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Everything posted by Perkilator

  1. I feel like if DeMille was a fighter in Ultimate, he’d be plagued with “literally who” comments. And that wouldn’t be as surprising (at least not to me) as SNK, because DeMille is from a game that never even got localized.
  2. This topic is for stage ideas in general, so feel free to come up with whatever ideas you’d like. Example: Mintendo Noodle House Ramen Bowl Game of Origin: ARMS (2017) Description: The Ramen Bowl is an arena with a giant bowl in the middle. There is a gong in the background and tons of audience outside the arena. Other ARMS characters (such as Spring Man*, Twintelle, and Max Brass, just to name a few) make cameo appearances in the background. *The Spring Man Assist Trophy is disabled on this stage. Layout: The stage is basically one big downward half-circle with a large flat surface in the center. Platforms shaped like plates occasionally appear from opposite sides. Gimmicks and Hazards: The red center of the stage will sometimes break if fighters hit it enough times while fighting. The platforms appear a couple seconds before the center breaks, so there could be a more stable fight. When the center breaks, there’s a 50/50 chance it will reveal either a spider web trampoline (taken from the Mausoleum stage) or a bottomless pit. After 35 seconds, the gong bangs with green dragon aura around it, and the center is repaired. When the center is intact, drones will occasionally fly by and drop items. The items they drop are: -HP Juice: Functionally identical to the Healing Field, so THAT item is disabled. -Rush Juice: Increases the fighters’ attack and speed, but slightly lowers their defense. It also slowly fills up their Final Smash Meter, but only when it’s turned on. -Fire Bomb: A giant bomb that explodes in a huge radius, ignoring shields (35%, far knockback) -Shock Bomb: A giant bomb that explodes in the same radius as the fire bomb, but fighters caught in the explosion are stunned for a couple seconds (35%, medium knockback) Music: -Grand Prix (Main Theme)~New Remix -Spring Stadium~New Remix -Ribbon Ring -Ninja College~New Remix -Mausoleum~New Remix -Ramen Bowl~New Remix -Scrapyard -Cinema Deux~New Remix -Buster Beach -Snake Park -DNA Lab~New Remix -Sky Arena~New Remix -Via Dolce~New Remix -Temple Grounds -Sparring Ring -[NAME REDACTED] -Vs. Hedlok~New Remix
  4. I meant ARMS characters specifically, but even Dr. Mario could get away with at least not having F.L.U.D.D. Others, like Dark Samus, Dark Pit, and Lucina, could be made somewhat different by using some of their custom specials from Smash 4.
  5. So, anyone else think the idea of lumping multiple characters together in one is a stupid one? All of the characters play differently, plus have WAY too different body types to justify this.
  6. Okay, am I the only one who likes the designs? And doesn’t crucify Game Freak for making this DLC? You never HAD to buy both versions OR both their respective Expansion passes. Of I course, I myself CAN’T buy them due to poor timing, but that’s a different story.
  7. Don’t ask me why I made this, I don’t even know myself.
  8. Here’s what they’ve decided to do, and coincidentally, around April Fools Day: It’s not really much, but let’s not throw in the towel just yet. We still have 2/3 of the year to go. Plus, I really like this video. It’s such a cute nod to FE1.
  9. Just as the title says, this thread is for Echo Fighter movesets. Classic Mode routes can be made as well, but that’s optional. Only rule is that differences can’t go TOO crazy. Here’s one I made for Alph, were he an Echo of Olimar:
  10. For each of the FP Vol. 1 characters (were that possible): -Jack Frost (SMT/Persona): Runs around shooting ice at enemies, sometimes hanging from upside down. -Golem (Dragon Quest): Slowly walks around and chucks boulders at opponents. -Mumbo Jumbo (Banjo-Kazooie): Casts a spell that randomly transforms the player*. -Nakoruru (Samurai Shodown): Fights opponents with her dagger and her trusted bird friend, Mamahaha. -Hanneman (Fire Emblem: Three Houses): Teleports around the stage and casts Sagittae. He takes less damage from projectile attacks and is immune to magic attacks, but is relatively weak to physical attacks. *The transformations by Mumbo Jumbo are as follows: -Giant -Tiny -Invincible -Bunny -Metal -Bullet Bill -Super Leaf -Superspicy Curry -Gold Or he can just turn you into a washing machine, leaving you completely helpless until the transformation wears off in ten seconds or an opponent tosses you off.
  11. Fire Emblem 30th Anniversary Royale Fii-iiire Emblem!~ 30 years of your grace!~ Let’s hold a contest~ To seeeee who shall be aaace!~ Fighters -Marth -Roy -Ike -Lucina -Robin -Corrin -Chrom -Byleth Stages -Temple -Castle Siege -Arena Ferox -Coliseum -Garreg Mach Monastery Items -Lyn (Assist Trophy) -Killing Edge -Tiki (Assist Trophy) -Black Knight (Assist Trophy)
  12. If this was Feh Channel’s April Fools joke, this was a neat homage to the first game. Love that they even acknowledged that the series’ 30th anniversary is next month.
  13. Not even a couple hours after the Direct, and I heard nothing but Bowser Jr. alts this, Hero alts that, and it drove me crazy. Without sounding mean, I feel like people hoping for another Bowser Jr./Hero situation have either: a. Never played the game b. Don’t really care for each character’s special attributes
  14. Red Koopa: Tucks into his shell and spins all over the stage. Can never fall off the stage once. Dig Dug: Increases an opponent’s size with his pump, but greatly lowers their weight. Farmer (Harvest Moon): Places four seeds across the ground, waters them, and grows different types of vegetation: -Food (yes, even meats and sweets) -Maxim Tomato -Super or Posion Mushroom -Lip’s Stick -Fire Flower -Ramblin’ Evil Mushroom -Banana Gun -Deku Nut -Super Leaf If the grass is red, the player must pull it to fins whatever’s inside.
  15. Just as the title says. It can be any game on the Switch, but only ones you own. Here’s mine: Smash Ultimate Assist Promotion: Shadow ARMS: Min Min MK8D: King Boo Three Houses: Claude Ring Fit Adventure: Ring Fit Trainee Super Mario Odyssey: Pauline Pokémon Sword: Sirfetch’d
  16. Okay, in all seriousness, I usually go for the male setting in any game with a customizable avatar.
  17. Male. Because I’m not a creepy 40-year-old man living out in the woods with only his computer.
  18. Me and my dad were planning on going to Mexico with my two uncles and my Dad’s other brother. We were gonna go fishing and stuff, but OF COURSE this crappy virus has to ruin everything.
  19. Another thing; Andross having his actual sound effects from Star Fox SNES instead of the same sound effects he’s had since Brawl.
  20. I know people are gonna dump on me for this, but here goes: I feel like Three Houses and the Judgral games are the only games in the series that truly deal with the grim reality and consequences of war, and how they affect the people and the world around them. While past games touched on this subject and could get really dark sometimes, most of them treated the war during their stories as generic adventures where the hero had to kill the bad guy and save everyone.
  21. Okay, I do want an FE6 remake more than anything, but…hypothetically, what if the original FE3 on SNES got the Echoes treatment? As in, having books 1 and 2 both playable on the same cartridge, and with added layers of depth?
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