countless ideas and content, but we get like 2 or 3 things revealed at molasses speed. If they only have little to reveal then just make it 5 minutes or whatever and save everyone's time.
  15. That's true but at least with different stat lines sometimes that super high HP, or high res or whatever stat can allow different builds. Like Innes is awesome and can do something Bridelia can't even if she is considered better. Different stat spreads at least allows that in the future certain skills could make less desirable ones have some great use even if it doesn't presently. Just adding more stats is adding more stats a big advantage not only in scoring. WOF! Hinoka has that armor killer PRF Bow, that is a role Takumi can't take. M! Robin isn't power creep, he has double weakness dragon and armor. Hector can already do omni breaker as well. Weapons they can correct power creep with what they are doing, giving old PRF weapons refines to bring them up to speed.
  16. Well I said in my eyes, I'm sure many people also feel as you do. Another thing that would really satisfy me is if the story writing for book 3 is engrossing, in depth, and of highest quality. There are numerous major issues, I'd like those to be solved as well of course.
  17. You can do a lot in a 10 minute presentation, tons of info can be covered. However Feh lollygags way too much and talks so so slow on top of that. It is like one of those shows for toddlers, but I think the average age of a Heroes player is much more than that. Anyways all they have to do is announce beasts and it will be a smashing success in my eyes. I think a good time to do it, however maybe we get the book 3 trailer, news on light/dark blessing instead. Then the datamine on the 3.0 update reveals new weapon types for the upcoming beast units. Allowing the fanbase to speculate and grow more and more excited in expectation. Before...bam, they drop the beast banner!
  18. Broken is an overstatement, and fully built up Sheena or Hector were just as strong if not more so. Leo, Cecilia, Ursula have all largely disappeared. Infantry certainly has been the weakest by some margin, yet they seem much more concerned in making armors stronger and stronger well cause they are whale bait. I am simply reacting to the what the balance between unit types has been since the beginning of the game as well what the BST boosts have been. You seem to be at one extreme that everything is honest and all boosts/buffs were for balance alone. That financial gain never played even the tiniest part. Perhaps my view is too much the opposite. The good thing is that the game will likely be around for at least a few more years. Surtr, Tiki, Myrrh are some of the strongest units in the game, well and armors are in general. So surely we won't need to see them ever go above 180BST, if balance is all they are concerned about.
  19. No Reinhardt just like any older unit wouldn't get stat boosted. However people in general responded very poorly to Reinhardt/Bow Lyn and it gave a general hatred to ranged cavalry. So they played it safe and so gen 2 ranged cavs didn't get a boost. Dancers are utility and people are mostly summoning them for that not their combat potential so BST isn't nearly as big a factor with them as any other unit. I don't think the buffs stated are in line with how the unit types performed gen1. I also think we are going to see more BST power creep in the future, and it will continue and continue until the game ends. The easiest way to get people to pull for units is higher BST. Besides extra stats being a good thing and getting people to pull, as well as arena scoring, it also makes older units less and less appealing/usable. It is a shady practice true of most gacha games I believe.
  20. She deserves another, not ever being an arena bonus unit is pretty huge.
  21. Glad Gunnthra won, hope she can continue. She never was an arena bonus unit, unlike every other unit in this gauntlet. It is time for her to shine.
  22. Mostly inexperienced players complained a lot about ranged cavalry, like Reinhardt was unstoppable or something even though he has a bunch of easy checks. So to satisfy the masses rather than actually balance. Unlike say brave bow bold fighter Jakob. I mean that is why arena stages still have those annoying arena trenches even though ranged horses are relatively much weaker since they were implemented. I mean if you are right and it is only about balance, then we won't get any units above 180BST ever. Yup I like Aether raids, much better than arena at least. Performance based Arena would be easier for offense teams though, wouldn't have a bunch of structures to severely limit how you can approach or bait enemy team. Duel skills do allow people to use a wider variety of units in high arena, but again really lazy solution. Ranged units need those A skills, armors are incredibly bulky with their ward stacks and such. They should just throw BST out the window. Only count rarity and merges. Now I know coming with a precise formula that works is easier said than done, but considering this game is making hundreds of millions of dollars a year I'm sure the team can find the time to come up with it.
  23. I don't think you need some to keep people summoning. Different stat lines, different new skills, new unit types, interesting weapons, etc. There are many ways to make people want to summon for a unit besides power creep which is just such a lazy way to do it. IS should be better than that. I don't buy the BST was a way to rebalance movement/range, cause there were top tier armors like Hector before the new fighter skills and after Reinhardt Bow Lyn. It seems more just a way to get whales to summon. So do you believe then that the BST ceiling is 180? I will be very surprised if we don't hit 185 at the least by the end of 2019. Also on duel skills though this is old hat, since it was brought up. I think it in no way makes ranged units/other low BST units up to speed. Not only do they score slightly lower, they don't actually get 170 of stats, they just score as if they do, so the 180BST Surtr is still 40 stats more than Bridal Ninian even if they have blue duel flying come out. Then the worst part, the duel skill means pretty much giving up your A slot. Instead of Death blow 4, Sturdy stance 4, Breath skill, whatever you get the garbage tier HP+5. It is just a really poor solution and since they put it out now it is unlikely they ever fix arena scoring, it is always going to depend on BST. New weapon refines. I have a 5 star Catria+1. Yes at one time long ago Catria was a 5 star summonable unit (4-5 star), and lucky guy that I was I summoned her twice during this period. Both -atk of course. My best one was -atk/+res. I guess if the refine is really good I might look for an optimal IV Catria and spend the feathers to make 5 star then merge. I also long time ago (a time before normal Ike even existed) promoted M Robin and built him up. Hope his refine is good, I might do that as well. Lot of refines here, hopefully they are worthwhile.
  24. Just cause power creep is typical of gatcha games doesn't mean it should be accepted. It is just a super lazy way to make people want to pull. We are getting more and more power creeped skills as well, hope we get a skill forge at least. Will we get to 185 or 190 BST by end of next year? I wouldn't be surprised.
  25. It sounds really good. I mean getting to replay the battle stages from the first 5 games, co op vs dragon play, class system, and it looks amazing. I never go for betas though, so I will wait til official release. Despite gacha system which I hate, just like Heroes I will check out this game cause I love the main series so much. Der Langrisser, was incredible. Langrisser IV was also translated and was amazing. Really like each character having their own squadron of troops, it adds a lot.
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