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Everything posted by Lewyn

  1. I know right? She can chill 2 stats with her B skill and ploy the other 2 stats with her C slot and seal. Before my favorite character, Lewyn, arrived I am not ashamed to say that Gunnthra was my summoner supported unit.
  2. My boy Lewyn took care of Hard, Lunatic and Infernal like it was child's play. Infernal just took 2 tries (I originally had 3 dancers and Lewyn) Him, Silvia, Azura, and Sigurd (with reposition) was the team. The first turn is why Sigurd is needed, want to kill green armor knight, dance kill Hrid, then reposition other dancer so she is able to dance Lewyn one more time. After that kill a couple units per turns, space the dancers well....it all goes down pretty smoothly.
  3. This is hard. Laegjarn is my favorite of Book 2 units story/character wise, but in terms of gameplay I really like what Gunnthra brings to the table. She is the most fun unit to use of the ones I have (don't have Laevetein, Ylgr or Surtr). She is also the only one with merges on them. She was burnt to a crisp. She is hated on and disrespected by many people, don't worry dear Gunnthra. You seer of dreams, guide to us all, I will support you.
  4. Holy crap that langrisser game looks awesome! The huge map size the details, the great art, the awesome theme song! Wow. I've played Der Langrisser and Langrisser 4...and they are awesome games. Is it a gacha game though? It is hard to find time for multiple ones.
  5. I don't think they are going to change elements of already released heroes. Some people specifically pulled for an earth hero, or wind hero....maybe it is the only one of that element they have. IS has avoided controversial moves like this thusfar I don't think they want to completely tank their reputation. Anyways the response looks like dark/light blessed heroes will come in the future. While it is nice to have light and dark in the game, this means there are two more elements you need at least one legendary hero of.
  6. Legendary Reyson, flying colorless dancer laguz!? The thought never crossed my mind but now that you've mentioned it...it sounds like the most amazing legendary hero ever! My god that would turn heads. Glad we are getting some new colorless legendary heroes finally.
  7. I've wanted her since the beginning, yet she almost never appears on banners. At least I got the summer version. If I understand Kiran's brilliant plan correctly. Lon qu is uncomfortable around women, so he puts him with men who look very feminine...perhaps an ease of transition thing. The real genius is a hooded figure also who is a woman in disguise. The feminine men thing was just a front, a ruse, really the hope was that he would spend all this time around the hooded figure without batting an eye. Then after some time Linde would remove the robe and ta da! Lon qu you were spending all this time with a woman and you were perfectly fine! Lon qu is too sharp though.
  8. Cool Marth and Ephraim, Hawkeye and who is the fourth? Galeforce....guaranteed doubles likely very high attack, yeah that could be nice. Really Lucina and Lyn? That does sound interesting.
  9. Anyone like to stack legendary heroes? I am thinking of putting Hrid on my Gunnthra horse team if I am lucky enough to pull him. Their B seals should hit different units most of the time, so they will help each other a lot that way. Plus horse buffs are always great, the other 2 horses will be getting +10def/res +4 def from Hrid, +4 res from GUnnthra. They will also get +6HP.
  10. This. Can't believe how long it went with Eirika, the main character of her own game Sacred Stones. Now it goes with Hrid. The not deserving argument is really just a cheap knock on a character one doesn't like rather than a real criticism. Cause such an argument can be made for other legendary hero characters. Personally while I would prefer Anri or other legendary mythic figures not playable in the series, having an original character is still a step up from an alt in my book. I can do full pulls on this banner. Have zero reds, and one of each of the other colors. Tempting to just pull red as I really want all three units though.
  11. Ah I see, thanks for explaining! Well perhaps we can get Fenrir.
  12. I don't know what Trails is, but that certainly is an incredibly attractive woman also looks very charming and well intentioned. Yes one can make such a character terrifying through great writing and it is something that we see done well in certain films/series. Instead of the mass/serial killer/monster of a human being also looking like some giant or grotesque a monster him/herself they make the person look really attractive and even friendly. Which is a bit more truthful you can't judge a book by its cover, and it works great in mysteries so the audience can't see it coming as easily. However all that is dependent on excellent intelligent writing and the team for Heroes has been severely lacking in that aspect. On the other hand the art team has been very impressive IMO, so I trust them to pull off the 'terrifying/creep' much more.
  13. I think if depicting a regular human it is hard to pull off but very possible. You could make a woman with attractive body/face but a dead lifeless expression on her face, someone who never smiles, whose eyes look soulless and devoid of life. With Hel they could also do the half attractive women, half grotesque decayed zombie look. They aren't limited by those boundaries, they could even add horns and other things. The art team for Heroes seems very talented, so I think they could definitely do terrifying and attractive at the same time without too much issue. True though we only know she is coming, but we have not seen the artistic depiction yet though I'm sure they already have that designed and ready to go. I think people are just saying what they hope to see with her. I think Niime would actually be pretty good, just make her more menacing looking. On undead monster units, yeah that would be fitting with what we seem to be getting in book 3. It would also be nice to see as it adds a lot to enemy variety, perhaps we could even get intelligent monster units that could even be summonable in the future. A king of the zombies, a necrodragon who has a human form of a decayed corpse, etc.
  14. Uh please no waifu design. The story is weak enough, but the art design of the characters has been good and made sense concerning the characters thusfar. I'd be cool with SMT Hel design too, cause even though the figure is somewhat that of an attractive woman with everything else she looks really creepy and 'dead' as well. Hope she actually has a scythe too
  15. I hope Hel is terrifying, and that is hard to do if they just make her drop dead gorgeous. You should be horrified of going to her realm, rather than looking forward to it. We have Loki the hot seductress, Hel should be nothing like that and her dialogue thusfar suggests a much more serious character. Please IS do this right.
  16. Pop up ads whenever you click anything. I don't understand how any game that is selling stuff for real money has ads.
  17. Will be five soon. Ylgr and Surtr aren't getting demoted either I'm sure.
  18. I was all set to summon all the blues and greens on my first circle the free summon one. Instead I got what I feared, no green or blue. Just one colorless and four red. This seems like the ultimate banner for a FTP person who has saved some orbs for awhile to go for +10 a 5 star locked unit, Surtr I'm talking about. He is the highest BST 180 (with superboon), armor, great skills, excellent min maxed statline, and you can get him +10 in a 800 or so orbs average, much less than how much it usually costs to +10. In addition being green, the off focus pity breakers are of the highest quality. Anyways I only just hit 200 orbs, and I took that opening summon as a sign to stay away. I'll wait for in the legendary banner.
  19. Art is gorgeous (hideous as he should be!), and nice to have decent speed though wish it was high speed. It is a bit unfortunate that all these GHB boss sorcerers are red mages (Julius, Arvis, Lyon, now Gharnef). Skills are good Mirror stance is in 4 star pool now, but chill attack...that is a hard to get skill. Tome animation is great, and the original puppetmaster of Fire Emblem will be promoted by me at least. Yes and the voice acting might be the most impressive of all, it is just perfect. Legendary Linde with Starlight when?
  20. Yeah essentially the characters from other games are like spotpass characters, they are side characters that have nothing to do with the story (except Xander I guess). I just think there is a lot to be excited about here. 2 very powerful units with very powerful (new) skills, only our 2nd blue dagger user, no alts on banner, original characters. Then likely GHB will be original character and legendary too, meaning Forging bonds will focus on these characters. This could mean OG Veronica, Bruno, Hrid! We also got very little on Surtr and Ylgr so this will be a chance to really flesh out those characters more learn about their motivations and in essence make the main story better as well.
  21. Yeah I think it was very surprising for many people, and at that point many had been waiting forever for Veronica and Bruno to be added.
  22. Well as I finally sat down and watched this trailer, I saw Fire and Ice. Thought cool title! Then I saw Ylgr! Awesome! Then Surtr!? Wow! Then I waited for the next character....maybe Hrid or original Veronica or Bruno, but instead it just said new paralogue! Anyways I have been outspoken in my support of original characters, as I view them as the focus of this game. Sorcery blade, I wonder what inheritance restrictions are on it. Seems like it would be insane on any units with DC weapons. Then she also has Speed tactic and chill speed...I mean this is grade A fodder. Then you look at Surtr....my god what a C skill, and that A skill is one of the ultimate enemy phase skills love the guard effect on top of more defense. Plus his weapon that 20 damage effect is pretty impressive. Wait for official stats but these units as far as skills and power potential seem very much worth having. I am trying to abstain from summoning on normal banners, but I will probably pull all blues and greens I see on that first circle where we get the free summon. Hard to pass up on discounted rate to pull one of these two. Watch it be all reds and colorless :(
  23. You know how it is, Camilla obviously has a ton of fans and is an incredibly popular character but also has a lot of people who hate her. However I do think it was still mostly people thinking how cool it would be to get to play as Veronica (and boy did they knock it out of the park in terms of meeting expectations, she's awesome). I suspect we'll see a similar thing if another original character not yet in the game seems to be ranking especially high midway.
  24. What the hell it just got a million times harder. I actually had a complete loss, and one where I had only a single survivor. How am I facing all +10 units with Death blow 4 and dancers, seasonal armors. They all have whale skills. It is absolutely ludicrous. I'm going to now just use the minimum aether each day and hopefully these people with all +10 units can ascend higher and I don't have to face them.
  25. God had a few battles where I lost a unit, some of these defensive maps are brutal. Kudos some people are coming up with very diabolical map configurations.
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