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Posts posted by RADicate

  1. 3 minutes ago, athena_57 said:

    Post 5/6

    What does this even mean though. I'm reading this sentence and all I feel ????

    Rest of the post reads fine actually, no real issues, besides you once again sheeping JB on Mack/Elimina, even though that's based on RAD being scup, which you disagree with iirc?

    Yo, wtf, then why did I get an extra post :/ You wound me.



    Good post, I like it. Your summary un me has two things I want to correct though.
    1.2. - What? I didn't joke-vote Evan
    1.3. - I didn't sheep Bart's reads, I agreed with them (I had already posted most of these in-thread before he did)
    2.2.i - I didn't scumread Conq? I said I liked their first post.


    I'm here as well and RAD is freaking me out with him posting reads despite giving up. I don't think I'm willing to swap though? My world doesn't make sense tbh with him town.

    Someone got a good plan?


    Stuff on Bart in final post. TL;DR of it is that I'm still scumreading him a fair bit, but my initial reaction was a bit overblown.

    Its not that i have given up; you misread me. I said my existance hurts town. It taints the reads of people who are town. As for why you got a post in addition to giving hard lurkers four post i gave a bunch of peeps 1 extra post cuz why not. 

  2. 1 minute ago, Jaybee said:


    I'm trying to figure out what SB is pushing with regards to Eury and I don't see it. Her posts look fine to me aside from the fact that she maybe wasted #4 lol. I don't see what SB is grasping at here.

    I think what's particularly pinging me about SB is that I don't feel that he's actually doing anything while waiting for Rad to flip. This looks bad and lazy in the light of other players trying to actively scumhunt.


    Agreed that Refa's role is NAI for me, but the overall play seems townie. I think his Randa support is wrong but not bad in bad faith. @Refa, if you are reading Rad much better now, then I take it to mean you think both D1 cases were on town? In that case, who's scummy (aside from Athena)?


    ftr shinori is never scum after the way he switched votes end D1 and for that gambit.

    I mean; in sb's defense with only two posts to work at that phase he did all he could to discern my alignment? Granted i cant read that interaction with untainted lenses since i have a bias towards myself; but I want to townread sb's reaction to my claim there as opposed to your reaction saying he didnt do anything?

  3. 2 minutes ago, SB. said:


    That isn't a scum roleclaim. I don't know who the fuck I would turbo with the wagons as they are though (although SB + RAD + RAD persuade [assuming it's instant? Please @RADicate confirm exactly how this works] + 1 other vote should be enough to force any lynch). Eury or Bart would be the only people I'd be confident in lynching? @Jaybee @Conqueror I think you're around, is this a terrible idea? If you think so I'll like... probably just keep my vote down to avoid a disaster lynch but I don't like where this is going now. 

    18 mins.

    Confirmed that is how it works.

  4. 2 minutes ago, RADicate said:

    I feel tempted to leave part of my claim off because until this game I have never seen this role as town. But I am effectively Anarchy Infinite Poster, 15x Arnarchy post asigner....... and the kicker: anarchy day persuader. As for my reads uh Shinori Refa and Athena are probs town. Gut wants to call ice sage scum but newbie meta distorts reads. Not particularly the bartz slot. Those are probably my most prevalent thoughts. The persuade was what i was referencing when i said i may have had capacity to save myself ftr.

    Not particularly fond of the bartz slot* 

    edit cuz lol grammar

  5. 31 minutes ago, SB. said:

    I would uh... see a guilty result as a very compelling reason myself tbh but I can see you disbelieving it because Shinori's behaviour beforehand felt forced to me as well. 

    @RADicate please fullclaim (what exactly do you do in detail?) and what are your reads? 

    This thing is short the question needs to be asked. I have one more post that I can use which will be wallier but I wanna catch RAD while he's around.

    Ftr im pretty sure I saw shiniori say they lied about the guilt. 

  6. 25 minutes ago, SB. said:

    tsI would uh... see a guilty result as a very compelling reason myself tbh but I can see you disbelieving it because Shinori's behaviour beforehand felt forced to me as well. 

    @RADicate please fullclaim (what exactly do you do in detail?) and what are your reads? 

    This thing is short the question needs to be asked. I have one more post that I can use which will be wallier but I wanna catch RAD while he's around.

    I feel tempted to leave part of my claim off because until this game I have never seen this role as town. But I am effectively Anarchy Infinite Poster, 15x Arnarchy post asigner....... and the kicker: anarchy day persuader. As for my reads uh Shinori Refa and Athena are probs town. Gut wants to call ice sage scum but newbie meta distorts reads. Not particularly the bartz slot. Those are probably my most prevalent thoughts. The persuade was what i was referencing when i said i may have had capacity to save myself ftr.

  7. 13 hours ago, Eurykins said:

    2. RAD's vote on Evan, while understandable in a 1v1 situation in terms of end-of-the-day lynch candidates, still doesn't sit well with me. The post  also had a weird vibe that could easily emulate vote dropping and running, and doesn't really offer anything else new. Part of me expected more of a response post as to why we should vote Evan over their slot, as opposed to just dropping a vote and disappearing. 

    At this point i had skimmed maybe half the thread and checked the most recently posted votals. Normally I wouldve made some level of arguement but....

  8. 2 hours ago, Jaybee said:


    I have more posts than hours left in this phase so I'm going to waste one now. To the guy giving out extra anarchy posts (I assume that's a thing), don't waste too many on me. But I appreciate the thought!

    Rereading all of D2, here's some questions I still have (as of Refa's first post on D2). I will endeavour to answer as many of them as possible when I get home, I've missed 8 trains over the past 30 minutes. If people have time to respond to them, that would be great, but these are mostly to help my own thought process.

    Random thought: because votes are anonymous, town must hard consolidate on someone every anarchy phase to prevent scum from mass voting somebody and getting away scot free.

    To answer what was directed at me, I didn't vote Elemina in my role pm because that takes effort, and if we've learnt anything from my last few games, it's that I'm pretty lazy!

    And don't worry, I'm a bit of a night owl. I'll cover more when I'm back. 


    1. What effort has Athena put into scumhunting on the D2 wagon? How did he vote D1, and what did he say about people on the wagon (Via, kts, refa, me, ice sage, mack, rad) as d1 and d2 progressed?

    2. What can actually be gleaned from Elemina's catch up? On skimming, I thought it was super surface level and it didn't make him look any more town. What else has he contributed? 

    3. What do Ath/SB, Ath/Refa and Ath/Rad interactions look like? At this rate I might as well ask what everyone thinks of Ath. 

    4. How do Ice Sage's reads change as he is questioned? 

    5. Shinori why you gotta hurt my feelings like this man :( I thought you were for real with that 

    Phase ends in exactly 4 hours.

    Ironically enough the logic was for me to give inactives more posts to get the into the game! 

  9. 10 hours ago, Refa said:


    ^That's my role.  Should be obvious town, there's literally zero scum benefit to it existing.  I'm not going to confirm/deny any additional information about my role, so deal with it.

    I asked Marth if investigation results were guaranteed to be accurate, and he said yes.  I then asked him if that precluded the existence of a tailor, and he said "this game isn't bastard and everything happens for a reason!" which basically confirms nothing.  EIther Shinori is lying, or there is a Tailor.  I don't get why Scum!Shinori tunnels me and lies about a guilty (I can see Shinori being ballsy enough to lie about a guilty, but all of the proceeding play makes me think that he genuinely believed he caught me), it'd just make him look bad tomorrow.  Even if I get lynched and he somehow doesn't die tonight, I wouldn't go after him.  Tailor on me is fucking obnoxious why would you even add this role in your game Marf.  The problem is who would tailor me...my gut guess would be SB/Baldrick/Eurykins, honestly, just because those are people who'd be fearful of me being cleared.  RAD is still a bad lynch.

    JB/Ice Sage not having voted despite saying that they would is ??? but it could just be laziness on their part; I know I didn't vote immediately even after I said I would.


    ##Vote: Athena

    Hi sorry i died, but i can confirm thats not refas role. I give out those extra posts tyvm. Lying scum.

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