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Posts posted by RADicate

  1. 2 hours ago, Zeonth said:

    My PoE now becomes this: 


    scum- Bartozio

    scum (leaning null)- mack

    scum (leaning town)- athena

    (leaning scum)- Fable 

    town- xand

    null- rad/junk


    My scumteams look like this (most scummy on left, least scummy on right for all that follows): 

    bart + mack/fable


    if bart flips town:

    athen + fable/mack


    if mack were to flip town today:

    bart + fable/Athena 

    (Sorry for delayed response had to go get the dog)

    (i think this is the post you wanted thoughts on)

    Team 1: Bart+mack/fable

    Probably my most likely scumteam (bart+mack) and willing to follow you there; as for fable i'll lay out my thoughts on the bart/fable team atm on the third line since that is what i'll be anaylzing. (the thoughts are applicable here tho)

    team 2: Still sticking to my guns with athena; I cant bring myself to call that slot scum unless something drastic changes. And there isnt a world where i lynch this before mackc even on a bartz townflip.  So this team doesnt have the Rad Seal of Approval (patent pending). Sorry!

    Team 3: Bart+fable (removed athena for previous reasons since i gave my thoughts on that); i'd have to go back and check their interactions with each other tbh. If mackc were to be town id be reevaluating quite a few slots. Atm i go to work in like 10 minutes though so i cant check base with that now. The evan interactions were really holding up the fable slot so if you can convince me that was a bus this scumteam would be just as viable as the bart/mackc scumteam. And i'll have to check base with bartz/fable interactions (idr much happening betweent the two?). 

  2. 1 minute ago, athena_57 said:

    I struggled with that as well at first. You install tampermonkey, then go to Mak's ISO script, then click RAW-->install. Then if you do it correctly go to page 1 of the thread and nect to start new topic/reply to topic it should say get ISO's. Enter 0 for all pages. (I think that's it? Maybe I forgot something)

    It took me two tries for some reason.

    Bless you. I'll test it out tonight while im doing homework.

  3. 2 hours ago, Mackc2 said:

    Well whatever, 
    Too long don't want to write again, My current thoughts are Zeo is probably not Barts scumbuddy looking at it from zeo's posts and votes it seems like complete nonsense unless he decided Bart and Evan where dead weights N1 and cut them both loose to give himself free towncred, Looking from scum bartozio I don't see him townreading Zeo now that he is dying unless he is a) trying to drag Zeo down with him, b) hiding his association via Wifom or whatever the acronym is (Bart wouldn't townread his buddy if he knew he was going to be lynched so Zeo must be town, so Bart did actually do it). Overall its reaching and I don't like the idea. 

    Fable seems a bit more likely, Bart always finds some reason to move his vote off Fable making his push on them feel non-genuine, Its possible that Fable got caught on evan's wagon thinking it wouldn't gain traction only to be unable to hop off without breaking their legs but you know what this is still just reaching, Why the hell would scumteam be at each others throats so often? 

    By PoE Rad has to be bartozio's partner because their lack of D2 content makes it hard to really draw any sort of conclusion based on association and scumreading Bart now in D3 is too little too late to really prove anything, but lining up everyone but me as Town when bart inevitably flips scum is a stupid scum play. 

    If bart flips town then I recon Fable/Zeonth because townclearing a buddy based on lynching another buddy is a nice thing to do. 

    MY conclusion is I have no fucking clue who Bartozio's scumbuddy is because him being buddies with anyone I haven't town cleared just seems stupid, The only possible other option I can see is Athena because Junk and Xan have made really weird votes if they are bart/Evans scumbuddies. But I have been townreading Athena this whole game so I don't know. 

    Also why does everyone say my play is cautious, wtf is cautious about the way I play?

    oh just noticed this when i was scrolling through.

  4. 3 hours ago, Mackc2 said:

    Also Zeo, no comment on gamestate, no vote for mafia? Who do you think is scumteam at this point? 

    I know you want the bartz vote now; but who all could he be partnered with if we go from there?  Pardon me if i missed it.someone should teach me how o use that tampermonkey iso thing.... please?

  5. 1 minute ago, Zeonth said:

    Sorry, but I’ll work with what I’ve got. Since the only other two players are basically null (does anyone suspect xand?), this is the theory I came up with. 

    I'll give him a relook if town!bart exists. Much of me reading him town was based on his d1 interactions with bartz.

  6. 1 minute ago, Fable said:

    But you made him more likely wolf from a Bart v flip? idk that just seemed weird to me like if you think someone is a wolf either way then why are they nullish? 

    I did make him more likely wolf on the bart flip based on his; for the lack of better term flip on bart read earlier.

    He is objectively wolfy because of POE and interactions with likely scum!bart. Reading someone based in a vacuum and reading someone using the gamestate are two different things. The nullish scumlean read is the former. If you'd like to say i scumread him based on the gamestate; go for it. Hopefully this clears my thought process up a bit?

  7. 1 minute ago, Fable said:


    You have 1 wolf read in a game with 2 living wolves? 

    Its a wolf read and a null/scumlean fwiw. And i also stated why those two were viable partners together. So while in a vacuum mackc is null/slightscum in reality its probably more likely than that fmpov. Just woke up; gonna get to work on responding to things

  8. EBWOP on the bartz prompting a bus; i meant yesterday on mack's read flip. When iirc athena said "there are a bunch of invisible votes on bartzio" and someone else (idr who) said something along the lines of "you are the most likely lynch today" (which iirc was in reference to bart).

  9. Athena-Praise be to our local townleader athena. Gut was calling them town after d1 (hence me mildly defending them d1); maintained activity drive converstation and did so productively; agree with many of their thoughts and interactions arent incriminating in the slightest. My world would need to be flipped upside for the slot to ever flip.

    Jordan- Probably never scum if bartz flips red here. Willing to call him my second strongest townread on the basis bartz probably flips red. 

    Junko- Showing progression in thoughts; enjoying his imput. Giving original imput that somewhat goes against the grain and overall looks like a solid slot; both tonally and content wise. Down with assuming town until further notice. Probably one of my weaker townreads up here fwiw. Bart scumflip on this slot looks very good and more comfortable with the read.

    Fable- Evan flip looks very good on him; before that he was pretty null and I cant toneread that earlier play where he appeared to be more than annoyed with makaze to save my life either way and trust myself with that. The possibility exists that he knew the d1 flip off of satsu onto evan wouldnt happen and thats why he recc'd it but thats probably my personal paranoia. Especially considering how little he seemed to care for the game that d1 (hypocricy ik fight me)

    Zeo- Zeo's thought proccesses match up for the most part with how zeo plays on PS as town using flips to determine alignments (can grab the post that made me make this connection upon request; writing this up on a seperate notepad atm because i dont feel like losing all this). I'd like to put zeo wanting to be using Evan's flip to ascertain and clarify reads on fable/makaze in positive light tbh. I think scum in that situation generally wouldnt put that kind of excuse behind a busvote. But at the same time he also said evan was a scumread for him; wouldnt that be the primary reason for the vote? This gap between his stated reason for the vote and his stated read (maybe gap isn't the right word here; but hopefully my point got across) mildly pings me. Still leaning town on it though.  

    Mack- If bartz doesnt flip scum this is borderline 100% wolf fmpov.Mostly cause of POE for the most part; the overly catious play annoys the heck out of me and pings my scumdar excessively... but apparently thats his meta? IJOSJFOS the worst part of this is actually toneread them as townie. Hence me calling them town earlier. Started out in defense of bart and I cant figure out how to read ISO's using the script; i downloaded the monkey w/e tamper thing. But anywho i cant find his progression from defending bartz as at the very least a paranoid null/slight scumlean but more likely a slight townlean into his primary SR. It seems like a bit of a 180 and if caution is the townmeta i dont see this happening without outside influence. The only thing stopping me from calling the scumteam based on this would be the potential mentor influnece. FMPOV though: This flip in reads considering bartz is probably flipping red here fmpov reads as an effort to get towncred from the inevitable flip of a universally SR'd person.

    UNIVERSAL QUESTION: People here who have scumteamed with bartz before should lmk how likely he is to tell mackc to bus him here? That would be the quickest explanation for mack breaking meta borderline inexplicably.

    Bartz- Borderline universal SR for a good reason. Could be just bad timing from his POV; but he basically. I can kinda deal with the consolidation vote onto satsu being viewed as bad; consolidation votes are pretty NAI for the most part. Upon reevaluation I dont like his war with xnad; seems like he was just annoying xnad so he had something to show. He also dropped the ball on that far too easily for the strength of the read he had on xnad. Inclined to believe someone as out of touch with the game as evan was wouldnt have gone out of their way to frame bartz with a soft TR/defense and considering the fact he wasnt doing much homework on bartz afaict  he was (more than likely) not wanting to put more heat on his already SR'd partner. Tldr Incriminating reactions and pings from interactions with jordan solidify this as likely scum.
    Final Note:
    If/when bartz flips scum then imma have to go back and check everyone's case they made on the slot and see who is most likely to be bussing it. Most likely atm probably being mackc (subject to reevaluation).My tonal reads make me hesitant on that though. (Considering litterally the whole game scumreads the slot bar potentially zeo?) Figured out this POE as i was writing up this post tbh; and now im tired because i worked 9 hours at work today so not going back and doing that now. Will be stalking thread for a bit if anyone wants to talk though. 

  10. Feeling very very demotivated atm; but lemme catch up and respond to junk. Briefly skimmed and since vigilante probably exists I will politely ask then never to shoot obvitownie athena. The case on me is presumably based on my inactivity to which i dont have much of a defense to offer. Feel free to @me with particular questions while i go write up a readlist. 

  11. 2 minutes ago, XnadrojX said:

    Hm how do I put this. Thinking it through logically, if that hour really mattered, no one would have hammered anyways. And if someone did indeed hammer, that only incriminates them. So pulling off L-1 just for that reason seems weak. This isn't PS where Town potatoes at L-3 somehow and speed-lynches their way to LyLo.

    I have read multiple games where quickhammers shouldnt have happened but did. They are hilarious but id prefer for them not to be in my games. 

  12. 11 minutes ago, XnadrojX said:

    The point that you were informed that the hour was non-existent still stands however? And if people really had things to do for that hour, they wouldn't have hammered anyways. This reminds me of my first scum game on MU where my mindset was not to get incriminated by votes and I did the exact same thing as you did now (admittedly using different reasoning to justify myself, but the point still stands).

    Not sure i understand the arguement your first bolded sentence is making. When i just return to a thread how should I know what everyone is doing and intends to do?

    As for your second sentence; I dont think there is much of a defense for me to make due to the nature of your arguement. Your arguement would be "these are the motivations behind Rad's actions"; when the motivations that were actually behind my actions (avoiding early day end and the fact there was really no need to revote) have been outwardly stated ITT before. Im really not sure what more needs to be said regarding this; or what you are looking for here. 

    5 minutes ago, XnadrojX said:

    Hmm fair point ig. That still leaves the second part of the post unanswered.


    brb eating

    Feel free to leave me more questions. I'll be back later tonight. 

  13. 1 minute ago, XnadrojX said:

    The point that you were informed that the hour was non-existent still stands however? And if people really had things to do for that hour, they wouldn't have hammered anyways. This reminds me of my first scum game on MU where my mindset was not to get incriminated by votes and I did the exact same thing as you did now (admittedly using different reasoning to justify myself, but the point still stands).

    I was informed the hour was nonexistant 3 minutes before deadline. I didnt realize it until fable pointed it out to me ITT.

  14. 1 hour ago, Mackc2 said:

    @RADicate Why did you originally join Satsumas wagon and why did you get off 3 minutes from deadline?

    Not checking votals atm but iirc i was actually the first vote on the wagon. I actually just voted it to apply some pressure for them to get some content out. They were ghosting the thread at the time of my lynch and i asked them something along the lines of "Hey since you're hanging around whatchu think about things" (thats prolly not word for word).

    As for why i got off; i wanted to avoid a hammer on the slot as i thought i still had an hour more before the DL hit. And didnt wanna that nonexistant hour to go to waste.

  15. 2 minutes ago, athena_57 said:

    Worst vote is Mackc/Makaze due to being sheepish, most scummy player is Bartozio imo.

    Bartozio > Mackc >> Makaze, the latter being a nullread for me, the first two scumreads. All other people feel town.

    Mmk. Thanks for your thoughts. I havent given bartz a solid look and still need to analyze the wagon in detail for myself if im being honest so I'll get back to you on that later on; after i get back from work. 

  16. 3 minutes ago, athena_57 said:

    Fenrir's response answers my question, solidifying my townlean on him.


    @Fenrir Aesir

    I actually had similar vibes with that RAD comment, but just sort of assumed he still counted himself as part of the wagon, especially as his unvote was a no-hammer vote and not a "nah, I don't think this scum"-unvote. Looking at his above post he apparently does not see himself as part of it though in which case I feel it's a very easy potshot/distance play for scum!him to make.

    My townread was for him asking the right questions I feel, combined with a good gutread. He seemed critical of people's scumreads, though admittedly I may be biased here since a bunch of his posts were in defense of me.


    Hm, I don't think the wagon is clear either and my two biggest scumreads were on there, but why do you feel it has to be scumdriven? To be completely honest, I don't think scum were getting much heat day 1. There were hardly any wagons and the only consensus reads besides townreads were "Fable is lazy" and "Satsuma should post", why would scum have to risk things by collectively pushing for a mislynch here?

    I think there are individually scummy people there and agree there should be one or two scum to be found, but I'm hesitant to call it scumdriven.

    Bold 1-While it may not have been my intention to start a wagon; I was still very much a part of it. And even said Soy could still flip scum despite my feelings about the wagon formation.

    Bold 2-Bad wording on my end tbh; what i meant was something a bit closer to what you said there at the bottom. Its an easy wagon for scum to hide in; which means its likely at least in part being pushed/driven by scum. But scum likely hopped on somewhere along the line. I need to go back and do a bit of homework on the wagon itself; where everyone hopped on and under what context etc. I'll get on that after my shift @ work tonight. 

  17. 30 minutes ago, Fenrir Aesir said:

    On determining if Athena's first post is more likely to be trying to look proactive or trying to generate responses: they're asking questions pretty consistently throughout their ISO. The main issue I have is with their initial questions, which are barely related to the game and they were very quick to give Xnad a townlean based on his response (and then was also quick to shift to voting Xnad). I still think Athena's initial posts are scummy in a vacuum but the questions at least are in line with what seems to be their general playstyle (based on how in the rest of the ISO they seems to be asking questions about everything they can).

    I like EvanManManMan's first post less while rereading just since when I think of why he'd comment on having no reads on page 2 but not do anything towards getting them I struggle to think of why he'd do so as town; I'm reading the rest of his iso now though. Also need to reread Mackc2 and Bartozio as I don't have very strong leanings on them either way and can't remember much of what they posted off the top of my head and look at the Rapier nightkill-from what I recall he was pretty widely townread but not to the extent that some others were.

    One thing I really didn't like from EoD:

    Rad unvotes SoySoy to "avoid hammer" and doesn't revote when informed there are only three minutes remaining. I can see him doing this as either alignment, but in his final post of the day he's suddenly like "if SoySoy flips town look for scum on that wagon" and it makes it feel a lot like he doesn't want to be caught on it at EoD. Fable has a similar comment on disliking the SoySoy wagon, but Fable was pretty consistent/vocal in his dislike of that wagon beforehand. In Rad's initial vote on SoySoy he asks, "What do you think about things; since your hanging out?" and then he doesn't speak to of reference SoySoy again until those last 3 posts. I think if Rad were town he'd've acknowledged/interacted with SoySoy to some extent after the initial vote. @Makaze, @Fable, and @athena_57, why were you townreading Rad day 1? I'd been assuming Makaze's at least to be a gut/tone read, but upon comparing his tone here to a couple of other games with him I found he's generally more casual/assertive than what I've seen here so far:


    Whereas in this thread he's been more controlled and reserved.

    In the Smogon game in particular he's much better with interacting with his scumreads than he was here with SoySoy. I don't have a scumgame of his to compare this to though, so to the three I mentioned above and @RADicate do you think there's another potential explanation for this difference?

    (Wasnt the invitational redux the one i subbed in and idled until lylo in? Idt that smogon game had me interacting with anyone and doing anything of relevance until lylo; thats probably a bad example.... i dont like acknoledging the fact i joined that game tbh) I genuinely didnt believe it mattered whether i revoted or not when the wagon was undoubtably locked in place by that point. Still agree with fable about that wagon probably being scum driven. I believe the brunt of the wagon itself came into existance while I was at work; i personally didnt know the soy wagon had that much traction until i hopped on the thread about three minutes before my "avoid hammer" post; so I couldnt have stated my opinions on it beforehand. Also; acting under the implication that a mid-d1 lynch coupled with me asking for their thoughts (asked for them because they were stalking thread at the time) implies a scumread is probably a bit of a stretch (whether intended or not). They were null if not leaning ever so slightly scum on the basis they didnt do much. 

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