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Everything posted by Perkilator

  1. Yeah, I think we can all agree that the limited release is complete bull. That being said, I'm surprised that there's no collaboration between Super Mario and Dragalia Lost. The latter of which ALSO has its anniversary this month.
  2. Well, it looks like Super Mario Bros. got its 35th birthday after all. And Mario's VA even hit a BIG milestone on Twitter, just in time!
  3. There was...no kind of Event yesterday. Not a Spirit Event or a tourney. I don't wanna get people's hopes up, but could CP7 be close to upon us?
  4. You realize that opening was a hundreds of years before Jeralt's birth, right?
  5. Fire Emblem Mega Man Castlevania Persona Fatal Fury ARMS
  6. When it comes to new moves, the ideas are limitless. One I just had was with translating abilities from Fire Emblem into Pokémon as moves. For my OP, I was primarily focused on the FE roster's Smash specials, but feel free to use any ability that has to do with FE. Here's mine: Dancing Blade (Steel, 15PP): Hits the target with two to four slashes in rhythmic succession. Shield Breaker (Steel, 10PP): A powerful blow that breaks barriers, including ones that protect the target. It also harshly decreases the target's Defense. Double-Edge Dance (Fire, 15PP): Hits the target with three quick slashes and a powerful fourth all at once. It may leave the target with a burn. Flare Blade (Fire, 10PP): A mighty flare that charges for two turns, and can nearly one-hit KO when super-effective. Inflicts recoil on the user. Quick Draw (Normal, 10PP): The user waits a turn to slash the target. The accuracy and power depend on the user's Speed. Aether (Fighting, 8PP): The user flies into the sky one turn, then slashes down and upward upon landing the next turn. Nosferatu (Dark, 20PP): The user attacks with dark magic that not only binds the target, but drains them. Goetia (Dark, 5PP): The user casts powerful dark magic that prevents the target from escaping. Pair Up (Normal, 25PP): The user not only boosts an ally's stats, but can sometimes take hits for them. Dragon Fang Shot (Dragon, 15PP): The user fires a ball of draconic water, then bites the target the next turn. Dragon Lunge (Dragon, 15PP): The user lunges towards the target and sticks to the floor. They must use a different move the next turn. Counter Surge (Water, 20PP): The user waits for their target's attack. When struck, the user unleashes a wave that hits multiple targets. Torrential Roar (Water, 5PP): The user roars at the target with a torrent. The target becomes bound, should they survive the first hit.
  7. I personally think that Type-based Gyms have been done to death at this point, so I figured "Hey! Why not Gyms based on gameplay mechanics?" This idea is based on JelloApocolypse's "Let's Make a Pokémon Game!" video. Without further ado, here are my ideas: 1. The first Gym Leader is a daycare lady who uses baby Pokémon. However, you fight her 8-year-old daughter, who often plays Gym Leader. Her gym is a toy castle. Team Pichu (Lv. 3) Thunder Shock Tail Whip Azurill (Lv. 3) Water Gun Tail Whip Splash Chingling (Lv. 5) Wrap Growl Astonish Uproar 2. The second is your Professor, who uses Pokémon of the Grass, Fire and Water types. His Gym is a basic one. Team (He never uses two Pokémon of the same type consecutively) Bulbasaur (Lv. 6) Vine Whip Razor Leaf Sleep Powder Gossifleur (Lv. 7) Leafage Leaf Tornado Magical Leaf Charmander (Lv. 6) Ember Fire Fang Will-O-Wisp Darumaka (Lv. 8 ) Ember Incinerate Heat Wave Squirtle (Lv. 6) Bubble Water Gun Withdraw Clauncher (Lv. 9) Rain Dance Aqua Jet Crabhammer Scald After that, you're free to tackle each Gym at your own accord. The Gym Leaders you face are: 3. An aspiring chef who always equips his Pokémon with Berries during his battle. His Gym is a famous restaurant run by his uncle. Team Munchlax (Chople Berry equipped) Lick Recycle Bite Belly Drum Bunnelby (Sitrus Berry equipped) Super Fang Fling Thief Delibird (Starf Berry equipped) Present Seed Bomb Freeze-Dry Drednaw (Pecha Berry equipped) Jaw Lock Ice Fang Crunch Gastro Acid Gulpin (Cherri Berry equipped) Belch Gastro Acid Stockpile Swallow 4. A former member of the evil team who uses Pokémon that evolve or have evolved via Friendship with him. His Gym is a basketball court. Team Crobat Return Toxic Payback Lucario Payback Calm Mind Aura Sphere Retaliate Umbreon Helping Hand Payback Protect Last Resort Espeon Copycat Helping Hand Confusion Last Resort Snom Struggle Bug Endure Powder Snow Protect Roselia Endure Swords Dance Magical Leaf Aromatherapy 5. A meteorologist who utilizes the fake weather around her, using all Castforms along with a Landorous and a Sligoo. Her Gym is a weather station. Team Castform (Normal) Energy Ball Scald Thunder Wave Ominous Wind Castform (Sunny Form) Sunny Day Flamethrower Fire Blast Ember Castform (Rainy Form) Rain Dance Hurricane Water Gun Hydro Pump Castform (Snowy Form) Hail Blizzard Ice Beam Powder Snow Landorous Bulldoze Earthquake Rock Slide Fly Slligoo Rain Dance Muddy Water Mud Shot Thunderbolt 6. A pop star whose Pokémon specialize in sound-based moves when she's not on stage. Her Gym is a pop concert. Team Loudred Echoed Voice Round Hyper Voice Uproar Toxtricity (Amped Form) Boomburst Overdrive Shock Wave Screech Vibrava Bug Buzz Supersonic Round Boomburst Jigglypuff Sing Disarming Voice Hyper Voice Round Brionne Disarming Voice Moonblast Baby-Doll Eyes Encore Chatot Chatter Synchronoise Feather Dance Echoed Voice 7. An ailing doctor who specializes in status effects for his research. His Gym is the roof on top of a Pokémon Center that he runs. Team Ninetales Will-O-Wisp Flamethrower Inferno Fire Spin Eiscue Freeze-Dry Icy Wind Blizzard Ice Beam Galvantula Thunder Wave Electroweb Wild Charge Electro Ball Croagunk Toxic Poison Sting Sludge Bomb Nasty Plot Malamar Hypnosis Topsy-Turvy Sleep Talk Psychic Spinda Dizzy Punch Swagger Confusion Teeter Dance 8. An old wife and husband who specialize in gender-dependent Pokémon in Double Battles. Their Gym is their wedding hall near the beach. Team A (Husband) Nidoking Megahorn Helping Hand Bulldoze Poison Jab Unfezant (Male) Attract Roost Protect Dual Wingbeat Pyroar (Male) Noble Roar Take Down Rest Work Up Team B (Wife) Nidoqueen Poison Jab Double Team Smack Down Sunny Day Meowstic (Female) Helping Hand Charm Attract Psychic Indeedee (Female) Play Nice Healing Wish Aromatherapy Follow Me 9. A firefighter from Hoenn who specializes in HM moves, mainly for his rescues. His Gym is a fire station. Team Gyarados Surf Waterfall Hydro Pump Rain Dance Scizor Cut Metal Claw X-Scissor Brick Break Crabominable Rock Smash Frost Breath Stone Edge Iron Defense Bewear Strength Protect Endure Force Palm Wailmer Dive Water Spout Mist Rain Dance Golurk Fly Hammer Arm Psychic Superpower 10. A dojo master who specializes in stats; always the last Gym Leader you face, but you face him twice before his Gym Battle. His Gym, as to be expected, is a dojo where both people and Pokémon are his students. Team Trevanant (Lv. 55) Mega Drain Leech Seed Drain Punch Rest Machamp (Lv. 56) Cross Chop Seismic Toss Revenge Close Combat Aegislash (Lv. 57) King's Shield Iron Defense Reflect Screech Oranguru (Lv. 58) Zen Headbutt Future Sight Calm Mind Instruct Arcanine (Lv. 59) Extreme Speed Agility Bulldoze Flare Blitz Mewtwo (Lv. 60) Psystrike Iron Tail Shadow Ball Recover
  8. Granted, but it literally sounds bad to everyone but yourself. I wish Crash Bandicoot and Sora were fully-fledged fighters in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate.
  9. This old thread kinda...died, so I decided to revitalize the concept behind it. Scorbunny
  10. Okay, hilarious as that sounds, I said Spanish because that's the style they went with for the Brawl remix of With Mila's Divine Protection.
  11. Now that I think about it, Echoes' soundtrack (or at least, the remixes) should've mixed 8-bit sounds with Spanish-style melodies. It would be adding a Spanish flair to it while also reminding the player that this was once a Famicom game.
  12. Throughout the series' 30-year lifespan, gameplay mechanics in FE have changed in some way, small-scale or large-scale. Just as the title says, what kind of new mechanic could potentially be controversial? For me, it'd be to have Critical Hits be a singular attack regardless if your unit can attack twice.
  13. Okay, that last list I gave was pathetic. Let me give a different list. Or, rather, a diagram:
  14. Winds blow on a sunny plain, with blades clashing in the distance. Ganondorf crosses blades with a young boy in white clothing. The boy retaliates with several slashes, and then a Force Strike. “So, you’re the so-called ‘Great King of Evil’.” says the boy. Euden Forges a Pact! A gameplay montage then occurs, with Euden using several of his moves (some of which taking place on the Halidom stage), only to be launched away by a Warlock Punch from Ganondorf. As he runs in for the finishing blow, Euden’s eyes turn red, and the wind intensifies (which Ganondorf blocks with his arm). His Dragon Pulse quickening, a green aura surrounds him and he transforms into his pactbound dragon, Midgardsormr. Midgardsormr Tatters the Skies! Another gameplay montage then occurs, with Midgardsormr using his own moveset (along with a clip of the Windwyrm on the Midgar stage). The gameplay then ends with their respective Final Smash being unleashed on Ganondorf. SUPER SMASH BROS. ULTIMATE x Dragalia Lost @ 2018 Nintendo Original Game: © Nintendo / HAL Laboratory, Inc. Characters: © Nintendo / Hal Laboratory, Inc. / Pokémon. / Creatures Inc. / GAME FREAK inc. / SHIGESATO ITOI / APE inc. / INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS / Konami Digital Entertainment / SEGA / CAPCOM CO., LTD. / BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment Inc. / MONOLITHSOFT / CAPCOM USA., INC. / SQUARE ENIX CO., LTD. / ATLUS / Microsoft / SNK CORPORATION. / Cygames, Inc.
  15. Let’s say FP Vol. 1 (and Piranha Plant) was this: The Wild Card (Piranha Plant): Pretty much an excuse to do whatever if a fighter had to be locked behind a pre-order bonus for a bit. The Outsider (Joker): A popular hit, but little to no connection with Nintendo The Legend (Hero): A character from a massively popular and influential series The Fan Favorite (Banjo): A character who stays popular despite having not seen too much time in the spotlight as of late The Dark Horse (Terry): An iconic yet niche character who isn’t considered very likely The Promo Pick (Byelth): A character from a fairly recent game (bonus points if it’s Switch exclusive) If Vol. 2 mirrors this, which characters would you add? Me, personally: Wild Card: Min Min (since she’s already in) Outsider: Chosen Undead (for such a popular series, it’s kinda jarring that only the first game has seen Nintendo presence, and that’s only a Switch port) The Legend: Crash Bandicoot (fellow rival platformer of Mario and Sonic, massively popular worldwide) Fan Favorite: Bandana Dee (widely considered the series’ “4th main character”) Dark Horse: Sakura Shinguji (a series mostly popular in Japan, with only two games giving overseas the time of day) Promo Pick: Cinderace (a Spirit Event-and one that not only happened during Vol. 1, but barely even scratched the surface of the Galar Pokédex-isn’t going to stop a recent entry in the biggest media franchise of all time)
  16. Just to spark some discussion, who's a character you don't feel like enough people talk about? For me, it's: -Sakura Shinguji -Dig Dug -Chosen Undead
  17. If we ever got DLC sub-areas for WoL, what ones would you like to see? You can make one based off either the current Challenger Pack characters, your most wanted character, or just something purely original. Here’s mine I thought off for Byleth: War-Torn Plains (Dark Realm) Overview In this sub-area presented as a Fire Emblem map, you are headed to capture a castle that is guarded by Spirits of characters from Fire Emblem: Three Houses. The plains are in shambles, with broken trees and fire blocking the way. You start at the bottom, and the castle is right in front of you. What’s unique about the sub-area is that you move on the blue tiles until you reach one next to a red tile. Pressing A while motionless on a blue tile ends your turn, and the enemy Spirits move. When a Spirit is on a red tile you’re next to, you can engage it. However, when an enemy Spirit engages you during their turn, you have no choice but to fight. If you’re next to a fire in either case, the floor becomes lava for that Spirit Battle. A text bubble (blue for the player, red for the enemy) appears at the start of each turn. Spirits -Dorothea -Petra (Lucina, Novice; Attack! - Fire Embem) -Linhardt (Robin, Advanced; Tearing Through Heaven) -Ingrid -Dedue (Ike, Ace; Eternal Bond) -Ashe (Young Link, Novice; Paths That Will Never Cross) -Hilda -Lorenz (Marth, Novice; Duty (Ablaze)) -Death Knight (Richter, Ace; Against the Dark Knight) -Edelgard -Dimitri -Claude -Flayn (Isabelle, Advanced; Lost in Thoughts All Alone (JP)) -Seteth -Rhea -Sothis Captured Fighter: Byleth Nearly every single Spirit you fight is a Spirit of Light. The students are on the plains guarding the way to the castle; the three House Leaders are the castle gates (guarding Byleth); Seteth and Flayn are within the gates; Rhea is in the reception hall; and Sothis is in the throne room. Death Knight, the only Dark Spirit, appears randomly; this is indicative of him being a neutral Spirit. After beating Rhea, any Spirits you didn’t fight will suddenly appear in the reception hall and block your path to the throne room. Music (Player Phase): -Beyond Distant Skies - Roy's Departure (beginning) -Preparing to Advance (after getting closer to Byleth and the House Leaders) -Chasing Daybreak (after beating the House Leaders and rescuing Byleth) -Victory is Near (after beating Rhea) Music (Enemy Phase): Shadow Dragon Medley
  18. Ah yes, the (gimme a sec) few skins locked behind digital copies out of tons that are unlocked through normal gameplay. Anyways, playable Dingodile was definitely the best part of the trailer for me. Here’s hoping to at least a couple more playable characters!
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