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Everything posted by Perkilator

  1. Something I've been wanting to get out since Piranha Plant's reveal: you don't have to love or hate either, but using the "generic enemy/species" argument against Bandana Dee is hypocritical now that we have a Piranha Plant. This is something I wanna do a whole topic for, but decied to just do as a post instead. Is a whole topic on this okay?
  2. Here are my current most wanted for Vol. 2: Template: https://twitter.com/Templates4Smash/status/1270665038580375552?s=19
  3. It's been a whole year since Nintendo's E3 2019 direct. You think when the ARMS character is revealed, they'll reveal another character in a teaser trailer?
  4. Awakening 1. Give players the option to spare Mustafa and maybe recruit him in a later paralogue 2. Give Lucina her own paralogue, a la Three Houses?
  5. I know we all joke and meme about Mustafa, but...he was a genuinely good character for a one-off boss. I wish we could've at least gotten the option to spare his life, whether or not we could recruit him.
  6. More Nintendo characters in a Project X Zone game. Detailed list: -Link & Zelda (Pair) rivaled by Ganondorf -Duck Hunt (Solo) -Pit & Dark Pit (Pair) rivaled by Medusa -Palutena (Solo) rivaled by Hades -Byleth (Solo) -Roy & Ike (Pair) rivaled by Black Knight & Narcian -Spring Man (Solo) rivaled by Dr. Coyle -Samus (Solo) rivaled by Ridley -Captain Falcon (Solo) rivaled by Black Shadow -Ayumi Tachibana (Solo) -Takamaru (Solo) -Marina & Pearl (Pair) rivaled by DJ Octavia ft. [REDACTED] -Rex & Pyra/Mythra (Pair) rivaled by Malos -Officer Howard (Solo)
  7. PxZ2 opened the door for Nintendo characters in the series with Chrom, Lucina and Mecha-Fiora. If you could add more Nintendo characters to the lineup, who'd it be? My picks: -Link & Zelda (Pair) rivaled by Ganondorf -Duck Hunt (Solo) -Pit & Dark Pit (Pair) rivaled by Medusa -Palutena (Solo) rivaled by Hades -Byleth (Solo) -Roy & Ike (Pair) rivaled by Black Knight & Narcian -Spring Man (Solo) rivaled by Dr. Coyle -Samus (Solo) rivaled by Ridley -Captain Falcon (Solo) rivaled by Black Shadow -Ayumi Tachibana (Solo) -Takamaru (Solo) -Marina & Pearl (Pair) rivaled by DJ Octavia ft. [REDACTED] -Rex & Pyra/Mythra (Pair) rivaled by Malos -Officer Howard (Solo)
  8. If you could one character from an already-represented company PLUS Nintendo, who would it be? My picks are: Nintendo: Min Min Konami: Frogger SEGA: Either Sakura or Axel Stone Capcom: Jill Valentine NAMCO: Dig-Dug Square Enix: Sora ATLUS: Jack Frost Microsoft: If I HAD to pick one, Master Chief SNK: Nakoruru And bonus ones: Activision: Crash Bandicoot Ubisoft: Rayman Spike Chunsoft: Monokuma
  9. I’m about to say something that might be controversial in regards to the ARMS rep: The reason I want Min-Min more than Spring Man is because Assist Trophies (of which the latter is) aren’t promoted in the same game they’re an Assist Trophy (unlike Little Mac after being a Brawl Assist Trophy, or Dark Samus and Isabelle after being Sm4sh Assist Trophies). Why do I think it’d be a waste of time and resources (even minor ones) to promote Spring Man in the same game he’s an Assist Trophy, you ask? Let me put it like this. You know how people say Assist Trophies are disabled on certain stages? Like Alucard on Wii Fit Studio and Knuckles on Green Hill Zone? With all due respect, it says to me that the people who compare disabling for the sake of a stage cameo (or lack thereof, in Alucard’s case) to a hypothetical promotion for Spring Man think that everything’s the same when it comes to Assist Trophy toggling. Not that I’m going to pretend I’m some game development Einstein or anything, but I don’t see how the two can be reasonably compared. Of course, I’ll accept if Spring Man is promoted, and I won’t rag on anyone who likes it…but I won’t like it myself. Purely because Sakurai (how do I put this?) would potentially overwork himself just to promote an Assist Trophy (and an ARMS character who was one at that).
  10. Hm? What do you mean? EDIT: Never mind, I fixed it.
  11. I had a thought: what if, instead of WoL, Ultimate had an Adventure Mode that was more like Melee’s in progression, but like Subspace in gameplay? Here were my level ideas for this hypothetical mode (keep in mind this was a LOT of hard work, having to make over 80 levels across 33 stages. So sorry for the poor formatting) https://docs.google.com/document/d/1YZKUZnBMo0NeIAD9vUzcYxRWOhRdXo1Dx5ycp8xHyqw/edit
  12. Question: if Square was allowed to remake Super Mario RPG and keep the characters the same, WYR the gameplay be just like the original or make it a more kid-friendly version of FF7R’s combat? Anyways, now I want a remake of the Over the Hedge video game (or at least a game with similar gameplay).
  13. Am I the only one who disagrees with the idea of getting multiple ARMS characters together for a Hero-Type character?
  14. Just a thought: what if Celica was the FE character for FP Vol. 1 instead of Byleth? And her stage was the a Temple of Mila, but Garreg Mach Monastery still came as a free stand-alone stage for those who have Three Houses?
  15. I just had an idea: Boss Raids for the Spirit Board, where players can defeat Ultimate’s bosses on the Spirit Board and earn their Spirits if they didn’t in WoL (online not needed). Boss Raids would cycle between the Light Realm bosses and the Dark Realm bosses every now and then (sometimes for Spirit Events), but the main cycle is usually Master Hand and Crazy Hand.
  16. Which characters do you think are likely until you inevitably get proven wrong? Likewise, what characters do you think are slept on for their DLC potential? Here are my nominees for: Likely until proven wrong: -Sora -Crash -Min-Min -Gen 8 Pokémon who WASN’T featured in the Spirit Event Slept on: -DeMille (Tomato Adventure) -Euden (Dragalia Lost) -Axel Stone (Streets of Rage) -Any NES era character
  17. Pokémon Peace You never do anything with Pokémon because it runs the risk of them turning violent.
  18. I think the title speaks for itself. Come up with a game idea so stupid that it’ll sell like complete trash. Here’s my idea: World War Z: Undead Olympics Play as millions of zombies at once, where you do dashing and hurdles. And nothing else. (Well, except for the minigame where you infect thousands and destroy entire cities)
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