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Everything posted by Aere

  1. EXACTLY. Which is why religion is not the optimal choice here! I think you completely missed the point haha
  2. Religion is the paper. If somebody happens to come across the paper, it would be the best for them to remove it and cover or fill the hole with something more substantial. Otherwise, anybody who tries to step on that patch of land will be in for a nasty shock.
  3. I agree wholeheartedly with this. But, doesn't it make more sense to believe in something that has the higher probability of occurring, and is relatively rational? Even if proof is only relative to our state of observation, it makes much more sense to agree with that proof than questioning something that cannot be answered. There is, at this time, no way of knowing whether or not any God, or Gods, or intergalactic Turtles exist. We cannot observe such, and therefore cannot respond to it. However, in our plane of knowledge, we can see gravity is holding the Earth in its orbit, and laws that revolve around such give a logical and reasonable explanation for many questions. If we looked further, and somehow found that it really WAS a turtle carrying the earth, science would be forced to readjust its position. Religion could simply say "No, because that Turtle is not God" and leave it at that. The map science constructs is made up as it is discovered, while religion's map could be like comparing a 14th century European map to one of today. Assuming the map we have today is accurate, of course.
  4. They don't have to be proven. As I said, it's religion, and covering a hole with a thin sheet of paper is better than leaving it open. That is, until somebody stumbles along into that hole when that sheet of paper proves to be inadequate and misleading. There are things in life that we, as non-omnipotent humans have to take in as fact. Gravity, maths, etc. because saying such laws (yes, laws) aren't true because there could be some all-powerful God just messing with us is just a fallacy (I want to say strawman, but I'm not sure if it's applicable here...). Science provides some realistic backup and attempts to find the method behind the madness. With religion, there is no need to find a method. It's an unsatisfying answer to anybody who is truly looking for one. While religion may have seemed perfectly rational and logical at the time, it's pretty clear (for example) the Earth is not some-6000 years old and carbon dating is completely unreliable. As of now, science makes a much better argument, and therefore wins. This may change in the future as more is discovered, but as we know now, it's the best we have. Religion is slightly outdated in comparison. EDIT:: I know you said Christianity isn't the be-all, end-all of religions, but it's the easiest to argue against because it is spread across the world. But, "seeing is believing" can be used against any religion with a creator-figure. I see a rock drop off a 100m cliff into the water in a handful of seconds, and it happens again and again, it is safe to believe that it will generally happen.
  5. The whole basis of religion is faith, rather than proof. Because one can't prove if God exists or if he doesn't, a believer doesn't even have to open his doors to listen to the formulas or thought-and-proved equations that science involves. Both science and religion are just means to an end, and the most of the questions starting with "Why?" or "How?" could be determined by one or the other.
  6. I figure the temporary shutoff of Facebook would wreak havoc. Even I can't go a few hours without checking it... Ohgodsomebodyhelp
  7. Grammar is a really cool typing quirk, imo.
  8. what in the fuck is a "fellow human being self".
  9. Only if it's with melted butter. I could deal with that.
  10. Lol Goldie is an anti-conformist. And to hell I'm a fellow human being, I'm an artichoke.
  11. Aere. Or Liam, my first name.
  12. KoT's saying that he's not a broken clock if he's right (relative to Gaf's opinions) most of the time. Which either means Gaf's a hypocrite, or he's wrong. But idk. I give Canas a 5/10. Outside of being the only dark magic user in the game under 100 years old, the only thing he has going for him is his monocle. I feel like he'd be better wielding a lighter magic set (Light or Anima), and came with a C Staff Rank. His magic could make for some decent healing, but there are more than enough already...
  13. He tends to lag behind units, especially pre-promotion, because he pretty much has to attack at 2 range to avoid a counter. Though that C staves is as sexy as his hair, I'm gonna go with a 7. EDIT:: Made him a 7.
  14. Well, considering this is REALLY not a fair comparison at all... Fimbulvetr would weigh down Ursula way to much, but if she could attack the others at 2 range, and not get doubled, I dunno if she'd last too long. Linus is slow, I think, but I'm thinking one of the brothers would win.
  15. Shiharam, Levail, and Uhai, for me. They were all honorable men to the very end, and fought to the death.
  16. Hey, there's nothing to worry about. Wherever they are, they definitely know how you feel.
  17. Because I have no idea what you said, here's a picture of a hamster eating broccoli.
  18. Aere


  19. Aere


    I have a few views on piercings. I'm a diabetic, so I stab myself with needles and sharp objects at least 8 times a day. So is my mother, so I grew up with needles prior to my diagnosis (3 years ago). I'm also an athletic guy, so the scar tissue created by multiple needles isn't that fun. I pierced my own ear, because I was comfortable with it, and it didn't hurt at all. Too bad I don't look great with an earring, but that's another story. I find earrings on girls normal and attractive, but bully button piercings are only as attractive as the girl is. I don't need to see a 300 pound woman wearing a belly shirt with a giant flower pinned under it. Nose rings aren't able to be put under a blanket statement. It can be cute and hot, and give some depth to a person's face, or make them look like an unattractive bull. Depends on the girl's facial structure and such.
  20. Then you may have missed the message :P
  21. Hugh (The man) clearly thought otherwise. It brightened his day <3
  22. I don't know whether this will be counted or not, but... As Prissy's primary use is a staffbot, rescuebot, etc, her durability shouldn't even be a huge factor until promotion. It's not like she's meant to be a frontliner. That's in chapter 18, assuming she somehow gained 7 levels in 4 chapters. I'm not sure when the first Physic staff comes, but she starts at C rank, and there are 2 or 3 torch chapters in the near future, netting her solid exp and wexp gains. She can also keep up with your team throughout the game, and has very solid growths and bases in the stats that matter for a healer. I giver her an 8.5, thought I'd give her a 9 or 10 if Personal Experience meant something.
  23. Radicals of any means (Politics, religion, etc.) will ALWAYS receive attention. Something different cannot be left alone by the populace. It must be protected or harmed or affected in some way, because that's just human nature. If one is seeking for attention, he doesn't act as his peers do; he does something different. The Haradim won't be destroyed (obviously), and all the fuss about religion all over the world just garners even more attention. If somebody intervened, they couldn't alter the religion either, because that defeats the purpose of the religion. That leaves helping the Haradim as the most obvious option. I'm not saying it's the right thing to do, but that's how the world works.
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